Switching to new build system
authorMichael Granger <mgranger@laika.com>
Fri, 05 Sep 2008 23:39:39 +0000
changeset 9 143e61e24c08
parent 8 308f7dc97753
child 10 389e66b0d38e
Switching to new build system
--- a/rake/helpers.rb	Wed Aug 06 17:38:56 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-###	G L O B A L   H E L P E R   F U N C T I O N S
-require 'pathname'
-require 'readline'
-require 'open3'
-# Set some ANSI escape code constants (Shamelessly stolen from Perl's
-# Term::ANSIColor by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> and Zenin <zenin@best.com>
-	'clear'      => 0,
-	'reset'      => 0,
-	'bold'       => 1,
-	'dark'       => 2,
-	'underline'  => 4,
-	'underscore' => 4,
-	'blink'      => 5,
-	'reverse'    => 7,
-	'concealed'  => 8,
-	'black'      => 30,   'on_black'   => 40, 
-	'red'        => 31,   'on_red'     => 41, 
-	'green'      => 32,   'on_green'   => 42, 
-	'yellow'     => 33,   'on_yellow'  => 43, 
-	'blue'       => 34,   'on_blue'    => 44, 
-	'magenta'    => 35,   'on_magenta' => 45, 
-	'cyan'       => 36,   'on_cyan'    => 46, 
-	'white'      => 37,   'on_white'   => 47
-CLEAR_TO_EOL       = "\e[K"
-### Output a logging message
-def log( *msg )
-	output = colorize( msg.flatten.join(' '), 'cyan' )
-	$deferr.puts( output )
-### Output a logging message if tracing is on
-def trace( *msg )
-	return unless $trace
-	output = colorize( msg.flatten.join(' '), 'yellow' )
-	$deferr.puts( output )
-### Run the specified command +cmd+ with system(), failing if the execution
-### fails.
-def run( *cmd )
-	cmd.flatten!
-	log( cmd.collect {|part| part =~ /\s/ ? part.inspect : part} ) 
-	if $dryrun
-		$deferr.puts "(dry run mode)"
-	else
-		system( *cmd )
-		unless $?.success?
-			fail "Command failed: [%s]" % [cmd.join(' ')]
-		end
-	end
-### Open a pipe to a process running the given +cmd+ and call the given block with it.
-def pipeto( *cmd )
-	$DEBUG = true
-	cmd.flatten!
-	log( "Opening a pipe to: ", cmd.collect {|part| part =~ /\s/ ? part.inspect : part} ) 
-	if $dryrun
-		$deferr.puts "(dry run mode)"
-	else
-		open( '|-', 'w+' ) do |io|
-			# Parent
-			if io
-				yield( io )
-			# Child
-			else
-				exec( *cmd )
-				fail "Command failed: [%s]" % [cmd.join(' ')]
-			end
-		end
-	end
-### Download the file at +sourceuri+ via HTTP and write it to +targetfile+.
-def download( sourceuri, targetfile )
-	oldsync = $defout.sync
-	$defout.sync = true
-	require 'net/http'
-	require 'uri'
-	targetpath = Pathname.new( targetfile )
-	log "Downloading %s to %s" % [sourceuri, targetfile]
-	targetpath.open( File::WRONLY|File::TRUNC|File::CREAT, 0644 ) do |ofh|
-		url = URI.parse( sourceuri )
-		downloaded = false
-		limit = 5
-		until downloaded or limit.zero?
-			Net::HTTP.start( url.host, url.port ) do |http|
-				req = Net::HTTP::Get.new( url.path )
-				http.request( req ) do |res|
-					if res.is_a?( Net::HTTPSuccess )
-						log "Downloading..."
-						res.read_body do |buf|
-							ofh.print( buf )
-						end
-						downloaded = true
-						puts "done."
-					elsif res.is_a?( Net::HTTPRedirection )
-						url = URI.parse( res['location'] )
-						log "...following redirection to: %s" % [ url ]
-						limit -= 1
-						sleep 0.2
-						next
-					else
-						res.error!
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	return targetpath
-	$defout.sync = oldsync
-### Return the fully-qualified path to the specified +program+ in the PATH.
-def which( program )
-	ENV['PATH'].split(/:/).
-		collect {|dir| Pathname.new(dir) + program }.
-		find {|path| path.exist? && path.executable? }
-### Create a string that contains the ANSI codes specified and return it
-def ansi_code( *attributes )
-	attributes.flatten!
-	attributes.collect! {|at| at.to_s }
-	# $deferr.puts "Returning ansicode for TERM = %p: %p" %
-	# 	[ ENV['TERM'], attributes ]
-	return '' unless /(?:vt10[03]|xterm(?:-color)?|linux|screen)/i =~ ENV['TERM']
-	attributes = ANSI_ATTRIBUTES.values_at( *attributes ).compact.join(';')
-	# $deferr.puts "  attr is: %p" % [attributes]
-	if attributes.empty? 
-		return ''
-	else
-		return "\e[%sm" % attributes
-	end
-### Colorize the given +string+ with the specified +attributes+ and return it, handling 
-### line-endings, color reset, etc.
-def colorize( *args )
-	string = ''
-	if block_given?
-		string = yield
-	else
-		string = args.shift
-	end
-	ending = string[/(\s)$/] || ''
-	string = string.rstrip
-	return ansi_code( args.flatten ) + string + ansi_code( 'reset' ) + ending
-### Output the specified <tt>msg</tt> as an ANSI-colored error message
-### (white on red).
-def error_message( msg, details='' )
-	$deferr.puts colorize( 'bold', 'white', 'on_red' ) { msg } + details
-alias :error :error_message
-### Highlight and embed a prompt control character in the given +string+ and return it.
-def make_prompt_string( string )
-	return CLEAR_CURRENT_LINE + colorize( 'bold', 'green' ) { string + ' ' }
-### Output the specified <tt>prompt_string</tt> as a prompt (in green) and
-### return the user's input with leading and trailing spaces removed.  If a
-### test is provided, the prompt will repeat until the test returns true.
-### An optional failure message can also be passed in.
-def prompt( prompt_string, failure_msg="Try again." ) # :yields: response
-	prompt_string.chomp!
-	prompt_string << ":" unless /\W$/.match( prompt_string )
-	response = nil
-	begin
-		prompt = make_prompt_string( prompt_string )
-		response = Readline.readline( prompt ) || ''
-		response.strip!
-		if block_given? && ! yield( response ) 
-			error_message( failure_msg + "\n\n" )
-			response = nil
-		end
-	end while response.nil?
-	return response
-### Prompt the user with the given <tt>prompt_string</tt> via #prompt,
-### substituting the given <tt>default</tt> if the user doesn't input
-### anything.  If a test is provided, the prompt will repeat until the test
-### returns true.  An optional failure message can also be passed in.
-def prompt_with_default( prompt_string, default, failure_msg="Try again." )
-	response = nil
-	begin
-		response = prompt( "%s [%s]" % [ prompt_string, default ] )
-		response = default if response.empty?
-		if block_given? && ! yield( response ) 
-			error_message( failure_msg + "\n\n" )
-			response = nil
-		end
-	end while response.nil?
-	return response
-### Display a description of a potentially-dangerous task, and prompt
-### for confirmation. If the user answers with anything that begins
-### with 'y', yield to the block, else raise with an error.
-def ask_for_confirmation( description )
-	puts description
-	answer = prompt_with_default( "Continue?", 'n' ) do |input|
-		input =~ /^[yn]/i
-	end
-	case answer
-	when /^y/i
-		yield
-	else
-		error "Aborted."
-		fail
-	end
-### Search line-by-line in the specified +file+ for the given +regexp+, returning the
-### first match, or nil if no match was found. If the +regexp+ has any capture groups,
-### those will be returned in an Array, else the whole matching line is returned.
-def find_pattern_in_file( regexp, file )
-	rval = nil
-	File.open( file, 'r' ).each do |line|
-		if (( match = regexp.match(line) ))
-			rval = match.captures.empty? ? match[0] : match.captures
-			break
-		end
-	end
-	return rval
-### Search line-by-line in the output of the specified +cmd+ for the given +regexp+,
-### returning the first match, or nil if no match was found. If the +regexp+ has any 
-### capture groups, those will be returned in an Array, else the whole matching line
-### is returned.
-def find_pattern_in_pipe( regexp, *cmd )
-	output = []
-	Open3.popen3( *cmd ) do |stdin, stdout, stderr|
-		stdin.close
-		output << stdout.gets until stdout.eof?
-		output << stderr.gets until stderr.eof?
-	end
-	result = output.find { |line| regexp.match(line) } 
-	return $1 || result
-### Extract all the non Rake-target arguments from ARGV and return them.
-def get_target_args
-	args = ARGV.reject {|arg| Rake::Task.task_defined?(arg) }
-	return args
-require 'rubygems/dependency_installer'
-require 'rubygems/source_index'
-require 'rubygems/requirement'
-require 'rubygems/doc_manager'
-### Install the specified +gems+ if they aren't already installed.
-def install_gems( *gems )
-	gems.flatten!
-	defaults = Gem::DependencyInstaller::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge({
-		:generate_rdoc     => true,
-		:generate_ri       => true,
-		:install_dir       => Gem.dir,
-		:format_executable => false,
-		:test              => false,
-		:version           => Gem::Requirement.default,
-	  })
-	# Check for root
-	if Process.euid != 0
-		$stderr.puts "This probably won't work, as you aren't root, but I'll try anyway"
-	end
-	gemindex = Gem::SourceIndex.from_installed_gems
-	gems.each do |gemname|
-		if (( specs = gemindex.search(gemname) )) && ! specs.empty?
-			log "Version %s of %s is already installed; skipping..." % 
-				[ specs.first.version, specs.first.name ]
-			next
-		end
-		log "Trying to install #{gemname.inspect}..."
-		installer = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new
-		installer.install( gemname )
-		installer.installed_gems.each do |spec|
-			log "Installed: %s" % [ spec.full_name ]
-		end
-	end
--- a/rake/packaging.rb	Wed Aug 06 17:38:56 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Packaging Rake Tasks
-require 'rake/packagetask'
-require 'rake/gempackagetask'
-Rake::GemPackageTask.new( GEMSPEC ) do |task|
-	task.gem_spec = GEMSPEC
-	task.need_tar = false
-	task.need_tar_gz = true
-	task.need_tar_bz2 = true
-	task.need_zip = true
-### Task: install
-task :install_gem => [:package] do
-	$stderr.puts 
-	installer = Gem::Installer.new( %{pkg/#{PKG_FILE_NAME}.gem} )
-	installer.install
-### Task: uninstall
-task :uninstall_gem => [:clean] do
-	uninstaller = Gem::Uninstaller.new( PKG_FILE_NAME )
-	uninstaller.uninstall
--- a/rake/rdoc.rb	Wed Aug 06 17:38:56 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# RDoc Rake tasks
-# $Id$
-	require 'pathname'
-	basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent
-	docsdir = basedir + 'docs'
-	$LOAD_PATH << docsdir.to_s
-require 'rake/rdoctask'
-gem 'darkfish-rdoc', '>= 1.1.0'
-require 'darkfish-rdoc'
-### Task: rdoc
-Rake::RDocTask.new do |rdoc|
-	rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'docs/api'
-	rdoc.title    = "%s -- %s" % [ GEMSPEC.name, GEMSPEC.summary ]
-	rdoc.options += [
-		'-w', '4',
-		'-SHN',
-		'-i', BASEDIR.to_s,
-		'-f', 'darkfish',
-		'-m', 'README',
-		'-W', 'http://opensource.laika.com/browser/ruby-ezmlm/trunk/'
-	  ]
-	rdoc.rdoc_files.include 'README'
-	rdoc.rdoc_files.include LIB_FILES.collect {|f| f.relative_path_from(BASEDIR).to_s }
--- a/rake/style.rb	Wed Aug 06 17:38:56 2008 +0000
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@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Style Fixup Rake Tasks
-### Coding style checks and fixes
-namespace :style do
-	BLANK_LINE = /^\s*$/
-	GOOD_INDENT = /^(\t\s*)?\S/
-	# A list of the files that have legitimate leading whitespace, etc.
-	PROBLEM_FILES = [ SPECDIR + 'config_spec.rb' ]
-	desc "Check source files for inconsistent indent and fix them"
-	task :fix_indent do
-		badfiles = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = [] }
-		trace "Checking files for indentation"
-		files.each do |file|
-			if PROBLEM_FILES.include?( file )
-				trace "  skipping problem file #{file}..."
-				next
-			end
-			trace "  #{file}"
-			linecount = 0
-			file.each_line do |line|
-				linecount += 1
-				# Skip blank lines
-				next if line =~ BLANK_LINE
-				# If there's a line with incorrect indent, note it and skip to the 
-				# next file
-				if line !~ GOOD_INDENT
-					trace "    Bad line %d: %p" % [ linecount, line ]
-					badfiles[file] << [ linecount, line ]
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if badfiles.empty?
-			log "No indentation problems found."
-		else
-			log "Found incorrect indent in #{badfiles.length} files:\n  "
-			badfiles.each do |file, badlines|
-				log "  #{file}:\n" +
-					"    " + badlines.collect {|badline| "%5d: %p" % badline }.join( "\n    " )
-			end
-		end
-	end
--- a/rake/svn.rb	Wed Aug 06 17:38:56 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-###	S U B V E R S I O N   T A S K S   A N D   H E L P E R S
-require 'pp'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'English'
-# Strftime format for tags/releases
-TAG_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN = /\d{4}\d{2}\d{2}-\d{6}/
-RELEASE_VERSION_PATTERN = /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/
-DEFAULT_KEYWORDS = %w[Date Rev Author URL Id]
-KEYWORDED_FILEDIRS = %w[applets bin etc lib misc]
-KEYWORDED_FILEPATTERN = /^(?:Rakefile|.*\.(?:rb|js|html|template))$/i
-COMMIT_MSG_FILE = 'commit-msg.txt'
-### Subversion-specific Helpers
-### Return a new tag for the given time
-def make_new_tag( time=Time.now )
-	return time.strftime( TAG_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT )
-### Get the subversion information for the current working directory as
-### a hash.
-def get_svn_info( dir='.' )
-	info = IO.read( '|-' ) or exec 'svn', 'info', dir
-	return YAML.load( info ) # 'svn info' outputs valid YAML! Yay!
-### Get a list of the objects registered with subversion under the specified directory and
-### return them as an Array of Pathame objects.
-def get_svn_filelist( dir='.' )
-	list = IO.read( '|-' ) or exec 'svn', 'st', '-v', '--ignore-externals', dir
-	# Split into lines, filter out the unknowns, and grab the filenames as Pathnames
-	# :FIXME: This will break if we ever put in a file with spaces in its name. This
-	# will likely be the least of our worries if we do so, however, so it's not worth
-	# the additional complexity to make it handle that case. If we do need that, there's
-	# always the --xml output for 'svn st'...
-	return list.split( $/ ).
-		reject {|line| line =~ /^\?/ }.
-		collect {|fn| Pathname(fn[/\S+$/]) }
-### Return the URL to the repository root for the specified +dir+.
-def get_svn_repo_root( dir='.' )
-	info = get_svn_info( dir )
-	return info['URL'].sub( %r{/trunk$}, '' )
-### Return the Subversion URL to the given +dir+.
-def get_svn_url( dir='.' )
-	info = get_svn_info( dir )
-	return info['URL']
-### Return the path of the specified +dir+ under the svn root of the 
-### checkout.
-def get_svn_path( dir='.' )
-	root = get_svn_repo_root( dir )
-	url = get_svn_url( dir )
-	return url.sub( root + '/', '' )
-### Return the keywords for the specified array of +files+ as a Hash keyed by filename.
-def get_svn_keyword_map( files )
-	cmd = ['svn', 'pg', 'svn:keywords', *files]
-	# trace "Executing: svn pg svn:keywords " + files.join(' ')
-	output = IO.read( '|-' ) or exec( 'svn', 'pg', 'svn:keywords', *files )
-	kwmap = {}
-	output.split( "\n" ).each do |line|
-		next if line !~ /\s+-\s+/
-		path, keywords = line.split( /\s+-\s+/, 2 )
-		kwmap[ path ] = keywords.split
-	end
-	return kwmap
-### Return the latest revision number of the specified +dir+ as an Integer.
-def get_svn_rev( dir='.' )
-	info = get_svn_info( dir )
-	return info['Revision']
-### Return a list of the entries at the specified Subversion url. If
-### no +url+ is specified, it will default to the list in the URL
-### corresponding to the current working directory.
-def svn_ls( url=nil )
-	url ||= get_svn_url()
-	list = IO.read( '|-' ) or exec 'svn', 'ls', url
-	trace 'svn ls of %s: %p' % [url, list] if $trace
-	return [] if list.nil? || list.empty?
-	return list.split( $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR )
-### Return the URL of the latest timestamp in the tags directory.
-def get_latest_svn_timestamp_tag
-	rooturl = get_svn_repo_root()
-	tagsurl = rooturl + '/tags'
-	tags = svn_ls( tagsurl ).grep( TAG_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN ).sort
-	return nil if tags.nil? || tags.empty?
-	return tagsurl + '/' + tags.last
-### Get a subversion diff of the specified targets and return it. If no targets are
-### specified, the current directory will be diffed instead.
-def get_svn_diff( *targets )
-	targets << BASEDIR if targets.empty?
-	trace "Getting svn diff for targets: %p" % [targets]
-	log = IO.read( '|-' ) or exec 'svn', 'diff', *(targets.flatten)
-	return log
-### Return the URL of the latest timestamp in the tags directory.
-def get_latest_release_tag
-	rooturl    = get_svn_repo_root()
-	releaseurl = rooturl + '/releases'
-	tags = svn_ls( releaseurl ).grep( RELEASE_VERSION_PATTERN ).sort_by do |tag|
-		tag.split('.').collect {|i| Integer(i) }
-	end
-	return nil if tags.empty?
-	return releaseurl + '/' + tags.last
-### Extract a diff from the specified subversion working +dir+, rewrite its
-### file lines as Trac links, and return it.
-def make_svn_commit_log( dir='.' )
-	editor_prog = ENV['EDITOR'] || ENV['VISUAL'] || DEFAULT_EDITOR
-	diff = IO.read( '|-' ) or exec 'svn', 'diff'
-	fail "No differences." if diff.empty?
-	return diff
-### Tasks
-desc "Subversion tasks"
-namespace :svn do
-	desc "Copy the HEAD revision of the current trunk/ to tags/ with a " +
-		 "current timestamp."
-	task :tag do
-		svninfo   = get_svn_info()
-		tag       = make_new_tag()
-		svntrunk  = svninfo['URL']
-		svntagdir = svninfo['URL'].sub( %r{trunk$}, 'tags' )
-		svntag    = svntagdir + '/' + tag
-		desc = "Tagging trunk as #{svntag}"
-		ask_for_confirmation( desc ) do
-			msg = prompt_with_default( "Commit log: ", "Tagging for code push" )
-			run 'svn', 'cp', '-m', msg, svntrunk, svntag
-		end
-	end
-	desc "Copy the most recent tag to releases/#{PKG_VERSION}"
-	task :release do
-		last_tag    = get_latest_svn_timestamp_tag()
-		svninfo     = get_svn_info()
-		release     = PKG_VERSION
-		svnrel      = svninfo['URL'] + '/releases'
-		svnrelease  = svnrel + '/' + release
-		if last_tag.nil?
-			error "There are no tags in the repository"
-			fail
-		end
-		releases = svn_ls( svnrel )
-		trace "Releases: %p" % [releases]
-		if releases.include?( release )
-			error "Version #{release} already has a branch (#{svnrelease}). Did you mean" +
-				"to increment the version in #{PKG_VERSION_FROM}?"
-			fail
-		else
-			trace "No #{svnrel} version currently exists"
-		end
-		desc = "Release tag\n  #{last_tag}\nto\n  #{svnrelease}"
-		ask_for_confirmation( desc ) do
-			msg = prompt_with_default( "Commit log: ", "Branching for release" )
-			run 'svn', 'cp', '-m', msg, last_tag, svnrelease
-		end
-	end
-	### Task for debugging the #get_target_args helper
-	task :show_targets do
-		$stdout.puts "Targets from ARGV (%p): %p" % [ARGV, get_target_args()]
-	end
-	desc "Generate a commit log"
-	task :commitlog => [COMMIT_MSG_FILE]
-	desc "Show the (pre-edited) commit log for the current directory"
-	task :show_commitlog => [COMMIT_MSG_FILE] do
-		ask_for_confirmation( "Confirm? " ) do
-			args = get_target_args()
-			puts get_svn_diff( *args )
-		end
-	end
-		args = get_target_args()
-		diff = get_svn_diff( *args )
-		File.open( COMMIT_MSG_FILE, File::WRONLY|File::EXCL|File::CREAT ) do |fh|
-			fh.print( diff )
-		end
-		system editor, COMMIT_MSG_FILE
-		unless $?.success?
-			fail "Editor exited uncleanly."
-		end
-	end
-	desc "Update from Subversion"
-	task :update do
-		run 'svn', 'up', '--ignore-externals'
-	end
-	desc "Check in all the changes in your current working copy"
-	task :checkin => ['svn:update', 'coverage:verify', 'svn:fix_keywords', COMMIT_MSG_FILE] do
-		targets = get_target_args()
-		$deferr.puts '---', File.read( COMMIT_MSG_FILE ), '---'
-		ask_for_confirmation( "Continue with checkin?" ) do
-			run 'svn', 'ci', '-F', COMMIT_MSG_FILE, targets
-		end
-	end
-	task :commit => :checkin
-	task :ci => :checkin
-	task :clean do
-	end
-	desc "Check and fix any missing keywords for any files in the project which need them"
-	task :fix_keywords do
-		log "Checking subversion keywords..."
-		paths = get_svn_filelist( BASEDIR ).
-			select {|path| path.file? && path.to_s =~ KEYWORDED_FILEPATTERN }
-		trace "Looking at %d paths for keywords:\n  %p" % [paths.length, paths]
-		kwmap = get_svn_keyword_map( paths )
-		buf = ''
-		PP.pp( kwmap, buf, 132 )
-		trace "keyword map is: %s" % [buf]
-		files_needing_fixups = paths.find_all do |path|
-			(kwmap[path.to_s] & DEFAULT_KEYWORDS) != DEFAULT_KEYWORDS
-		end
-		unless files_needing_fixups.empty?
-			$deferr.puts "Files needing keyword fixes: ",
-				files_needing_fixups.collect {|f|
-					"  %s: %s" % [f, kwmap[f] ? kwmap[f].join(' ') : "(no keywords)"]
-				}
-			ask_for_confirmation( "Will add default keywords to these files." ) do
-				run 'svn', 'ps', 'svn:keywords', DEFAULT_KEYWORDS.join(' '), *files_needing_fixups
-			end
-		else
-			log "Keywords are all up to date."
-		end
-	end
-	task :debug_helpers do
-		methods = [
-			:make_new_tag,
-			:get_svn_info,
-			:get_svn_repo_root,
-			:get_svn_url,
-			:get_svn_path,
-			:svn_ls,
-			:get_latest_svn_timestamp_tag,
-		]
-		maxlen = methods.collect {|sym| sym.to_s.length }.max
-		methods.each do |meth|
-			res = send( meth )
-			puts "%*s => %p" % [ maxlen, colorize(meth.to_s, :cyan), res ]
-		end
-	end
--- a/rake/testing.rb	Wed Aug 06 17:38:56 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-# Testing Rake Tasks
-# $Id$
-# Keep these tasks optional by handling LoadErrors with stub task
-# replacements.
-	gem 'rspec', '>= 1.1.1'
-	require 'spec/rake/spectask'
-	COMMON_SPEC_OPTS = ['-c', '-f', 's']
-	### Task: spec
-	Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :spec ) do |task|
-		task.spec_files = SPEC_FILES
-		task.libs += [LIBDIR]
-		task.spec_opts = COMMON_SPEC_OPTS
-	end
-	task :test => [:spec]
-	namespace :spec do
-		desc "Generate HTML output for a spec run"
-		Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :html ) do |task|
-			task.spec_files = SPEC_FILES
-			task.spec_opts = ['-f','h', '-D']
-		end
-		desc "Generate plain-text output for a CruiseControl.rb build"
-		Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :text ) do |task|
-			task.spec_files = SPEC_FILES
-			task.spec_opts = ['-f','p']
-		end
-	end
-rescue LoadError => err
-	task :no_rspec do
-		$stderr.puts "Testing tasks not defined: RSpec rake tasklib not available: %s" %
-			[ err.message ]
-	end
-	task :spec => :no_rspec
-	namespace :spec do
-		task :autotest => :no_rspec
-		task :html => :no_rspec
-		task :text => :no_rspec
-	end
-### RCov (via RSpec) tasks
-	gem 'rcov'
-	gem 'rspec', '>= 1.1.1'
-	RCOV_OPTS = ['--exclude', SPEC_EXCLUDES, '--xrefs', '--save']
-	### Task: coverage (via RCov)
-	### Task: spec
-	desc "Build test coverage reports"
-	Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :coverage ) do |task|
-		task.spec_files = SPEC_FILES
-		task.libs += [LIBDIR]
-		task.spec_opts = ['-f', 'p', '-b']
-		task.rcov_opts = RCOV_OPTS
-		task.rcov = true
-	end
-	task :rcov => [:coverage] do; end
-	### Other coverage tasks
-	namespace :coverage do
-		desc "Generate a detailed text coverage report"
-		Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :text ) do |task|
-			task.spec_files = SPEC_FILES
-			task.rcov_opts = RCOV_OPTS + ['--text-report']
-			task.rcov = true
-		end
-		desc "Show differences in coverage from last run"
-		Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :diff ) do |task|
-			task.spec_files = SPEC_FILES
-			task.rcov_opts = ['--text-coverage-diff']
-			task.rcov = true
-		end
-		### Task: verify coverage
-		desc "Build coverage statistics"
-		VerifyTask.new( :verify => :rcov ) do |task|
-			task.threshold = 85.0
-		end
-		desc "Run RCov in 'spec-only' mode to check coverage from specs"
-		Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :speconly ) do |task|
-			task.spec_files = SPEC_FILES
-			task.rcov_opts = ['--exclude', SPEC_EXCLUDES, '--text-report', '--save']
-			task.rcov = true
-		end
-	end
-	task :clobber_coverage do
-	end
-rescue LoadError => err
-	task :no_rcov do
-		$stderr.puts "Coverage tasks not defined: RSpec+RCov tasklib not available: %s" %
-			[ err.message ]
-	end
-	task :coverage => :no_rcov
-	task :clobber_coverage
-	task :rcov => :no_rcov
-	namespace :coverage do
-		task :text => :no_rcov
-		task :diff => :no_rcov
-	end
-	task :verify => :no_rcov
--- a/rake/verifytask.rb	Wed Aug 06 17:38:56 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-###	S U B V E R S I O N   T A S K S   A N D   H E L P E R S
-require 'rake/tasklib'
-# Work around the inexplicable behaviour of the original RDoc::VerifyTask, which 
-# errors if your coverage isn't *exactly* the threshold.
-# A task that can verify that the RCov coverage doesn't
-# drop below a certain threshold. It should be run after
-# running Spec::Rake::SpecTask.
-class VerifyTask < Rake::TaskLib
-		%r{<tt class='coverage_code'>(\d+\.\d+)%</tt>}
-	# Name of the task. Defaults to :verify_rcov
-	attr_accessor :name
-	# Path to the index.html file generated by RCov, which
-	# is the file containing the total coverage.
-	# Defaults to 'coverage/index.html'
-	attr_accessor :index_html
-	# Whether or not to output details. Defaults to true.
-	attr_accessor :verbose
-	# The threshold value (in percent) for coverage. If the 
-	# actual coverage is not equal to this value, the task will raise an 
-	# exception. 
-	attr_accessor :threshold
-	def initialize( name=:verify )
-		@name = name
-		@index_html = 'coverage/index.html'
-		@verbose = true
-		yield self if block_given?
-		raise "Threshold must be set" if @threshold.nil?
-		define
-	end
-	def define
-		desc "Verify that rcov coverage is at least #{threshold}%"
-		task @name do
-			total_coverage = nil
-			if match = File.read( index_html ).match( COVERAGE_PERCENTAGE_PATTERN )
-				total_coverage = Float( match[1] )
-			else
-				raise "Couldn't find the coverage percentage in #{index_html}"
-			end
-			puts "Coverage: #{total_coverage}% (threshold: #{threshold}%)" if verbose
-			if total_coverage < threshold
-				raise "Coverage must be at least #{threshold}% but was #{total_coverage}%"
-			end
-		end
-	end
-# vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: