1 |
2 |
require_relative '../../helpers'
3 |
require 'symphony/tasks/ssh'
4 |
5 |
context Symphony::Task::SSH do
6 |
let( :ssh ) { (Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent + 'fake_ssh').realpath }
7 |
8 |
before( :each ) do
9 |
10 |
path: ssh.to_s,
11 |
key: '/tmp/sekrit.rsa',
12 |
user: 'symphony'
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
it_should_behave_like "an object with Configurability"
17 |
18 |
describe 'subclassed' do
19 |
let( :instance ) { Class.new(described_class).new('queue') }
20 |
let( :payload ) {
21 |
{ 'command' => 'woohoo', 'host' => 'example.com' }
22 |
23 |
24 |
it "aborts if there is no command in the payload" do
25 |
expect {
26 |
instance.work( {}, {} )
27 |
}.to raise_exception( ArgumentError, /missing required option 'command'/i )
28 |
29 |
30 |
it "aborts if there is no host in the payload" do
31 |
expect {
32 |
instance.work({ 'command' => 'boop' }, {} )
33 |
}.to raise_exception( ArgumentError, /missing required option 'host'/i )
34 |
35 |
36 |
it "builds the proper command line" do
37 |
pipe = double( :fake_pipes ).as_null_object
38 |
allow( IO ).to receive( :pipe ).and_return([ pipe, pipe ])
39 |
40 |
args = [
41 |
'-p', '22', '-i', '/tmp/sekrit.rsa', '-l', 'symphony', 'example.com'
42 |
43 |
44 |
expect( Process ).to receive( :spawn ).with(
45 |
*[ ssh.to_s, described_class.opts, args ].flatten,
46 |
:out => pipe, :in => pipe, :close_others => true
47 |
).and_return( 12 )
48 |
49 |
expect( Process ).to receive( :waitpid2 ).with( 12 ).and_return([ 12, 1 ])
50 |
51 |
code = instance.work( payload, {} )
52 |
expect( code ).to eq( 1 )
53 |
54 |
55 |
it "execs and captures output" do
56 |
code = instance.work( payload, {} )
57 |
expect( code ).to eq( 0 )
58 |
59 |
output = instance.instance_variable_get( :@output )
60 |
expect( output ).to eq( 'Hi there!' )
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |