changeset 0 52d30e6014a0
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:52d30e6014a0
     1 /*!
     2  * CanJS - 2.1.1
     3  * http://canjs.us/
     4  * Copyright (c) 2014 Bitovi
     5  * Fri, 23 May 2014 15:47:45 GMT
     6  * Licensed MIT
     7  * Includes: can/construct/construct.js,can/map/map.js,can/list/list.js,can/compute/compute.js,can/model/model.js,can/view/view.js,can/control/control.js,can/route/route.js,can/control/route/route.js,can/view/ejs/ejs.js,can/map/backup/backup.js,can/util/object/object.js
     8  * Download from: http://bitbuilder.herokuapp.com/can.custom.js?configuration=jquery&plugins=can%2Fconstruct%2Fconstruct.js&plugins=can%2Fmap%2Fmap.js&plugins=can%2Flist%2Flist.js&plugins=can%2Fcompute%2Fcompute.js&plugins=can%2Fmodel%2Fmodel.js&plugins=can%2Fview%2Fview.js&plugins=can%2Fcontrol%2Fcontrol.js&plugins=can%2Froute%2Froute.js&plugins=can%2Fcontrol%2Froute%2Froute.js&plugins=can%2Fview%2Fejs%2Fejs.js&plugins=can%2Fmap%2Fbackup%2Fbackup.js&plugins=can%2Futil%2Fobject%2Fobject.js
     9  */
    10 (function(undefined) {
    12     // ## can/util/can.js
    13     var __m5 = (function() {
    15         var can = window.can || {};
    16         if (typeof GLOBALCAN === 'undefined' || GLOBALCAN !== false) {
    17             window.can = can;
    18         }
    20         // An empty function useful for where you need a dummy callback.
    21         can.k = function() {};
    23         can.isDeferred = function(obj) {
    24             var isFunction = this.isFunction;
    25             // Returns `true` if something looks like a deferred.
    26             return obj && isFunction(obj.then) && isFunction(obj.pipe);
    27         };
    29         var cid = 0;
    30         can.cid = function(object, name) {
    31             if (!object._cid) {
    32                 cid++;
    33                 object._cid = (name || '') + cid;
    34             }
    35             return object._cid;
    36         };
    37         can.VERSION = '@EDGE';
    39         can.simpleExtend = function(d, s) {
    40             for (var prop in s) {
    41                 d[prop] = s[prop];
    42             }
    43             return d;
    44         };
    46         can.frag = function(item) {
    47             var frag;
    48             if (!item || typeof item === "string") {
    49                 frag = can.buildFragment(item == null ? "" : "" + item, document.body);
    50                 // If we have an empty frag...
    51                 if (!frag.childNodes.length) {
    52                     frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(''));
    53                 }
    54                 return frag;
    55             } else if (item.nodeType === 11) {
    56                 return item;
    57             } else if (typeof item.nodeType === "number") {
    58                 frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
    59                 frag.appendChild(item);
    60                 return frag;
    61             } else if (typeof item.length === "number") {
    62                 frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
    63                 can.each(item, function(item) {
    64                     frag.appendChild(can.frag(item));
    65                 });
    66                 return frag;
    67             } else {
    68                 frag = can.buildFragment("" + item, document.body);
    69                 // If we have an empty frag...
    70                 if (!frag.childNodes.length) {
    71                     frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(''));
    72                 }
    73                 return frag;
    74             }
    75         };
    77         // this is here in case can.compute hasn't loaded
    78         can.__reading = function() {};
    80         return can;
    81     })();
    83     // ## can/util/attr/attr.js
    84     var __m6 = (function(can) {
    86         // Acts as a polyfill for setImmediate which only works in IE 10+. Needed to make
    87         // the triggering of `attributes` event async.
    88         var setImmediate = window.setImmediate || function(cb) {
    89                 return setTimeout(cb, 0);
    90             },
    91             attr = {
    92                 // This property lets us know if the browser supports mutation observers.
    93                 // If they are supported then that will be setup in can/util/jquery and those native events will be used to inform observers of attribute changes.
    94                 // Otherwise this module handles triggering an `attributes` event on the element.
    95                 MutationObserver: window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver,
    98                 map: {
    99                     "class": "className",
   100                     "value": "value",
   101                     "innerText": "innerText",
   102                     "textContent": "textContent",
   103                     "checked": true,
   104                     "disabled": true,
   105                     "readonly": true,
   106                     "required": true,
   107                     // For the `src` attribute we are using a setter function to prevent values such as an empty string or null from being set.
   108                     // An `img` tag attempts to fetch the `src` when it is set, so we need to prevent that from happening by removing the attribute instead.
   109                     src: function(el, val) {
   110                         if (val == null || val === "") {
   111                             el.removeAttribute("src");
   112                             return null;
   113                         } else {
   114                             el.setAttribute("src", val);
   115                             return val;
   116                         }
   117                     },
   118                     style: function(el, val) {
   119                         return el.style.cssText = val || "";
   120                     }
   121                 },
   122                 // These are elements whos default value we should set.
   123                 defaultValue: ["input", "textarea"],
   124                 // ## attr.set
   125                 // Set the value an attribute on an element.
   126                 set: function(el, attrName, val) {
   127                     var oldValue;
   128                     // In order to later trigger an event we need to compare the new value to the old value, so here we go ahead and retrieve the old value for browsers that don't have native MutationObservers.
   129                     if (!attr.MutationObserver) {
   130                         oldValue = attr.get(el, attrName);
   131                     }
   133                     var tagName = el.nodeName.toString()
   134                         .toLowerCase(),
   135                         prop = attr.map[attrName],
   136                         newValue;
   138                     // Using the property of `attr.map`, go through and check if the property is a function, and if so call it. Then check if the property is `true`, and if so set the value to `true`, also making sure to set `defaultChecked` to `true` for elements of `attr.defaultValue`. We always set the value to true because for these boolean properties, setting them to false would be the same as removing the attribute.
   139                     // For all other attributes use `setAttribute` to set the new value.
   140                     if (typeof prop === "function") {
   141                         newValue = prop(el, val);
   142                     } else if (prop === true) {
   143                         newValue = el[attrName] = true;
   145                         if (attrName === "checked" && el.type === "radio") {
   146                             if (can.inArray(tagName, attr.defaultValue) >= 0) {
   147                                 el.defaultChecked = true;
   148                             }
   149                         }
   151                     } else if (prop) {
   152                         newValue = el[prop] = val;
   153                         if (prop === "value" && can.inArray(tagName, attr.defaultValue) >= 0) {
   154                             el.defaultValue = val;
   155                         }
   156                     } else {
   157                         el.setAttribute(attrName, val);
   158                         newValue = val;
   159                     }
   161                     // Now that the value has been set, for browsers without MutationObservers, check to see that value has changed and if so trigger the "attributes" event on the element.
   162                     if (!attr.MutationObserver && newValue !== oldValue) {
   163                         attr.trigger(el, attrName, oldValue);
   164                     }
   165                 },
   166                 // ## attr.trigger
   167                 // Used to trigger an "attributes" event on an element. Checks to make sure that someone is listening for the event and then queues a function to be called asynchronously using `setImmediate.
   168                 trigger: function(el, attrName, oldValue) {
   169                     if (can.data(can.$(el), "canHasAttributesBindings")) {
   170                         return setImmediate(function() {
   171                             can.trigger(el, {
   172                                     type: "attributes",
   173                                     attributeName: attrName,
   174                                     target: el,
   175                                     oldValue: oldValue,
   176                                     bubbles: false
   177                                 }, []);
   178                         });
   179                     }
   180                 },
   181                 // ## attr.get
   182                 // Gets the value of an attribute. First checks to see if the property is a string on `attr.map` and if so returns the value from the element's property. Otherwise uses `getAttribute` to retrieve the value.
   183                 get: function(el, attrName) {
   184                     var prop = attr.map[attrName];
   185                     if (typeof prop === "string" && el[prop]) {
   186                         return el[prop];
   187                     }
   189                     return el.getAttribute(attrName);
   190                 },
   191                 // ## attr.remove
   192                 // Removes an attribute from an element. Works by using the `attr.map` to see if the attribute is a special type of property. If the property is a function then the fuction is called with `undefined` as the value. If the property is `true` then the attribute is set to false. If the property is a string then the attribute is set to an empty string. Otherwise `removeAttribute` is used.
   193                 // If the attribute previously had a value and the browser doesn't support MutationObservers we then trigger an "attributes" event.
   194                 remove: function(el, attrName) {
   195                     var oldValue;
   196                     if (!attr.MutationObserver) {
   197                         oldValue = attr.get(el, attrName);
   198                     }
   200                     var setter = attr.map[attrName];
   201                     if (typeof setter === "function") {
   202                         setter(el, undefined);
   203                     }
   204                     if (setter === true) {
   205                         el[attrName] = false;
   206                     } else if (typeof setter === "string") {
   207                         el[setter] = "";
   208                     } else {
   209                         el.removeAttribute(attrName);
   210                     }
   211                     if (!attr.MutationObserver && oldValue != null) {
   212                         attr.trigger(el, attrName, oldValue);
   213                     }
   215                 },
   216                 // ## attr.has
   217                 // Checks if an element contains an attribute.
   218                 // For browsers that support `hasAttribute`, creates a function that calls hasAttribute, otherwise creates a function that uses `getAttribute` to check that the attribute is not null.
   219                 has: (function() {
   220                     var el = document.createElement('div');
   221                     if (el.hasAttribute) {
   222                         return function(el, name) {
   223                             return el.hasAttribute(name);
   224                         };
   225                     } else {
   226                         return function(el, name) {
   227                             return el.getAttribute(name) !== null;
   228                         };
   229                     }
   230                 })()
   231             };
   233         return attr;
   235     })(__m5);
   237     // ## can/event/event.js
   238     var __m7 = (function(can) {
   239         // ## can.event.addEvent
   240         // Adds a basic event listener to an object.
   241         // This consists of storing a cache of event listeners on each object,
   242         // that are iterated through later when events are dispatched.
   244         can.addEvent = function(event, handler) {
   245             // Initialize event cache.
   246             var allEvents = this.__bindEvents || (this.__bindEvents = {}),
   247                 eventList = allEvents[event] || (allEvents[event] = []);
   249             // Add the event
   250             eventList.push({
   251                     handler: handler,
   252                     name: event
   253                 });
   254             return this;
   255         };
   257         // ## can.event.listenTo
   258         // Listens to an event without know how bind is implemented.
   259         // The primary use for this is to listen to another's objects event while 
   260         // tracking events on the local object (similar to namespacing).
   261         // The API was heavily influenced by BackboneJS: http://backbonejs.org/
   263         can.listenTo = function(other, event, handler) {
   264             // Initialize event cache
   265             var idedEvents = this.__listenToEvents;
   266             if (!idedEvents) {
   267                 idedEvents = this.__listenToEvents = {};
   268             }
   270             // Identify the other object
   271             var otherId = can.cid(other);
   272             var othersEvents = idedEvents[otherId];
   274             // Create a local event cache
   275             if (!othersEvents) {
   276                 othersEvents = idedEvents[otherId] = {
   277                     obj: other,
   278                     events: {}
   279                 };
   280             }
   281             var eventsEvents = othersEvents.events[event];
   282             if (!eventsEvents) {
   283                 eventsEvents = othersEvents.events[event] = [];
   284             }
   286             // Add the event, both locally and to the other object
   287             eventsEvents.push(handler);
   288             can.bind.call(other, event, handler);
   289         };
   291         // ## can.event.stopListening
   292         // Stops listening for events on other objects
   294         can.stopListening = function(other, event, handler) {
   295             var idedEvents = this.__listenToEvents,
   296                 iterIdedEvents = idedEvents,
   297                 i = 0;
   298             if (!idedEvents) {
   299                 return this;
   300             }
   301             if (other) {
   302                 var othercid = can.cid(other);
   303                 (iterIdedEvents = {})[othercid] = idedEvents[othercid];
   304                 // you might be trying to listen to something that is not there
   305                 if (!idedEvents[othercid]) {
   306                     return this;
   307                 }
   308             }
   310             // Clean up events on the other object
   311             for (var cid in iterIdedEvents) {
   312                 var othersEvents = iterIdedEvents[cid],
   313                     eventsEvents;
   314                 other = idedEvents[cid].obj;
   316                 // Find the cache of events
   317                 if (!event) {
   318                     eventsEvents = othersEvents.events;
   319                 } else {
   320                     (eventsEvents = {})[event] = othersEvents.events[event];
   321                 }
   323                 // Unbind event handlers, both locally and on the other object
   324                 for (var eventName in eventsEvents) {
   325                     var handlers = eventsEvents[eventName] || [];
   326                     i = 0;
   327                     while (i < handlers.length) {
   328                         if (handler && handler === handlers[i] || !handler) {
   329                             can.unbind.call(other, eventName, handlers[i]);
   330                             handlers.splice(i, 1);
   331                         } else {
   332                             i++;
   333                         }
   334                     }
   335                     // no more handlers?
   336                     if (!handlers.length) {
   337                         delete othersEvents.events[eventName];
   338                     }
   339                 }
   340                 if (can.isEmptyObject(othersEvents.events)) {
   341                     delete idedEvents[cid];
   342                 }
   343             }
   344             return this;
   345         };
   347         // ## can.event.removeEvent
   348         // Removes a basic event listener from an object.
   349         // This removes event handlers from the cache of listened events.
   351         can.removeEvent = function(event, fn, __validate) {
   352             if (!this.__bindEvents) {
   353                 return this;
   354             }
   355             var events = this.__bindEvents[event] || [],
   356                 i = 0,
   357                 ev, isFunction = typeof fn === 'function';
   358             while (i < events.length) {
   359                 ev = events[i];
   360                 // Determine whether this event handler is "equivalent" to the one requested
   361                 // Generally this requires the same event/function, but a validation function 
   362                 // can be included for extra conditions. This is used in some plugins like `can/event/namespace`.
   363                 if (__validate ? __validate(ev, event, fn) : isFunction && ev.handler === fn || !isFunction && (ev.cid === fn || !fn)) {
   364                     events.splice(i, 1);
   365                 } else {
   366                     i++;
   367                 }
   368             }
   369             return this;
   370         };
   372         // ## can.event.dispatch
   373         // Dispatches/triggers a basic event on an object.
   375         can.dispatch = function(event, args) {
   376             var events = this.__bindEvents;
   377             if (!events) {
   378                 return;
   379             }
   381             // Initialize the event object
   382             if (typeof event === 'string') {
   383                 event = {
   384                     type: event
   385                 };
   386             }
   388             // Grab event listeners
   389             var eventName = event.type,
   390                 handlers = (events[eventName] || []).slice(0);
   392             // Execute handlers listening for this event.
   393             args = [event].concat(args || []);
   394             for (var i = 0, len = handlers.length; i < len; i++) {
   395                 handlers[i].handler.apply(this, args);
   396             }
   398             return event;
   399         };
   401         // ## can.event.one
   402         // Adds a basic event listener that listens to an event once and only once.
   404         can.one = function(event, handler) {
   405             // Unbind the listener after it has been executed
   406             var one = function() {
   407                 can.unbind.call(this, event, one);
   408                 return handler.apply(this, arguments);
   409             };
   411             // Bind the altered listener
   412             can.bind.call(this, event, one);
   413             return this;
   414         };
   416         // ## can.event
   417         // Create and export the `can.event` mixin
   418         can.event = {
   419             // Event method aliases
   421             on: function() {
   422                 if (arguments.length === 0 && can.Control && this instanceof can.Control) {
   423                     return can.Control.prototype.on.call(this);
   424                 } else {
   425                     return can.addEvent.apply(this, arguments);
   426                 }
   427             },
   430             off: function() {
   431                 if (arguments.length === 0 && can.Control && this instanceof can.Control) {
   432                     return can.Control.prototype.off.call(this);
   433                 } else {
   434                     return can.removeEvent.apply(this, arguments);
   435                 }
   436             },
   439             bind: can.addEvent,
   441             unbind: can.removeEvent,
   443             delegate: function(selector, event, handler) {
   444                 return can.addEvent.call(event, handler);
   445             },
   447             undelegate: function(selector, event, handler) {
   448                 return can.removeEvent.call(event, handler);
   449             },
   451             trigger: can.dispatch,
   453             // Normal can/event methods
   454             one: can.one,
   455             addEvent: can.addEvent,
   456             removeEvent: can.removeEvent,
   457             listenTo: can.listenTo,
   458             stopListening: can.stopListening,
   459             dispatch: can.dispatch
   460         };
   462         return can.event;
   463     })(__m5);
   465     // ## can/util/array/each.js
   466     var __m8 = (function(can) {
   468         // The following is from jQuery
   469         var isArrayLike = function(obj) {
   470             var length = obj.length;
   471             return typeof arr !== "function" &&
   472             (length === 0 || typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && (length - 1) in obj);
   473         };
   475         can.each = function(elements, callback, context) {
   476             var i = 0,
   477                 key,
   478                 len,
   479                 item;
   480             if (elements) {
   481                 if (isArrayLike(elements)) {
   482                     if (can.List && elements instanceof can.List) {
   483                         for (len = elements.attr("length"); i < len; i++) {
   484                             item = elements.attr(i);
   485                             if (callback.call(context || item, item, i, elements) === false) {
   486                                 break;
   487                             }
   488                         }
   489                     } else {
   490                         for (len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {
   491                             item = elements[i];
   492                             if (callback.call(context || item, item, i, elements) === false) {
   493                                 break;
   494                             }
   495                         }
   496                     }
   498                 } else if (typeof elements === "object") {
   500                     if (can.Map && elements instanceof can.Map || elements === can.route) {
   501                         var keys = can.Map.keys(elements);
   502                         for (i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
   503                             key = keys[i];
   504                             item = elements.attr(key);
   505                             if (callback.call(context || item, item, key, elements) === false) {
   506                                 break;
   507                             }
   508                         }
   509                     } else {
   510                         for (key in elements) {
   511                             if (elements.hasOwnProperty(key) && callback.call(context || elements[key], elements[key], key, elements) === false) {
   512                                 break;
   513                             }
   514                         }
   515                     }
   517                 }
   518             }
   519             return elements;
   520         };
   521         return can;
   522     })(__m5);
   524     // ## can/util/inserted/inserted.js
   525     var __m9 = (function(can) {
   526         can.inserted = function(elems) {
   527             // Turn the `elems` property into an array to prevent mutations from changing the looping.
   528             elems = can.makeArray(elems);
   529             var inDocument = false,
   530                 // Gets the `doc` to use as a reference for finding out whether the element is in the document.
   531                 doc = can.$(document.contains ? document : document.body),
   532                 children;
   533             // Go through `elems` and trigger the `inserted` event.
   534             // If the first element is not in the document (a Document Fragment) it will exit the function. If it is in the document it sets the `inDocument` flag to true. This means that we only check for the first element and either exit the function or start triggering "inserted" for child elements.
   535             for (var i = 0, elem;
   536                 (elem = elems[i]) !== undefined; i++) {
   537                 if (!inDocument) {
   538                     if (elem.getElementsByTagName) {
   539                         if (can.has(doc, elem)
   540                             .length) {
   541                             inDocument = true;
   542                         } else {
   543                             return;
   544                         }
   545                     } else {
   546                         continue;
   547                     }
   548                 }
   550                 // If we've found an element in the document then we can now trigger **"inserted"** for `elem` and all of its children. We are using `getElementsByTagName("*")` so that we grab all of the descendant nodes.
   551                 if (inDocument && elem.getElementsByTagName) {
   552                     children = can.makeArray(elem.getElementsByTagName("*"));
   553                     can.trigger(elem, "inserted", [], false);
   554                     for (var j = 0, child;
   555                         (child = children[j]) !== undefined; j++) {
   556                         can.trigger(child, "inserted", [], false);
   557                     }
   558                 }
   559             }
   560         };
   562         // ## can.appendChild
   563         // Used to append a node to an element and trigger the "inserted" event on all of the newly inserted children. Since `can.inserted` takes an array we convert the child to an array, or in the case of a DocumentFragment we first convert the childNodes to an array and call inserted on those.
   564         can.appendChild = function(el, child) {
   565             var children;
   566             if (child.nodeType === 11) {
   567                 children = can.makeArray(child.childNodes);
   568             } else {
   569                 children = [child];
   570             }
   571             el.appendChild(child);
   572             can.inserted(children);
   573         };
   575         // ## can.insertBefore
   576         // Like can.appendChild, used to insert a node to an element before a reference node and then trigger the "inserted" event.
   577         can.insertBefore = function(el, child, ref) {
   578             var children;
   579             if (child.nodeType === 11) {
   580                 children = can.makeArray(child.childNodes);
   581             } else {
   582                 children = [child];
   583             }
   584             el.insertBefore(child, ref);
   585             can.inserted(children);
   586         };
   587     })(__m5);
   589     // ## can/util/jquery/jquery.js
   590     var __m3 = (function($, can, attr, event) {
   591         var isBindableElement = function(node) {
   592             // In IE8 window.window !== window.window, so we allow == here.
   594             return (node.nodeName && (node.nodeType === 1 || node.nodeType === 9)) || node == window;
   595         };
   596         // _jQuery node list._
   597         $.extend(can, $, {
   598                 trigger: function(obj, event, args, bubbles) {
   599                     if (isBindableElement(obj)) {
   600                         $.event.trigger(event, args, obj, !bubbles);
   601                     } else if (obj.trigger) {
   602                         obj.trigger(event, args);
   603                     } else {
   604                         if (typeof event === 'string') {
   605                             event = {
   606                                 type: event
   607                             };
   608                         }
   609                         event.target = event.target || obj;
   610                         can.dispatch.call(obj, event, args);
   611                     }
   612                 },
   613                 event: can.event,
   614                 addEvent: can.addEvent,
   615                 removeEvent: can.removeEvent,
   616                 buildFragment: function(elems, context) {
   617                     // Check if this has any html nodes on our own.
   618                     var ret;
   619                     elems = [elems];
   620                     // Set context per 1.8 logic
   621                     context = context || document;
   622                     context = !context.nodeType && context[0] || context;
   623                     context = context.ownerDocument || context;
   624                     ret = $.buildFragment(elems, context);
   625                     return ret.cacheable ? $.clone(ret.fragment) : ret.fragment || ret;
   626                 },
   627                 $: $,
   628                 each: can.each,
   629                 bind: function(ev, cb) {
   630                     // If we can bind to it...
   631                     if (this.bind && this.bind !== can.bind) {
   632                         this.bind(ev, cb);
   633                     } else if (isBindableElement(this)) {
   634                         $.event.add(this, ev, cb);
   635                     } else {
   636                         // Make it bind-able...
   637                         can.addEvent.call(this, ev, cb);
   638                     }
   639                     return this;
   640                 },
   641                 unbind: function(ev, cb) {
   642                     // If we can bind to it...
   643                     if (this.unbind && this.unbind !== can.unbind) {
   644                         this.unbind(ev, cb);
   645                     } else if (isBindableElement(this)) {
   646                         $.event.remove(this, ev, cb);
   647                     } else {
   648                         // Make it bind-able...
   649                         can.removeEvent.call(this, ev, cb);
   650                     }
   651                     return this;
   652                 },
   653                 delegate: function(selector, ev, cb) {
   654                     if (this.delegate) {
   655                         this.delegate(selector, ev, cb);
   656                     } else if (isBindableElement(this)) {
   657                         $(this)
   658                             .delegate(selector, ev, cb);
   659                     } else {
   660                         // make it bind-able ...
   661                         can.bind.call(this, ev, cb);
   662                     }
   663                     return this;
   664                 },
   665                 undelegate: function(selector, ev, cb) {
   666                     if (this.undelegate) {
   667                         this.undelegate(selector, ev, cb);
   668                     } else if (isBindableElement(this)) {
   669                         $(this)
   670                             .undelegate(selector, ev, cb);
   671                     } else {
   672                         can.unbind.call(this, ev, cb);
   673                     }
   674                     return this;
   675                 },
   676                 proxy: function(fn, context) {
   677                     return function() {
   678                         return fn.apply(context, arguments);
   679                     };
   680                 },
   681                 attr: attr
   682             });
   683         // Wrap binding functions.
   685         // Aliases
   686         can.on = can.bind;
   687         can.off = can.unbind;
   688         // Wrap modifier functions.
   689         $.each([
   690                 'append',
   691                 'filter',
   692                 'addClass',
   693                 'remove',
   694                 'data',
   695                 'get',
   696                 'has'
   697             ], function(i, name) {
   698                 can[name] = function(wrapped) {
   699                     return wrapped[name].apply(wrapped, can.makeArray(arguments)
   700                         .slice(1));
   701                 };
   702             });
   703         // Memory safe destruction.
   704         var oldClean = $.cleanData;
   705         $.cleanData = function(elems) {
   706             $.each(elems, function(i, elem) {
   707                 if (elem) {
   708                     can.trigger(elem, 'removed', [], false);
   709                 }
   710             });
   711             oldClean(elems);
   712         };
   713         var oldDomManip = $.fn.domManip,
   714             cbIndex;
   715         // feature detect which domManip we are using
   716         $.fn.domManip = function(args, cb1, cb2) {
   717             for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
   718                 if (typeof arguments[i] === 'function') {
   719                     cbIndex = i;
   720                     break;
   721                 }
   722             }
   723             return oldDomManip.apply(this, arguments);
   724         };
   725         $(document.createElement("div"))
   726             .append(document.createElement("div"));
   728         $.fn.domManip = (cbIndex === 2 ? function(args, table, callback) {
   729             return oldDomManip.call(this, args, table, function(elem) {
   730                 var elems;
   731                 if (elem.nodeType === 11) {
   732                     elems = can.makeArray(elem.childNodes);
   733                 }
   734                 var ret = callback.apply(this, arguments);
   735                 can.inserted(elems ? elems : [elem]);
   736                 return ret;
   737             });
   738         } : function(args, callback) {
   739             return oldDomManip.call(this, args, function(elem) {
   740                 var elems;
   741                 if (elem.nodeType === 11) {
   742                     elems = can.makeArray(elem.childNodes);
   743                 }
   744                 var ret = callback.apply(this, arguments);
   745                 can.inserted(elems ? elems : [elem]);
   746                 return ret;
   747             });
   748         });
   750         if (!can.attr.MutationObserver) {
   751             // handle via calls to attr
   752             var oldAttr = $.attr;
   753             $.attr = function(el, attrName) {
   754                 var oldValue, newValue;
   755                 if (arguments.length >= 3) {
   756                     oldValue = oldAttr.call(this, el, attrName);
   757                 }
   758                 var res = oldAttr.apply(this, arguments);
   759                 if (arguments.length >= 3) {
   760                     newValue = oldAttr.call(this, el, attrName);
   761                 }
   762                 if (newValue !== oldValue) {
   763                     can.attr.trigger(el, attrName, oldValue);
   764                 }
   765                 return res;
   766             };
   767             var oldRemove = $.removeAttr;
   768             $.removeAttr = function(el, attrName) {
   769                 var oldValue = oldAttr.call(this, el, attrName),
   770                     res = oldRemove.apply(this, arguments);
   772                 if (oldValue != null) {
   773                     can.attr.trigger(el, attrName, oldValue);
   774                 }
   775                 return res;
   776             };
   777             $.event.special.attributes = {
   778                 setup: function() {
   779                     can.data(can.$(this), "canHasAttributesBindings", true);
   780                 },
   781                 teardown: function() {
   782                     $.removeData(this, "canHasAttributesBindings");
   783                 }
   784             };
   785         } else {
   786             // setup a special events
   787             $.event.special.attributes = {
   788                 setup: function() {
   789                     var self = this;
   790                     var observer = new can.attr.MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
   791                         mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
   792                             var copy = can.simpleExtend({}, mutation);
   793                             can.trigger(self, copy, []);
   794                         });
   796                     });
   797                     observer.observe(this, {
   798                             attributes: true,
   799                             attributeOldValue: true
   800                         });
   801                     can.data(can.$(this), "canAttributesObserver", observer);
   802                 },
   803                 teardown: function() {
   804                     can.data(can.$(this), "canAttributesObserver")
   805                         .disconnect();
   806                     $.removeData(this, "canAttributesObserver");
   808                 }
   809             };
   810         }
   812         // ## Fix build fragment.
   813         // In IE8, we can pass jQuery a fragment and it removes newlines.
   814         // This checks for that and replaces can.buildFragment with something
   815         // that if only a single text node is returned, returns a fragment with
   816         // a text node that is set to the content.
   817         (function() {
   819             var text = "<-\n>",
   820                 frag = can.buildFragment(text, document);
   821             if (text !== frag.childNodes[0].nodeValue) {
   823                 var oldBuildFragment = can.buildFragment;
   824                 can.buildFragment = function(content, context) {
   825                     var res = oldBuildFragment(content, context);
   826                     if (res.childNodes.length === 1 && res.childNodes[0].nodeType === 3) {
   827                         res.childNodes[0].nodeValue = content;
   828                     }
   829                     return res;
   830                 };
   832             }
   836         })();
   838         $.event.special.inserted = {};
   839         $.event.special.removed = {};
   840         return can;
   841     })(jQuery, __m5, __m6, __m7, __m8, __m9);
   843     // ## can/util/string/string.js
   844     var __m2 = (function(can) {
   845         // ##string.js
   846         // _Miscellaneous string utility functions._  
   847         // Several of the methods in this plugin use code adapated from Prototype
   848         // Prototype JavaScript framework, version
   849         // © 2005-2007 Sam Stephenson
   850         var strUndHash = /_|-/,
   851             strColons = /\=\=/,
   852             strWords = /([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g,
   853             strLowUp = /([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g,
   854             strDash = /([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g,
   855             strReplacer = /\{([^\}]+)\}/g,
   856             strQuote = /"/g,
   857             strSingleQuote = /'/g,
   858             strHyphenMatch = /-+(.)?/g,
   859             strCamelMatch = /[a-z][A-Z]/g,
   860             // Returns the `prop` property from `obj`.
   861             // If `add` is true and `prop` doesn't exist in `obj`, create it as an
   862             // empty object.
   863             getNext = function(obj, prop, add) {
   864                 var result = obj[prop];
   865                 if (result === undefined && add === true) {
   866                     result = obj[prop] = {};
   867                 }
   868                 return result;
   869             },
   870             // Returns `true` if the object can have properties (no `null`s).
   871             isContainer = function(current) {
   872                 return /^f|^o/.test(typeof current);
   873             }, convertBadValues = function(content) {
   874                 // Convert bad values into empty strings
   875                 var isInvalid = content === null || content === undefined || isNaN(content) && '' + content === 'NaN';
   876                 return '' + (isInvalid ? '' : content);
   877             };
   878         can.extend(can, {
   879                 esc: function(content) {
   880                     return convertBadValues(content)
   881                         .replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
   882                         .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
   883                         .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
   884                         .replace(strQuote, '&#34;')
   885                         .replace(strSingleQuote, '&#39;');
   886                 },
   887                 getObject: function(name, roots, add) {
   888                     // The parts of the name we are looking up
   889                     // `['App','Models','Recipe']`
   890                     var parts = name ? name.split('.') : [],
   891                         length = parts.length,
   892                         current, r = 0,
   893                         i, container, rootsLength;
   894                     // Make sure roots is an `array`.
   895                     roots = can.isArray(roots) ? roots : [roots || window];
   896                     rootsLength = roots.length;
   897                     if (!length) {
   898                         return roots[0];
   899                     }
   900                     // For each root, mark it as current.
   901                     for (r; r < rootsLength; r++) {
   902                         current = roots[r];
   903                         container = undefined;
   904                         // Walk current to the 2nd to last object or until there
   905                         // is not a container.
   906                         for (i = 0; i < length && isContainer(current); i++) {
   907                             container = current;
   908                             current = getNext(container, parts[i]);
   909                         }
   910                         // If we found property break cycle
   911                         if (container !== undefined && current !== undefined) {
   912                             break;
   913                         }
   914                     }
   915                     // Remove property from found container
   916                     if (add === false && current !== undefined) {
   917                         delete container[parts[i - 1]];
   918                     }
   919                     // When adding property add it to the first root
   920                     if (add === true && current === undefined) {
   921                         current = roots[0];
   922                         for (i = 0; i < length && isContainer(current); i++) {
   923                             current = getNext(current, parts[i], true);
   924                         }
   925                     }
   926                     return current;
   927                 },
   928                 capitalize: function(s, cache) {
   929                     // Used to make newId.
   930                     return s.charAt(0)
   931                         .toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
   932                 },
   933                 camelize: function(str) {
   934                     return convertBadValues(str)
   935                         .replace(strHyphenMatch, function(match, chr) {
   936                             return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '';
   937                         });
   938                 },
   939                 hyphenate: function(str) {
   940                     return convertBadValues(str)
   941                         .replace(strCamelMatch, function(str, offset) {
   942                             return str.charAt(0) + '-' + str.charAt(1)
   943                                 .toLowerCase();
   944                         });
   945                 },
   946                 underscore: function(s) {
   947                     return s.replace(strColons, '/')
   948                         .replace(strWords, '$1_$2')
   949                         .replace(strLowUp, '$1_$2')
   950                         .replace(strDash, '_')
   951                         .toLowerCase();
   952                 },
   953                 sub: function(str, data, remove) {
   954                     var obs = [];
   955                     str = str || '';
   956                     obs.push(str.replace(strReplacer, function(whole, inside) {
   957                                 // Convert inside to type.
   958                                 var ob = can.getObject(inside, data, remove === true ? false : undefined);
   959                                 if (ob === undefined || ob === null) {
   960                                     obs = null;
   961                                     return '';
   962                                 }
   963                                 // If a container, push into objs (which will return objects found).
   964                                 if (isContainer(ob) && obs) {
   965                                     obs.push(ob);
   966                                     return '';
   967                                 }
   968                                 return '' + ob;
   969                             }));
   970                     return obs === null ? obs : obs.length <= 1 ? obs[0] : obs;
   971                 },
   972                 replacer: strReplacer,
   973                 undHash: strUndHash
   974             });
   975         return can;
   976     })(__m3);
   978     // ## can/construct/construct.js
   979     var __m1 = (function(can) {
   980         // ## construct.js
   981         // `can.Construct`  
   982         // _This is a modified version of
   983         // [John Resig's class](http://ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance/).  
   984         // It provides class level inheritance and callbacks._
   985         // A private flag used to initialize a new class instance without
   986         // initializing it's bindings.
   987         var initializing = 0;
   989         can.Construct = function() {
   990             if (arguments.length) {
   991                 return can.Construct.extend.apply(can.Construct, arguments);
   992             }
   993         };
   995         can.extend(can.Construct, {
   997                 constructorExtends: true,
   999                 newInstance: function() {
  1000                     // Get a raw instance object (`init` is not called).
  1001                     var inst = this.instance(),
  1002                         args;
  1003                     // Call `setup` if there is a `setup`
  1004                     if (inst.setup) {
  1005                         args = inst.setup.apply(inst, arguments);
  1006                     }
  1007                     // Call `init` if there is an `init`  
  1008                     // If `setup` returned `args`, use those as the arguments
  1009                     if (inst.init) {
  1010                         inst.init.apply(inst, args || arguments);
  1011                     }
  1012                     return inst;
  1013                 },
  1014                 // Overwrites an object with methods. Used in the `super` plugin.
  1015                 // `newProps` - New properties to add.
  1016                 // `oldProps` - Where the old properties might be (used with `super`).
  1017                 // `addTo` - What we are adding to.
  1018                 _inherit: function(newProps, oldProps, addTo) {
  1019                     can.extend(addTo || newProps, newProps || {});
  1020                 },
  1021                 // used for overwriting a single property.
  1022                 // this should be used for patching other objects
  1023                 // the super plugin overwrites this
  1024                 _overwrite: function(what, oldProps, propName, val) {
  1025                     what[propName] = val;
  1026                 },
  1027                 // Set `defaults` as the merger of the parent `defaults` and this
  1028                 // object's `defaults`. If you overwrite this method, make sure to
  1029                 // include option merging logic.
  1031                 setup: function(base, fullName) {
  1032                     this.defaults = can.extend(true, {}, base.defaults, this.defaults);
  1033                 },
  1034                 // Create's a new `class` instance without initializing by setting the
  1035                 // `initializing` flag.
  1036                 instance: function() {
  1037                     // Prevents running `init`.
  1038                     initializing = 1;
  1039                     var inst = new this();
  1040                     // Allow running `init`.
  1041                     initializing = 0;
  1042                     return inst;
  1043                 },
  1044                 // Extends classes.
  1046                 extend: function(fullName, klass, proto) {
  1047                     // Figure out what was passed and normalize it.
  1048                     if (typeof fullName !== 'string') {
  1049                         proto = klass;
  1050                         klass = fullName;
  1051                         fullName = null;
  1052                     }
  1053                     if (!proto) {
  1054                         proto = klass;
  1055                         klass = null;
  1056                     }
  1057                     proto = proto || {};
  1058                     var _super_class = this,
  1059                         _super = this.prototype,
  1060                         parts, current, _fullName, _shortName, name, shortName, namespace, prototype;
  1061                     // Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
  1062                     // don't run the init constructor).
  1063                     prototype = this.instance();
  1064                     // Copy the properties over onto the new prototype.
  1065                     can.Construct._inherit(proto, _super, prototype);
  1066                     // The dummy class constructor.
  1068                     function Constructor() {
  1069                         // All construction is actually done in the init method.
  1070                         if (!initializing) {
  1073                             return this.constructor !== Constructor &&
  1074                             // We are being called without `new` or we are extending.
  1075                             arguments.length && Constructor.constructorExtends ? Constructor.extend.apply(Constructor, arguments) :
  1076                             // We are being called with `new`.
  1077                             Constructor.newInstance.apply(Constructor, arguments);
  1078                         }
  1079                     }
  1080                     // Copy old stuff onto class (can probably be merged w/ inherit)
  1081                     for (name in _super_class) {
  1082                         if (_super_class.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
  1083                             Constructor[name] = _super_class[name];
  1084                         }
  1085                     }
  1086                     // Copy new static properties on class.
  1087                     can.Construct._inherit(klass, _super_class, Constructor);
  1088                     // Setup namespaces.
  1089                     if (fullName) {
  1091                         parts = fullName.split('.');
  1092                         shortName = parts.pop();
  1093                         current = can.getObject(parts.join('.'), window, true);
  1094                         namespace = current;
  1095                         _fullName = can.underscore(fullName.replace(/\./g, "_"));
  1096                         _shortName = can.underscore(shortName);
  1100                         current[shortName] = Constructor;
  1101                     }
  1102                     // Set things that shouldn't be overwritten.
  1103                     can.extend(Constructor, {
  1104                             constructor: Constructor,
  1105                             prototype: prototype,
  1107                             namespace: namespace,
  1109                             _shortName: _shortName,
  1111                             fullName: fullName,
  1112                             _fullName: _fullName
  1113                         });
  1114                     // Dojo and YUI extend undefined
  1115                     if (shortName !== undefined) {
  1116                         Constructor.shortName = shortName;
  1117                     }
  1118                     // Make sure our prototype looks nice.
  1119                     Constructor.prototype.constructor = Constructor;
  1120                     // Call the class `setup` and `init`
  1121                     var t = [_super_class].concat(can.makeArray(arguments)),
  1122                         args = Constructor.setup.apply(Constructor, t);
  1123                     if (Constructor.init) {
  1124                         Constructor.init.apply(Constructor, args || t);
  1125                     }
  1127                     return Constructor;
  1128                 }
  1129             });
  1131         can.Construct.prototype.setup = function() {};
  1133         can.Construct.prototype.init = function() {};
  1134         return can.Construct;
  1135     })(__m2);
  1137     // ## can/util/bind/bind.js
  1138     var __m11 = (function(can) {
  1140         // ## Bind helpers
  1141         can.bindAndSetup = function() {
  1142             // Add the event to this object
  1143             can.addEvent.apply(this, arguments);
  1144             // If not initializing, and the first binding
  1145             // call bindsetup if the function exists.
  1146             if (!this._init) {
  1147                 if (!this._bindings) {
  1148                     this._bindings = 1;
  1149                     // setup live-binding
  1150                     if (this._bindsetup) {
  1151                         this._bindsetup();
  1152                     }
  1153                 } else {
  1154                     this._bindings++;
  1155                 }
  1156             }
  1157             return this;
  1158         };
  1159         can.unbindAndTeardown = function(ev, handler) {
  1160             // Remove the event handler
  1161             can.removeEvent.apply(this, arguments);
  1162             if (this._bindings === null) {
  1163                 this._bindings = 0;
  1164             } else {
  1165                 this._bindings--;
  1166             }
  1167             // If there are no longer any bindings and
  1168             // there is a bindteardown method, call it.
  1169             if (!this._bindings && this._bindteardown) {
  1170                 this._bindteardown();
  1171             }
  1172             return this;
  1173         };
  1174         return can;
  1175     })(__m3);
  1177     // ## can/map/bubble.js
  1178     var __m12 = (function(can) {
  1182         var bubble = can.bubble = {
  1183             // Given a binding, returns a string event name used to set up bubbline.
  1184             // If no binding should be done, undefined or null should be returned
  1185             event: function(map, eventName) {
  1186                 return map.constructor._bubbleRule(eventName, map);
  1187             },
  1188             childrenOf: function(parentMap, eventName) {
  1190                 parentMap._each(function(child, prop) {
  1191                     if (child && child.bind) {
  1192                         bubble.toParent(child, parentMap, prop, eventName);
  1193                     }
  1194                 });
  1196             },
  1197             teardownChildrenFrom: function(parentMap, eventName) {
  1198                 parentMap._each(function(child) {
  1200                     bubble.teardownFromParent(parentMap, child, eventName);
  1202                 });
  1203             },
  1204             toParent: function(child, parent, prop, eventName) {
  1205                 can.listenTo.call(parent, child, eventName, function() {
  1206                     // `batchTrigger` the type on this...
  1207                     var args = can.makeArray(arguments),
  1208                         ev = args.shift();
  1210                     args[0] =
  1211                     (can.List && parent instanceof can.List ?
  1212                         parent.indexOf(child) :
  1213                         prop) + (args[0] ? "." + args[0] : "");
  1215                     // track objects dispatched on this map		
  1216                     ev.triggeredNS = ev.triggeredNS || {};
  1218                     // if it has already been dispatched exit
  1219                     if (ev.triggeredNS[parent._cid]) {
  1220                         return;
  1221                     }
  1223                     ev.triggeredNS[parent._cid] = true;
  1224                     // send change event with modified attr to parent	
  1225                     can.trigger(parent, ev, args);
  1226                 });
  1227             },
  1228             teardownFromParent: function(parent, child, eventName) {
  1229                 if (child && child.unbind) {
  1230                     can.stopListening.call(parent, child, eventName);
  1231                 }
  1232             },
  1233             bind: function(parent, eventName) {
  1234                 if (!parent._init) {
  1235                     var bubbleEvent = bubble.event(parent, eventName);
  1236                     if (bubbleEvent) {
  1237                         if (!parent._bubbleBindings) {
  1238                             parent._bubbleBindings = {};
  1239                         }
  1240                         if (!parent._bubbleBindings[bubbleEvent]) {
  1241                             parent._bubbleBindings[bubbleEvent] = 1;
  1242                             // setup live-binding
  1243                             bubble.childrenOf(parent, bubbleEvent);
  1244                         } else {
  1245                             parent._bubbleBindings[bubbleEvent]++;
  1246                         }
  1248                     }
  1249                 }
  1250             },
  1251             unbind: function(parent, eventName) {
  1252                 var bubbleEvent = bubble.event(parent, eventName);
  1253                 if (bubbleEvent) {
  1254                     if (parent._bubbleBindings) {
  1255                         parent._bubbleBindings[bubbleEvent]--;
  1256                     }
  1258                     if (!parent._bubbleBindings[bubbleEvent]) {
  1259                         delete parent._bubbleBindings[bubbleEvent];
  1260                         bubble.teardownChildrenFrom(parent, bubbleEvent);
  1261                         if (can.isEmptyObject(parent._bubbleBindings)) {
  1262                             delete parent._bubbleBindings;
  1263                         }
  1264                     }
  1265                 }
  1266             },
  1267             add: function(parent, child, prop) {
  1268                 if (child instanceof can.Map && parent._bubbleBindings) {
  1269                     for (var eventName in parent._bubbleBindings) {
  1270                         if (parent._bubbleBindings[eventName]) {
  1271                             bubble.teardownFromParent(parent, child, eventName);
  1272                             bubble.toParent(child, parent, prop, eventName);
  1273                         }
  1274                     }
  1275                 }
  1276             },
  1277             removeMany: function(parent, children) {
  1278                 for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
  1279                     bubble.remove(parent, children[i]);
  1280                 }
  1281             },
  1282             remove: function(parent, child) {
  1283                 if (child instanceof can.Map && parent._bubbleBindings) {
  1284                     for (var eventName in parent._bubbleBindings) {
  1285                         if (parent._bubbleBindings[eventName]) {
  1286                             bubble.teardownFromParent(parent, child, eventName);
  1287                         }
  1288                     }
  1289                 }
  1290             },
  1291             set: function(parent, prop, value, current) {
  1293                 //var res = parent.__type(value, prop);
  1294                 if (can.Map.helpers.isObservable(value)) {
  1295                     bubble.add(parent, value, prop);
  1296                 }
  1297                 // bubble.add will remove, so only remove if we are replacing another object
  1298                 if (can.Map.helpers.isObservable(current)) {
  1299                     bubble.remove(parent, current);
  1300                 }
  1301                 return value;
  1302             }
  1303         };
  1305         return bubble;
  1307     })(__m3);
  1309     // ## can/util/batch/batch.js
  1310     var __m13 = (function(can) {
  1311         // Which batch of events this is for -- might not want to send multiple
  1312         // messages on the same batch.  This is mostly for event delegation.
  1313         var batchNum = 1,
  1314             // how many times has start been called without a stop
  1315             transactions = 0,
  1316             // an array of events within a transaction
  1317             batchEvents = [],
  1318             stopCallbacks = [];
  1319         can.batch = {
  1321             start: function(batchStopHandler) {
  1322                 transactions++;
  1323                 if (batchStopHandler) {
  1324                     stopCallbacks.push(batchStopHandler);
  1325                 }
  1326             },
  1328             stop: function(force, callStart) {
  1329                 if (force) {
  1330                     transactions = 0;
  1331                 } else {
  1332                     transactions--;
  1333                 }
  1334                 if (transactions === 0) {
  1335                     var items = batchEvents.slice(0),
  1336                         callbacks = stopCallbacks.slice(0),
  1337                         i, len;
  1338                     batchEvents = [];
  1339                     stopCallbacks = [];
  1340                     batchNum++;
  1341                     if (callStart) {
  1342                         can.batch.start();
  1343                     }
  1344                     for (i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
  1345                         can.trigger.apply(can, items[i]);
  1346                     }
  1347                     for (i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
  1348                         callbacks[i]();
  1349                     }
  1350                 }
  1351             },
  1353             trigger: function(item, event, args) {
  1354                 // Don't send events if initalizing.
  1355                 if (!item._init) {
  1356                     if (transactions === 0) {
  1357                         return can.trigger(item, event, args);
  1358                     } else {
  1359                         event = typeof event === 'string' ? {
  1360                             type: event
  1361                         } : event;
  1362                         event.batchNum = batchNum;
  1363                         batchEvents.push([
  1364                                 item,
  1365                                 event,
  1366                                 args
  1367                             ]);
  1368                     }
  1369                 }
  1370             }
  1371         };
  1372     })(__m5);
  1374     // ## can/map/map.js
  1375     var __m10 = (function(can, bind, bubble) {
  1376         // ## Helpers
  1378         // A temporary map of Maps that have been made from plain JS objects.
  1379         var madeMap = null;
  1380         // Clears out map of converted objects.
  1381         var teardownMap = function() {
  1382             for (var cid in madeMap) {
  1383                 if (madeMap[cid].added) {
  1384                     delete madeMap[cid].obj._cid;
  1385                 }
  1386             }
  1387             madeMap = null;
  1388         };
  1389         // Retrieves a Map instance from an Object.
  1390         var getMapFromObject = function(obj) {
  1391             return madeMap && madeMap[obj._cid] && madeMap[obj._cid].instance;
  1392         };
  1393         // A temporary map of Maps
  1394         var serializeMap = null;
  1397         var Map = can.Map = can.Construct.extend({
  1399                 setup: function() {
  1401                     can.Construct.setup.apply(this, arguments);
  1403                     // Do not run if we are defining can.Map.
  1404                     if (can.Map) {
  1405                         if (!this.defaults) {
  1406                             this.defaults = {};
  1407                         }
  1408                         // Builds a list of compute and non-compute properties in this Object's prototype.
  1409                         this._computes = [];
  1411                         for (var prop in this.prototype) {
  1412                             // Non-functions are regular defaults.
  1413                             if (prop !== "define" && typeof this.prototype[prop] !== "function") {
  1414                                 this.defaults[prop] = this.prototype[prop];
  1415                                 // Functions with an `isComputed` property are computes.
  1416                             } else if (this.prototype[prop].isComputed) {
  1417                                 this._computes.push(prop);
  1418                             }
  1419                         }
  1420                         this.helpers.define(this);
  1421                     }
  1422                     // If we inherit from can.Map, but not can.List, make sure any lists are the correct type.
  1423                     if (can.List && !(this.prototype instanceof can.List)) {
  1424                         this.List = Map.List.extend({
  1425                                 Map: this
  1426                             }, {});
  1427                     }
  1429                 },
  1430                 // Reference to bubbling helpers.
  1431                 _bubble: bubble,
  1432                 // Given an eventName, determine if bubbling should be setup.
  1433                 _bubbleRule: function(eventName) {
  1434                     return (eventName === "change" || eventName.indexOf(".") >= 0) && "change";
  1435                 },
  1436                 // List of computes on the Map's prototype.
  1437                 _computes: [],
  1438                 // Adds an event to this Map.
  1439                 bind: can.bindAndSetup,
  1440                 on: can.bindAndSetup,
  1441                 // Removes an event from this Map.
  1442                 unbind: can.unbindAndTeardown,
  1443                 off: can.unbindAndTeardown,
  1444                 // Name of the id field. Used in can.Model.
  1445                 id: "id",
  1446                 // ## Internal helpers
  1447                 helpers: {
  1448                     // ### can.Map.helpers.define
  1449                     // Stub function for the define plugin.
  1450                     define: function() {},
  1452                     // ### can.Map.helpers.attrParts
  1453                     // Parses attribute name into its parts.
  1454                     attrParts: function(attr, keepKey) {
  1455                         //Keep key intact
  1456                         if (keepKey) {
  1457                             return [attr];
  1458                         }
  1459                         // Split key on '.'
  1460                         return can.isArray(attr) ? attr : ("" + attr)
  1461                             .split(".");
  1462                     },
  1464                     // ### can.Map.helpers.addToMap
  1465                     // Tracks Map instances created from JS Objects
  1466                     addToMap: function(obj, instance) {
  1467                         var teardown;
  1468                         // Setup a fresh mapping if `madeMap` is missing.
  1469                         if (!madeMap) {
  1470                             teardown = teardownMap;
  1471                             madeMap = {};
  1472                         }
  1473                         // Record if Object has a `_cid` before adding one.
  1474                         var hasCid = obj._cid;
  1475                         var cid = can.cid(obj);
  1477                         // Only update if there already isn't one already.
  1478                         if (!madeMap[cid]) {
  1480                             madeMap[cid] = {
  1481                                 obj: obj,
  1482                                 instance: instance,
  1483                                 added: !hasCid
  1484                             };
  1485                         }
  1486                         return teardown;
  1487                     },
  1489                     // ### can.Map.helpers.isObservable
  1490                     // Determines if `obj` is observable.
  1491                     isObservable: function(obj) {
  1492                         return obj instanceof can.Map || (obj && obj === can.route);
  1493                     },
  1495                     // ### can.Map.helpers.canMakeObserve
  1496                     // Determines if an object can be made into an observable.
  1497                     canMakeObserve: function(obj) {
  1498                         return obj && !can.isDeferred(obj) && (can.isArray(obj) || can.isPlainObject(obj));
  1499                     },
  1501                     // ### can.Map.helpers.serialize
  1502                     // Serializes a Map or Map.List
  1503                     serialize: function(map, how, where) {
  1504                         var cid = can.cid(map),
  1505                             firstSerialize = false;
  1506                         if (!serializeMap) {
  1507                             firstSerialize = true;
  1508                             // Serialize might call .attr() so we need to keep different map 
  1509                             serializeMap = {
  1510                                 attr: {},
  1511                                 serialize: {}
  1512                             };
  1513                         }
  1514                         serializeMap[how][cid] = where;
  1515                         // Go through each property.
  1516                         map.each(function(val, name) {
  1517                             // If the value is an `object`, and has an `attrs` or `serialize` function.
  1518                             var result,
  1519                                 isObservable = Map.helpers.isObservable(val),
  1520                                 serialized = isObservable && serializeMap[how][can.cid(val)];
  1521                             if (serialized) {
  1522                                 result = serialized;
  1523                             } else {
  1524                                 if (how === "serialize") {
  1525                                     result = Map.helpers._serialize(map, name, val);
  1526                                 } else {
  1527                                     result = Map.helpers._getValue(map, name, val, how);
  1528                                 }
  1529                             }
  1530                             // this is probably removable
  1531                             if (result !== undefined) {
  1532                                 where[name] = result;
  1533                             }
  1534                         });
  1536                         can.__reading(map, '__keys');
  1537                         if (firstSerialize) {
  1538                             serializeMap = null;
  1539                         }
  1540                         return where;
  1541                     },
  1542                     _serialize: function(map, name, val) {
  1543                         return Map.helpers._getValue(map, name, val, "serialize");
  1544                     },
  1545                     _getValue: function(map, name, val, how) {
  1546                         if (Map.helpers.isObservable(val)) {
  1547                             return val[how]();
  1548                         } else {
  1549                             return val;
  1550                         }
  1551                     }
  1552                 },
  1554                 keys: function(map) {
  1555                     var keys = [];
  1556                     can.__reading(map, '__keys');
  1557                     for (var keyName in map._data) {
  1558                         keys.push(keyName);
  1559                     }
  1560                     return keys;
  1561                 }
  1562             },
  1564             {
  1565                 setup: function(obj) {
  1566                     // `_data` is where we keep the properties.
  1567                     this._data = {};
  1569                     // The namespace this `object` uses to listen to events.
  1570                     can.cid(this, ".map");
  1571                     // Sets all `attrs`.
  1572                     this._init = 1;
  1573                     // It's handy if we pass this to comptues, because computes can have a default value.
  1574                     var defaultValues = this._setupDefaults();
  1575                     this._setupComputes(defaultValues);
  1576                     var teardownMapping = obj && can.Map.helpers.addToMap(obj, this);
  1578                     var data = can.extend(can.extend(true, {}, defaultValues), obj);
  1580                     this.attr(data);
  1582                     if (teardownMapping) {
  1583                         teardownMapping();
  1584                     }
  1586                     // `batchTrigger` change events.
  1587                     this.bind('change', can.proxy(this._changes, this));
  1589                     delete this._init;
  1590                 },
  1591                 // Sets up computed properties on a Map.
  1592                 _setupComputes: function() {
  1593                     var computes = this.constructor._computes;
  1594                     this._computedBindings = {};
  1596                     for (var i = 0, len = computes.length, prop; i < len; i++) {
  1597                         prop = computes[i];
  1598                         // Make the context of the compute the current Map
  1599                         this[prop] = this[prop].clone(this);
  1600                         // Keep track of computed properties
  1601                         this._computedBindings[prop] = {
  1602                             count: 0
  1603                         };
  1604                     }
  1605                 },
  1606                 _setupDefaults: function() {
  1607                     return this.constructor.defaults || {};
  1608                 },
  1609                 // Setup child bindings.
  1610                 _bindsetup: function() {},
  1611                 // Teardown child bindings.
  1612                 _bindteardown: function() {},
  1613                 // `change`event handler.
  1614                 _changes: function(ev, attr, how, newVal, oldVal) {
  1615                     // when a change happens, create the named event.
  1616                     can.batch.trigger(this, {
  1617                             type: attr,
  1618                             batchNum: ev.batchNum
  1619                         }, [newVal, oldVal]);
  1621                     if (how === "remove" || how === "add") {
  1622                         can.batch.trigger(this, {
  1623                                 type: "__keys",
  1624                                 batchNum: ev.batchNum
  1625                             });
  1626                     }
  1627                 },
  1628                 // Trigger a change event.
  1629                 _triggerChange: function(attr, how, newVal, oldVal) {
  1630                     can.batch.trigger(this, "change", can.makeArray(arguments));
  1631                 },
  1632                 // Iterator that does not trigger live binding.
  1633                 _each: function(callback) {
  1634                     var data = this.__get();
  1635                     for (var prop in data) {
  1636                         if (data.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  1637                             callback(data[prop], prop);
  1638                         }
  1639                     }
  1640                 },
  1642                 attr: function(attr, val) {
  1643                     // This is super obfuscated for space -- basically, we're checking
  1644                     // if the type of the attribute is not a `number` or a `string`.
  1645                     var type = typeof attr;
  1646                     if (type !== "string" && type !== "number") {
  1647                         return this._attrs(attr, val);
  1648                         // If we are getting a value.
  1649                     } else if (arguments.length === 1) {
  1650                         // Let people know we are reading.
  1651                         can.__reading(this, attr);
  1652                         return this._get(attr);
  1653                     } else {
  1654                         // Otherwise we are setting.
  1655                         this._set(attr, val);
  1656                         return this;
  1657                     }
  1658                 },
  1660                 each: function() {
  1661                     return can.each.apply(undefined, [this].concat(can.makeArray(arguments)));
  1662                 },
  1664                 removeAttr: function(attr) {
  1665                     // If this is List.
  1666                     var isList = can.List && this instanceof can.List,
  1667                         // Convert the `attr` into parts (if nested).
  1668                         parts = can.Map.helpers.attrParts(attr),
  1669                         // The actual property to remove.
  1670                         prop = parts.shift(),
  1671                         // The current value.
  1672                         current = isList ? this[prop] : this._data[prop];
  1674                     // If we have more parts, call `removeAttr` on that part.
  1675                     if (parts.length && current) {
  1676                         return current.removeAttr(parts);
  1677                     } else {
  1679                         // If attr does not have a `.`
  1680                         if (typeof attr === 'string' && !! ~attr.indexOf('.')) {
  1681                             prop = attr;
  1682                         }
  1684                         this._remove(prop, current);
  1685                         return current;
  1686                     }
  1687                 },
  1688                 // Remove a property.
  1689                 _remove: function(prop, current) {
  1690                     if (prop in this._data) {
  1691                         // Delete the property from `_data` and the Map
  1692                         // as long as it isn't part of the Map's prototype.
  1693                         delete this._data[prop];
  1694                         if (!(prop in this.constructor.prototype)) {
  1695                             delete this[prop];
  1696                         }
  1697                         // Let others now this property has been removed.
  1698                         this._triggerChange(prop, "remove", undefined, current);
  1700                     }
  1701                 },
  1702                 // Reads a property from the `object`.
  1703                 _get: function(attr) {
  1704                     var value;
  1705                     // Handles the case of a key having a `.` in its name
  1706                     if (typeof attr === 'string' && !! ~attr.indexOf('.')) {
  1707                         // Attempt to get the value
  1708                         value = this.__get(attr);
  1709                         // For keys with a `.` in them, value will be defined
  1710                         if (value !== undefined) {
  1711                             return value;
  1712                         }
  1713                     }
  1715                     // Otherwise we have to dig deeper into the Map to get the value.
  1716                     // First, break up the attr (`"foo.bar"`) into parts like `["foo","bar"]`.
  1717                     var parts = can.Map.helpers.attrParts(attr),
  1718                         // Then get the value of the first attr name (`"foo"`).
  1719                         current = this.__get(parts.shift());
  1720                     // If there are other attributes to read...
  1721                     return parts.length ?
  1722                     // and current has a value...
  1723                     current ?
  1724                     // then lookup the remaining attrs on current
  1725                     current._get(parts) :
  1726                     // or if there's no current, return undefined.
  1727                     undefined :
  1728                     // If there are no more parts, return current.
  1729                     current;
  1730                 },
  1731                 // Reads a property directly if an `attr` is provided, otherwise
  1732                 // returns the "real" data object itself.
  1733                 __get: function(attr) {
  1734                     if (attr) {
  1735                         // If property is a compute return the result, otherwise get the value directly
  1736                         if (this._computedBindings[attr]) {
  1737                             return this[attr]();
  1738                         } else {
  1739                             return this._data[attr];
  1740                         }
  1741                         // If not property is provided, return entire `_data` object
  1742                     } else {
  1743                         return this._data;
  1744                     }
  1745                 },
  1746                 // converts the value into an observable if needed
  1747                 __type: function(value, prop) {
  1748                     // If we are getting an object.
  1749                     if (!(value instanceof can.Map) && can.Map.helpers.canMakeObserve(value)) {
  1751                         var cached = getMapFromObject(value);
  1752                         if (cached) {
  1753                             return cached;
  1754                         }
  1755                         if (can.isArray(value)) {
  1756                             var List = can.List;
  1757                             return new List(value);
  1758                         } else {
  1759                             var Map = this.constructor.Map || can.Map;
  1760                             return new Map(value);
  1761                         }
  1762                     }
  1763                     return value;
  1764                 },
  1765                 // Sets `attr` prop as value on this object where.
  1766                 // `attr` - Is a string of properties or an array  of property values.
  1767                 // `value` - The raw value to set.
  1768                 _set: function(attr, value, keepKey) {
  1769                     // Convert `attr` to attr parts (if it isn't already).
  1770                     var parts = can.Map.helpers.attrParts(attr, keepKey),
  1771                         // The immediate prop we are setting.
  1772                         prop = parts.shift(),
  1773                         // We only need to get the current value if we are not in init.
  1774                         current = this._init ? undefined : this.__get(prop);
  1776                     if (parts.length && Map.helpers.isObservable(current)) {
  1777                         // If we have an `object` and remaining parts that `object` should set it.
  1778                         current._set(parts, value);
  1779                     } else if (!parts.length) {
  1780                         // We're in "real" set territory.
  1781                         if (this.__convert) {
  1782                             //Convert if there is a converter
  1783                             value = this.__convert(prop, value);
  1784                         }
  1785                         this.__set(prop, this.__type(value, prop), current);
  1786                     } else {
  1787                         throw "can.Map: Object does not exist";
  1788                     }
  1789                 },
  1790                 __set: function(prop, value, current) {
  1791                     // TODO: Check if value is object and transform.
  1792                     // Don't do anything if the value isn't changing.
  1793                     if (value !== current) {
  1794                         // Check if we are adding this for the first time --
  1795                         // if we are, we need to create an `add` event.
  1796                         var changeType = this.__get()
  1797                             .hasOwnProperty(prop) ? "set" : "add";
  1799                         // Set the value on `_data` and hook it up to send event.
  1800                         this.___set(prop, this.constructor._bubble.set(this, prop, value, current));
  1802                         // `batchTrigger` the change event.
  1803                         this._triggerChange(prop, changeType, value, current);
  1805                         // If we can stop listening to our old value, do it.
  1806                         if (current) {
  1807                             this.constructor._bubble.teardownFromParent(this, current);
  1808                         }
  1809                     }
  1811                 },
  1812                 // Directly sets a property on this `object`.
  1813                 ___set: function(prop, val) {
  1814                     if (this._computedBindings[prop]) {
  1815                         this[prop](val);
  1816                     } else {
  1817                         this._data[prop] = val;
  1818                     }
  1819                     // Add property directly for easy writing.
  1820                     // Check if its on the `prototype` so we don't overwrite methods like `attrs`.
  1821                     if (!can.isFunction(this.constructor.prototype[prop]) && !this._computedBindings[prop]) {
  1822                         this[prop] = val;
  1823                     }
  1824                 },
  1826                 bind: function(eventName, handler) {
  1827                     var computedBinding = this._computedBindings && this._computedBindings[eventName];
  1828                     if (computedBinding) {
  1829                         // The first time we bind to this computed property we
  1830                         // initialize `count` and `batchTrigger` the change event.
  1831                         if (!computedBinding.count) {
  1832                             computedBinding.count = 1;
  1833                             var self = this;
  1834                             computedBinding.handler = function(ev, newVal, oldVal) {
  1835                                 can.batch.trigger(self, {
  1836                                         type: eventName,
  1837                                         batchNum: ev.batchNum
  1838                                     }, [newVal, oldVal]);
  1839                             };
  1840                             this[eventName].bind("change", computedBinding.handler);
  1841                         } else {
  1842                             // Increment number of things listening to this computed property.
  1843                             computedBinding.count++;
  1844                         }
  1846                     }
  1847                     // The first time we bind to this Map, `_bindsetup` will
  1848                     // be called to setup child event bubbling.
  1849                     this.constructor._bubble.bind(this, eventName);
  1850                     return can.bindAndSetup.apply(this, arguments);
  1852                 },
  1854                 unbind: function(eventName, handler) {
  1855                     var computedBinding = this._computedBindings && this._computedBindings[eventName];
  1856                     if (computedBinding) {
  1857                         // If there is only one listener, we unbind the change event handler
  1858                         // and clean it up since no one is listening to this property any more.
  1859                         if (computedBinding.count === 1) {
  1860                             computedBinding.count = 0;
  1861                             this[eventName].unbind("change", computedBinding.handler);
  1862                             delete computedBinding.handler;
  1863                         } else {
  1864                             // Decrement number of things listening to this computed property
  1865                             computedBinding.count--;
  1866                         }
  1868                     }
  1869                     this.constructor._bubble.unbind(this, eventName);
  1870                     return can.unbindAndTeardown.apply(this, arguments);
  1872                 },
  1874                 serialize: function() {
  1875                     return can.Map.helpers.serialize(this, 'serialize', {});
  1876                 },
  1878                 _attrs: function(props, remove) {
  1879                     if (props === undefined) {
  1880                         return Map.helpers.serialize(this, 'attr', {});
  1881                     }
  1883                     props = can.simpleExtend({}, props);
  1884                     var prop,
  1885                         self = this,
  1886                         newVal;
  1888                     // Batch all of the change events until we are done.
  1889                     can.batch.start();
  1890                     // Merge current properties with the new ones.
  1891                     this.each(function(curVal, prop) {
  1892                         // You can not have a _cid property; abort.
  1893                         if (prop === "_cid") {
  1894                             return;
  1895                         }
  1896                         newVal = props[prop];
  1898                         // If we are merging, remove the property if it has no value.
  1899                         if (newVal === undefined) {
  1900                             if (remove) {
  1901                                 self.removeAttr(prop);
  1902                             }
  1903                             return;
  1904                         }
  1906                         // Run converter if there is one
  1907                         if (self.__convert) {
  1908                             newVal = self.__convert(prop, newVal);
  1909                         }
  1911                         // If we're dealing with models, we want to call _set to let converters run.
  1912                         if (Map.helpers.isObservable(newVal)) {
  1914                             self.__set(prop, self.__type(newVal, prop), curVal);
  1915                             // If its an object, let attr merge.
  1916                         } else if (Map.helpers.isObservable(curVal) && Map.helpers.canMakeObserve(newVal)) {
  1917                             curVal.attr(newVal, remove);
  1918                             // Otherwise just set.
  1919                         } else if (curVal !== newVal) {
  1920                             self.__set(prop, self.__type(newVal, prop), curVal);
  1921                         }
  1923                         delete props[prop];
  1924                     });
  1925                     // Add remaining props.
  1926                     for (prop in props) {
  1927                         // Ignore _cid.
  1928                         if (prop !== "_cid") {
  1929                             newVal = props[prop];
  1930                             this._set(prop, newVal, true);
  1931                         }
  1933                     }
  1934                     can.batch.stop();
  1935                     return this;
  1936                 },
  1938                 compute: function(prop) {
  1939                     // If the property is a function, use it as the getter/setter
  1940                     // otherwise, create a new compute that returns the value of a property on `this`
  1941                     if (can.isFunction(this.constructor.prototype[prop])) {
  1942                         return can.compute(this[prop], this);
  1943                     } else {
  1944                         var reads = prop.split("."),
  1945                             last = reads.length - 1,
  1946                             options = {
  1947                                 args: []
  1948                             };
  1949                         return can.compute(function(newVal) {
  1950                             if (arguments.length) {
  1951                                 can.compute.read(this, reads.slice(0, last))
  1952                                     .value.attr(reads[last], newVal);
  1953                             } else {
  1954                                 return can.compute.read(this, reads, options)
  1955                                     .value;
  1956                             }
  1957                         }, this);
  1958                     }
  1960                 }
  1961             });
  1963         // Setup on/off aliases
  1964         Map.prototype.on = Map.prototype.bind;
  1965         Map.prototype.off = Map.prototype.unbind;
  1967         return Map;
  1968     })(__m3, __m11, __m12, __m1, __m13);
  1970     // ## can/list/list.js
  1971     var __m14 = (function(can, Map, bubble) {
  1973         // Helpers for `observable` lists.
  1974         var splice = [].splice,
  1975             // test if splice works correctly
  1976             spliceRemovesProps = (function() {
  1977                 // IE's splice doesn't remove properties
  1978                 var obj = {
  1979                     0: "a",
  1980                     length: 1
  1981                 };
  1982                 splice.call(obj, 0, 1);
  1983                 return !obj[0];
  1984             })();
  1987         var list = Map.extend(
  1989             {
  1991                 Map: Map
  1993             },
  1995             {
  1996                 setup: function(instances, options) {
  1997                     this.length = 0;
  1998                     can.cid(this, ".map");
  1999                     this._init = 1;
  2000                     this._setupComputes();
  2001                     instances = instances || [];
  2002                     var teardownMapping;
  2004                     if (can.isDeferred(instances)) {
  2005                         this.replace(instances);
  2006                     } else {
  2007                         teardownMapping = instances.length && can.Map.helpers.addToMap(instances, this);
  2008                         this.push.apply(this, can.makeArray(instances || []));
  2009                     }
  2011                     if (teardownMapping) {
  2012                         teardownMapping();
  2013                     }
  2015                     // this change needs to be ignored
  2016                     this.bind('change', can.proxy(this._changes, this));
  2017                     can.simpleExtend(this, options);
  2018                     delete this._init;
  2019                 },
  2020                 _triggerChange: function(attr, how, newVal, oldVal) {
  2022                     Map.prototype._triggerChange.apply(this, arguments);
  2023                     // `batchTrigger` direct add and remove events...
  2024                     var index = +attr;
  2025                     // Make sure this is not nested and not an expando
  2026                     if (!~attr.indexOf('.') && !isNaN(index)) {
  2028                         if (how === 'add') {
  2029                             can.batch.trigger(this, how, [newVal, index]);
  2030                             can.batch.trigger(this, 'length', [this.length]);
  2031                         } else if (how === 'remove') {
  2032                             can.batch.trigger(this, how, [oldVal, index]);
  2033                             can.batch.trigger(this, 'length', [this.length]);
  2034                         } else {
  2035                             can.batch.trigger(this, how, [newVal, index]);
  2036                         }
  2038                     }
  2040                 },
  2041                 __get: function(attr) {
  2042                     if (attr) {
  2043                         if (this[attr] && this[attr].isComputed && can.isFunction(this.constructor.prototype[attr])) {
  2044                             return this[attr]();
  2045                         } else {
  2046                             return this[attr];
  2047                         }
  2048                     } else {
  2049                         return this;
  2050                     }
  2051                 },
  2052                 ___set: function(attr, val) {
  2053                     this[attr] = val;
  2054                     if (+attr >= this.length) {
  2055                         this.length = (+attr + 1);
  2056                     }
  2057                 },
  2058                 _remove: function(prop, current) {
  2059                     // if removing an expando property
  2060                     if (isNaN(+prop)) {
  2061                         delete this[prop];
  2062                         this._triggerChange(prop, "remove", undefined, current);
  2063                     } else {
  2064                         this.splice(prop, 1);
  2065                     }
  2066                 },
  2067                 _each: function(callback) {
  2068                     var data = this.__get();
  2069                     for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
  2070                         callback(data[i], i);
  2071                     }
  2072                 },
  2073                 // Returns the serialized form of this list.
  2075                 serialize: function() {
  2076                     return Map.helpers.serialize(this, 'serialize', []);
  2077                 },
  2079                 splice: function(index, howMany) {
  2080                     var args = can.makeArray(arguments),
  2081                         i;
  2083                     for (i = 2; i < args.length; i++) {
  2084                         args[i] = bubble.set(this, i, this.__type(args[i], i));
  2086                     }
  2087                     if (howMany === undefined) {
  2088                         howMany = args[1] = this.length - index;
  2089                     }
  2090                     var removed = splice.apply(this, args);
  2092                     if (!spliceRemovesProps) {
  2093                         for (i = this.length; i < removed.length + this.length; i++) {
  2094                             delete this[i];
  2095                         }
  2096                     }
  2098                     can.batch.start();
  2099                     if (howMany > 0) {
  2100                         this._triggerChange("" + index, "remove", undefined, removed);
  2101                         bubble.removeMany(this, removed);
  2102                     }
  2103                     if (args.length > 2) {
  2104                         this._triggerChange("" + index, "add", args.slice(2), removed);
  2105                     }
  2106                     can.batch.stop();
  2107                     return removed;
  2108                 },
  2110                 _attrs: function(items, remove) {
  2111                     if (items === undefined) {
  2112                         return Map.helpers.serialize(this, 'attr', []);
  2113                     }
  2115                     // Create a copy.
  2116                     items = can.makeArray(items);
  2118                     can.batch.start();
  2119                     this._updateAttrs(items, remove);
  2120                     can.batch.stop();
  2121                 },
  2123                 _updateAttrs: function(items, remove) {
  2124                     var len = Math.min(items.length, this.length);
  2126                     for (var prop = 0; prop < len; prop++) {
  2127                         var curVal = this[prop],
  2128                             newVal = items[prop];
  2130                         if (Map.helpers.isObservable(curVal) && Map.helpers.canMakeObserve(newVal)) {
  2131                             curVal.attr(newVal, remove);
  2132                             //changed from a coercion to an explicit
  2133                         } else if (curVal !== newVal) {
  2134                             this._set(prop, newVal);
  2135                         } else {
  2137                         }
  2138                     }
  2139                     if (items.length > this.length) {
  2140                         // Add in the remaining props.
  2141                         this.push.apply(this, items.slice(this.length));
  2142                     } else if (items.length < this.length && remove) {
  2143                         this.splice(items.length);
  2144                     }
  2145                 }
  2146             }),
  2148             // Converts to an `array` of arguments.
  2149             getArgs = function(args) {
  2150                 return args[0] && can.isArray(args[0]) ?
  2151                     args[0] :
  2152                     can.makeArray(args);
  2153             };
  2154         // Create `push`, `pop`, `shift`, and `unshift`
  2155         can.each({
  2157                 push: "length",
  2159                 unshift: 0
  2160             },
  2161             // Adds a method
  2162             // `name` - The method name.
  2163             // `where` - Where items in the `array` should be added.
  2165             function(where, name) {
  2166                 var orig = [][name];
  2167                 list.prototype[name] = function() {
  2168                     // Get the items being added.
  2169                     var args = [],
  2170                         // Where we are going to add items.
  2171                         len = where ? this.length : 0,
  2172                         i = arguments.length,
  2173                         res, val;
  2175                     // Go through and convert anything to an `map` that needs to be converted.
  2176                     while (i--) {
  2177                         val = arguments[i];
  2178                         args[i] = bubble.set(this, i, this.__type(val, i));
  2179                     }
  2181                     // Call the original method.
  2182                     res = orig.apply(this, args);
  2184                     if (!this.comparator || args.length) {
  2186                         this._triggerChange("" + len, "add", args, undefined);
  2187                     }
  2189                     return res;
  2190                 };
  2191             });
  2193         can.each({
  2195                 pop: "length",
  2197                 shift: 0
  2198             },
  2199             // Creates a `remove` type method
  2201             function(where, name) {
  2202                 list.prototype[name] = function() {
  2204                     var args = getArgs(arguments),
  2205                         len = where && this.length ? this.length - 1 : 0;
  2207                     var res = [][name].apply(this, args);
  2209                     // Create a change where the args are
  2210                     // `len` - Where these items were removed.
  2211                     // `remove` - Items removed.
  2212                     // `undefined` - The new values (there are none).
  2213                     // `res` - The old, removed values (should these be unbound).
  2214                     this._triggerChange("" + len, "remove", undefined, [res]);
  2216                     if (res && res.unbind) {
  2217                         bubble.remove(this, res);
  2218                     }
  2220                     return res;
  2221                 };
  2222             });
  2224         can.extend(list.prototype, {
  2226                 indexOf: function(item, fromIndex) {
  2227                     this.attr('length');
  2228                     return can.inArray(item, this, fromIndex);
  2229                 },
  2232                 join: function() {
  2233                     return [].join.apply(this.attr(), arguments);
  2234                 },
  2237                 reverse: function() {
  2238                     var list = can.makeArray([].reverse.call(this));
  2239                     this.replace(list);
  2240                 },
  2243                 slice: function() {
  2244                     var temp = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments);
  2245                     return new this.constructor(temp);
  2246                 },
  2249                 concat: function() {
  2250                     var args = [];
  2251                     can.each(can.makeArray(arguments), function(arg, i) {
  2252                         args[i] = arg instanceof can.List ? arg.serialize() : arg;
  2253                     });
  2254                     return new this.constructor(Array.prototype.concat.apply(this.serialize(), args));
  2255                 },
  2258                 forEach: function(cb, thisarg) {
  2259                     return can.each(this, cb, thisarg || this);
  2260                 },
  2263                 replace: function(newList) {
  2264                     if (can.isDeferred(newList)) {
  2265                         newList.then(can.proxy(this.replace, this));
  2266                     } else {
  2267                         this.splice.apply(this, [0, this.length].concat(can.makeArray(newList || [])));
  2268                     }
  2270                     return this;
  2271                 },
  2272                 filter: function(callback, thisArg) {
  2273                     var filteredList = new can.List(),
  2274                         self = this,
  2275                         filtered;
  2276                     this.each(function(item, index, list) {
  2277                         filtered = callback.call(thisArg | self, item, index, self);
  2278                         if (filtered) {
  2279                             filteredList.push(item);
  2280                         }
  2281                     });
  2282                     return filteredList;
  2283                 }
  2284             });
  2285         can.List = Map.List = list;
  2286         return can.List;
  2287     })(__m3, __m10, __m12);
  2289     // ## can/compute/compute.js
  2290     var __m15 = (function(can, bind) {
  2292         // ## Reading Helpers
  2293         // The following methods are used to call a function that relies on
  2294         // observable data and to track the observable events which should 
  2295         // be listened to when changes occur.
  2296         // To do this, [`can.__reading(observable, event)`](#can-__reading) is called to
  2297         // "broadcast" the corresponding event on each read.
  2298         // ### Observed
  2299         // An "Observed" is an object of observable objects and events that
  2300         // a function relies on. These objects and events must be listened to
  2301         // in order to determine when to check a function for updates.
  2302         // This looks like the following:
  2303         //     { 
  2304         //       "map1|first": {obj: map, event: "first"},
  2305         //       "map1|last" : {obj: map, event: "last"}
  2306         //     }
  2307         // Each object-event pair is mapped so no duplicates will be listed.
  2309         // ### State
  2310         // `can.__read` may call a function that calls `can.__read` again. For
  2311         // example, a compute can read another compute. To track each compute's
  2312         // `Observed` object (containing observable objects and events), we maintain
  2313         // a stack of Observed values for each call to `__read`.
  2314         var stack = [];
  2316         // ### can.__read
  2317         // With a given function and context, calls the function
  2318         // and returns the resulting value of the function as well
  2319         // as the observable properties and events that were read.
  2320         can.__read = function(func, self) {
  2322             // Add an object that `can.__read` will write to.
  2323             stack.push({});
  2325             var value = func.call(self);
  2327             // Example return value:
  2328             // `{value: 100, observed: Observed}`
  2329             return {
  2330                 value: value,
  2331                 observed: stack.pop()
  2332             };
  2333         };
  2335         // ### can.__reading
  2336         // When an observable value is read, it must call `can.__reading` to 
  2337         // broadcast which object and event should be listened to.
  2338         can.__reading = function(obj, event) {
  2339             // Add the observable object and the event
  2340             // that was read to the `Observed` object on
  2341             // the stack.
  2342             if (stack.length) {
  2343                 stack[stack.length - 1][obj._cid + '|' + event] = {
  2344                     obj: obj,
  2345                     event: event + ""
  2346                 };
  2347             }
  2349         };
  2351         // ### can.__clearReading
  2352         // Clears and returns the current observables.
  2353         // This can be used to access a value without 
  2354         // it being handled as a regular `read`.
  2355         can.__clearReading = function() {
  2356             if (stack.length) {
  2357                 var ret = stack[stack.length - 1];
  2358                 stack[stack.length - 1] = {};
  2359                 return ret;
  2360             }
  2361         };
  2362         // Specifies current observables.
  2363         can.__setReading = function(o) {
  2364             if (stack.length) {
  2365                 stack[stack.length - 1] = o;
  2366             }
  2367         };
  2368         can.__addReading = function(o) {
  2369             if (stack.length) {
  2370                 can.simpleExtend(stack[stack.length - 1], o);
  2371             }
  2372         };
  2374         // ## Section Name
  2376         // ### getValueAndBind
  2377         // Calls a function and sets up bindings to call `onchanged`
  2378         // when events from its "Observed" object are triggered.
  2379         // Removes bindings from `oldObserved` that are no longer needed.
  2380         // - func - the function to call.
  2381         // - context - the `this` of the function.
  2382         // - oldObserved - an object that contains what has already been bound to
  2383         // - onchanged - the function to call when any change occurs
  2384         var getValueAndBind = function(func, context, oldObserved, onchanged) {
  2385             // Call the function, get the value as well as the observed objects and events
  2386             var info = can.__read(func, context),
  2387                 // The objects-event pairs that must be bound to
  2388                 newObserveSet = info.observed,
  2389                 // A flag that is used to determine if an event is already being observed.
  2390                 obEv,
  2391                 name;
  2392             // Go through what needs to be observed.
  2393             for (name in newObserveSet) {
  2395                 if (oldObserved[name]) {
  2396                     // After binding is set up, values
  2397                     // in `oldObserved` will be unbound. So if a name
  2398                     // has already be observed, remove from `oldObserved`
  2399                     // to prevent this.
  2400                     delete oldObserved[name];
  2401                 } else {
  2402                     // If current name has not been observed, listen to it.
  2403                     obEv = newObserveSet[name];
  2404                     obEv.obj.bind(obEv.event, onchanged);
  2405                 }
  2406             }
  2408             // Iterate through oldObserved, looking for observe/attributes
  2409             // that are no longer being bound and unbind them.
  2410             for (name in oldObserved) {
  2411                 obEv = oldObserved[name];
  2412                 obEv.obj.unbind(obEv.event, onchanged);
  2413             }
  2415             return info;
  2416         };
  2418         // ### updateOnChange
  2419         // Fires a change event when a compute's value changes
  2420         var updateOnChange = function(compute, newValue, oldValue, batchNum) {
  2421             // Only trigger event when value has changed
  2422             if (newValue !== oldValue) {
  2423                 can.batch.trigger(compute, batchNum ? {
  2424                         type: "change",
  2425                         batchNum: batchNum
  2426                     } : 'change', [
  2427                         newValue,
  2428                         oldValue
  2429                     ]);
  2430             }
  2431         };
  2433         // ###setupComputeHandlers
  2434         // Sets up handlers for a compute.
  2435         // - compute - the compute to set up handlers for
  2436         // - func - the getter/setter function for the compute
  2437         // - context - the `this` for the compute
  2438         // - setCachedValue - function for setting cached value
  2439         // Returns an object with `on` and `off` functions.
  2440         var setupComputeHandlers = function(compute, func, context, setCachedValue) {
  2441             var readInfo,
  2442                 onchanged,
  2443                 batchNum;
  2445             return {
  2446                 // Set up handler for when the compute changes
  2447                 on: function(updater) {
  2448                     if (!onchanged) {
  2449                         onchanged = function(ev) {
  2450                             if (compute.bound && (ev.batchNum === undefined || ev.batchNum !== batchNum)) {
  2451                                 // Keep the old value
  2452                                 var oldValue = readInfo.value;
  2454                                 // Get the new value
  2455                                 readInfo = getValueAndBind(func, context, readInfo.observed, onchanged);
  2457                                 // Call the updater with old and new values
  2458                                 updater(readInfo.value, oldValue, ev.batchNum);
  2460                                 batchNum = batchNum = ev.batchNum;
  2461                             }
  2462                         };
  2463                     }
  2465                     readInfo = getValueAndBind(func, context, {}, onchanged);
  2467                     setCachedValue(readInfo.value);
  2469                     compute.hasDependencies = !can.isEmptyObject(readInfo.observed);
  2470                 },
  2471                 // Remove handler for the compute
  2472                 off: function(updater) {
  2473                     for (var name in readInfo.observed) {
  2474                         var ob = readInfo.observed[name];
  2475                         ob.obj.unbind(ob.event, onchanged);
  2476                     }
  2477                 }
  2478             };
  2479         };
  2481         // ###isObserve
  2482         // Checks if an object is observable
  2483         var isObserve = function(obj) {
  2484             return obj instanceof can.Map || obj && obj.__get;
  2485         },
  2486             // Instead of calculating whether anything is listening every time,
  2487             // use a function to do nothing (which may be overwritten)
  2488             k = function() {};
  2490         // ## Creating a can.compute
  2491         // A `can.compute` can be created by
  2492         // - [Specifying the getterSeter function](#specifying-gettersetter-function)
  2493         // - [Observing a property of an object](#observing-a-property-of-an-object)
  2494         // - [Specifying an initial value and a setter function](#specifying-an-initial-value-and-a-setter)
  2495         // - [Specifying an initial value and how to read, update, and listen to changes](#specifying-an-initial-value-and-a-settings-object)
  2496         // - [Simply specifying an initial value](#specifying-only-a-value)
  2497         can.compute = function(getterSetter, context, eventName) {
  2498             // ### Setting up
  2499             // Do nothing if getterSetter is already a compute
  2500             if (getterSetter && getterSetter.isComputed) {
  2501                 return getterSetter;
  2502             }
  2503             // The computed object
  2504             var computed,
  2505                 // The following functions are overwritten depending on how compute() is called
  2506                 // A method to set up listening
  2507                 on = k,
  2508                 // A method to teardown listening
  2509                 off = k,
  2510                 // Current cached value (valid only when bound is true)
  2511                 value,
  2512                 // How the value is read by default
  2513                 get = function() {
  2514                     return value;
  2515                 },
  2516                 // How the value is set by default
  2517                 set = function(newVal) {
  2518                     value = newVal;
  2519                 },
  2520                 setCached = set,
  2521                 // Save arguments for cloning
  2522                 args = can.makeArray(arguments),
  2523                 // updater for when value is changed
  2524                 updater = function(newValue, oldValue, batchNum) {
  2525                     setCached(newValue);
  2526                     updateOnChange(computed, newValue, oldValue, batchNum);
  2527                 },
  2528                 // the form of the arguments
  2529                 form;
  2530             computed = function(newVal) {
  2531                 // If the computed function is called with arguments,
  2532                 // a value should be set
  2533                 if (arguments.length) {
  2534                     // Save a reference to the old value
  2535                     var old = value;
  2536                     // Setter may return the value if setter
  2537                     // is for a value maintained exclusively by this compute.
  2538                     var setVal = set.call(context, newVal, old);
  2539                     // If the computed function has dependencies,
  2540                     // return the current value
  2541                     if (computed.hasDependencies) {
  2542                         return get.call(context);
  2543                     }
  2544                     // Setting may not fire a change event, in which case
  2545                     // the value must be read
  2546                     if (setVal === undefined) {
  2547                         value = get.call(context);
  2548                     } else {
  2549                         value = setVal;
  2550                     }
  2551                     // Fire the change
  2552                     updateOnChange(computed, value, old);
  2553                     return value;
  2554                 } else {
  2555                     // Another compute may bind to this `computed`
  2556                     if (stack.length && computed.canReadForChangeEvent !== false) {
  2558                         // Tell the compute to listen to change on this computed
  2559                         // Use `can.__reading` to allow other compute to listen
  2560                         // for a change on this `computed`
  2561                         can.__reading(computed, 'change');
  2562                         // We are going to bind on this compute.
  2563                         // If we are not bound, we should bind so that
  2564                         // we don't have to re-read to get the value of this compute.
  2565                         if (!computed.bound) {
  2566                             can.compute.temporarilyBind(computed);
  2567                         }
  2568                     }
  2569                     // If computed is bound, use the cached value
  2570                     if (computed.bound) {
  2571                         return value;
  2572                     } else {
  2573                         return get.call(context);
  2574                     }
  2575                 }
  2576             };
  2577             // ###Specifying getterSetter function
  2578             // If `can.compute` is [called with a getterSetter function](http://canjs.com/docs/can.compute.html#sig_can_compute_getterSetter__context__),
  2579             // override set and get
  2580             if (typeof getterSetter === 'function') {
  2581                 // `can.compute(getterSetter, [context])`
  2582                 set = getterSetter;
  2583                 get = getterSetter;
  2584                 computed.canReadForChangeEvent = eventName === false ? false : true;
  2586                 var handlers = setupComputeHandlers(computed, getterSetter, context || this, setCached);
  2587                 on = handlers.on;
  2588                 off = handlers.off;
  2590                 // ###Observing a property of an object
  2591                 // If `can.compute` is called with an 
  2592                 // [object, property name, and optional event name](http://canjs.com/docs/can.compute.html#sig_can_compute_object_propertyName__eventName__),
  2593                 // create a compute from a property of an object. This allows the
  2594                 // creation of a compute on objects that can be listened to with [`can.bind`](http://canjs.com/docs/can.bind.html)
  2595             } else if (context) {
  2596                 if (typeof context === 'string') {
  2597                     // `can.compute(obj, "propertyName", [eventName])`
  2598                     var propertyName = context,
  2599                         isObserve = getterSetter instanceof can.Map;
  2600                     if (isObserve) {
  2601                         computed.hasDependencies = true;
  2602                     }
  2603                     // If object is observable, `attr` will be used
  2604                     // for getting and setting.
  2605                     get = function() {
  2606                         if (isObserve) {
  2607                             return getterSetter.attr(propertyName);
  2608                         } else {
  2609                             return getterSetter[propertyName];
  2610                         }
  2611                     };
  2612                     set = function(newValue) {
  2613                         if (isObserve) {
  2614                             getterSetter.attr(propertyName, newValue);
  2615                         } else {
  2616                             getterSetter[propertyName] = newValue;
  2617                         }
  2618                     };
  2619                     var handler;
  2620                     on = function(update) {
  2621                         handler = function() {
  2622                             update(get(), value);
  2623                         };
  2624                         can.bind.call(getterSetter, eventName || propertyName, handler);
  2625                         // use can.__read because
  2626                         // we should not be indicating that some parent
  2627                         // reads this property if it happens to be binding on it
  2628                         value = can.__read(get)
  2629                             .value;
  2630                     };
  2631                     off = function() {
  2632                         can.unbind.call(getterSetter, eventName || propertyName, handler);
  2633                     };
  2634                     // ###Specifying an initial value and a setter
  2635                     // If `can.compute` is called with an [initial value and a setter function](http://canjs.com/docs/can.compute.html#sig_can_compute_initialValue_setter_newVal_oldVal__),
  2636                     // a compute that can adjust incoming values is set up.
  2637                 } else {
  2638                     // `can.compute(initialValue, setter)`
  2639                     if (typeof context === 'function') {
  2641                         value = getterSetter;
  2642                         set = context;
  2643                         context = eventName;
  2644                         form = 'setter';
  2645                         // ###Specifying an initial value and a settings object
  2646                         // If `can.compute` is called with an [initial value and optionally a settings object](http://canjs.com/docs/can.compute.html#sig_can_compute_initialValue__settings__),
  2647                         // a can.compute is created that can optionally specify how to read,
  2648                         // update, and listen to changes in dependent values. This form of
  2649                         // can.compute can be used to derive a compute that derives its
  2650                         // value from any source
  2651                     } else {
  2652                         // `can.compute(initialValue,{get:, set:, on:, off:})`
  2655                         value = getterSetter;
  2656                         var options = context,
  2657                             oldUpdater = updater;
  2659                         context = options.context || options;
  2660                         get = options.get || get;
  2661                         set = options.set || function() {
  2662                             return value;
  2663                         };
  2664                         // This is a "hack" to allow async computes.
  2665                         if (options.fn) {
  2666                             var fn = options.fn,
  2667                                 data;
  2668                             // make sure get is called with the newVal, but not setter
  2669                             get = function() {
  2670                                 return fn.call(context, value);
  2671                             };
  2672                             // Check the number of arguments the 
  2673                             // async function takes.
  2674                             if (fn.length === 0) {
  2676                                 data = setupComputeHandlers(computed, fn, context, setCached);
  2678                             } else if (fn.length === 1) {
  2679                                 data = setupComputeHandlers(computed, function() {
  2680                                     return fn.call(context, value);
  2681                                 }, context, setCached);
  2682                             } else {
  2683                                 updater = function(newVal) {
  2684                                     if (newVal !== undefined) {
  2685                                         oldUpdater(newVal, value);
  2686                                     }
  2687                                 };
  2688                                 data = setupComputeHandlers(computed, function() {
  2689                                     var res = fn.call(context, value, function(newVal) {
  2690                                         oldUpdater(newVal, value);
  2691                                     });
  2692                                     // If undefined is returned, don't update the value.
  2693                                     return res !== undefined ? res : value;
  2694                                 }, context, setCached);
  2695                             }
  2698                             on = data.on;
  2699                             off = data.off;
  2700                         } else {
  2701                             updater = function() {
  2702                                 var newVal = get.call(context);
  2703                                 oldUpdater(newVal, value);
  2704                             };
  2705                         }
  2707                         on = options.on || on;
  2708                         off = options.off || off;
  2709                     }
  2710                 }
  2711                 // ###Specifying only a value
  2712                 // If can.compute is called with an initialValue only,
  2713                 // reads to this value can be observed.
  2714             } else {
  2715                 // `can.compute(initialValue)`
  2716                 value = getterSetter;
  2717             }
  2718             can.cid(computed, 'compute');
  2719             return can.simpleExtend(computed, {
  2721                     isComputed: true,
  2722                     _bindsetup: function() {
  2723                         this.bound = true;
  2724                         // Set up live-binding
  2725                         // While binding, this should not count as a read
  2726                         var oldReading = can.__clearReading();
  2727                         on.call(this, updater);
  2728                         // Restore "Observed" for reading
  2729                         can.__setReading(oldReading);
  2730                     },
  2731                     _bindteardown: function() {
  2732                         off.call(this, updater);
  2733                         this.bound = false;
  2734                     },
  2736                     bind: can.bindAndSetup,
  2738                     unbind: can.unbindAndTeardown,
  2739                     clone: function(context) {
  2740                         if (context) {
  2741                             if (form === 'setter') {
  2742                                 args[2] = context;
  2743                             } else {
  2744                                 args[1] = context;
  2745                             }
  2746                         }
  2747                         return can.compute.apply(can, args);
  2748                     }
  2749                 });
  2750         };
  2751         // A list of temporarily bound computes
  2752         var computes, unbindComputes = function() {
  2753                 for (var i = 0, len = computes.length; i < len; i++) {
  2754                     computes[i].unbind('change', k);
  2755                 }
  2756                 computes = null;
  2757             };
  2758         // Binds computes for a moment to retain their value and prevent caching
  2759         can.compute.temporarilyBind = function(compute) {
  2760             compute.bind('change', k);
  2761             if (!computes) {
  2762                 computes = [];
  2763                 setTimeout(unbindComputes, 10);
  2764             }
  2765             computes.push(compute);
  2766         };
  2768         // Whether a compute is truthy
  2769         can.compute.truthy = function(compute) {
  2770             return can.compute(function() {
  2771                 var res = compute();
  2772                 if (typeof res === 'function') {
  2773                     res = res();
  2774                 }
  2775                 return !!res;
  2776             });
  2777         };
  2778         can.compute.async = function(initialValue, asyncComputer, context) {
  2779             return can.compute(initialValue, {
  2780                     fn: asyncComputer,
  2781                     context: context
  2782                 });
  2783         };
  2784         // {map: new can.Map({first: "Justin"})}, ["map","first"]
  2785         can.compute.read = function(parent, reads, options) {
  2786             options = options || {};
  2787             // `cur` is the current value.
  2788             var cur = parent,
  2789                 type,
  2790                 // `prev` is the object we are reading from.
  2791                 prev,
  2792                 // `foundObs` did we find an observable.
  2793                 foundObs;
  2794             for (var i = 0, readLength = reads.length; i < readLength; i++) {
  2795                 // Update what we are reading from.
  2796                 prev = cur;
  2797                 // Read from the compute. We can't read a property yet.
  2798                 if (prev && prev.isComputed) {
  2799                     if (options.foundObservable) {
  2800                         options.foundObservable(prev, i);
  2801                     }
  2802                     prev = prev();
  2803                 }
  2804                 // Look to read a property from something.
  2805                 if (isObserve(prev)) {
  2806                     if (!foundObs && options.foundObservable) {
  2807                         options.foundObservable(prev, i);
  2808                     }
  2809                     foundObs = 1;
  2810                     // is it a method on the prototype?
  2811                     if (typeof prev[reads[i]] === 'function' && prev.constructor.prototype[reads[i]] === prev[reads[i]]) {
  2812                         // call that method
  2813                         if (options.returnObserveMethods) {
  2814                             cur = cur[reads[i]];
  2815                         } else if (reads[i] === 'constructor' && prev instanceof can.Construct) {
  2816                             cur = prev[reads[i]];
  2817                         } else {
  2818                             cur = prev[reads[i]].apply(prev, options.args || []);
  2819                         }
  2820                     } else {
  2821                         // use attr to get that value
  2822                         cur = cur.attr(reads[i]);
  2823                     }
  2824                 } else {
  2825                     // just do the dot operator
  2826                     cur = prev[reads[i]];
  2827                 }
  2828                 type = typeof cur;
  2829                 // If it's a compute, get the compute's value
  2830                 // unless we are at the end of the 
  2831                 if (cur && cur.isComputed && (!options.isArgument && i < readLength - 1)) {
  2832                     if (!foundObs && options.foundObservable) {
  2833                         options.foundObservable(prev, i + 1);
  2834                     }
  2835                     cur = cur();
  2836                 }
  2837                 // If it's an anonymous function, execute as requested
  2838                 else if (i < reads.length - 1 && type === 'function' && options.executeAnonymousFunctions && !(can.Construct && cur.prototype instanceof can.Construct)) {
  2839                     cur = cur();
  2840                 }
  2841                 // if there are properties left to read, and we don't have an object, early exit
  2842                 if (i < reads.length - 1 && (cur === null || type !== 'function' && type !== 'object')) {
  2843                     if (options.earlyExit) {
  2844                         options.earlyExit(prev, i, cur);
  2845                     }
  2846                     // return undefined so we know this isn't the right value
  2847                     return {
  2848                         value: undefined,
  2849                         parent: prev
  2850                     };
  2851                 }
  2852             }
  2853             // handle an ending function
  2854             // unless it is a can.Construct-derived constructor
  2855             if (typeof cur === 'function' && !(can.Construct && cur.prototype instanceof can.Construct)) {
  2856                 if (options.isArgument) {
  2857                     if (!cur.isComputed && options.proxyMethods !== false) {
  2858                         cur = can.proxy(cur, prev);
  2859                     }
  2860                 } else {
  2861                     if (cur.isComputed && !foundObs && options.foundObservable) {
  2862                         options.foundObservable(cur, i);
  2863                     }
  2864                     cur = cur.call(prev);
  2865                 }
  2866             }
  2867             // if we don't have a value, exit early.
  2868             if (cur === undefined) {
  2869                 if (options.earlyExit) {
  2870                     options.earlyExit(prev, i - 1);
  2871                 }
  2872             }
  2873             return {
  2874                 value: cur,
  2875                 parent: prev
  2876             };
  2877         };
  2879         return can.compute;
  2880     })(__m3, __m11, __m13);
  2882     // ## can/model/model.js
  2883     var __m16 = (function(can) {
  2885         // ## model.js
  2886         // (Don't steal this file directly in your code.)
  2888         // ## pipe
  2889         // `pipe` lets you pipe the results of a successful deferred
  2890         // through a function before resolving the deferred.
  2892         var pipe = function(def, thisArg, func) {
  2893             // The piped result will be available through a new Deferred.
  2894             var d = new can.Deferred();
  2895             def.then(function() {
  2896                 var args = can.makeArray(arguments),
  2897                     success = true;
  2899                 try {
  2900                     // Pipe the results through the function.
  2901                     args[0] = func.apply(thisArg, args);
  2902                 } catch (e) {
  2903                     success = false;
  2904                     // The function threw an error, so reject the Deferred.
  2905                     d.rejectWith(d, [e].concat(args));
  2906                 }
  2907                 if (success) {
  2908                     // Resolve the new Deferred with the piped value.
  2909                     d.resolveWith(d, args);
  2910                 }
  2911             }, function() {
  2912                 // Pass on the rejection if the original Deferred never resolved.
  2913                 d.rejectWith(this, arguments);
  2914             });
  2916             // `can.ajax` returns a Deferred with an abort method to halt the AJAX call.
  2917             if (typeof def.abort === 'function') {
  2918                 d.abort = function() {
  2919                     return def.abort();
  2920                 };
  2921             }
  2923             // Return the new (piped) Deferred.
  2924             return d;
  2925         },
  2927             // ## modelNum
  2928             // When new model constructors are set up without a full name,
  2929             // `modelNum` lets us name them uniquely (to keep track of them).
  2930             modelNum = 0,
  2932             // ## getId
  2933             getId = function(inst) {
  2934                 // `can.__reading` makes a note that `id` was just read.
  2935                 can.__reading(inst, inst.constructor.id);
  2936                 // Use `__get` instead of `attr` for performance. (But that means we have to remember to call `can.__reading`.)
  2937                 return inst.__get(inst.constructor.id);
  2938             },
  2940             // ## ajax
  2941             // This helper method makes it easier to make an AJAX call from the configuration of the Model.
  2942             ajax = function(ajaxOb, data, type, dataType, success, error) {
  2944                 var params = {};
  2946                 // A string here would be something like `"GET /endpoint"`.
  2947                 if (typeof ajaxOb === 'string') {
  2948                     // Split on spaces to separate the HTTP method and the URL.
  2949                     var parts = ajaxOb.split(/\s+/);
  2950                     params.url = parts.pop();
  2951                     if (parts.length) {
  2952                         params.type = parts.pop();
  2953                     }
  2954                 } else {
  2955                     // If the first argument is an object, just load it into `params`.
  2956                     can.extend(params, ajaxOb);
  2957                 }
  2959                 // If the `data` argument is a plain object, copy it into `params`.
  2960                 params.data = typeof data === "object" && !can.isArray(data) ?
  2961                     can.extend(params.data || {}, data) : data;
  2963                 // Substitute in data for any templated parts of the URL.
  2964                 params.url = can.sub(params.url, params.data, true);
  2966                 return can.ajax(can.extend({
  2967                             type: type || 'post',
  2968                             dataType: dataType || 'json',
  2969                             success: success,
  2970                             error: error
  2971                         }, params));
  2972             },
  2974             // ## makeRequest
  2975             // This function abstracts making the actual AJAX request away from the Model.
  2976             makeRequest = function(modelObj, type, success, error, method) {
  2977                 var args;
  2979                 // If `modelObj` is an Array, it it means we are coming from
  2980                 // the queued request, and we're passing already-serialized data.
  2981                 if (can.isArray(modelObj)) {
  2982                     // In that case, modelObj's signature will be `[modelObj, serializedData]`, so we need to unpack it.
  2983                     args = modelObj[1];
  2984                     modelObj = modelObj[0];
  2985                 } else {
  2986                     // If we aren't supplied with serialized data, we'll make our own.
  2987                     args = modelObj.serialize();
  2988                 }
  2989                 args = [args];
  2991                 var deferred,
  2992                     model = modelObj.constructor,
  2993                     jqXHR;
  2995                 // When calling `update` and `destroy`, the current ID needs to be the first parameter in the AJAX call.
  2996                 if (type === 'update' || type === 'destroy') {
  2997                     args.unshift(getId(modelObj));
  2998                 }
  2999                 jqXHR = model[type].apply(model, args);
  3001                 // Make sure that can.Model can react to the request before anything else does.
  3002                 deferred = pipe(jqXHR, modelObj, function(data) {
  3003                     // `method` is here because `"destroyed" !== "destroy" + "d"`.
  3004                     // TODO: Do something smarter/more consistent here?
  3005                     modelObj[method || type + "d"](data, jqXHR);
  3006                     return modelObj;
  3007                 });
  3009                 // Hook up `abort`
  3010                 if (jqXHR.abort) {
  3011                     deferred.abort = function() {
  3012                         jqXHR.abort();
  3013                     };
  3014                 }
  3016                 deferred.then(success, error);
  3017                 return deferred;
  3018             },
  3020             initializers = {
  3021                 // ## models
  3022                 // Returns a function that, when handed a list of objects, makes them into models and returns a model list of them.
  3023                 // `prop` is the property on `instancesRawData` that has the array of objects in it (if it's not `data`).
  3024                 models: function(prop) {
  3025                     return function(instancesRawData, oldList) {
  3026                         // Increment reqs counter so new instances will be added to the store.
  3027                         // (This is cleaned up at the end of the method.)
  3028                         can.Model._reqs++;
  3030                         // If there is no data, we can't really do anything with it.
  3031                         if (!instancesRawData) {
  3032                             return;
  3033                         }
  3035                         // If the "raw" data is already a List, it's not raw.
  3036                         if (instancesRawData instanceof this.List) {
  3037                             return instancesRawData;
  3038                         }
  3040                         var self = this,
  3041                             // `tmp` will hold the models before we push them onto `modelList`.
  3042                             tmp = [],
  3043                             // `ML` (see way below) is just `can.Model.List`.
  3044                             ListClass = self.List || ML,
  3045                             modelList = oldList instanceof can.List ? oldList : new ListClass(),
  3047                             // Check if we were handed an Array or a model list.
  3048                             rawDataIsArray = can.isArray(instancesRawData),
  3049                             rawDataIsList = instancesRawData instanceof ML,
  3051                             // Get the "plain" objects from the models from the list/array.
  3052                             raw = rawDataIsArray ? instancesRawData : (
  3053                                 rawDataIsList ? instancesRawData.serialize() : can.getObject(prop || "data", instancesRawData));
  3055                         if (typeof raw === 'undefined') {
  3056                             throw new Error('Could not get any raw data while converting using .models');
  3057                         }
  3061                         // If there was anything left in the list we were given, get rid of it.
  3062                         if (modelList.length) {
  3063                             modelList.splice(0);
  3064                         }
  3066                         // If we pushed these directly onto the list, it would cause a change event for each model.
  3067                         // So, we push them onto `tmp` first and then push everything at once, causing one atomic change event that contains all the models at once.
  3068                         can.each(raw, function(rawPart) {
  3069                             tmp.push(self.model(rawPart));
  3070                         });
  3071                         modelList.push.apply(modelList, tmp);
  3073                         // If there was other stuff on `instancesRawData`, let's transfer that onto `modelList` too.
  3074                         if (!rawDataIsArray) {
  3075                             can.each(instancesRawData, function(val, prop) {
  3076                                 if (prop !== 'data') {
  3077                                     modelList.attr(prop, val);
  3078                                 }
  3079                             });
  3080                         }
  3081                         // Clean up the store on the next turn of the event loop. (`this` is a model constructor.)
  3082                         setTimeout(can.proxy(this._clean, this), 1);
  3083                         return modelList;
  3084                     };
  3085                 },
  3086                 // ## model
  3087                 // Returns a function that, when handed a plain object, turns it into a model.
  3088                 // `prop` is the property on `attributes` that has the properties for the model in it.
  3089                 model: function(prop) {
  3090                     return function(attributes) {
  3091                         // If there're no properties, there can be no model.
  3092                         if (!attributes) {
  3093                             return;
  3094                         }
  3095                         // If this object knows how to serialize, parse, or access itself, we'll use that instead.
  3096                         if (typeof attributes.serialize === 'function') {
  3097                             attributes = attributes.serialize();
  3098                         }
  3099                         if (this.parseModel) {
  3100                             attributes = this.parseModel.apply(this, arguments);
  3101                         } else if (prop) {
  3102                             attributes = can.getObject(prop || "data", attributes);
  3103                         }
  3105                         var id = attributes[this.id],
  3106                             // 0 is a valid ID.
  3107                             model = (id || id === 0) && this.store[id] ?
  3108                             // If this model is in the store already, just update it.
  3109                             this.store[id].attr(attributes, this.removeAttr || false) :
  3110                             // Otherwise, we need a new model.
  3111                             new this(attributes);
  3113                         return model;
  3114                     };
  3115                 }
  3116             },
  3119             parserMaker = function(prop) {
  3120                 return function(attributes) {
  3121                     return prop ? can.getObject(prop || "data", attributes) : attributes;
  3122                 };
  3123             },
  3125             // ## parsers
  3126             // This object describes how to take the data from an AJAX request and prepare it for `models` and `model`.
  3127             // These functions are meant to be overwritten (if necessary) in an extended model constructor.
  3128             parsers = {
  3130                 parseModel: parserMaker,
  3132                 parseModels: parserMaker
  3133             },
  3135             // ## ajaxMethods
  3136             // This object describes how to make an AJAX request for each ajax method (`create`, `update`, etc.)
  3137             // Each AJAX method is an object in `ajaxMethods` and can have the following properties:
  3138             // - `url`: Which property on the model contains the default URL for this method.
  3139             // - `type`: The default HTTP request method.
  3140             // - `data`: A method that takes the arguments from `makeRequest` (see above) and returns a data object for use in the AJAX call.
  3143             ajaxMethods = {
  3145                 create: {
  3146                     url: "_shortName",
  3147                     type: "post"
  3148                 },
  3150                 update: {
  3151                     // ## update.data
  3152                     data: function(id, attrs) {
  3153                         attrs = attrs || {};
  3155                         // `this.id` is the property that represents the ID (and is usually `"id"`).
  3156                         var identity = this.id;
  3158                         // If the value of the property being used as the ID changed,
  3159                         // indicate that in the request and replace the current ID property.
  3160                         if (attrs[identity] && attrs[identity] !== id) {
  3161                             attrs["new" + can.capitalize(id)] = attrs[identity];
  3162                             delete attrs[identity];
  3163                         }
  3164                         attrs[identity] = id;
  3166                         return attrs;
  3167                     },
  3168                     type: "put"
  3169                 },
  3171                 destroy: {
  3172                     type: 'delete',
  3173                     // ## destroy.data
  3174                     data: function(id, attrs) {
  3175                         attrs = attrs || {};
  3176                         // `this.id` is the property that represents the ID (and is usually `"id"`).
  3177                         attrs.id = attrs[this.id] = id;
  3178                         return attrs;
  3179                     }
  3180                 },
  3182                 findAll: {
  3183                     url: "_shortName"
  3184                 },
  3186                 findOne: {}
  3187             },
  3188             // ## ajaxMaker
  3189             // Takes a method defined just above and a string that describes how to call that method
  3190             // and makes a function that calls that method with the given data.
  3191             // - `ajaxMethod`: The object defined above in `ajaxMethods`.
  3192             // - `str`: The string the configuration provided (such as `"/recipes.json"` for a `findAll` call).
  3193             ajaxMaker = function(ajaxMethod, str) {
  3194                 return function(data) {
  3195                     data = ajaxMethod.data ?
  3196                     // If the AJAX method mentioned above has its own way of getting `data`, use that.
  3197                     ajaxMethod.data.apply(this, arguments) :
  3198                     // Otherwise, just use the data passed in.
  3199                     data;
  3201                     // Make the AJAX call with the URL, data, and type indicated by the proper `ajaxMethod` above.
  3202                     return ajax(str || this[ajaxMethod.url || "_url"], data, ajaxMethod.type || "get");
  3203                 };
  3204             },
  3205             // ## createURLFromResource
  3206             // For each of the names (create, update, destroy, findOne, and findAll) use the 
  3207             // URL provided by the `resource` property. For example:
  3208             // 		ToDo = can.Model.extend({
  3209             // 			resource: "/todos"
  3210             // 		}, {});
  3211             // 	Will create a can.Model that is identical to:
  3212             // 		ToDo = can.Model.extend({
  3213             // 			findAll: "GET /todos",
  3214             // 			findOne: "GET /todos/{id}",
  3215             // 			create:  "POST /todos",
  3216             // 			update:  "PUT /todos/{id}",
  3217             // 			destroy: "DELETE /todos/{id}"
  3218             // 		},{});
  3219             // - `model`: the can.Model that has the resource property
  3220             // - `method`: a property from the ajaxMethod object
  3221             createURLFromResource = function(model, name) {
  3222                 if (!model.resource) {
  3223                     return;
  3224                 }
  3226                 var resource = model.resource.replace(/\/+$/, "");
  3227                 if (name === "findAll" || name === "create") {
  3228                     return resource;
  3229                 } else {
  3230                     return resource + "/{" + model.id + "}";
  3231                 }
  3232             };
  3234         // # can.Model
  3235         // A can.Map that connects to a RESTful interface.
  3236         can.Model = can.Map.extend({
  3237                 // `fullName` identifies the model type in debugging.
  3238                 fullName: "can.Model",
  3239                 _reqs: 0,
  3240                 // ## can.Model.setup
  3242                 setup: function(base, fullName, staticProps, protoProps) {
  3243                     // Assume `fullName` wasn't passed. (`can.Model.extend({ ... }, { ... })`)
  3244                     // This is pretty usual.
  3245                     if (fullName !== "string") {
  3246                         protoProps = staticProps;
  3247                         staticProps = fullName;
  3248                     }
  3249                     // Assume no static properties were passed. (`can.Model.extend({ ... })`)
  3250                     // This is really unusual for a model though, since there's so much configuration.
  3251                     if (!protoProps) {
  3252                         protoProps = staticProps;
  3253                     }
  3255                     // Create the model store here, in case someone wants to use can.Model without inheriting from it.
  3256                     this.store = {};
  3258                     can.Map.setup.apply(this, arguments);
  3259                     if (!can.Model) {
  3260                         return;
  3261                     }
  3263                     // `List` is just a regular can.Model.List that knows what kind of Model it's hooked up to.
  3265                     if (staticProps && staticProps.List) {
  3266                         this.List = staticProps.List;
  3267                         this.List.Map = this;
  3268                     } else {
  3269                         this.List = base.List.extend({
  3270                                 Map: this
  3271                             }, {});
  3272                     }
  3274                     var self = this,
  3275                         clean = can.proxy(this._clean, self);
  3277                     // Go through `ajaxMethods` and set up static methods according to their configurations.
  3278                     can.each(ajaxMethods, function(method, name) {
  3279                         // Check the configuration for this ajaxMethod.
  3280                         // If the configuration isn't a function, it should be a string (like `"GET /endpoint"`)
  3281                         // or an object like `{url: "/endpoint", type: 'GET'}`.
  3282                         if (!can.isFunction(self[name])) {
  3283                             // Etiher way, `ajaxMaker` will turn it into a function for us.
  3284                             self[name] = ajaxMaker(method, self[name] ? self[name] : createURLFromResource(self, name));
  3285                         }
  3287                         // There may also be a "maker" function (like `makeFindAll`) that alters the behavior of acting upon models
  3288                         // by changing when and how the function we just made with `ajaxMaker` gets called.
  3289                         // For example, you might cache responses and only make a call when you don't have a cached response.
  3290                         if (self["make" + can.capitalize(name)]) {
  3291                             // Use the "maker" function to make the new "ajaxMethod" function.
  3292                             var newMethod = self["make" + can.capitalize(name)](self[name]);
  3293                             // Replace the "ajaxMethod" function in the configuration with the new one.
  3294                             // (`_overwrite` just overwrites a property in a given Construct.)
  3295                             can.Construct._overwrite(self, base, name, function() {
  3296                                 // Increment the numer of requests...
  3297                                 can.Model._reqs++;
  3298                                 // ...make the AJAX call (and whatever else you're doing)...
  3299                                 var def = newMethod.apply(this, arguments);
  3300                                 // ...and clean up the store.
  3301                                 var then = def.then(clean, clean);
  3302                                 // Pass along `abort` so you can still abort the AJAX call.
  3303                                 then.abort = def.abort;
  3305                                 return then;
  3306                             });
  3307                         }
  3308                     });
  3310                     // Set up the methods that will set up `models` and `model`.
  3311                     can.each(initializers, function(makeInitializer, name) {
  3312                         var parseName = "parse" + can.capitalize(name),
  3313                             dataProperty = self[name];
  3315                         // If there was a different property to find the model's data in than `data`,
  3316                         // make `parseModel` and `parseModels` functions that look that up instead.
  3317                         if (typeof dataProperty === "string") {
  3318                             can.Construct._overwrite(self, base, parseName, parsers[parseName](dataProperty));
  3319                             can.Construct._overwrite(self, base, name, makeInitializer(dataProperty));
  3320                         }
  3322                         // If there was no prototype, or no `model` and no `parseModel`,
  3323                         // we'll have to create a `parseModel`.
  3324                         else if (!protoProps || (!protoProps[name] && !protoProps[parseName])) {
  3325                             can.Construct._overwrite(self, base, parseName, parsers[parseName]());
  3326                         }
  3327                     });
  3329                     // With the overridden parse methods, set up `models` and `model`.
  3330                     can.each(parsers, function(makeParser, name) {
  3331                         // If there was a different property to find the model's data in than `data`,
  3332                         // make `model` and `models` functions that look that up instead.
  3333                         if (typeof self[name] === "string") {
  3334                             can.Construct._overwrite(self, base, name, makeParser(self[name]));
  3335                         }
  3336                     });
  3338                     // Make sure we have a unique name for this Model.
  3339                     if (self.fullName === "can.Model" || !self.fullName) {
  3340                         self.fullName = "Model" + (++modelNum);
  3341                     }
  3343                     can.Model._reqs = 0;
  3344                     this._url = this._shortName + "/{" + this.id + "}";
  3345                 },
  3346                 _ajax: ajaxMaker,
  3347                 _makeRequest: makeRequest,
  3348                 // ## can.Model._clean
  3349                 // `_clean` cleans up the model store after a request happens.
  3350                 _clean: function() {
  3351                     can.Model._reqs--;
  3352                     // Don't clean up unless we have no pending requests.
  3353                     if (!can.Model._reqs) {
  3354                         for (var id in this.store) {
  3355                             // Delete all items in the store without any event bindings.
  3356                             if (!this.store[id]._bindings) {
  3357                                 delete this.store[id];
  3358                             }
  3359                         }
  3360                     }
  3361                     return arguments[0];
  3362                 },
  3364                 models: initializers.models("data"),
  3366                 model: initializers.model()
  3367             },
  3370             {
  3371                 // ## can.Model#setup
  3372                 setup: function(attrs) {
  3373                     // Try to add things as early as possible to the store (#457).
  3374                     // This is the earliest possible moment, even before any properties are set.
  3375                     var id = attrs && attrs[this.constructor.id];
  3376                     if (can.Model._reqs && id != null) {
  3377                         this.constructor.store[id] = this;
  3378                     }
  3379                     can.Map.prototype.setup.apply(this, arguments);
  3380                 },
  3381                 // ## can.Model#isNew
  3382                 // Something is new if its ID is `null` or `undefined`.
  3384                 isNew: function() {
  3385                     var id = getId(this);
  3386                     // 0 is a valid ID.
  3387                     // TODO: Why not `return id === null || id === undefined;`?
  3388                     return !(id || id === 0); // If `null` or `undefined`
  3389                 },
  3390                 // ## can.Model#save
  3391                 // `save` calls `create` or `update` as necessary, based on whether a model is new.
  3393                 save: function(success, error) {
  3394                     return makeRequest(this, this.isNew() ? 'create' : 'update', success, error);
  3395                 },
  3396                 // ## can.Model#destroy
  3397                 // Acts like can.Map.destroy but it also makes an AJAX call.
  3399                 destroy: function(success, error) {
  3400                     // If this model is new, don't make an AJAX call.
  3401                     // Instead, we have to construct the Deferred ourselves and return it.
  3402                     if (this.isNew()) {
  3403                         var self = this;
  3404                         var def = can.Deferred();
  3405                         def.then(success, error);
  3407                         return def.done(function(data) {
  3408                             self.destroyed(data);
  3409                         }).resolve(self);
  3410                     }
  3412                     // If it isn't new, though, go ahead and make a request.
  3413                     return makeRequest(this, 'destroy', success, error, 'destroyed');
  3414                 },
  3415                 // ## can.Model#bind and can.Model#unbind
  3416                 // These aren't actually implemented here, but their setup needs to be changed to account for the store.
  3418                 _bindsetup: function() {
  3419                     this.constructor.store[this.__get(this.constructor.id)] = this;
  3420                     return can.Map.prototype._bindsetup.apply(this, arguments);
  3421                 },
  3423                 _bindteardown: function() {
  3424                     delete this.constructor.store[getId(this)];
  3425                     return can.Map.prototype._bindteardown.apply(this, arguments);
  3426                 },
  3427                 // Change the behavior of `___set` to account for the store.
  3428                 ___set: function(prop, val) {
  3429                     can.Map.prototype.___set.call(this, prop, val);
  3430                     // If we add or change the ID, update the store accordingly.
  3431                     // TODO: shouldn't this also delete the record from the old ID in the store?
  3432                     if (prop === this.constructor.id && this._bindings) {
  3433                         this.constructor.store[getId(this)] = this;
  3434                     }
  3435                 }
  3436             });
  3438         // Returns a function that knows how to prepare data from `findAll` or `findOne` calls.
  3439         // `name` should be either `model` or `models`.
  3440         var makeGetterHandler = function(name) {
  3441             var parseName = "parse" + can.capitalize(name);
  3442             return function(data) {
  3443                 // If there's a `parse...` function, use its output.
  3444                 if (this[parseName]) {
  3445                     data = this[parseName].apply(this, arguments);
  3446                 }
  3447                 // Run our maybe-parsed data through `model` or `models`.
  3448                 return this[name](data);
  3449             };
  3450         },
  3451             // Handle data returned from `create`, `update`, and `destroy` calls.
  3452             createUpdateDestroyHandler = function(data) {
  3453                 if (this.parseModel) {
  3454                     return this.parseModel.apply(this, arguments);
  3455                 } else {
  3456                     return this.model(data);
  3457                 }
  3458             };
  3460         var responseHandlers = {
  3462             makeFindAll: makeGetterHandler("models"),
  3464             makeFindOne: makeGetterHandler("model"),
  3465             makeCreate: createUpdateDestroyHandler,
  3466             makeUpdate: createUpdateDestroyHandler
  3467         };
  3469         // Go through the response handlers and make the actual "make" methods.
  3470         can.each(responseHandlers, function(method, name) {
  3471             can.Model[name] = function(oldMethod) {
  3472                 return function() {
  3473                     var args = can.makeArray(arguments),
  3474                         // If args[1] is a function, we were only passed one argument before success and failure callbacks.
  3475                         oldArgs = can.isFunction(args[1]) ? args.splice(0, 1) : args.splice(0, 2),
  3476                         // Call the AJAX method (`findAll` or `update`, etc.) and pipe it through the response handler from above.
  3477                         def = pipe(oldMethod.apply(this, oldArgs), this, method);
  3479                     def.then(args[0], args[1]);
  3480                     return def;
  3481                 };
  3482             };
  3483         });
  3485         // ## can.Model.created, can.Model.updated, and can.Model.destroyed
  3486         // Livecycle methods for models.
  3487         can.each([
  3489                 "created",
  3491                 "updated",
  3493                 "destroyed"
  3494             ], function(funcName) {
  3495                 // Each of these is pretty much the same, except for the events they trigger.
  3496                 can.Model.prototype[funcName] = function(attrs) {
  3497                     var stub,
  3498                         constructor = this.constructor;
  3500                     // Update attributes if attributes have been passed
  3501                     stub = attrs && typeof attrs === 'object' && this.attr(attrs.attr ? attrs.attr() : attrs);
  3503                     // triggers change event that bubble's like
  3504                     // handler( 'change','1.destroyed' ). This is used
  3505                     // to remove items on destroyed from Model Lists.
  3506                     // but there should be a better way.
  3507                     can.trigger(this, "change", funcName);
  3511                     // Call event on the instance's Class
  3512                     can.trigger(constructor, funcName, this);
  3513                 };
  3514             });
  3517         // # can.Model.List
  3518         // Model Lists are just like `Map.List`s except that when their items are
  3519         // destroyed, they automatically get removed from the List.
  3520         var ML = can.Model.List = can.List.extend({
  3521                 // ## can.Model.List.setup
  3522                 // On change or a nested named event, setup change bubbling.
  3523                 // On any other type of event, setup "destroyed" bubbling.
  3524                 _bubbleRule: function(eventName, list) {
  3525                     return can.List._bubbleRule(eventName, list) || "destroyed";
  3526                 }
  3527             }, {
  3528                 setup: function(params) {
  3529                     // If there was a plain object passed to the List constructor,
  3530                     // we use those as parameters for an initial findAll.
  3531                     if (can.isPlainObject(params) && !can.isArray(params)) {
  3532                         can.List.prototype.setup.apply(this);
  3533                         this.replace(this.constructor.Map.findAll(params));
  3534                     } else {
  3535                         // Otherwise, set up the list like normal.
  3536                         can.List.prototype.setup.apply(this, arguments);
  3537                     }
  3538                     this._init = 1;
  3539                     this.bind('destroyed', can.proxy(this._destroyed, this));
  3540                     delete this._init;
  3541                 },
  3542                 _destroyed: function(ev, attr) {
  3543                     if (/\w+/.test(attr)) {
  3544                         var index;
  3545                         while ((index = this.indexOf(ev.target)) > -1) {
  3546                             this.splice(index, 1);
  3547                         }
  3548                     }
  3549                 }
  3550             });
  3552         return can.Model;
  3553     })(__m3, __m10, __m14);
  3555     // ## can/view/view.js
  3556     var __m17 = (function(can) {
  3558         var isFunction = can.isFunction,
  3559             makeArray = can.makeArray,
  3560             // Used for hookup `id`s.
  3561             hookupId = 1;
  3563         // internal utility methods
  3564         // ------------------------
  3566         // ##### makeRenderer
  3568         var makeRenderer = function(textRenderer) {
  3569             var renderer = function() {
  3570                 return $view.frag(textRenderer.apply(this, arguments));
  3571             };
  3572             renderer.render = function() {
  3573                 return textRenderer.apply(textRenderer, arguments);
  3574             };
  3575             return renderer;
  3576         };
  3578         // ##### checkText
  3579         // Makes sure there's a template, if not, have `steal` provide a warning.
  3580         var checkText = function(text, url) {
  3581             if (!text.length) {
  3583                 // _removed if not used as a steal module_
  3587                 throw "can.view: No template or empty template:" + url;
  3588             }
  3589         };
  3591         // ##### get
  3592         // get a deferred renderer for provided url
  3594         var get = function(obj, async) {
  3595             var url = typeof obj === 'string' ? obj : obj.url,
  3596                 suffix = (obj.engine && '.' + obj.engine) || url.match(/\.[\w\d]+$/),
  3597                 type,
  3598                 // If we are reading a script element for the content of the template,
  3599                 // `el` will be set to that script element.
  3600                 el,
  3601                 // A unique identifier for the view (used for caching).
  3602                 // This is typically derived from the element id or
  3603                 // the url for the template.
  3604                 id;
  3606             //If the url has a #, we assume we want to use an inline template
  3607             //from a script element and not current page's HTML
  3608             if (url.match(/^#/)) {
  3609                 url = url.substr(1);
  3610             }
  3611             // If we have an inline template, derive the suffix from the `text/???` part.
  3612             // This only supports `<script>` tags.
  3613             if (el = document.getElementById(url)) {
  3614                 suffix = '.' + el.type.match(/\/(x\-)?(.+)/)[2];
  3615             }
  3617             // If there is no suffix, add one.
  3618             if (!suffix && !$view.cached[url]) {
  3619                 url += suffix = $view.ext;
  3620             }
  3622             // if the suffix was derived from the .match() operation, pluck out the first value
  3623             if (can.isArray(suffix)) {
  3624                 suffix = suffix[0];
  3625             }
  3627             // Convert to a unique and valid id.
  3628             id = $view.toId(url);
  3630             // If an absolute path, use `steal`/`require` to get it.
  3631             // You should only be using `//` if you are using an AMD loader like `steal` or `require` (not almond).
  3632             if (url.match(/^\/\//)) {
  3633                 url = url.substr(2);
  3634                 url = !window.steal ?
  3635                     url :
  3636                     steal.config()
  3637                     .root.mapJoin("" + steal.id(url));
  3638             }
  3640             // Localize for `require` (not almond)
  3641             if (window.require) {
  3642                 if (require.toUrl) {
  3643                     url = require.toUrl(url);
  3644                 }
  3645             }
  3647             // Set the template engine type.
  3648             type = $view.types[suffix];
  3650             // If it is cached,
  3651             if ($view.cached[id]) {
  3652                 // Return the cached deferred renderer.
  3653                 return $view.cached[id];
  3655                 // Otherwise if we are getting this from a `<script>` element.
  3656             } else if (el) {
  3657                 // Resolve immediately with the element's `innerHTML`.
  3658                 return $view.registerView(id, el.innerHTML, type);
  3659             } else {
  3660                 // Make an ajax request for text.
  3661                 var d = new can.Deferred();
  3662                 can.ajax({
  3663                         async: async,
  3664                         url: url,
  3665                         dataType: 'text',
  3666                         error: function(jqXHR) {
  3667                             checkText('', url);
  3668                             d.reject(jqXHR);
  3669                         },
  3670                         success: function(text) {
  3671                             // Make sure we got some text back.
  3672                             checkText(text, url);
  3673                             $view.registerView(id, text, type, d);
  3674                         }
  3675                     });
  3676                 return d;
  3677             }
  3678         };
  3679         // ##### getDeferreds
  3680         // Gets an `array` of deferreds from an `object`.
  3681         // This only goes one level deep.
  3683         var getDeferreds = function(data) {
  3684             var deferreds = [];
  3686             // pull out deferreds
  3687             if (can.isDeferred(data)) {
  3688                 return [data];
  3689             } else {
  3690                 for (var prop in data) {
  3691                     if (can.isDeferred(data[prop])) {
  3692                         deferreds.push(data[prop]);
  3693                     }
  3694                 }
  3695             }
  3696             return deferreds;
  3697         };
  3699         // ##### usefulPart
  3700         // Gets the useful part of a resolved deferred.
  3701         // When a jQuery.when is resolved, it returns an array to each argument.
  3702         // Reference ($.when)[https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.when/]
  3703         // This is for `model`s and `can.ajax` that resolve to an `array`.
  3705         var usefulPart = function(resolved) {
  3706             return can.isArray(resolved) && resolved[1] === 'success' ? resolved[0] : resolved;
  3707         };
  3709         // #### can.view
  3710         //defines $view for internal use, can.template for backwards compatibility
  3712         var $view = can.view = can.template = function(view, data, helpers, callback) {
  3713             // If helpers is a `function`, it is actually a callback.
  3714             if (isFunction(helpers)) {
  3715                 callback = helpers;
  3716                 helpers = undefined;
  3717             }
  3718             var result;
  3719             // Get the result, if a renderer function is passed in, then we just use that to render the data
  3720             if (isFunction(view)) {
  3721                 result = view(data, helpers, callback);
  3722             } else {
  3723                 result = $view.renderAs("fragment", view, data, helpers, callback);
  3724             }
  3726             return result;
  3727         };
  3729         // can.view methods
  3730         // --------------------------
  3731         can.extend($view, {
  3732                 // ##### frag
  3733                 // creates a fragment and hooks it up all at once
  3735                 frag: function(result, parentNode) {
  3736                     return $view.hookup($view.fragment(result), parentNode);
  3737                 },
  3739                 // #### fragment
  3740                 // this is used internally to create a document fragment, insert it,then hook it up
  3741                 fragment: function(result) {
  3742                     if (typeof result !== "string" && result.nodeType === 11) {
  3743                         return result;
  3744                     }
  3745                     var frag = can.buildFragment(result, document.body);
  3746                     // If we have an empty frag...
  3747                     if (!frag.childNodes.length) {
  3748                         frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(''));
  3749                     }
  3750                     return frag;
  3751                 },
  3753                 // ##### toId
  3754                 // Convert a path like string into something that's ok for an `element` ID.
  3755                 toId: function(src) {
  3756                     return can.map(src.toString()
  3757                         .split(/\/|\./g), function(part) {
  3758                             // Dont include empty strings in toId functions
  3759                             if (part) {
  3760                                 return part;
  3761                             }
  3762                         })
  3763                         .join('_');
  3764                 },
  3765                 // ##### toStr
  3766                 // convert argument to a string
  3767                 toStr: function(txt) {
  3768                     return txt == null ? "" : "" + txt;
  3769                 },
  3771                 // ##### hookup
  3772                 // attach the provided `fragment` to `parentNode`
  3774                 hookup: function(fragment, parentNode) {
  3775                     var hookupEls = [],
  3776                         id,
  3777                         func;
  3779                     // Get all `childNodes`.
  3780                     can.each(fragment.childNodes ? can.makeArray(fragment.childNodes) : fragment, function(node) {
  3781                         if (node.nodeType === 1) {
  3782                             hookupEls.push(node);
  3783                             hookupEls.push.apply(hookupEls, can.makeArray(node.getElementsByTagName('*')));
  3784                         }
  3785                     });
  3787                     // Filter by `data-view-id` attribute.
  3788                     can.each(hookupEls, function(el) {
  3789                         if (el.getAttribute && (id = el.getAttribute('data-view-id')) && (func = $view.hookups[id])) {
  3790                             func(el, parentNode, id);
  3791                             delete $view.hookups[id];
  3792                             el.removeAttribute('data-view-id');
  3793                         }
  3794                     });
  3796                     return fragment;
  3797                 },
  3799                 // `hookups` keeps list of pending hookups, ie fragments to attach to a parent node
  3801                 hookups: {},
  3803                 // `hook` factory method for hookup function inserted into templates
  3804                 // hookup functions are called after the html is rendered to the page
  3805                 // only implemented by EJS templates.
  3807                 hook: function(cb) {
  3808                     $view.hookups[++hookupId] = cb;
  3809                     return ' data-view-id=\'' + hookupId + '\'';
  3810                 },
  3813                 cached: {},
  3814                 cachedRenderers: {},
  3816                 // cache view templates resolved via XHR on the client
  3818                 cache: true,
  3820                 // ##### register
  3821                 // given an info object, register a template type
  3822                 // different templating solutions produce strings or document fragments via their renderer function
  3824                 register: function(info) {
  3825                     this.types['.' + info.suffix] = info;
  3827                     // _removed if not used as a steal module_
  3831                     can[info.suffix] = $view[info.suffix] = function(id, text) {
  3832                         // If there is no text, assume id is the template text, so return a nameless renderer.
  3833                         if (!text) {
  3834                             // if the template has a fragRenderer already, just return that.
  3835                             if (info.fragRenderer) {
  3836                                 return info.fragRenderer(null, id);
  3837                             } else {
  3838                                 return makeRenderer(info.renderer(null, id));
  3839                             }
  3841                         }
  3842                         if (info.fragRenderer) {
  3843                             return $view.preload(id, info.fragRenderer(id, text));
  3844                         } else {
  3845                             return $view.preloadStringRenderer(id, info.renderer(id, text));
  3846                         }
  3848                     };
  3850                 },
  3852                 //registered view types
  3853                 types: {},
  3856                 ext: ".ejs",
  3859                 registerScript: function(type, id, src) {
  3860                     return 'can.view.preloadStringRenderer(\'' + id + '\',' + $view.types['.' + type].script(id, src) + ');';
  3861                 },
  3864                 preload: function(id, renderer) {
  3865                     var def = $view.cached[id] = new can.Deferred()
  3866                         .resolve(function(data, helpers) {
  3867                             return renderer.call(data, data, helpers);
  3868                         });
  3870                     // set cache references (otherwise preloaded recursive views won't recurse properly)
  3871                     def.__view_id = id;
  3872                     $view.cachedRenderers[id] = renderer;
  3874                     return renderer;
  3875                 },
  3878                 preloadStringRenderer: function(id, stringRenderer) {
  3879                     return this.preload(id, makeRenderer(stringRenderer));
  3880                 },
  3882                 // #### renderers
  3883                 // ---------------
  3884                 // can.view's primary purpose is to load templates (from strings or filesystem) and render them
  3885                 // can.view supports two different forms of rendering systems
  3886                 // mustache templates return a string based rendering function
  3888                 // stache (or other fragment based templating systems) return a document fragment, so 'hookup' steps are not required
  3889                 // ##### render
  3890                 //call `renderAs` with a hardcoded string, as view.render
  3891                 // always operates against resolved template files or hardcoded strings
  3892                 render: function(view, data, helpers, callback) {
  3893                     return can.view.renderAs("string", view, data, helpers, callback);
  3894                 },
  3896                 // ##### renderTo
  3897                 renderTo: function(format, renderer, data, helpers) {
  3898                     return (format === "string" && renderer.render ? renderer.render : renderer)(data, helpers);
  3899                 },
  3902                 renderAs: function(format, view, data, helpers, callback) {
  3903                     // If helpers is a `function`, it is actually a callback.
  3904                     if (isFunction(helpers)) {
  3905                         callback = helpers;
  3906                         helpers = undefined;
  3907                     }
  3909                     // See if we got passed any deferreds.
  3910                     var deferreds = getDeferreds(data);
  3911                     var reading, deferred, dataCopy, async, response;
  3912                     if (deferreds.length) {
  3913                         // Does data contain any deferreds?
  3914                         // The deferred that resolves into the rendered content...
  3915                         deferred = new can.Deferred();
  3916                         dataCopy = can.extend({}, data);
  3918                         // Add the view request to the list of deferreds.
  3919                         deferreds.push(get(view, true));
  3920                         // Wait for the view and all deferreds to finish...
  3921                         can.when.apply(can, deferreds)
  3922                             .then(function(resolved) {
  3923                                 // Get all the resolved deferreds.
  3924                                 var objs = makeArray(arguments),
  3925                                     // Renderer is the last index of the data.
  3926                                     renderer = objs.pop(),
  3927                                     // The result of the template rendering with data.
  3928                                     result;
  3930                                 // Make data look like the resolved deferreds.
  3931                                 if (can.isDeferred(data)) {
  3932                                     dataCopy = usefulPart(resolved);
  3933                                 } else {
  3934                                     // Go through each prop in data again and
  3935                                     // replace the defferreds with what they resolved to.
  3936                                     for (var prop in data) {
  3937                                         if (can.isDeferred(data[prop])) {
  3938                                             dataCopy[prop] = usefulPart(objs.shift());
  3939                                         }
  3940                                     }
  3941                                 }
  3943                                 // Get the rendered result.
  3944                                 result = can.view.renderTo(format, renderer, dataCopy, helpers);
  3946                                 // Resolve with the rendered view.
  3947                                 deferred.resolve(result, dataCopy);
  3949                                 // If there's a `callback`, call it back with the result.
  3950                                 if (callback) {
  3951                                     callback(result, dataCopy);
  3952                                 }
  3953                             }, function() {
  3954                                 deferred.reject.apply(deferred, arguments);
  3955                             });
  3956                         // Return the deferred...
  3957                         return deferred;
  3958                     } else {
  3959                         // get is called async but in 
  3960                         // ff will be async so we need to temporarily reset
  3961                         reading = can.__clearReading();
  3963                         // If there's a `callback` function
  3964                         async = isFunction(callback);
  3965                         // Get the `view` type
  3966                         deferred = get(view, async);
  3968                         if (reading) {
  3969                             can.__setReading(reading);
  3970                         }
  3972                         // If we are `async`...
  3973                         if (async) {
  3974                             // Return the deferred
  3975                             response = deferred;
  3976                             // And fire callback with the rendered result.
  3977                             deferred.then(function(renderer) {
  3978                                 callback(data ? can.view.renderTo(format, renderer, data, helpers) : renderer);
  3979                             });
  3980                         } else {
  3981                             // if the deferred is resolved, call the cached renderer instead
  3982                             // this is because it's possible, with recursive deferreds to
  3983                             // need to render a view while its deferred is _resolving_.  A _resolving_ deferred
  3984                             // is a deferred that was just resolved and is calling back it's success callbacks.
  3985                             // If a new success handler is called while resoliving, it does not get fired by
  3986                             // jQuery's deferred system.  So instead of adding a new callback
  3987                             // we use the cached renderer.
  3988                             // We also add __view_id on the deferred so we can look up it's cached renderer.
  3989                             // In the future, we might simply store either a deferred or the cached result.
  3990                             if (deferred.state() === 'resolved' && deferred.__view_id) {
  3991                                 var currentRenderer = $view.cachedRenderers[deferred.__view_id];
  3992                                 return data ? can.view.renderTo(format, currentRenderer, data, helpers) : currentRenderer;
  3993                             } else {
  3994                                 // Otherwise, the deferred is complete, so
  3995                                 // set response to the result of the rendering.
  3996                                 deferred.then(function(renderer) {
  3997                                     response = data ? can.view.renderTo(format, renderer, data, helpers) : renderer;
  3998                                 });
  3999                             }
  4000                         }
  4002                         return response;
  4003                     }
  4004                 },
  4007                 registerView: function(id, text, type, def) {
  4008                     // Get the renderer function.
  4009                     var info = (typeof type === "object" ? type : $view.types[type || $view.ext]),
  4010                         renderer;
  4011                     if (info.fragRenderer) {
  4012                         renderer = info.fragRenderer(id, text);
  4013                     } else {
  4014                         renderer = makeRenderer(info.renderer(id, text));
  4015                     }
  4017                     def = def || new can.Deferred();
  4019                     // Cache if we are caching.
  4020                     if ($view.cache) {
  4021                         $view.cached[id] = def;
  4022                         def.__view_id = id;
  4023                         $view.cachedRenderers[id] = renderer;
  4024                     }
  4026                     // Return the objects for the response's `dataTypes`
  4027                     // (in this case view).
  4028                     return def.resolve(renderer);
  4029                 }
  4030             });
  4032         // _removed if not used as a steal module_
  4034         return can;
  4035     })(__m3);
  4037     // ## can/control/control.js
  4038     var __m18 = (function(can) {
  4039         // ### bind
  4040         // this helper binds to one element and returns a function that unbinds from that element.
  4041         var bind = function(el, ev, callback) {
  4043             can.bind.call(el, ev, callback);
  4045             return function() {
  4046                 can.unbind.call(el, ev, callback);
  4047             };
  4048         },
  4049             isFunction = can.isFunction,
  4050             extend = can.extend,
  4051             each = can.each,
  4052             slice = [].slice,
  4053             paramReplacer = /\{([^\}]+)\}/g,
  4054             special = can.getObject("$.event.special", [can]) || {},
  4056             // ### delegate
  4057             // this helper binds to elements based on a selector and returns a 
  4058             // function that unbinds.
  4059             delegate = function(el, selector, ev, callback) {
  4060                 can.delegate.call(el, selector, ev, callback);
  4061                 return function() {
  4062                     can.undelegate.call(el, selector, ev, callback);
  4063                 };
  4064             },
  4066             // ### binder
  4067             // Calls bind or unbind depending if there is a selector.
  4068             binder = function(el, ev, callback, selector) {
  4069                 return selector ?
  4070                     delegate(el, can.trim(selector), ev, callback) :
  4071                     bind(el, ev, callback);
  4072             },
  4074             basicProcessor;
  4076         var Control = can.Control = can.Construct(
  4078             // ## *static functions*
  4080             {
  4081                 // ## can.Control.setup
  4082                 // This function pre-processes which methods are event listeners and which are methods of
  4083                 // the control. It has a mechanism to allow controllers to inherit default values from super
  4084                 // classes, like `can.Construct`, and will cache functions that are action functions (see `_isAction`)
  4085                 // or functions with an underscored name.
  4086                 setup: function() {
  4087                     can.Construct.setup.apply(this, arguments);
  4089                     if (can.Control) {
  4090                         var control = this,
  4091                             funcName;
  4093                         control.actions = {};
  4094                         for (funcName in control.prototype) {
  4095                             if (control._isAction(funcName)) {
  4096                                 control.actions[funcName] = control._action(funcName);
  4097                             }
  4098                         }
  4099                     }
  4100                 },
  4101                 // ## can.Control._shifter
  4102                 // Moves `this` to the first argument, wraps it with `jQuery` if it's 
  4103                 // an element.
  4104                 _shifter: function(context, name) {
  4106                     var method = typeof name === "string" ? context[name] : name;
  4108                     if (!isFunction(method)) {
  4109                         method = context[method];
  4110                     }
  4112                     return function() {
  4113                         context.called = name;
  4114                         return method.apply(context, [this.nodeName ? can.$(this) : this].concat(slice.call(arguments, 0)));
  4115                     };
  4116                 },
  4118                 // ## can.Control._isAction
  4119                 // Return `true` if `methodName` refers to an action. An action is a `methodName` value that
  4120                 // is not the constructor, and is either a function or string that refers to a function, or is
  4121                 // defined in `special`, `processors`. Detects whether `methodName` is also a valid method name.
  4122                 _isAction: function(methodName) {
  4123                     var val = this.prototype[methodName],
  4124                         type = typeof val;
  4126                     return (methodName !== 'constructor') &&
  4127                     (type === "function" || (type === "string" && isFunction(this.prototype[val]))) && !! (special[methodName] || processors[methodName] || /[^\w]/.test(methodName));
  4128                 },
  4129                 // ## can.Control._action
  4130                 // Takes a method name and the options passed to a control and tries to return the data 
  4131                 // necessary to pass to a processor (something that binds things).
  4132                 // For performance reasons, `_action` is called twice: 
  4133                 // * It's called when the Control class is created. for templated method names (e.g., `{window} foo`), it returns null. For non-templated method names it returns the event binding data. That data is added to `this.actions`.
  4134                 // * It is called wehn a control instance is created, but only for templated actions.
  4135                 _action: function(methodName, options) {
  4137                     // If we don't have options (a `control` instance), we'll run this later. If we have
  4138                     // options, run `can.sub` to replace the action template `{}` with values from the `options`
  4139                     // or `window`. If a `{}` template resolves to an object, `convertedName` will be an array.
  4140                     // In that case, the event name we want will be the last item in that array.
  4141                     paramReplacer.lastIndex = 0;
  4142                     if (options || !paramReplacer.test(methodName)) {
  4143                         var convertedName = options ? can.sub(methodName, this._lookup(options)) : methodName;
  4144                         if (!convertedName) {
  4146                             return null;
  4147                         }
  4148                         var arr = can.isArray(convertedName),
  4149                             name = arr ? convertedName[1] : convertedName,
  4150                             parts = name.split(/\s+/g),
  4151                             event = parts.pop();
  4153                         return {
  4154                             processor: processors[event] || basicProcessor,
  4155                             parts: [name, parts.join(" "), event],
  4156                             delegate: arr ? convertedName[0] : undefined
  4157                         };
  4158                     }
  4159                 },
  4160                 _lookup: function(options) {
  4161                     return [options, window];
  4162                 },
  4163                 // ## can.Control.processors
  4164                 // An object of `{eventName : function}` pairs that Control uses to 
  4165                 // hook up events automatically.
  4166                 processors: {},
  4167                 // ## can.Control.defaults
  4168                 // A object of name-value pairs that act as default values for a control instance
  4169                 defaults: {}
  4170             }, {
  4171                 // ## *prototype functions*
  4173                 // ## setup
  4174                 // Setup is where most of the Control's magic happens. It performs several pre-initialization steps:
  4175                 // - Sets `this.element`
  4176                 // - Adds the Control's name to the element's className
  4177                 // - Saves the Control in `$.data`
  4178                 // - Merges Options
  4179                 // - Binds event handlers using `delegate`
  4180                 // The final step is to return pass the element and prepareed options, to be used in `init`.
  4181                 setup: function(element, options) {
  4183                     var cls = this.constructor,
  4184                         pluginname = cls.pluginName || cls._fullName,
  4185                         arr;
  4187                     // Retrieve the raw element, then set the plugin name as a class there.
  4188                     this.element = can.$(element);
  4190                     if (pluginname && pluginname !== 'can_control') {
  4191                         this.element.addClass(pluginname);
  4192                     }
  4194                     // Set up the 'controls' data on the element. If it does not exist, initialize
  4195                     // it to an empty array.
  4196                     arr = can.data(this.element, 'controls');
  4197                     if (!arr) {
  4198                         arr = [];
  4199                         can.data(this.element, 'controls', arr);
  4200                     }
  4201                     arr.push(this);
  4203                     // The `this.options` property is an Object that contains configuration data
  4204                     // passed to a control when it is created (`new can.Control(element, options)`)
  4205                     // The `options` argument passed when creating the control is merged with `can.Control.defaults` 
  4206                     // in [can.Control.prototype.setup setup].
  4207                     // If no `options` value is used during creation, the value in `defaults` is used instead
  4208                     this.options = extend({}, cls.defaults, options);
  4210                     this.on();
  4212                     return [this.element, this.options];
  4213                 },
  4214                 // ## on
  4215                 // This binds an event handler for an event to a selector under the scope of `this.element`
  4216                 // If no options are specified, all events are rebound to their respective elements. The actions,
  4217                 // which were cached in `setup`, are used and all elements are bound using `delegate` from `this.element`.
  4218                 on: function(el, selector, eventName, func) {
  4219                     if (!el) {
  4220                         this.off();
  4222                         var cls = this.constructor,
  4223                             bindings = this._bindings,
  4224                             actions = cls.actions,
  4225                             element = this.element,
  4226                             destroyCB = can.Control._shifter(this, "destroy"),
  4227                             funcName, ready;
  4229                         for (funcName in actions) {
  4230                             // Only push if we have the action and no option is `undefined`
  4231                             if (actions.hasOwnProperty(funcName)) {
  4232                                 ready = actions[funcName] || cls._action(funcName, this.options, this);
  4233                                 if (ready) {
  4234                                     bindings.control[funcName] = ready.processor(ready.delegate || element,
  4235                                         ready.parts[2], ready.parts[1], funcName, this);
  4236                                 }
  4237                             }
  4238                         }
  4240                         // Set up the ability to `destroy` the control later.
  4241                         can.bind.call(element, "removed", destroyCB);
  4242                         bindings.user.push(function(el) {
  4243                             can.unbind.call(el, "removed", destroyCB);
  4244                         });
  4245                         return bindings.user.length;
  4246                     }
  4248                     // if `el` is a string, use that as `selector` and re-set it to this control's element...
  4249                     if (typeof el === 'string') {
  4250                         func = eventName;
  4251                         eventName = selector;
  4252                         selector = el;
  4253                         el = this.element;
  4254                     }
  4256                     // ...otherwise, set `selector` to null
  4257                     if (func === undefined) {
  4258                         func = eventName;
  4259                         eventName = selector;
  4260                         selector = null;
  4261                     }
  4263                     if (typeof func === 'string') {
  4264                         func = can.Control._shifter(this, func);
  4265                     }
  4267                     this._bindings.user.push(binder(el, eventName, func, selector));
  4269                     return this._bindings.user.length;
  4270                 },
  4271                 // ## off
  4272                 // Unbinds all event handlers on the controller.
  4273                 // This should _only_ be called in combination with .on()
  4274                 off: function() {
  4275                     var el = this.element[0],
  4276                         bindings = this._bindings;
  4277                     if (bindings) {
  4278                         each(bindings.user || [], function(value) {
  4279                             value(el);
  4280                         });
  4281                         each(bindings.control || {}, function(value) {
  4282                             value(el);
  4283                         });
  4284                     }
  4285                     // Adds bindings.
  4286                     this._bindings = {
  4287                         user: [],
  4288                         control: {}
  4289                     };
  4290                 },
  4291                 // ## destroy
  4292                 // Prepares a `control` for garbage collection.
  4293                 // First checks if it has already been removed. Then, removes all the bindings, data, and 
  4294                 // the element from the Control instance.
  4295                 destroy: function() {
  4296                     if (this.element === null) {
  4298                         return;
  4299                     }
  4300                     var Class = this.constructor,
  4301                         pluginName = Class.pluginName || Class._fullName,
  4302                         controls;
  4304                     this.off();
  4306                     if (pluginName && pluginName !== 'can_control') {
  4307                         this.element.removeClass(pluginName);
  4308                     }
  4310                     controls = can.data(this.element, "controls");
  4311                     controls.splice(can.inArray(this, controls), 1);
  4313                     can.trigger(this, "destroyed");
  4315                     this.element = null;
  4316                 }
  4317             });
  4319         // ## Processors
  4320         // Processors do the binding. This basic processor binds events. Each returns a function that unbinds 
  4321         // when called.
  4322         var processors = can.Control.processors;
  4323         basicProcessor = function(el, event, selector, methodName, control) {
  4324             return binder(el, event, can.Control._shifter(control, methodName), selector);
  4325         };
  4327         // Set common events to be processed as a `basicProcessor`
  4328         each(["change", "click", "contextmenu", "dblclick", "keydown", "keyup",
  4329                 "keypress", "mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseout", "mouseover",
  4330                 "mouseup", "reset", "resize", "scroll", "select", "submit", "focusin",
  4331                 "focusout", "mouseenter", "mouseleave",
  4332                 "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchcancel", "touchend", "touchleave",
  4333                 "inserted", "removed"
  4334             ], function(v) {
  4335                 processors[v] = basicProcessor;
  4336             });
  4338         return Control;
  4339     })(__m3, __m1);
  4341     // ## can/util/string/deparam/deparam.js
  4342     var __m20 = (function(can) {
  4343         // ## deparam.js  
  4344         // `can.deparam`  
  4345         // _Takes a string of name value pairs and returns a Object literal that represents those params._
  4346         var digitTest = /^\d+$/,
  4347             keyBreaker = /([^\[\]]+)|(\[\])/g,
  4348             paramTest = /([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/,
  4349             prep = function(str) {
  4350                 return decodeURIComponent(str.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
  4351             };
  4352         can.extend(can, {
  4353                 deparam: function(params) {
  4354                     var data = {}, pairs, lastPart;
  4355                     if (params && paramTest.test(params)) {
  4356                         pairs = params.split('&');
  4357                         can.each(pairs, function(pair) {
  4358                             var parts = pair.split('='),
  4359                                 key = prep(parts.shift()),
  4360                                 value = prep(parts.join('=')),
  4361                                 current = data;
  4362                             if (key) {
  4363                                 parts = key.match(keyBreaker);
  4364                                 for (var j = 0, l = parts.length - 1; j < l; j++) {
  4365                                     if (!current[parts[j]]) {
  4366                                         // If what we are pointing to looks like an `array`
  4367                                         current[parts[j]] = digitTest.test(parts[j + 1]) || parts[j + 1] === '[]' ? [] : {};
  4368                                     }
  4369                                     current = current[parts[j]];
  4370                                 }
  4371                                 lastPart = parts.pop();
  4372                                 if (lastPart === '[]') {
  4373                                     current.push(value);
  4374                                 } else {
  4375                                     current[lastPart] = value;
  4376                                 }
  4377                             }
  4378                         });
  4379                     }
  4380                     return data;
  4381                 }
  4382             });
  4383         return can;
  4384     })(__m3, __m2);
  4386     // ## can/route/route.js
  4387     var __m19 = (function(can) {
  4389         // ## route.js
  4390         // `can.route`
  4391         // _Helps manage browser history (and client state) by synchronizing the
  4392         // `window.location.hash` with a `can.Map`._
  4393         // Helper methods used for matching routes.
  4394         var
  4395         // `RegExp` used to match route variables of the type ':name'.
  4396         // Any word character or a period is matched.
  4397         matcher = /\:([\w\.]+)/g,
  4398             // Regular expression for identifying &amp;key=value lists.
  4399             paramsMatcher = /^(?:&[^=]+=[^&]*)+/,
  4400             // Converts a JS Object into a list of parameters that can be
  4401             // inserted into an html element tag.
  4402             makeProps = function(props) {
  4403                 var tags = [];
  4404                 can.each(props, function(val, name) {
  4405                     tags.push((name === 'className' ? 'class' : name) + '="' +
  4406                         (name === "href" ? val : can.esc(val)) + '"');
  4407                 });
  4408                 return tags.join(" ");
  4409             },
  4410             // Checks if a route matches the data provided. If any route variable
  4411             // is not present in the data, the route does not match. If all route
  4412             // variables are present in the data, the number of matches is returned
  4413             // to allow discerning between general and more specific routes.
  4414             matchesData = function(route, data) {
  4415                 var count = 0,
  4416                     i = 0,
  4417                     defaults = {};
  4418                 // look at default values, if they match ...
  4419                 for (var name in route.defaults) {
  4420                     if (route.defaults[name] === data[name]) {
  4421                         // mark as matched
  4422                         defaults[name] = 1;
  4423                         count++;
  4424                     }
  4425                 }
  4426                 for (; i < route.names.length; i++) {
  4427                     if (!data.hasOwnProperty(route.names[i])) {
  4428                         return -1;
  4429                     }
  4430                     if (!defaults[route.names[i]]) {
  4431                         count++;
  4432                     }
  4434                 }
  4436                 return count;
  4437             },
  4438             location = window.location,
  4439             wrapQuote = function(str) {
  4440                 return (str + '')
  4441                     .replace(/([.?*+\^$\[\]\\(){}|\-])/g, "\\$1");
  4442             },
  4443             each = can.each,
  4444             extend = can.extend,
  4445             // Helper for convert any object (or value) to stringified object (or value)
  4446             stringify = function(obj) {
  4447                 // Object is array, plain object, Map or List
  4448                 if (obj && typeof obj === "object") {
  4449                     // Get native object or array from Map or List
  4450                     if (obj instanceof can.Map) {
  4451                         obj = obj.attr();
  4452                         // Clone object to prevent change original values
  4453                     } else {
  4454                         obj = can.isFunction(obj.slice) ? obj.slice() : can.extend({}, obj);
  4455                     }
  4456                     // Convert each object property or array item into stringified new
  4457                     can.each(obj, function(val, prop) {
  4458                         obj[prop] = stringify(val);
  4459                     });
  4460                     // Object supports toString function
  4461                 } else if (obj !== undefined && obj !== null && can.isFunction(obj.toString)) {
  4462                     obj = obj.toString();
  4463                 }
  4465                 return obj;
  4466             },
  4467             removeBackslash = function(str) {
  4468                 return str.replace(/\\/g, "");
  4469             },
  4470             // A ~~throttled~~ debounced function called multiple times will only fire once the
  4471             // timer runs down. Each call resets the timer.
  4472             timer,
  4473             // Intermediate storage for `can.route.data`.
  4474             curParams,
  4475             // The last hash caused by a data change
  4476             lastHash,
  4477             // Are data changes pending that haven't yet updated the hash
  4478             changingData,
  4479             // If the `can.route.data` changes, update the hash.
  4480             // Using `.serialize()` retrieves the raw data contained in the `observable`.
  4481             // This function is ~~throttled~~ debounced so it only updates once even if multiple values changed.
  4482             // This might be able to use batchNum and avoid this.
  4483             onRouteDataChange = function(ev, attr, how, newval) {
  4484                 // indicate that data is changing
  4485                 changingData = 1;
  4486                 clearTimeout(timer);
  4487                 timer = setTimeout(function() {
  4488                     // indicate that the hash is set to look like the data
  4489                     changingData = 0;
  4490                     var serialized = can.route.data.serialize(),
  4491                         path = can.route.param(serialized, true);
  4492                     can.route._call("setURL", path);
  4494                     lastHash = path;
  4495                 }, 10);
  4496             };
  4498         can.route = function(url, defaults) {
  4499             // if route ends with a / and url starts with a /, remove the leading / of the url
  4500             var root = can.route._call("root");
  4502             if (root.lastIndexOf("/") === root.length - 1 &&
  4503                 url.indexOf("/") === 0) {
  4504                 url = url.substr(1);
  4505             }
  4507             defaults = defaults || {};
  4508             // Extract the variable names and replace with `RegExp` that will match
  4509             // an atual URL with values.
  4510             var names = [],
  4511                 res,
  4512                 test = "",
  4513                 lastIndex = matcher.lastIndex = 0,
  4514                 next,
  4515                 querySeparator = can.route._call("querySeparator");
  4517             // res will be something like [":foo","foo"]
  4518             while (res = matcher.exec(url)) {
  4519                 names.push(res[1]);
  4520                 test += removeBackslash(url.substring(lastIndex, matcher.lastIndex - res[0].length));
  4521                 next = "\\" + (removeBackslash(url.substr(matcher.lastIndex, 1)) || querySeparator);
  4522                 // a name without a default value HAS to have a value
  4523                 // a name that has a default value can be empty
  4524                 // The `\\` is for string-escaping giving single `\` for `RegExp` escaping.
  4525                 test += "([^" + next + "]" + (defaults[res[1]] ? "*" : "+") + ")";
  4526                 lastIndex = matcher.lastIndex;
  4527             }
  4528             test += url.substr(lastIndex)
  4529                 .replace("\\", "");
  4530             // Add route in a form that can be easily figured out.
  4531             can.route.routes[url] = {
  4532                 // A regular expression that will match the route when variable values
  4533                 // are present; i.e. for `:page/:type` the `RegExp` is `/([\w\.]*)/([\w\.]*)/` which
  4534                 // will match for any value of `:page` and `:type` (word chars or period).
  4535                 test: new RegExp("^" + test + "($|" + wrapQuote(querySeparator) + ")"),
  4536                 // The original URL, same as the index for this entry in routes.
  4537                 route: url,
  4538                 // An `array` of all the variable names in this route.
  4539                 names: names,
  4540                 // Default values provided for the variables.
  4541                 defaults: defaults,
  4542                 // The number of parts in the URL separated by `/`.
  4543                 length: url.split('/')
  4544                     .length
  4545             };
  4546             return can.route;
  4547         };
  4550         extend(can.route, {
  4553                 param: function(data, _setRoute) {
  4554                     // Check if the provided data keys match the names in any routes;
  4555                     // Get the one with the most matches.
  4556                     var route,
  4557                         // Need to have at least 1 match.
  4558                         matches = 0,
  4559                         matchCount,
  4560                         routeName = data.route,
  4561                         propCount = 0;
  4563                     delete data.route;
  4565                     each(data, function() {
  4566                         propCount++;
  4567                     });
  4568                     // Otherwise find route.
  4569                     each(can.route.routes, function(temp, name) {
  4570                         // best route is the first with all defaults matching
  4572                         matchCount = matchesData(temp, data);
  4573                         if (matchCount > matches) {
  4574                             route = temp;
  4575                             matches = matchCount;
  4576                         }
  4577                         if (matchCount >= propCount) {
  4578                             return false;
  4579                         }
  4580                     });
  4581                     // If we have a route name in our `can.route` data, and it's
  4582                     // just as good as what currently matches, use that
  4583                     if (can.route.routes[routeName] && matchesData(can.route.routes[routeName], data) === matches) {
  4584                         route = can.route.routes[routeName];
  4585                     }
  4586                     // If this is match...
  4587                     if (route) {
  4588                         var cpy = extend({}, data),
  4589                             // Create the url by replacing the var names with the provided data.
  4590                             // If the default value is found an empty string is inserted.
  4591                             res = route.route.replace(matcher, function(whole, name) {
  4592                                 delete cpy[name];
  4593                                 return data[name] === route.defaults[name] ? "" : encodeURIComponent(data[name]);
  4594                             })
  4595                                 .replace("\\", ""),
  4596                             after;
  4597                         // Remove matching default values
  4598                         each(route.defaults, function(val, name) {
  4599                             if (cpy[name] === val) {
  4600                                 delete cpy[name];
  4601                             }
  4602                         });
  4604                         // The remaining elements of data are added as
  4605                         // `&amp;` separated parameters to the url.
  4606                         after = can.param(cpy);
  4607                         // if we are paraming for setting the hash
  4608                         // we also want to make sure the route value is updated
  4609                         if (_setRoute) {
  4610                             can.route.attr('route', route.route);
  4611                         }
  4612                         return res + (after ? can.route._call("querySeparator") + after : "");
  4613                     }
  4614                     // If no route was found, there is no hash URL, only paramters.
  4615                     return can.isEmptyObject(data) ? "" : can.route._call("querySeparator") + can.param(data);
  4616                 },
  4618                 deparam: function(url) {
  4620                     // remove the url
  4621                     var root = can.route._call("root");
  4622                     if (root.lastIndexOf("/") === root.length - 1 &&
  4623                         url.indexOf("/") === 0) {
  4624                         url = url.substr(1);
  4625                     }
  4627                     // See if the url matches any routes by testing it against the `route.test` `RegExp`.
  4628                     // By comparing the URL length the most specialized route that matches is used.
  4629                     var route = {
  4630                         length: -1
  4631                     },
  4632                         querySeparator = can.route._call("querySeparator"),
  4633                         paramsMatcher = can.route._call("paramsMatcher");
  4635                     each(can.route.routes, function(temp, name) {
  4636                         if (temp.test.test(url) && temp.length > route.length) {
  4637                             route = temp;
  4638                         }
  4639                     });
  4640                     // If a route was matched.
  4641                     if (route.length > -1) {
  4643                         var // Since `RegExp` backreferences are used in `route.test` (parens)
  4644                         // the parts will contain the full matched string and each variable (back-referenced) value.
  4645                         parts = url.match(route.test),
  4646                             // Start will contain the full matched string; parts contain the variable values.
  4647                             start = parts.shift(),
  4648                             // The remainder will be the `&amp;key=value` list at the end of the URL.
  4649                             remainder = url.substr(start.length - (parts[parts.length - 1] === querySeparator ? 1 : 0)),
  4650                             // If there is a remainder and it contains a `&amp;key=value` list deparam it.
  4651                             obj = (remainder && paramsMatcher.test(remainder)) ? can.deparam(remainder.slice(1)) : {};
  4653                         // Add the default values for this route.
  4654                         obj = extend(true, {}, route.defaults, obj);
  4655                         // Overwrite each of the default values in `obj` with those in
  4656                         // parts if that part is not empty.
  4657                         each(parts, function(part, i) {
  4658                             if (part && part !== querySeparator) {
  4659                                 obj[route.names[i]] = decodeURIComponent(part);
  4660                             }
  4661                         });
  4662                         obj.route = route.route;
  4663                         return obj;
  4664                     }
  4665                     // If no route was matched, it is parsed as a `&amp;key=value` list.
  4666                     if (url.charAt(0) !== querySeparator) {
  4667                         url = querySeparator + url;
  4668                     }
  4669                     return paramsMatcher.test(url) ? can.deparam(url.slice(1)) : {};
  4670                 },
  4672                 data: new can.Map({}),
  4673                 map: function(data) {
  4674                     var appState;
  4675                     // appState is a can.Map constructor function
  4676                     if (data.prototype instanceof can.Map) {
  4677                         appState = new data();
  4678                     }
  4679                     // appState is an instance of can.Map
  4680                     else {
  4681                         appState = data;
  4682                     }
  4683                     can.route.data = appState;
  4684                 },
  4686                 routes: {},
  4688                 ready: function(val) {
  4689                     if (val !== true) {
  4690                         can.route._setup();
  4691                         can.route.setState();
  4692                     }
  4693                     return can.route;
  4694                 },
  4696                 url: function(options, merge) {
  4698                     if (merge) {
  4699                         options = can.extend({}, can.route.deparam(can.route._call("matchingPartOfURL")), options);
  4700                     }
  4701                     return can.route._call("root") + can.route.param(options);
  4702                 },
  4704                 link: function(name, options, props, merge) {
  4705                     return "<a " + makeProps(
  4706                         extend({
  4707                                 href: can.route.url(options, merge)
  4708                             }, props)) + ">" + name + "</a>";
  4709                 },
  4711                 current: function(options) {
  4712                     return this._call("matchingPartOfURL") === can.route.param(options);
  4713                 },
  4714                 bindings: {
  4715                     hashchange: {
  4716                         paramsMatcher: paramsMatcher,
  4717                         querySeparator: "&",
  4718                         bind: function() {
  4719                             can.bind.call(window, 'hashchange', setState);
  4720                         },
  4721                         unbind: function() {
  4722                             can.unbind.call(window, 'hashchange', setState);
  4723                         },
  4724                         // Gets the part of the url we are determinging the route from.
  4725                         // For hashbased routing, it's everything after the #, for
  4726                         // pushState it's configurable
  4727                         matchingPartOfURL: function() {
  4728                             return location.href.split(/#!?/)[1] || "";
  4729                         },
  4730                         // gets called with the serialized can.route data after a route has changed
  4731                         // returns what the url has been updated to (for matching purposes)
  4732                         setURL: function(path) {
  4733                             location.hash = "#!" + path;
  4734                             return path;
  4735                         },
  4736                         root: "#!"
  4737                     }
  4738                 },
  4739                 defaultBinding: "hashchange",
  4740                 currentBinding: null,
  4741                 // ready calls setup
  4742                 // setup binds and listens to data changes
  4743                 // bind listens to whatever you should be listening to
  4744                 // data changes tries to set the path
  4746                 // we need to be able to
  4747                 // easily kick off calling setState
  4748                 // 	teardown whatever is there
  4749                 //  turn on a particular binding
  4751                 // called when the route is ready
  4752                 _setup: function() {
  4753                     if (!can.route.currentBinding) {
  4754                         can.route._call("bind");
  4755                         can.route.bind("change", onRouteDataChange);
  4756                         can.route.currentBinding = can.route.defaultBinding;
  4757                     }
  4758                 },
  4759                 _teardown: function() {
  4760                     if (can.route.currentBinding) {
  4761                         can.route._call("unbind");
  4762                         can.route.unbind("change", onRouteDataChange);
  4763                         can.route.currentBinding = null;
  4764                     }
  4765                     clearTimeout(timer);
  4766                     changingData = 0;
  4767                 },
  4768                 // a helper to get stuff from the current or default bindings
  4769                 _call: function() {
  4770                     var args = can.makeArray(arguments),
  4771                         prop = args.shift(),
  4772                         binding = can.route.bindings[can.route.currentBinding || can.route.defaultBinding],
  4773                         method = binding[prop];
  4774                     if (method.apply) {
  4775                         return method.apply(binding, args);
  4776                     } else {
  4777                         return method;
  4778                     }
  4779                 }
  4780             });
  4782         // The functions in the following list applied to `can.route` (e.g. `can.route.attr('...')`) will
  4783         // instead act on the `can.route.data` observe.
  4784         each(['bind', 'unbind', 'on', 'off', 'delegate', 'undelegate', 'removeAttr', 'compute', '_get', '__get'], function(name) {
  4785             can.route[name] = function() {
  4786                 // `delegate` and `undelegate` require
  4787                 // the `can/map/delegate` plugin
  4788                 if (!can.route.data[name]) {
  4789                     return;
  4790                 }
  4792                 return can.route.data[name].apply(can.route.data, arguments);
  4793             };
  4794         });
  4796         // Because everything in hashbang is in fact a string this will automaticaly convert new values to string. Works with single value, or deep hashes.
  4797         // Main motivation for this is to prevent double route event call for same value.
  4798         // Example (the problem):
  4799         // When you load page with hashbang like #!&some_number=2 and bind 'some_number' on routes.
  4800         // It will fire event with adding of "2" (string) to 'some_number' property
  4801         // But when you after this set can.route.attr({some_number: 2}) or can.route.attr('some_number', 2). it fires another event with change of 'some_number' from "2" (string) to 2 (integer)
  4802         // This wont happen again with this normalization
  4803         can.route.attr = function(attr, val) {
  4804             var type = typeof attr,
  4805                 newArguments;
  4807             // Reading
  4808             if (val === undefined) {
  4809                 newArguments = arguments;
  4810                 // Sets object
  4811             } else if (type !== "string" && type !== "number") {
  4812                 newArguments = [stringify(attr), val];
  4813                 // Sets key - value
  4814             } else {
  4815                 newArguments = [attr, stringify(val)];
  4816             }
  4818             return can.route.data.attr.apply(can.route.data, newArguments);
  4819         };
  4821         var // Deparameterizes the portion of the hash of interest and assign the
  4822         // values to the `can.route.data` removing existing values no longer in the hash.
  4823         // setState is called typically by hashchange which fires asynchronously
  4824         // So it's possible that someone started changing the data before the
  4825         // hashchange event fired.  For this reason, it will not set the route data
  4826         // if the data is changing or the hash already matches the hash that was set.
  4827         setState = can.route.setState = function() {
  4828             var hash = can.route._call("matchingPartOfURL");
  4829             var oldParams = curParams;
  4830             curParams = can.route.deparam(hash);
  4832             // if the hash data is currently changing, or
  4833             // the hash is what we set it to anyway, do NOT change the hash
  4834             if (!changingData || hash !== lastHash) {
  4835                 can.batch.start();
  4836                 for (var attr in oldParams) {
  4837                     if (!curParams[attr]) {
  4838                         can.route.removeAttr(attr);
  4839                     }
  4840                 }
  4841                 can.route.attr(curParams);
  4842                 can.batch.stop();
  4843             }
  4844         };
  4846         return can.route;
  4847     })(__m3, __m10, __m14, __m20);
  4849     // ## can/control/route/route.js
  4850     var __m21 = (function(can) {
  4852         // ## control/route.js
  4853         // _Controller route integration._
  4855         can.Control.processors.route = function(el, event, selector, funcName, controller) {
  4856             selector = selector || "";
  4857             if (!can.route.routes[selector]) {
  4858                 if (selector[0] === '/') {
  4859                     selector = selector.substring(1);
  4860                 }
  4861                 can.route(selector);
  4862             }
  4863             var batchNum,
  4864                 check = function(ev, attr, how) {
  4865                     if (can.route.attr('route') === (selector) &&
  4866                         (ev.batchNum === undefined || ev.batchNum !== batchNum)) {
  4868                         batchNum = ev.batchNum;
  4870                         var d = can.route.attr();
  4871                         delete d.route;
  4872                         if (can.isFunction(controller[funcName])) {
  4873                             controller[funcName](d);
  4874                         } else {
  4875                             controller[controller[funcName]](d);
  4876                         }
  4878                     }
  4879                 };
  4880             can.route.bind('change', check);
  4881             return function() {
  4882                 can.route.unbind('change', check);
  4883             };
  4884         };
  4886         return can;
  4887     })(__m3, __m19, __m18);
  4889     // ## can/view/elements.js
  4890     var __m24 = (function(can) {
  4892         var selectsCommentNodes = (function() {
  4893             return can.$(document.createComment('~')).length === 1;
  4894         })();
  4897         var elements = {
  4898             tagToContentPropMap: {
  4899                 option: 'textContent' in document.createElement('option') ? 'textContent' : 'innerText',
  4900                 textarea: 'value'
  4901             },
  4903             // 3.0 TODO: remove
  4904             attrMap: can.attr.map,
  4905             // matches the attrName of a regexp
  4906             attrReg: /([^\s=]+)[\s]*=[\s]*/,
  4907             // 3.0 TODO: remove
  4908             defaultValue: can.attr.defaultValue,
  4909             // a map of parent element to child elements
  4911             tagMap: {
  4912                 '': 'span',
  4913                 table: 'tbody',
  4914                 tr: 'td',
  4915                 ol: 'li',
  4916                 ul: 'li',
  4917                 tbody: 'tr',
  4918                 thead: 'tr',
  4919                 tfoot: 'tr',
  4920                 select: 'option',
  4921                 optgroup: 'option'
  4922             },
  4923             // a tag's parent element
  4924             reverseTagMap: {
  4925                 tr: 'tbody',
  4926                 option: 'select',
  4927                 td: 'tr',
  4928                 th: 'tr',
  4929                 li: 'ul'
  4930             },
  4931             // Used to determine the parentNode if el is directly within a documentFragment
  4932             getParentNode: function(el, defaultParentNode) {
  4933                 return defaultParentNode && el.parentNode.nodeType === 11 ? defaultParentNode : el.parentNode;
  4934             },
  4935             // 3.0 TODO: remove
  4936             setAttr: can.attr.set,
  4937             // 3.0 TODO: remove
  4938             getAttr: can.attr.get,
  4939             // 3.0 TODO: remove
  4940             removeAttr: can.attr.remove,
  4941             // Gets a "pretty" value for something
  4942             contentText: function(text) {
  4943                 if (typeof text === 'string') {
  4944                     return text;
  4945                 }
  4946                 // If has no value, return an empty string.
  4947                 if (!text && text !== 0) {
  4948                     return '';
  4949                 }
  4950                 return '' + text;
  4951             },
  4953             after: function(oldElements, newFrag) {
  4954                 var last = oldElements[oldElements.length - 1];
  4955                 // Insert it in the `document` or `documentFragment`
  4956                 if (last.nextSibling) {
  4957                     can.insertBefore(last.parentNode, newFrag, last.nextSibling);
  4958                 } else {
  4959                     can.appendChild(last.parentNode, newFrag);
  4960                 }
  4961             },
  4963             replace: function(oldElements, newFrag) {
  4964                 elements.after(oldElements, newFrag);
  4965                 if (can.remove(can.$(oldElements)).length < oldElements.length && !selectsCommentNodes) {
  4966                     can.each(oldElements, function(el) {
  4967                         if (el.nodeType === 8) {
  4968                             el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
  4969                         }
  4970                     });
  4971                 }
  4972             }
  4973         };
  4975         can.view.elements = elements;
  4977         return elements;
  4978     })(__m3, __m17);
  4980     // ## can/view/callbacks/callbacks.js
  4981     var __m25 = (function(can) {
  4983         var attr = can.view.attr = function(attributeName, attrHandler) {
  4984             if (attrHandler) {
  4985                 if (typeof attributeName === "string") {
  4986                     attributes[attributeName] = attrHandler;
  4987                 } else {
  4988                     regExpAttributes.push({
  4989                             match: attributeName,
  4990                             handler: attrHandler
  4991                         });
  4992                 }
  4993             } else {
  4994                 var cb = attributes[attributeName];
  4995                 if (!cb) {
  4997                     for (var i = 0, len = regExpAttributes.length; i < len; i++) {
  4998                         var attrMatcher = regExpAttributes[i];
  4999                         if (attrMatcher.match.test(attributeName)) {
  5000                             cb = attrMatcher.handler;
  5001                             break;
  5002                         }
  5003                     }
  5004                 }
  5005                 return cb;
  5006             }
  5007         };
  5009         var attributes = {},
  5010             regExpAttributes = [],
  5011             automaticCustomElementCharacters = /[-\:]/;
  5013         var tag = can.view.tag = function(tagName, tagHandler) {
  5014             if (tagHandler) {
  5015                 // if we have html5shive ... re-generate
  5016                 if (window.html5) {
  5017                     window.html5.elements += " " + tagName;
  5018                     window.html5.shivDocument();
  5019                 }
  5021                 tags[tagName.toLowerCase()] = tagHandler;
  5022             } else {
  5023                 var cb = tags[tagName.toLowerCase()];
  5024                 if (!cb && automaticCustomElementCharacters.test(tagName)) {
  5025                     // empty callback for things that look like special tags
  5026                     cb = function() {};
  5027                 }
  5028                 return cb;
  5029             }
  5031         };
  5032         var tags = {};
  5034         can.view.callbacks = {
  5035             _tags: tags,
  5036             _attributes: attributes,
  5037             _regExpAttributes: regExpAttributes,
  5038             tag: tag,
  5039             attr: attr,
  5040             // handles calling back a tag callback
  5041             tagHandler: function(el, tagName, tagData) {
  5042                 var helperTagCallback = tagData.options.read('tags.' + tagName, {
  5043                         isArgument: true,
  5044                         proxyMethods: false
  5045                     })
  5046                     .value,
  5047                     tagCallback = helperTagCallback || tags[tagName];
  5049                 // If this was an element like <foo-bar> that doesn't have a component, just render its content
  5050                 var scope = tagData.scope,
  5051                     res;
  5053                 if (tagCallback) {
  5054                     var reads = can.__clearReading();
  5055                     res = tagCallback(el, tagData);
  5056                     can.__setReading(reads);
  5057                 } else {
  5058                     res = scope;
  5059                 }
  5063                 // If the tagCallback gave us something to render with, and there is content within that element
  5064                 // render it!
  5065                 if (res && tagData.subtemplate) {
  5067                     if (scope !== res) {
  5068                         scope = scope.add(res);
  5069                     }
  5070                     var result = tagData.subtemplate(scope, tagData.options);
  5071                     var frag = typeof result === "string" ? can.view.frag(result) : result;
  5072                     can.appendChild(el, frag);
  5073                 }
  5074             }
  5075         };
  5076         return can.view.callbacks;
  5077     })(__m3, __m17);
  5079     // ## can/view/scanner.js
  5080     var __m23 = (function(can, elements, viewCallbacks) {
  5083         var newLine = /(\r|\n)+/g,
  5084             notEndTag = /\//,
  5085             // Escapes characters starting with `\`.
  5086             clean = function(content) {
  5087                 return content
  5088                     .split('\\')
  5089                     .join("\\\\")
  5090                     .split("\n")
  5091                     .join("\\n")
  5092                     .split('"')
  5093                     .join('\\"')
  5094                     .split("\t")
  5095                     .join("\\t");
  5096             },
  5097             // Returns a tagName to use as a temporary placeholder for live content
  5098             // looks forward ... could be slow, but we only do it when necessary
  5099             getTag = function(tagName, tokens, i) {
  5100                 // if a tagName is provided, use that
  5101                 if (tagName) {
  5102                     return tagName;
  5103                 } else {
  5104                     // otherwise go searching for the next two tokens like "<",TAG
  5105                     while (i < tokens.length) {
  5106                         if (tokens[i] === "<" && !notEndTag.test(tokens[i + 1])) {
  5107                             return elements.reverseTagMap[tokens[i + 1]] || 'span';
  5108                         }
  5109                         i++;
  5110                     }
  5111                 }
  5112                 return '';
  5113             },
  5114             bracketNum = function(content) {
  5115                 return (--content.split("{")
  5116                     .length) - (--content.split("}")
  5117                     .length);
  5118             },
  5119             myEval = function(script) {
  5120                 eval(script);
  5121             },
  5122             attrReg = /([^\s]+)[\s]*=[\s]*$/,
  5123             // Commands for caching.
  5124             startTxt = 'var ___v1ew = [];',
  5125             finishTxt = "return ___v1ew.join('')",
  5126             put_cmd = "___v1ew.push(\n",
  5127             insert_cmd = put_cmd,
  5128             // Global controls (used by other functions to know where we are).
  5129             // Are we inside a tag?
  5130             htmlTag = null,
  5131             // Are we within a quote within a tag?
  5132             quote = null,
  5133             // What was the text before the current quote? (used to get the `attr` name)
  5134             beforeQuote = null,
  5135             // Whether a rescan is in progress
  5136             rescan = null,
  5137             getAttrName = function() {
  5138                 var matches = beforeQuote.match(attrReg);
  5139                 return matches && matches[1];
  5140             },
  5141             // Used to mark where the element is.
  5142             status = function() {
  5143                 // `t` - `1`.
  5144                 // `h` - `0`.
  5145                 // `q` - String `beforeQuote`.
  5146                 return quote ? "'" + getAttrName() + "'" : (htmlTag ? 1 : 0);
  5147             },
  5148             // returns the top of a stack
  5149             top = function(stack) {
  5150                 return stack[stack.length - 1];
  5151             },
  5152             Scanner;
  5155         can.view.Scanner = Scanner = function(options) {
  5156             // Set options on self
  5157             can.extend(this, {
  5159                     text: {},
  5160                     tokens: []
  5161                 }, options);
  5162             // make sure it's an empty string if it's not
  5163             this.text.options = this.text.options || "";
  5165             // Cache a token lookup
  5166             this.tokenReg = [];
  5167             this.tokenSimple = {
  5168                 "<": "<",
  5169                 ">": ">",
  5170                 '"': '"',
  5171                 "'": "'"
  5172             };
  5173             this.tokenComplex = [];
  5174             this.tokenMap = {};
  5175             for (var i = 0, token; token = this.tokens[i]; i++) {
  5178                 // Save complex mappings (custom regexp)
  5179                 if (token[2]) {
  5180                     this.tokenReg.push(token[2]);
  5181                     this.tokenComplex.push({
  5182                             abbr: token[1],
  5183                             re: new RegExp(token[2]),
  5184                             rescan: token[3]
  5185                         });
  5186                 }
  5187                 // Save simple mappings (string only, no regexp)
  5188                 else {
  5189                     this.tokenReg.push(token[1]);
  5190                     this.tokenSimple[token[1]] = token[0];
  5191                 }
  5192                 this.tokenMap[token[0]] = token[1];
  5193             }
  5195             // Cache the token registry.
  5196             this.tokenReg = new RegExp("(" + this.tokenReg.slice(0)
  5197                 .concat(["<", ">", '"', "'"])
  5198                 .join("|") + ")", "g");
  5199         };
  5202         Scanner.prototype = {
  5203             // a default that can be overwritten
  5204             helpers: [],
  5206             scan: function(source, name) {
  5207                 var tokens = [],
  5208                     last = 0,
  5209                     simple = this.tokenSimple,
  5210                     complex = this.tokenComplex;
  5212                 source = source.replace(newLine, "\n");
  5213                 if (this.transform) {
  5214                     source = this.transform(source);
  5215                 }
  5216                 source.replace(this.tokenReg, function(whole, part) {
  5217                     // offset is the second to last argument
  5218                     var offset = arguments[arguments.length - 2];
  5220                     // if the next token starts after the last token ends
  5221                     // push what's in between
  5222                     if (offset > last) {
  5223                         tokens.push(source.substring(last, offset));
  5224                     }
  5226                     // push the simple token (if there is one)
  5227                     if (simple[whole]) {
  5228                         tokens.push(whole);
  5229                     }
  5230                     // otherwise lookup complex tokens
  5231                     else {
  5232                         for (var i = 0, token; token = complex[i]; i++) {
  5233                             if (token.re.test(whole)) {
  5234                                 tokens.push(token.abbr);
  5235                                 // Push a rescan function if one exists
  5236                                 if (token.rescan) {
  5237                                     tokens.push(token.rescan(part));
  5238                                 }
  5239                                 break;
  5240                             }
  5241                         }
  5242                     }
  5244                     // update the position of the last part of the last token
  5245                     last = offset + part.length;
  5246                 });
  5248                 // if there's something at the end, add it
  5249                 if (last < source.length) {
  5250                     tokens.push(source.substr(last));
  5251                 }
  5253                 var content = '',
  5254                     buff = [startTxt + (this.text.start || '')],
  5255                     // Helper `function` for putting stuff in the view concat.
  5256                     put = function(content, bonus) {
  5257                         buff.push(put_cmd, '"', clean(content), '"' + (bonus || '') + ');');
  5258                     },
  5259                     // A stack used to keep track of how we should end a bracket
  5260                     // `}`.
  5261                     // Once we have a `<%= %>` with a `leftBracket`,
  5262                     // we store how the file should end here (either `))` or `;`).
  5263                     endStack = [],
  5264                     // The last token, used to remember which tag we are in.
  5265                     lastToken,
  5266                     // The corresponding magic tag.
  5267                     startTag = null,
  5268                     // Was there a magic tag inside an html tag?
  5269                     magicInTag = false,
  5270                     // was there a special state
  5271                     specialStates = {
  5272                         attributeHookups: [],
  5273                         // a stack of tagHookups
  5274                         tagHookups: [],
  5275                         //last tag hooked up
  5276                         lastTagHookup: ''
  5277                     },
  5278                     // Helper `function` for removing tagHookups from the hookup stack
  5279                     popTagHookup = function() {
  5280                         // The length of tagHookups is the nested depth which can be used to uniquely identify custom tags of the same type
  5281                         specialStates.lastTagHookup = specialStates.tagHookups.pop() + specialStates.tagHookups.length;
  5282                     },
  5283                     // The current tag name.
  5284                     tagName = '',
  5285                     // stack of tagNames
  5286                     tagNames = [],
  5287                     // Pop from tagNames?
  5288                     popTagName = false,
  5289                     // Declared here.
  5290                     bracketCount,
  5291                     // in a special attr like src= or style=
  5292                     specialAttribute = false,
  5294                     i = 0,
  5295                     token,
  5296                     tmap = this.tokenMap,
  5297                     attrName;
  5299                 // Reinitialize the tag state goodness.
  5300                 htmlTag = quote = beforeQuote = null;
  5301                 for (;
  5302                     (token = tokens[i++]) !== undefined;) {
  5303                     if (startTag === null) {
  5304                         switch (token) {
  5305                             case tmap.left:
  5306                             case tmap.escapeLeft:
  5307                             case tmap.returnLeft:
  5308                                 magicInTag = htmlTag && 1;
  5310                             case tmap.commentLeft:
  5311                                 // A new line -- just add whatever content within a clean.
  5312                                 // Reset everything.
  5313                                 startTag = token;
  5314                                 if (content.length) {
  5315                                     put(content);
  5316                                 }
  5317                                 content = '';
  5318                                 break;
  5319                             case tmap.escapeFull:
  5320                                 // This is a full line escape (a line that contains only whitespace and escaped logic)
  5321                                 // Break it up into escape left and right
  5322                                 magicInTag = htmlTag && 1;
  5323                                 rescan = 1;
  5324                                 startTag = tmap.escapeLeft;
  5325                                 if (content.length) {
  5326                                     put(content);
  5327                                 }
  5328                                 rescan = tokens[i++];
  5329                                 content = rescan.content || rescan;
  5330                                 if (rescan.before) {
  5331                                     put(rescan.before);
  5332                                 }
  5333                                 tokens.splice(i, 0, tmap.right);
  5334                                 break;
  5335                             case tmap.commentFull:
  5336                                 // Ignore full line comments.
  5337                                 break;
  5338                             case tmap.templateLeft:
  5339                                 content += tmap.left;
  5340                                 break;
  5341                             case '<':
  5342                                 // Make sure we are not in a comment.
  5343                                 if (tokens[i].indexOf("!--") !== 0) {
  5344                                     htmlTag = 1;
  5345                                     magicInTag = 0;
  5346                                 }
  5348                                 content += token;
  5350                                 break;
  5351                             case '>':
  5352                                 htmlTag = 0;
  5353                                 // content.substr(-1) doesn't work in IE7/8
  5354                                 var emptyElement = (content.substr(content.length - 1) === "/" || content.substr(content.length - 2) === "--"),
  5355                                     attrs = "";
  5356                                 // if there was a magic tag
  5357                                 // or it's an element that has text content between its tags,
  5358                                 // but content is not other tags add a hookup
  5359                                 // TODO: we should only add `can.EJS.pending()` if there's a magic tag
  5360                                 // within the html tags.
  5361                                 if (specialStates.attributeHookups.length) {
  5362                                     attrs = "attrs: ['" + specialStates.attributeHookups.join("','") + "'], ";
  5363                                     specialStates.attributeHookups = [];
  5364                                 }
  5365                                 // this is the > of a special tag
  5366                                 // comparison to lastTagHookup makes sure the same custom tags can be nested
  5367                                 if ((tagName + specialStates.tagHookups.length) !== specialStates.lastTagHookup && tagName === top(specialStates.tagHookups)) {
  5368                                     // If it's a self closing tag (like <content/>) make sure we put the / at the end.
  5369                                     if (emptyElement) {
  5370                                         content = content.substr(0, content.length - 1);
  5371                                     }
  5372                                     // Put the start of the end
  5373                                     buff.push(put_cmd,
  5374                                         '"', clean(content), '"',
  5375                                         ",can.view.pending({tagName:'" + tagName + "'," + (attrs) + "scope: " + (this.text.scope || "this") + this.text.options);
  5377                                     // if it's a self closing tag (like <content/>) close and end the tag
  5378                                     if (emptyElement) {
  5379                                         buff.push("}));");
  5380                                         content = "/>";
  5381                                         popTagHookup();
  5382                                     }
  5383                                     // if it's an empty tag	 
  5384                                     else if (tokens[i] === "<" && tokens[i + 1] === "/" + tagName) {
  5385                                         buff.push("}));");
  5386                                         content = token;
  5387                                         popTagHookup();
  5388                                     } else {
  5389                                         // it has content
  5390                                         buff.push(",subtemplate: function(" + this.text.argNames + "){\n" + startTxt + (this.text.start || ''));
  5391                                         content = '';
  5392                                     }
  5394                                 } else if (magicInTag || (!popTagName && elements.tagToContentPropMap[tagNames[tagNames.length - 1]]) || attrs) {
  5395                                     // make sure / of /> is on the right of pending
  5396                                     var pendingPart = ",can.view.pending({" + attrs + "scope: " + (this.text.scope || "this") + this.text.options + "}),\"";
  5397                                     if (emptyElement) {
  5398                                         put(content.substr(0, content.length - 1), pendingPart + "/>\"");
  5399                                     } else {
  5400                                         put(content, pendingPart + ">\"");
  5401                                     }
  5402                                     content = '';
  5403                                     magicInTag = 0;
  5404                                 } else {
  5405                                     content += token;
  5406                                 }
  5408                                 // if it's a tag like <input/>
  5409                                 if (emptyElement || popTagName) {
  5410                                     // remove the current tag in the stack
  5411                                     tagNames.pop();
  5412                                     // set the current tag to the previous parent
  5413                                     tagName = tagNames[tagNames.length - 1];
  5414                                     // Don't pop next time
  5415                                     popTagName = false;
  5416                                 }
  5417                                 specialStates.attributeHookups = [];
  5418                                 break;
  5419                             case "'":
  5420                             case '"':
  5421                                 // If we are in an html tag, finding matching quotes.
  5422                                 if (htmlTag) {
  5423                                     // We have a quote and it matches.
  5424                                     if (quote && quote === token) {
  5425                                         // We are exiting the quote.
  5426                                         quote = null;
  5427                                         // Otherwise we are creating a quote.
  5428                                         // TODO: does this handle `\`?
  5429                                         var attr = getAttrName();
  5430                                         if (viewCallbacks.attr(attr)) {
  5431                                             specialStates.attributeHookups.push(attr);
  5432                                         }
  5434                                         if (specialAttribute) {
  5436                                             content += token;
  5437                                             put(content);
  5438                                             buff.push(finishTxt, "}));\n");
  5439                                             content = "";
  5440                                             specialAttribute = false;
  5442                                             break;
  5443                                         }
  5445                                     } else if (quote === null) {
  5446                                         quote = token;
  5447                                         beforeQuote = lastToken;
  5448                                         attrName = getAttrName();
  5449                                         // TODO: check if there's magic!!!!
  5450                                         if ((tagName === "img" && attrName === "src") || attrName === "style") {
  5451                                             // put content that was before the attr name, but don't include the src=
  5452                                             put(content.replace(attrReg, ""));
  5453                                             content = "";
  5455                                             specialAttribute = true;
  5457                                             buff.push(insert_cmd, "can.view.txt(2,'" + getTag(tagName, tokens, i) + "'," + status() + ",this,function(){", startTxt);
  5458                                             put(attrName + "=" + token);
  5459                                             break;
  5460                                         }
  5462                                     }
  5463                                 }
  5465                             default:
  5466                                 // Track the current tag
  5467                                 if (lastToken === '<') {
  5469                                     tagName = token.substr(0, 3) === "!--" ?
  5470                                         "!--" : token.split(/\s/)[0];
  5472                                     var isClosingTag = false,
  5473                                         cleanedTagName;
  5475                                     if (tagName.indexOf("/") === 0) {
  5476                                         isClosingTag = true;
  5477                                         cleanedTagName = tagName.substr(1);
  5478                                     }
  5480                                     if (isClosingTag) { // </tag>
  5482                                         // when we enter a new tag, pop the tag name stack
  5483                                         if (top(tagNames) === cleanedTagName) {
  5484                                             // set tagName to the last tagName
  5485                                             // if there are no more tagNames, we'll rely on getTag.
  5486                                             tagName = cleanedTagName;
  5487                                             popTagName = true;
  5488                                         }
  5489                                         // if we are in a closing tag of a custom tag
  5490                                         if (top(specialStates.tagHookups) === cleanedTagName) {
  5492                                             // remove the last < from the content
  5493                                             put(content.substr(0, content.length - 1));
  5495                                             // finish the "section"
  5496                                             buff.push(finishTxt + "}}) );");
  5497                                             // the < belongs to the outside
  5498                                             content = "><";
  5499                                             popTagHookup();
  5500                                         }
  5502                                     } else {
  5503                                         if (tagName.lastIndexOf("/") === tagName.length - 1) {
  5504                                             tagName = tagName.substr(0, tagName.length - 1);
  5506                                         }
  5508                                         if (tagName !== "!--" && (viewCallbacks.tag(tagName))) {
  5509                                             // if the content tag is inside something it doesn't belong ...
  5510                                             if (tagName === "content" && elements.tagMap[top(tagNames)]) {
  5511                                                 // convert it to an element that will work
  5512                                                 token = token.replace("content", elements.tagMap[top(tagNames)]);
  5513                                             }
  5514                                             // we will hookup at the ending tag>
  5515                                             specialStates.tagHookups.push(tagName);
  5516                                         }
  5518                                         tagNames.push(tagName);
  5520                                     }
  5522                                 }
  5523                                 content += token;
  5524                                 break;
  5525                         }
  5526                     } else {
  5527                         // We have a start tag.
  5528                         switch (token) {
  5529                             case tmap.right:
  5530                             case tmap.returnRight:
  5531                                 switch (startTag) {
  5532                                     case tmap.left:
  5533                                         // Get the number of `{ minus }`
  5534                                         bracketCount = bracketNum(content);
  5536                                         // We are ending a block.
  5537                                         if (bracketCount === 1) {
  5538                                             // We are starting on. 
  5539                                             buff.push(insert_cmd, 'can.view.txt(0,\'' + getTag(tagName, tokens, i) + '\',' + status() + ',this,function(){', startTxt, content);
  5540                                             endStack.push({
  5541                                                     before: "",
  5542                                                     after: finishTxt + "}));\n"
  5543                                                 });
  5544                                         } else {
  5546                                             // How are we ending this statement?
  5547                                             last = // If the stack has value and we are ending a block...
  5548                                             endStack.length && bracketCount === -1 ? // Use the last item in the block stack.
  5549                                             endStack.pop() : // Or use the default ending.
  5550                                             {
  5551                                                 after: ";"
  5552                                             };
  5554                                             // If we are ending a returning block,
  5555                                             // add the finish text which returns the result of the
  5556                                             // block.
  5557                                             if (last.before) {
  5558                                                 buff.push(last.before);
  5559                                             }
  5560                                             // Add the remaining content.
  5561                                             buff.push(content, ";", last.after);
  5562                                         }
  5563                                         break;
  5564                                     case tmap.escapeLeft:
  5565                                     case tmap.returnLeft:
  5566                                         // We have an extra `{` -> `block`.
  5567                                         // Get the number of `{ minus }`.
  5568                                         bracketCount = bracketNum(content);
  5569                                         // If we have more `{`, it means there is a block.
  5570                                         if (bracketCount) {
  5571                                             // When we return to the same # of `{` vs `}` end with a `doubleParent`.
  5572                                             endStack.push({
  5573                                                     before: finishTxt,
  5574                                                     after: "}));\n"
  5575                                                 });
  5576                                         }
  5578                                         var escaped = startTag === tmap.escapeLeft ? 1 : 0,
  5579                                             commands = {
  5580                                                 insert: insert_cmd,
  5581                                                 tagName: getTag(tagName, tokens, i),
  5582                                                 status: status(),
  5583                                                 specialAttribute: specialAttribute
  5584                                             };
  5586                                         for (var ii = 0; ii < this.helpers.length; ii++) {
  5587                                             // Match the helper based on helper
  5588                                             // regex name value
  5589                                             var helper = this.helpers[ii];
  5590                                             if (helper.name.test(content)) {
  5591                                                 content = helper.fn(content, commands);
  5593                                                 // dont escape partials
  5594                                                 if (helper.name.source === /^>[\s]*\w*/.source) {
  5595                                                     escaped = 0;
  5596                                                 }
  5597                                                 break;
  5598                                             }
  5599                                         }
  5601                                         // Handle special cases
  5602                                         if (typeof content === 'object') {
  5604                                             if (content.startTxt && content.end && specialAttribute) {
  5605                                                 buff.push(insert_cmd, "can.view.toStr( ", content.content, '() ) );');
  5607                                             } else {
  5609                                                 if (content.startTxt) {
  5610                                                     buff.push(insert_cmd, "can.view.txt(\n" +
  5611                                                         (typeof status() === "string" || (content.escaped != null ? content.escaped : escaped)) + ",\n'" + tagName + "',\n" + status() + ",\nthis,\n");
  5612                                                 } else if (content.startOnlyTxt) {
  5613                                                     buff.push(insert_cmd, 'can.view.onlytxt(this,\n');
  5614                                                 }
  5615                                                 buff.push(content.content);
  5616                                                 if (content.end) {
  5617                                                     buff.push('));');
  5618                                                 }
  5620                                             }
  5622                                         } else if (specialAttribute) {
  5624                                             buff.push(insert_cmd, content, ');');
  5626                                         } else {
  5627                                             // If we have `<%== a(function(){ %>` then we want
  5628                                             // `can.EJS.text(0,this, function(){ return a(function(){ var _v1ew = [];`.
  5630                                             buff.push(insert_cmd, "can.view.txt(\n" + (typeof status() === "string" || escaped) +
  5631                                                 ",\n'" + tagName + "',\n" + status() + ",\nthis,\nfunction(){ " +
  5632                                                 (this.text.escape || '') +
  5633                                                 "return ", content,
  5634                                                 // If we have a block.
  5635                                                 bracketCount ?
  5636                                                 // Start with startTxt `"var _v1ew = [];"`.
  5637                                                 startTxt :
  5638                                                 // If not, add `doubleParent` to close push and text.
  5639                                                 "}));\n");
  5643                                         }
  5645                                         if (rescan && rescan.after && rescan.after.length) {
  5646                                             put(rescan.after.length);
  5647                                             rescan = null;
  5648                                         }
  5649                                         break;
  5650                                 }
  5651                                 startTag = null;
  5652                                 content = '';
  5653                                 break;
  5654                             case tmap.templateLeft:
  5655                                 content += tmap.left;
  5656                                 break;
  5657                             default:
  5658                                 content += token;
  5659                                 break;
  5660                         }
  5661                     }
  5662                     lastToken = token;
  5663                 }
  5665                 // Put it together...
  5666                 if (content.length) {
  5667                     // Should be `content.dump` in Ruby.
  5668                     put(content);
  5669                 }
  5670                 buff.push(";");
  5671                 var template = buff.join(''),
  5672                     out = {
  5673                         out: (this.text.outStart || "") + template + " " + finishTxt + (this.text.outEnd || "")
  5674                     };
  5676                 // Use `eval` instead of creating a function, because it is easier to debug.
  5677                 myEval.call(out, 'this.fn = (function(' + this.text.argNames + '){' + out.out + '});\r\n//# sourceURL=' + name + '.js');
  5678                 return out;
  5679             }
  5680         };
  5682         // can.view.attr
  5684         // This is called when there is a special tag
  5685         can.view.pending = function(viewData) {
  5686             // we need to call any live hookups
  5687             // so get that and return the hook
  5688             // a better system will always be called with the same stuff
  5689             var hooks = can.view.getHooks();
  5690             return can.view.hook(function(el) {
  5691                 can.each(hooks, function(fn) {
  5692                     fn(el);
  5693                 });
  5694                 viewData.templateType = "legacy";
  5695                 if (viewData.tagName) {
  5696                     viewCallbacks.tagHandler(el, viewData.tagName, viewData);
  5697                 }
  5699                 can.each(viewData && viewData.attrs || [], function(attributeName) {
  5700                     viewData.attributeName = attributeName;
  5701                     var callback = viewCallbacks.attr(attributeName);
  5702                     if (callback) {
  5703                         callback(el, viewData);
  5704                     }
  5705                 });
  5707             });
  5709         };
  5711         can.view.tag("content", function(el, tagData) {
  5712             return tagData.scope;
  5713         });
  5715         can.view.Scanner = Scanner;
  5717         return Scanner;
  5718     })(__m17, __m24, __m25);
  5720     // ## can/view/node_lists/node_lists.js
  5721     var __m28 = (function(can) {
  5722         // ## Helpers
  5723         // Some browsers don't allow expando properties on HTMLTextNodes
  5724         // so let's try to assign a custom property, an 'expando' property.
  5725         // We use this boolean to determine how we are going to hold on
  5726         // to HTMLTextNode within a nodeList.  More about this in the 'id'
  5727         // function.
  5728         var canExpando = true;
  5729         try {
  5730             document.createTextNode('')._ = 0;
  5731         } catch (ex) {
  5732             canExpando = false;
  5733         }
  5735         // A mapping of element ids to nodeList id allowing us to quickly find an element
  5736         // that needs to be replaced when updated.
  5737         var nodeMap = {},
  5738             // A mapping of ids to text nodes, this map will be used in the 
  5739             // case of the browser not supporting expando properties.
  5740             textNodeMap = {},
  5741             // The name of the expando property; the value returned 
  5742             // given a nodeMap key.
  5743             expando = 'ejs_' + Math.random(),
  5744             // The id used as the key in our nodeMap, this integer
  5745             // will be preceded by 'element_' or 'obj_' depending on whether
  5746             // the element has a nodeName.
  5747             _id = 0,
  5749             // ## nodeLists.id
  5750             // Given a template node, create an id on the node as a expando
  5751             // property, or if the node is an HTMLTextNode and the browser
  5752             // doesn't support expando properties store the id with a
  5753             // reference to the text node in an internal collection then return
  5754             // the lookup id.
  5755             id = function(node) {
  5756                 // If the browser supports expando properties or the node
  5757                 // provided is not an HTMLTextNode, we don't need to work
  5758                 // with the internal textNodeMap and we can place the property
  5759                 // on the node.
  5760                 if (canExpando || node.nodeType !== 3) {
  5761                     // If the node already has an (internal) id, then just 
  5762                     // return the key of the nodeMap. This would be the case
  5763                     // in updating and unregistering a nodeList.
  5764                     if (node[expando]) {
  5765                         return node[expando];
  5766                     } else {
  5767                         // If the node isn't already referenced in the map we need
  5768                         // to generate a lookup id and place it on the node itself.
  5769                         ++_id;
  5770                         return node[expando] = (node.nodeName ? 'element_' : 'obj_') + _id;
  5771                     }
  5772                 } else {
  5773                     // The nodeList has a specific collection for HTMLTextNodes for 
  5774                     // (older) browsers that do not support expando properties.
  5775                     for (var textNodeID in textNodeMap) {
  5776                         if (textNodeMap[textNodeID] === node) {
  5777                             return textNodeID;
  5778                         }
  5779                     }
  5780                     // If we didn't find the node, we need to register it and return
  5781                     // the id used.
  5782                     ++_id;
  5784                     // If we didn't find the node, we need to register it and return
  5785                     // the id used.
  5786                     // We have to store the node itself because of the browser's lack
  5787                     // of support for expando properties (i.e. we can't use a look-up
  5788                     // table and store the id on the node as a custom property).
  5789                     textNodeMap['text_' + _id] = node;
  5790                     return 'text_' + _id;
  5791                 }
  5792             },
  5793             splice = [].splice,
  5794             push = [].push,
  5796             // ## nodeLists.itemsInChildListTree
  5797             // Given a nodeList return the number of child items in the provided
  5798             // list and any child lists.
  5799             itemsInChildListTree = function(list) {
  5800                 var count = 0;
  5801                 for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
  5802                     var item = list[i];
  5803                     // If the item is an HTMLElement then increment the count by 1.
  5804                     if (item.nodeType) {
  5805                         count++;
  5806                     } else {
  5807                         // If the item is not an HTMLElement it is a list, so
  5808                         // increment the count by the number of items in the child
  5809                         // list.
  5810                         count += itemsInChildListTree(item);
  5811                     }
  5812                 }
  5813                 return count;
  5814             };
  5816         // ## Registering & Updating
  5817         // To keep all live-bound sections knowing which elements they are managing,
  5818         // all live-bound elments are registered and updated when they change.
  5819         // For example, the above template, when rendered with data like:
  5820         //     data = new can.Map({
  5821         //         items: ["first","second"]
  5822         //     })
  5823         // This will first render the following content:
  5824         //     <div>
  5825         //         <span data-view-id='5'/>
  5826         //     </div>
  5827         // When the `5` callback is called, this will register the `<span>` like:
  5828         //     var ifsNodes = [<span 5>]
  5829         //     nodeLists.register(ifsNodes);
  5830         // And then render `{{if}}`'s contents and update `ifsNodes` with it:
  5831         //     nodeLists.update( ifsNodes, [<"\nItems:\n">, <span data-view-id="6">] );
  5832         // Next, hookup `6` is called which will regsiter the `<span>` like:
  5833         //     var eachsNodes = [<span 6>];
  5834         //     nodeLists.register(eachsNodes);
  5835         // And then it will render `{{#each}}`'s content and update `eachsNodes` with it:
  5836         //     nodeLists.update(eachsNodes, [<label>,<label>]);
  5837         // As `nodeLists` knows that `eachsNodes` is inside `ifsNodes`, it also updates
  5838         // `ifsNodes`'s nodes to look like:
  5839         //     [<"\nItems:\n">,<label>,<label>]
  5840         // Now, if all items were removed, `{{#if}}` would be able to remove
  5841         // all the `<label>` elements.
  5842         // When you regsiter a nodeList, you can also provide a callback to know when
  5843         // that nodeList has been replaced by a parent nodeList.  This is
  5844         // useful for tearing down live-binding.
  5845         var nodeLists = {
  5846             id: id,
  5848             // ## nodeLists.update
  5849             // Updates a nodeList with new items, i.e. when values for the template have changed.
  5850             update: function(nodeList, newNodes) {
  5851                 // Unregister all childNodeLists.
  5852                 var oldNodes = nodeLists.unregisterChildren(nodeList);
  5854                 newNodes = can.makeArray(newNodes);
  5856                 var oldListLength = nodeList.length;
  5858                 // Replace oldNodeLists's contents.
  5859                 splice.apply(nodeList, [
  5860                         0,
  5861                         oldListLength
  5862                     ].concat(newNodes));
  5864                 nodeLists.nestList(nodeList);
  5866                 return oldNodes;
  5867             },
  5869             // ## nodeLists.nestList
  5870             // If a given list does not exist in the nodeMap then create an lookup
  5871             // id for it in the nodeMap and assign the list to it.
  5872             // If the the provided does happen to exist in the nodeMap update the
  5873             // elements in the list.
  5874             // @param {Array.<HTMLElement>} nodeList The nodeList being nested.
  5875             nestList: function(list) {
  5876                 var index = 0;
  5877                 while (index < list.length) {
  5878                     var node = list[index],
  5879                         childNodeList = nodeMap[id(node)];
  5880                     if (childNodeList) {
  5881                         if (childNodeList !== list) {
  5882                             list.splice(index, itemsInChildListTree(childNodeList), childNodeList);
  5883                         }
  5884                     } else {
  5885                         // Indicate the new nodes belong to this list.
  5886                         nodeMap[id(node)] = list;
  5887                     }
  5888                     index++;
  5889                 }
  5890             },
  5892             // ## nodeLists.last
  5893             // Return the last HTMLElement in a nodeList, if the last
  5894             // element is a nodeList, returns the last HTMLElement of
  5895             // the child list, etc.
  5896             last: function(nodeList) {
  5897                 var last = nodeList[nodeList.length - 1];
  5898                 // If the last node in the list is not an HTMLElement
  5899                 // it is a nodeList so call `last` again.
  5900                 if (last.nodeType) {
  5901                     return last;
  5902                 } else {
  5903                     return nodeLists.last(last);
  5904                 }
  5905             },
  5907             // ## nodeLists.first
  5908             // Return the first HTMLElement in a nodeList, if the first
  5909             // element is a nodeList, returns the first HTMLElement of
  5910             // the child list, etc.
  5911             first: function(nodeList) {
  5912                 var first = nodeList[0];
  5913                 // If the first node in the list is not an HTMLElement
  5914                 // it is a nodeList so call `first` again. 
  5915                 if (first.nodeType) {
  5916                     return first;
  5917                 } else {
  5918                     return nodeLists.first(first);
  5919                 }
  5920             },
  5922             // ## nodeLists.register
  5923             // Registers a nodeList and returns the nodeList passed to register
  5924             register: function(nodeList, unregistered, parent) {
  5925                 // If a unregistered callback has been provided assign it to the nodeList
  5926                 // as a property to be called when the nodeList is unregistred.
  5927                 nodeList.unregistered = unregistered;
  5929                 nodeLists.nestList(nodeList);
  5931                 return nodeList;
  5932             },
  5934             // ## nodeLists.unregisterChildren
  5935             // Unregister all childen within the provided list and return the 
  5936             // unregistred nodes.
  5937             // @param {Array.<HTMLElement>} nodeList The child list to unregister.
  5938             unregisterChildren: function(nodeList) {
  5939                 var nodes = [];
  5940                 // For each node in the nodeList we want to compute it's id
  5941                 // and delete it from the nodeList's internal map.
  5942                 can.each(nodeList, function(node) {
  5943                     // If the node does not have a nodeType it is an array of
  5944                     // nodes.
  5945                     if (node.nodeType) {
  5946                         delete nodeMap[id(node)];
  5947                         nodes.push(node);
  5948                     } else {
  5949                         // Recursively unregister each of the child lists in 
  5950                         // the nodeList.
  5951                         push.apply(nodes, nodeLists.unregister(node));
  5952                     }
  5953                 });
  5954                 return nodes;
  5955             },
  5957             // ## nodeLists.unregister
  5958             // Unregister's a nodeList and returns the unregistered nodes.  
  5959             // Call if the nodeList is no longer being updated. This will 
  5960             // also unregister all child nodeLists.
  5961             unregister: function(nodeList) {
  5962                 var nodes = nodeLists.unregisterChildren(nodeList);
  5963                 // If an 'unregisted' function was provided during registration, remove
  5964                 // it from the list, and call the function provided.
  5965                 if (nodeList.unregistered) {
  5966                     var unregisteredCallback = nodeList.unregistered;
  5967                     delete nodeList.unregistered;
  5969                     unregisteredCallback();
  5970                 }
  5971                 return nodes;
  5972             },
  5974             nodeMap: nodeMap
  5975         };
  5976         can.view.nodeLists = nodeLists;
  5977         return nodeLists;
  5978     })(__m3, __m24);
  5980     // ## can/view/parser/parser.js
  5981     var __m29 = (function(can) {
  5984         function makeMap(str) {
  5985             var obj = {}, items = str.split(",");
  5986             for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
  5987                 obj[items[i]] = true;
  5988             }
  5990             return obj;
  5991         }
  5993         var alphaNumericHU = "-A-Za-z0-9_",
  5994             attributeNames = "[a-zA-Z_:][" + alphaNumericHU + ":.]+",
  5995             spaceEQspace = "\\s*=\\s*",
  5996             dblQuote2dblQuote = "\"((?:\\\\.|[^\"])*)\"",
  5997             quote2quote = "'((?:\\\\.|[^'])*)'",
  5998             attributeEqAndValue = "(?:" + spaceEQspace + "(?:" +
  5999                 "(?:\"[^\"]*\")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\\s]+))?",
  6000             matchStash = "\\{\\{[^\\}]*\\}\\}\\}?",
  6001             stash = "\\{\\{([^\\}]*)\\}\\}\\}?",
  6002             startTag = new RegExp("^<([" + alphaNumericHU + "]+)" +
  6003                 "(" +
  6004                 "(?:\\s*" +
  6005                 "(?:(?:" +
  6006                 "(?:" + attributeNames + ")?" +
  6007                 attributeEqAndValue + ")|" +
  6008                 "(?:" + matchStash + ")+)" +
  6009                 ")*" +
  6010                 ")\\s*(\\/?)>"),
  6011             endTag = new RegExp("^<\\/([" + alphaNumericHU + "]+)[^>]*>"),
  6012             attr = new RegExp("(?:" +
  6013                 "(?:(" + attributeNames + ")|" + stash + ")" +
  6014                 "(?:" + spaceEQspace +
  6015                 "(?:" +
  6016                 "(?:" + dblQuote2dblQuote + ")|(?:" + quote2quote + ")|([^>\\s]+)" +
  6017                 ")" +
  6018                 ")?)", "g"),
  6019             mustache = new RegExp(stash, "g"),
  6020             txtBreak = /<|\{\{/;
  6022         // Empty Elements - HTML 5
  6023         var empty = makeMap("area,base,basefont,br,col,frame,hr,img,input,isindex,link,meta,param,embed");
  6025         // Block Elements - HTML 5
  6026         var block = makeMap("address,article,applet,aside,audio,blockquote,button,canvas,center,dd,del,dir,div,dl,dt,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,frameset,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,hr,iframe,ins,isindex,li,map,menu,noframes,noscript,object,ol,output,p,pre,section,script,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,ul,video");
  6028         // Inline Elements - HTML 5
  6029         var inline = makeMap("a,abbr,acronym,applet,b,basefont,bdo,big,br,button,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,iframe,img,input,ins,kbd,label,map,object,q,s,samp,script,select,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,textarea,tt,u,var");
  6031         // Elements that you can, intentionally, leave open
  6032         // (and which close themselves)
  6033         var closeSelf = makeMap("colgroup,dd,dt,li,options,p,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr");
  6035         // Attributes that have their values filled in disabled="disabled"
  6036         var fillAttrs = makeMap("checked,compact,declare,defer,disabled,ismap,multiple,nohref,noresize,noshade,nowrap,readonly,selected");
  6038         // Special Elements (can contain anything)
  6039         var special = makeMap("script,style");
  6041         var HTMLParser = function(html, handler) {
  6043             function parseStartTag(tag, tagName, rest, unary) {
  6044                 tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
  6046                 if (block[tagName]) {
  6047                     while (stack.last() && inline[stack.last()]) {
  6048                         parseEndTag("", stack.last());
  6049                     }
  6050                 }
  6052                 if (closeSelf[tagName] && stack.last() === tagName) {
  6053                     parseEndTag("", tagName);
  6054                 }
  6056                 unary = empty[tagName] || !! unary;
  6058                 handler.start(tagName, unary);
  6060                 if (!unary) {
  6061                     stack.push(tagName);
  6062                 }
  6063                 // find attribute or special
  6064                 HTMLParser.parseAttrs(rest, handler);
  6066                 handler.end(tagName, unary);
  6068             }
  6070             function parseEndTag(tag, tagName) {
  6071                 // If no tag name is provided, clean shop
  6072                 var pos;
  6073                 if (!tagName) {
  6074                     pos = 0;
  6075                 }
  6078                 // Find the closest opened tag of the same type
  6079                 else {
  6080                     for (pos = stack.length - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
  6081                         if (stack[pos] === tagName) {
  6082                             break;
  6083                         }
  6084                     }
  6086                 }
  6089                 if (pos >= 0) {
  6090                     // Close all the open elements, up the stack
  6091                     for (var i = stack.length - 1; i >= pos; i--) {
  6092                         if (handler.close) {
  6093                             handler.close(stack[i]);
  6094                         }
  6095                     }
  6097                     // Remove the open elements from the stack
  6098                     stack.length = pos;
  6099                 }
  6100             }
  6102             function parseMustache(mustache, inside) {
  6103                 if (handler.special) {
  6104                     handler.special(inside);
  6105                 }
  6106             }
  6109             var index, chars, match, stack = [],
  6110                 last = html;
  6111             stack.last = function() {
  6112                 return this[this.length - 1];
  6113             };
  6115             while (html) {
  6116                 chars = true;
  6118                 // Make sure we're not in a script or style element
  6119                 if (!stack.last() || !special[stack.last()]) {
  6121                     // Comment
  6122                     if (html.indexOf("<!--") === 0) {
  6123                         index = html.indexOf("-->");
  6125                         if (index >= 0) {
  6126                             if (handler.comment) {
  6127                                 handler.comment(html.substring(4, index));
  6128                             }
  6129                             html = html.substring(index + 3);
  6130                             chars = false;
  6131                         }
  6133                         // end tag
  6134                     } else if (html.indexOf("</") === 0) {
  6135                         match = html.match(endTag);
  6137                         if (match) {
  6138                             html = html.substring(match[0].length);
  6139                             match[0].replace(endTag, parseEndTag);
  6140                             chars = false;
  6141                         }
  6143                         // start tag
  6144                     } else if (html.indexOf("<") === 0) {
  6145                         match = html.match(startTag);
  6147                         if (match) {
  6148                             html = html.substring(match[0].length);
  6149                             match[0].replace(startTag, parseStartTag);
  6150                             chars = false;
  6151                         }
  6152                     } else if (html.indexOf("{{") === 0) {
  6153                         match = html.match(mustache);
  6155                         if (match) {
  6156                             html = html.substring(match[0].length);
  6157                             match[0].replace(mustache, parseMustache);
  6158                         }
  6159                     }
  6161                     if (chars) {
  6162                         index = html.search(txtBreak);
  6164                         var text = index < 0 ? html : html.substring(0, index);
  6165                         html = index < 0 ? "" : html.substring(index);
  6167                         if (handler.chars && text) {
  6168                             handler.chars(text);
  6169                         }
  6170                     }
  6172                 } else {
  6173                     html = html.replace(new RegExp("([\\s\\S]*?)<\/" + stack.last() + "[^>]*>"), function(all, text) {
  6174                         text = text.replace(/<!--([\s\S]*?)-->|<!\[CDATA\[([\s\S]*?)]]>/g, "$1$2");
  6175                         if (handler.chars) {
  6176                             handler.chars(text);
  6177                         }
  6178                         return "";
  6179                     });
  6181                     parseEndTag("", stack.last());
  6182                 }
  6184                 if (html === last) {
  6185                     throw "Parse Error: " + html;
  6186                 }
  6188                 last = html;
  6189             }
  6191             // Clean up any remaining tags
  6192             parseEndTag();
  6195             handler.done();
  6196         };
  6197         HTMLParser.parseAttrs = function(rest, handler) {
  6200             (rest != null ? rest : "").replace(attr, function(text, name, special, dblQuote, singleQuote, val) {
  6201                 if (special) {
  6202                     handler.special(special);
  6204                 }
  6205                 if (name || dblQuote || singleQuote || val) {
  6206                     var value = arguments[3] ? arguments[3] :
  6207                         arguments[4] ? arguments[4] :
  6208                         arguments[5] ? arguments[5] :
  6209                         fillAttrs[name.toLowerCase()] ? name : "";
  6210                     handler.attrStart(name || "");
  6212                     var last = mustache.lastIndex = 0,
  6213                         res = mustache.exec(value),
  6214                         chars;
  6215                     while (res) {
  6216                         chars = value.substring(
  6217                             last,
  6218                             mustache.lastIndex - res[0].length);
  6219                         if (chars.length) {
  6220                             handler.attrValue(chars);
  6221                         }
  6222                         handler.special(res[1]);
  6223                         last = mustache.lastIndex;
  6224                         res = mustache.exec(value);
  6225                     }
  6226                     chars = value.substr(
  6227                         last,
  6228                         value.length);
  6229                     if (chars) {
  6230                         handler.attrValue(chars);
  6231                     }
  6232                     handler.attrEnd(name || "");
  6233                 }
  6236             });
  6239         };
  6241         can.view.parser = HTMLParser;
  6243         return HTMLParser;
  6245     })(__m17);
  6247     // ## can/view/live/live.js
  6248     var __m27 = (function(can, elements, view, nodeLists, parser) {
  6250         elements = elements || can.view.elements;
  6251         nodeLists = nodeLists || can.view.NodeLists;
  6252         parser = parser || can.view.parser;
  6254         // ## live.js
  6255         // The live module provides live binding for computes
  6256         // and can.List.
  6257         // Currently, it's API is designed for `can/view/render`, but
  6258         // it could easily be used for other purposes.
  6259         // ### Helper methods
  6260         // #### setup
  6261         // `setup(HTMLElement, bind(data), unbind(data)) -> data`
  6262         // Calls bind right away, but will call unbind
  6263         // if the element is "destroyed" (removed from the DOM).
  6264         var setup = function(el, bind, unbind) {
  6265             // Removing an element can call teardown which
  6266             // unregister the nodeList which calls teardown
  6267             var tornDown = false,
  6268                 teardown = function() {
  6269                     if (!tornDown) {
  6270                         tornDown = true;
  6271                         unbind(data);
  6272                         can.unbind.call(el, 'removed', teardown);
  6273                     }
  6274                     return true;
  6275                 }, data = {
  6276                     teardownCheck: function(parent) {
  6277                         return parent ? false : teardown();
  6278                     }
  6279                 };
  6280             can.bind.call(el, 'removed', teardown);
  6281             bind(data);
  6282             return data;
  6283         },
  6284             // #### listen
  6285             // Calls setup, but presets bind and unbind to
  6286             // operate on a compute
  6287             listen = function(el, compute, change) {
  6288                 return setup(el, function() {
  6289                     compute.bind('change', change);
  6290                 }, function(data) {
  6291                     compute.unbind('change', change);
  6292                     if (data.nodeList) {
  6293                         nodeLists.unregister(data.nodeList);
  6294                     }
  6295                 });
  6296             },
  6297             // #### getAttributeParts
  6298             // Breaks up a string like foo='bar' into ["foo","'bar'""]
  6299             getAttributeParts = function(newVal) {
  6300                 var attrs = {},
  6301                     attr;
  6302                 parser.parseAttrs(newVal, {
  6303                         attrStart: function(name) {
  6304                             attrs[name] = "";
  6305                             attr = name;
  6306                         },
  6307                         attrValue: function(value) {
  6308                             attrs[attr] += value;
  6309                         },
  6310                         attrEnd: function() {}
  6311                     });
  6312                 return attrs;
  6313             },
  6314             splice = [].splice,
  6315             isNode = function(obj) {
  6316                 return obj && obj.nodeType;
  6317             },
  6318             addTextNodeIfNoChildren = function(frag) {
  6319                 if (!frag.childNodes.length) {
  6320                     frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
  6321                 }
  6322             };
  6324         var live = {
  6326             list: function(el, compute, render, context, parentNode) {
  6328                 // A nodeList of all elements this live-list manages.
  6329                 // This is here so that if this live list is within another section
  6330                 // that section is able to remove the items in this list.
  6331                 var masterNodeList = [el],
  6332                     // A mapping of items to their indicies'
  6333                     indexMap = [],
  6334                     // Called when items are added to the list.
  6335                     add = function(ev, items, index) {
  6336                         // Collect new html and mappings
  6337                         var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
  6338                             newNodeLists = [],
  6339                             newIndicies = [];
  6340                         // For each new item,
  6341                         can.each(items, function(item, key) {
  6342                             var itemIndex = can.compute(key + index),
  6343                                 // get its string content
  6344                                 itemHTML = render.call(context, item, itemIndex),
  6345                                 gotText = typeof itemHTML === "string",
  6346                                 // and convert it into elements.
  6347                                 itemFrag = can.frag(itemHTML);
  6348                             // Add those elements to the mappings.
  6350                             itemFrag = gotText ? can.view.hookup(itemFrag) : itemFrag;
  6352                             var childNodes = can.makeArray(itemFrag.childNodes);
  6356                             newNodeLists.push(nodeLists.register(childNodes));
  6357                             // Hookup the fragment (which sets up child live-bindings) and
  6358                             // add it to the collection of all added elements.
  6359                             frag.appendChild(itemFrag);
  6360                             // track indicies;
  6361                             newIndicies.push(itemIndex);
  6362                         });
  6363                         // The position of elements is always after the initial text placeholder node
  6364                         var masterListIndex = index + 1;
  6367                         // Check if we are adding items at the end
  6368                         if (!masterNodeList[masterListIndex]) {
  6369                             elements.after(masterListIndex === 1 ? [text] : [nodeLists.last(masterNodeList[masterListIndex - 1])], frag);
  6370                         } else {
  6371                             // Add elements before the next index's first element.
  6372                             var el = nodeLists.first(masterNodeList[masterListIndex]);
  6373                             can.insertBefore(el.parentNode, frag, el);
  6374                         }
  6375                         splice.apply(masterNodeList, [
  6376                                 masterListIndex,
  6377                                 0
  6378                             ].concat(newNodeLists));
  6380                         // update indices after insert point
  6381                         splice.apply(indexMap, [
  6382                                 index,
  6383                                 0
  6384                             ].concat(newIndicies));
  6386                         for (var i = index + newIndicies.length, len = indexMap.length; i < len; i++) {
  6387                             indexMap[i](i);
  6388                         }
  6389                     },
  6390                     // Called when items are removed or when the bindings are torn down.
  6391                     remove = function(ev, items, index, duringTeardown, fullTeardown) {
  6392                         // If this is because an element was removed, we should
  6393                         // check to make sure the live elements are still in the page.
  6394                         // If we did this during a teardown, it would cause an infinite loop.
  6395                         if (!duringTeardown && data.teardownCheck(text.parentNode)) {
  6396                             return;
  6397                         }
  6398                         var removedMappings = masterNodeList.splice(index + 1, items.length),
  6399                             itemsToRemove = [];
  6400                         can.each(removedMappings, function(nodeList) {
  6402                             // Unregister to free up event bindings.
  6403                             var nodesToRemove = nodeLists.unregister(nodeList);
  6405                             // add items that we will remove all at once
  6406                             [].push.apply(itemsToRemove, nodesToRemove);
  6407                         });
  6408                         // update indices after remove point
  6409                         indexMap.splice(index, items.length);
  6410                         for (var i = index, len = indexMap.length; i < len; i++) {
  6411                             indexMap[i](i);
  6412                         }
  6413                         // don't remove elements during teardown.  Something else will probably be doing that.
  6414                         if (!fullTeardown) {
  6415                             can.remove(can.$(itemsToRemove));
  6416                         }
  6418                     },
  6419                     // A text node placeholder
  6420                     text = document.createTextNode(''),
  6421                     // The current list.
  6422                     list,
  6423                     // Called when the list is replaced with a new list or the binding is torn-down.
  6424                     teardownList = function(fullTeardown) {
  6425                         // there might be no list right away, and the list might be a plain
  6426                         // array
  6427                         if (list && list.unbind) {
  6428                             list.unbind('add', add)
  6429                                 .unbind('remove', remove);
  6430                         }
  6431                         // use remove to clean stuff up for us
  6432                         remove({}, {
  6433                                 length: masterNodeList.length - 1
  6434                             }, 0, true, fullTeardown);
  6435                     },
  6436                     // Called when the list is replaced or setup.
  6437                     updateList = function(ev, newList, oldList) {
  6438                         teardownList();
  6439                         // make an empty list if the compute returns null or undefined
  6440                         list = newList || [];
  6441                         // list might be a plain array
  6442                         if (list.bind) {
  6443                             list.bind('add', add)
  6444                                 .bind('remove', remove);
  6445                         }
  6446                         add({}, list, 0);
  6447                     };
  6448                 parentNode = elements.getParentNode(el, parentNode);
  6449                 // Setup binding and teardown to add and remove events
  6450                 var data = setup(parentNode, function() {
  6451                     if (can.isFunction(compute)) {
  6452                         compute.bind('change', updateList);
  6453                     }
  6454                 }, function() {
  6455                     if (can.isFunction(compute)) {
  6456                         compute.unbind('change', updateList);
  6457                     }
  6458                     teardownList(true);
  6459                 });
  6461                 live.replace(masterNodeList, text, data.teardownCheck);
  6462                 // run the list setup
  6463                 updateList({}, can.isFunction(compute) ? compute() : compute);
  6464             },
  6466             html: function(el, compute, parentNode) {
  6467                 var data;
  6468                 parentNode = elements.getParentNode(el, parentNode);
  6469                 data = listen(parentNode, compute, function(ev, newVal, oldVal) {
  6471                     // TODO: remove teardownCheck in 2.1
  6472                     var attached = nodeLists.first(nodes).parentNode;
  6473                     // update the nodes in the DOM with the new rendered value
  6474                     if (attached) {
  6475                         makeAndPut(newVal);
  6476                     }
  6477                     data.teardownCheck(nodeLists.first(nodes).parentNode);
  6478                 });
  6480                 var nodes = [el],
  6481                     makeAndPut = function(val) {
  6482                         var isString = !isNode(val),
  6483                             frag = can.frag(val),
  6484                             oldNodes = can.makeArray(nodes);
  6486                         // Add a placeholder textNode if necessary.
  6487                         addTextNodeIfNoChildren(frag);
  6489                         if (isString) {
  6490                             frag = can.view.hookup(frag, parentNode);
  6491                         }
  6492                         // We need to mark each node as belonging to the node list.
  6493                         oldNodes = nodeLists.update(nodes, frag.childNodes);
  6494                         elements.replace(oldNodes, frag);
  6495                     };
  6496                 data.nodeList = nodes;
  6498                 // register the span so nodeLists knows the parentNodeList
  6499                 nodeLists.register(nodes, data.teardownCheck);
  6500                 makeAndPut(compute());
  6501             },
  6503             replace: function(nodes, val, teardown) {
  6504                 var oldNodes = nodes.slice(0),
  6505                     frag = can.frag(val);
  6506                 nodeLists.register(nodes, teardown);
  6509                 if (typeof val === 'string') {
  6510                     // if it was a string, check for hookups
  6511                     frag = can.view.hookup(frag, nodes[0].parentNode);
  6512                 }
  6513                 // We need to mark each node as belonging to the node list.
  6514                 nodeLists.update(nodes, frag.childNodes);
  6515                 elements.replace(oldNodes, frag);
  6516                 return nodes;
  6517             },
  6519             text: function(el, compute, parentNode) {
  6520                 var parent = elements.getParentNode(el, parentNode);
  6521                 // setup listening right away so we don't have to re-calculate value
  6522                 var data = listen(parent, compute, function(ev, newVal, oldVal) {
  6523                     // Sometimes this is 'unknown' in IE and will throw an exception if it is
  6525                     if (typeof node.nodeValue !== 'unknown') {
  6526                         node.nodeValue = can.view.toStr(newVal);
  6527                     }
  6529                     // TODO: remove in 2.1
  6530                     data.teardownCheck(node.parentNode);
  6531                 }),
  6532                     // The text node that will be updated
  6533                     node = document.createTextNode(can.view.toStr(compute()));
  6534                 // Replace the placeholder with the live node and do the nodeLists thing.
  6535                 // Add that node to nodeList so we can remove it when the parent element is removed from the page
  6536                 data.nodeList = live.replace([el], node, data.teardownCheck);
  6537             },
  6538             setAttributes: function(el, newVal) {
  6539                 var attrs = getAttributeParts(newVal);
  6540                 for (var name in attrs) {
  6541                     can.attr.set(el, name, attrs[name]);
  6542                 }
  6543             },
  6545             attributes: function(el, compute, currentValue) {
  6546                 var oldAttrs = {};
  6548                 var setAttrs = function(newVal) {
  6549                     var newAttrs = getAttributeParts(newVal),
  6550                         name;
  6551                     for (name in newAttrs) {
  6552                         var newValue = newAttrs[name],
  6553                             oldValue = oldAttrs[name];
  6554                         if (newValue !== oldValue) {
  6555                             can.attr.set(el, name, newValue);
  6556                         }
  6557                         delete oldAttrs[name];
  6558                     }
  6559                     for (name in oldAttrs) {
  6560                         elements.removeAttr(el, name);
  6561                     }
  6562                     oldAttrs = newAttrs;
  6563                 };
  6564                 listen(el, compute, function(ev, newVal) {
  6565                     setAttrs(newVal);
  6566                 });
  6567                 // current value has been set
  6568                 if (arguments.length >= 3) {
  6569                     oldAttrs = getAttributeParts(currentValue);
  6570                 } else {
  6571                     setAttrs(compute());
  6572                 }
  6573             },
  6574             attributePlaceholder: '__!!__',
  6575             attributeReplace: /__!!__/g,
  6576             attribute: function(el, attributeName, compute) {
  6577                 listen(el, compute, function(ev, newVal) {
  6578                     elements.setAttr(el, attributeName, hook.render());
  6579                 });
  6580                 var wrapped = can.$(el),
  6581                     hooks;
  6582                 // Get the list of hookups or create one for this element.
  6583                 // Hooks is a map of attribute names to hookup `data`s.
  6584                 // Each hookup data has:
  6585                 // `render` - A `function` to render the value of the attribute.
  6586                 // `funcs` - A list of hookup `function`s on that attribute.
  6587                 // `batchNum` - The last event `batchNum`, used for performance.
  6588                 hooks = can.data(wrapped, 'hooks');
  6589                 if (!hooks) {
  6590                     can.data(wrapped, 'hooks', hooks = {});
  6591                 }
  6592                 // Get the attribute value.
  6593                 var attr = elements.getAttr(el, attributeName),
  6594                     // Split the attribute value by the template.
  6595                     // Only split out the first __!!__ so if we have multiple hookups in the same attribute,
  6596                     // they will be put in the right spot on first render
  6597                     parts = attr.split(live.attributePlaceholder),
  6598                     goodParts = [],
  6599                     hook;
  6600                 goodParts.push(parts.shift(), parts.join(live.attributePlaceholder));
  6601                 // If we already had a hookup for this attribute...
  6602                 if (hooks[attributeName]) {
  6603                     // Just add to that attribute's list of `function`s.
  6604                     hooks[attributeName].computes.push(compute);
  6605                 } else {
  6606                     // Create the hookup data.
  6607                     hooks[attributeName] = {
  6608                         render: function() {
  6609                             var i = 0,
  6610                                 // attr doesn't have a value in IE
  6611                                 newAttr = attr ? attr.replace(live.attributeReplace, function() {
  6612                                     return elements.contentText(hook.computes[i++]());
  6613                                 }) : elements.contentText(hook.computes[i++]());
  6614                             return newAttr;
  6615                         },
  6616                         computes: [compute],
  6617                         batchNum: undefined
  6618                     };
  6619                 }
  6620                 // Save the hook for slightly faster performance.
  6621                 hook = hooks[attributeName];
  6622                 // Insert the value in parts.
  6623                 goodParts.splice(1, 0, compute());
  6625                 // Set the attribute.
  6626                 elements.setAttr(el, attributeName, goodParts.join(''));
  6627             },
  6628             specialAttribute: function(el, attributeName, compute) {
  6629                 listen(el, compute, function(ev, newVal) {
  6630                     elements.setAttr(el, attributeName, getValue(newVal));
  6631                 });
  6632                 elements.setAttr(el, attributeName, getValue(compute()));
  6633             },
  6635             simpleAttribute: function(el, attributeName, compute) {
  6636                 listen(el, compute, function(ev, newVal) {
  6637                     elements.setAttr(el, attributeName, newVal);
  6638                 });
  6639                 elements.setAttr(el, attributeName, compute());
  6640             }
  6641         };
  6642         live.attr = live.simpleAttribute;
  6643         live.attrs = live.attributes;
  6644         var newLine = /(\r|\n)+/g;
  6645         var getValue = function(val) {
  6646             var regexp = /^["'].*["']$/;
  6647             val = val.replace(elements.attrReg, '')
  6648                 .replace(newLine, '');
  6649             // check if starts and ends with " or '
  6650             return regexp.test(val) ? val.substr(1, val.length - 2) : val;
  6651         };
  6652         can.view.live = live;
  6654         return live;
  6655     })(__m3, __m24, __m17, __m28, __m29);
  6657     // ## can/view/render.js
  6658     var __m26 = (function(can, elements, live) {
  6661         var pendingHookups = [],
  6662             tagChildren = function(tagName) {
  6663                 var newTag = elements.tagMap[tagName] || "span";
  6664                 if (newTag === "span") {
  6665                     //innerHTML in IE doesn't honor leading whitespace after empty elements
  6666                     return "@@!!@@";
  6667                 }
  6668                 return "<" + newTag + ">" + tagChildren(newTag) + "</" + newTag + ">";
  6669             },
  6670             contentText = function(input, tag) {
  6672                 // If it's a string, return.
  6673                 if (typeof input === 'string') {
  6674                     return input;
  6675                 }
  6676                 // If has no value, return an empty string.
  6677                 if (!input && input !== 0) {
  6678                     return '';
  6679                 }
  6681                 // If it's an object, and it has a hookup method.
  6682                 var hook = (input.hookup &&
  6684                     // Make a function call the hookup method.
  6686                     function(el, id) {
  6687                         input.hookup.call(input, el, id);
  6688                     }) ||
  6690                 // Or if it's a `function`, just use the input.
  6691                 (typeof input === 'function' && input);
  6693                 // Finally, if there is a `function` to hookup on some dom,
  6694                 // add it to pending hookups.
  6695                 if (hook) {
  6696                     if (tag) {
  6697                         return "<" + tag + " " + can.view.hook(hook) + "></" + tag + ">";
  6698                     } else {
  6699                         pendingHookups.push(hook);
  6700                     }
  6702                     return '';
  6703                 }
  6705                 // Finally, if all else is `false`, `toString()` it.
  6706                 return "" + input;
  6707             },
  6708             // Returns escaped/sanatized content for anything other than a live-binding
  6709             contentEscape = function(txt, tag) {
  6710                 return (typeof txt === 'string' || typeof txt === 'number') ?
  6711                     can.esc(txt) :
  6712                     contentText(txt, tag);
  6713             },
  6714             // A flag to indicate if .txt was called within a live section within an element like the {{name}}
  6715             // within `<div {{#person}}{{name}}{{/person}}/>`.
  6716             withinTemplatedSectionWithinAnElement = false,
  6717             emptyHandler = function() {};
  6719         var lastHookups;
  6721         can.extend(can.view, {
  6722                 live: live,
  6723                 // called in text to make a temporary 
  6724                 // can.view.lists function that can be called with
  6725                 // the list to iterate over and the template
  6726                 // used to produce the content within the list
  6727                 setupLists: function() {
  6729                     var old = can.view.lists,
  6730                         data;
  6732                     can.view.lists = function(list, renderer) {
  6733                         data = {
  6734                             list: list,
  6735                             renderer: renderer
  6736                         };
  6737                         return Math.random();
  6738                     };
  6739                     // sets back to the old data
  6740                     return function() {
  6741                         can.view.lists = old;
  6742                         return data;
  6743                     };
  6744                 },
  6745                 getHooks: function() {
  6746                     var hooks = pendingHookups.slice(0);
  6747                     lastHookups = hooks;
  6748                     pendingHookups = [];
  6749                     return hooks;
  6750                 },
  6751                 onlytxt: function(self, func) {
  6752                     return contentEscape(func.call(self));
  6753                 },
  6755                 txt: function(escape, tagName, status, self, func) {
  6756                     // the temporary tag needed for any live setup
  6757                     var tag = (elements.tagMap[tagName] || "span"),
  6758                         // should live-binding be setup
  6759                         setupLiveBinding = false,
  6760                         // the compute's value
  6761                         value,
  6762                         listData,
  6763                         compute,
  6764                         unbind = emptyHandler,
  6765                         attributeName;
  6767                     // Are we currently within a live section within an element like the {{name}}
  6768                     // within `<div {{#person}}{{name}}{{/person}}/>`.
  6769                     if (withinTemplatedSectionWithinAnElement) {
  6770                         value = func.call(self);
  6771                     } else {
  6773                         // If this magic tag is within an attribute or an html element,
  6774                         // set the flag to true so we avoid trying to live bind
  6775                         // anything that func might be setup.
  6776                         // TODO: the scanner should be able to set this up.
  6777                         if (typeof status === "string" || status === 1) {
  6778                             withinTemplatedSectionWithinAnElement = true;
  6779                         }
  6781                         // Sets up a listener so we know any can.view.lists called 
  6782                         // when func is called
  6783                         var listTeardown = can.view.setupLists();
  6784                         unbind = function() {
  6785                             compute.unbind("change", emptyHandler);
  6786                         };
  6787                         // Create a compute that calls func and looks for dependencies.
  6788                         // By passing `false`, this compute can not be a dependency of other 
  6789                         // computes.  This is because live-bits are nested, but 
  6790                         // handle their own updating. For example:
  6791                         //     {{#if items.length}}{{#items}}{{.}}{{/items}}{{/if}}
  6792                         // We do not want `{{#if items.length}}` changing the DOM if
  6793                         // `{{#items}}` text changes.
  6794                         compute = can.compute(func, self, false);
  6796                         // Bind to get and temporarily cache the value of the compute.
  6797                         compute.bind("change", emptyHandler);
  6799                         // Call the "wrapping" function and get the binding information
  6800                         listData = listTeardown();
  6802                         // Get the value of the compute
  6803                         value = compute();
  6805                         // Let people know we are no longer within an element.
  6806                         withinTemplatedSectionWithinAnElement = false;
  6808                         // If we should setup live-binding.
  6809                         setupLiveBinding = compute.hasDependencies;
  6810                     }
  6812                     if (listData) {
  6813                         unbind();
  6814                         return "<" + tag + can.view.hook(function(el, parentNode) {
  6815                             live.list(el, listData.list, listData.renderer, self, parentNode);
  6816                         }) + "></" + tag + ">";
  6817                     }
  6819                     // If we had no observes just return the value returned by func.
  6820                     if (!setupLiveBinding || typeof value === "function") {
  6821                         unbind();
  6822                         return ((withinTemplatedSectionWithinAnElement || escape === 2 || !escape) ?
  6823                             contentText :
  6824                             contentEscape)(value, status === 0 && tag);
  6825                     }
  6827                     // the property (instead of innerHTML elements) to adjust. For
  6828                     // example options should use textContent
  6829                     var contentProp = elements.tagToContentPropMap[tagName];
  6831                     // The magic tag is outside or between tags.
  6832                     if (status === 0 && !contentProp) {
  6833                         // Return an element tag with a hookup in place of the content
  6834                         return "<" + tag + can.view.hook(
  6835                             // if value is an object, it's likely something returned by .safeString
  6836                             escape && typeof value !== "object" ?
  6837                             // If we are escaping, replace the parentNode with 
  6838                             // a text node who's value is `func`'s return value.
  6840                             function(el, parentNode) {
  6841                                 live.text(el, compute, parentNode);
  6842                                 unbind();
  6843                             } :
  6844                             // If we are not escaping, replace the parentNode with a
  6845                             // documentFragment created as with `func`'s return value.
  6847                             function(el, parentNode) {
  6848                                 live.html(el, compute, parentNode);
  6849                                 unbind();
  6850                                 //children have to be properly nested HTML for buildFragment to work properly
  6851                             }) + ">" + tagChildren(tag) + "</" + tag + ">";
  6852                         // In a tag, but not in an attribute
  6853                     } else if (status === 1) {
  6854                         // remember the old attr name
  6855                         pendingHookups.push(function(el) {
  6856                             live.attributes(el, compute, compute());
  6857                             unbind();
  6858                         });
  6860                         return compute();
  6861                     } else if (escape === 2) { // In a special attribute like src or style
  6863                         attributeName = status;
  6864                         pendingHookups.push(function(el) {
  6865                             live.specialAttribute(el, attributeName, compute);
  6866                             unbind();
  6867                         });
  6868                         return compute();
  6869                     } else { // In an attribute...
  6870                         attributeName = status === 0 ? contentProp : status;
  6871                         // if the magic tag is inside the element, like `<option><% TAG %></option>`,
  6872                         // we add this hookup to the last element (ex: `option`'s) hookups.
  6873                         // Otherwise, the magic tag is in an attribute, just add to the current element's
  6874                         // hookups.
  6875                         (status === 0 ? lastHookups : pendingHookups)
  6876                             .push(function(el) {
  6877                                 live.attribute(el, attributeName, compute);
  6878                                 unbind();
  6879                             });
  6880                         return live.attributePlaceholder;
  6881                     }
  6882                 }
  6883             });
  6885         return can;
  6886     })(__m17, __m24, __m27, __m2);
  6888     // ## can/view/ejs/ejs.js
  6889     var __m22 = (function(can) {
  6890         // ## Helper methods
  6891         var extend = can.extend,
  6892             EJS = function(options) {
  6893                 // Supports calling EJS without the constructor.
  6894                 // This returns a function that renders the template.
  6895                 if (this.constructor !== EJS) {
  6896                     var ejs = new EJS(options);
  6897                     return function(data, helpers) {
  6898                         return ejs.render(data, helpers);
  6899                     };
  6900                 }
  6901                 // If we get a `function` directly, it probably is coming from
  6902                 // a `steal`-packaged view.
  6903                 if (typeof options === 'function') {
  6904                     this.template = {
  6905                         fn: options
  6906                     };
  6907                     return;
  6908                 }
  6909                 // Set options on self.
  6910                 extend(this, options);
  6911                 this.template = this.scanner.scan(this.text, this.name);
  6912             };
  6913         // Expose EJS via the `can` object.
  6914         can.EJS = EJS;
  6916         EJS.prototype.
  6917         // ## Render
  6918         // Render a view object with data and helpers.
  6919         render = function(object, extraHelpers) {
  6920             object = object || {};
  6921             return this.template.fn.call(object, object, new EJS.Helpers(object, extraHelpers || {}));
  6922         };
  6923         extend(EJS.prototype, {
  6924                 // ## Scanner
  6925                 // Singleton scanner instance for parsing templates. See [scanner.js](scanner.html)
  6926                 // for more information.
  6927                 // ### Text
  6928                 // #### Definitions
  6929                 // * `outStart` - Wrapper start text for view function.
  6930                 // * `outEnd` - Wrapper end text for view function.
  6931                 // * `argNames` - Arguments passed into view function.
  6932                 scanner: new can.view.Scanner({
  6933                         text: {
  6934                             outStart: 'with(_VIEW) { with (_CONTEXT) {',
  6935                             outEnd: "}}",
  6936                             argNames: '_CONTEXT,_VIEW',
  6937                             context: "this"
  6938                         },
  6939                         // ### Tokens
  6940                         // An ordered token registry for the scanner. Scanner makes evaluations
  6941                         // based on which tags are considered opening/closing as well as escaped, etc.
  6942                         tokens: [
  6943                             ["templateLeft", "<%%"],
  6944                             ["templateRight", "%>"],
  6945                             ["returnLeft", "<%=="],
  6946                             ["escapeLeft", "<%="],
  6947                             ["commentLeft", "<%#"],
  6948                             ["left", "<%"],
  6949                             ["right", "%>"],
  6950                             ["returnRight", "%>"]
  6951                         ],
  6952                         // ### Helpers
  6953                         helpers: [{
  6954                                 // Regex to see if its a func like `()->`.
  6955                                 name: /\s*\(([\$\w]+)\)\s*->([^\n]*)/,
  6956                                 // Evaluate rocket syntax function with correct context.
  6957                                 fn: function(content) {
  6958                                     var quickFunc = /\s*\(([\$\w]+)\)\s*->([^\n]*)/,
  6959                                         parts = content.match(quickFunc);
  6961                                     return "can.proxy(function(__){var " + parts[1] + "=can.$(__);" + parts[2] + "}, this);";
  6962                                 }
  6963                             }
  6964                         ],
  6965                         // ### transform
  6966                         // Transforms the EJS template to add support for shared blocks.
  6967                         // Essentially, this breaks up EJS tags into multiple EJS tags
  6968                         // if they contained unmatched brackets.
  6969                         // For example, this doesn't work:
  6970                         // `<% if (1) { %><% if (1) { %> hi <% } } %>`
  6971                         // ...without isolated EJS blocks:
  6972                         // `<% if (1) { %><% if (1) { %> hi <% } %><% } %>`
  6973                         // The result of transforming:
  6974                         // `<% if (1) { %><% %><% if (1) { %><% %> hi <% } %><% } %>`
  6975                         transform: function(source) {
  6976                             return source.replace(/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/gm, function(whole, part) {
  6977                                 var brackets = [],
  6978                                     foundBracketPair, i;
  6979                                 // Look for brackets (for removing self-contained blocks)
  6980                                 part.replace(/[{}]/gm, function(bracket, offset) {
  6981                                     brackets.push([
  6982                                             bracket,
  6983                                             offset
  6984                                         ]);
  6985                                 });
  6986                                 // Remove bracket pairs from the list of replacements
  6987                                 do {
  6988                                     foundBracketPair = false;
  6989                                     for (i = brackets.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
  6990                                         if (brackets[i][0] === '{' && brackets[i + 1][0] === '}') {
  6991                                             brackets.splice(i, 2);
  6992                                             foundBracketPair = true;
  6993                                             break;
  6994                                         }
  6995                                     }
  6996                                 } while (foundBracketPair);
  6997                                 // Unmatched brackets found, inject EJS tags
  6998                                 if (brackets.length >= 2) {
  6999                                     var result = ['<%'],
  7000                                         bracket, last = 0;
  7001                                     for (i = 0; bracket = brackets[i]; i++) {
  7002                                         result.push(part.substring(last, last = bracket[1]));
  7003                                         if (bracket[0] === '{' && i < brackets.length - 1 || bracket[0] === '}' && i > 0) {
  7004                                             result.push(bracket[0] === '{' ? '{ %><% ' : ' %><% }');
  7005                                         } else {
  7006                                             result.push(bracket[0]);
  7007                                         }
  7008                                         ++last;
  7009                                     }
  7010                                     result.push(part.substring(last), '%>');
  7011                                     return result.join('');
  7012                                 }
  7013                                 // Otherwise return the original
  7014                                 else {
  7015                                     return '<%' + part + '%>';
  7016                                 }
  7017                             });
  7018                         }
  7019                     })
  7020             });
  7022         // ## Helpers
  7023         // In your EJS view you can then call the helper on an element tag:
  7024         // `<div <%= upperHtml('javascriptmvc') %>></div>`
  7025         EJS.Helpers = function(data, extras) {
  7026             this._data = data;
  7027             this._extras = extras;
  7028             extend(this, extras);
  7029         };
  7031         EJS.Helpers.prototype = {
  7032             // List allows for live binding a can.List easily within a template.
  7033             list: function(list, cb) {
  7034                 can.each(list, function(item, i) {
  7035                     cb(item, i, list);
  7036                 });
  7037             },
  7038             // `each` iterates through a enumerated source(such as can.List or array)
  7039             // and sets up live binding when possible.
  7040             each: function(list, cb) {
  7041                 // Normal arrays don't get live updated
  7042                 if (can.isArray(list)) {
  7043                     this.list(list, cb);
  7044                 } else {
  7045                     can.view.lists(list, cb);
  7046                 }
  7047             }
  7048         };
  7049         // Registers options for a `steal` build.
  7050         can.view.register({
  7051                 suffix: 'ejs',
  7052                 script: function(id, src) {
  7053                     return 'can.EJS(function(_CONTEXT,_VIEW) { ' + new EJS({
  7054                             text: src,
  7055                             name: id
  7056                         })
  7057                         .template.out + ' })';
  7058                 },
  7059                 renderer: function(id, text) {
  7060                     return EJS({
  7061                             text: text,
  7062                             name: id
  7063                         });
  7064                 }
  7065             });
  7066         can.ejs.Helpers = EJS.Helpers;
  7069         return can;
  7070     })(__m3, __m17, __m2, __m15, __m23, __m26);
  7072     // ## can/util/object/object.js
  7073     var __m31 = (function(can) {
  7074         var isArray = can.isArray;
  7076         can.Object = {};
  7078         var same = can.Object.same = function(a, b, compares, aParent, bParent, deep) {
  7079             var aType = typeof a,
  7080                 aArray = isArray(a),
  7081                 comparesType = typeof compares,
  7082                 compare;
  7083             if (comparesType === 'string' || compares === null) {
  7084                 compares = compareMethods[compares];
  7085                 comparesType = 'function';
  7086             }
  7087             if (comparesType === 'function') {
  7088                 return compares(a, b, aParent, bParent);
  7089             }
  7090             compares = compares || {};
  7091             if (a === null || b === null) {
  7092                 return a === b;
  7093             }
  7094             if (a instanceof Date || b instanceof Date) {
  7095                 return a === b;
  7096             }
  7097             if (deep === -1) {
  7098                 return aType === 'object' || a === b;
  7099             }
  7100             if (aType !== typeof b || aArray !== isArray(b)) {
  7101                 return false;
  7102             }
  7103             if (a === b) {
  7104                 return true;
  7105             }
  7106             if (aArray) {
  7107                 if (a.length !== b.length) {
  7108                     return false;
  7109                 }
  7110                 for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
  7111                     compare = compares[i] === undefined ? compares['*'] : compares[i];
  7112                     if (!same(a[i], b[i], a, b, compare)) {
  7113                         return false;
  7114                     }
  7115                 }
  7116                 return true;
  7117             } else if (aType === 'object' || aType === 'function') {
  7118                 var bCopy = can.extend({}, b);
  7119                 for (var prop in a) {
  7120                     compare = compares[prop] === undefined ? compares['*'] : compares[prop];
  7121                     if (!same(a[prop], b[prop], compare, a, b, deep === false ? -1 : undefined)) {
  7122                         return false;
  7123                     }
  7124                     delete bCopy[prop];
  7125                 }
  7126                 // go through bCopy props ... if there is no compare .. return false
  7127                 for (prop in bCopy) {
  7128                     if (compares[prop] === undefined || !same(undefined, b[prop], compares[prop], a, b, deep === false ? -1 : undefined)) {
  7129                         return false;
  7130                     }
  7131                 }
  7132                 return true;
  7133             }
  7134             return false;
  7135         };
  7137         can.Object.subsets = function(checkSet, sets, compares) {
  7138             var len = sets.length,
  7139                 subsets = [];
  7140             for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  7141                 //check this subset
  7142                 var set = sets[i];
  7143                 if (can.Object.subset(checkSet, set, compares)) {
  7144                     subsets.push(set);
  7145                 }
  7146             }
  7147             return subsets;
  7148         };
  7150         can.Object.subset = function(subset, set, compares) {
  7151             // go through set {type: 'folder'} and make sure every property
  7152             // is in subset {type: 'folder', parentId :5}
  7153             // then make sure that set has fewer properties
  7154             // make sure we are only checking 'important' properties
  7155             // in subset (ones that have to have a value)
  7156             compares = compares || {};
  7157             for (var prop in set) {
  7158                 if (!same(subset[prop], set[prop], compares[prop], subset, set)) {
  7159                     return false;
  7160                 }
  7161             }
  7162             return true;
  7163         };
  7164         var compareMethods = {
  7165             'null': function() {
  7166                 return true;
  7167             },
  7168             i: function(a, b) {
  7169                 return ('' + a)
  7170                     .toLowerCase() === ('' + b)
  7171                     .toLowerCase();
  7172             },
  7173             eq: function(a, b) {
  7174                 return a === b;
  7175             },
  7176             similar: function(a, b) {
  7178                 return a == b;
  7179             }
  7180         };
  7181         compareMethods.eqeq = compareMethods.similar;
  7182         return can.Object;
  7183     })(__m3);
  7185     // ## can/map/backup/backup.js
  7186     var __m30 = (function(can) {
  7187         var flatProps = function(a, cur) {
  7188             var obj = {};
  7189             for (var prop in a) {
  7190                 if (typeof a[prop] !== 'object' || a[prop] === null || a[prop] instanceof Date) {
  7191                     obj[prop] = a[prop];
  7192                 } else {
  7193                     obj[prop] = cur.attr(prop);
  7194                 }
  7195             }
  7196             return obj;
  7197         };
  7198         can.extend(can.Map.prototype, {
  7200                 backup: function() {
  7201                     this._backupStore = this._attrs();
  7202                     return this;
  7203                 },
  7204                 isDirty: function(checkAssociations) {
  7205                     return this._backupStore && !can.Object.same(this._attrs(), this._backupStore, undefined, undefined, undefined, !! checkAssociations);
  7206                 },
  7207                 restore: function(restoreAssociations) {
  7208                     var props = restoreAssociations ? this._backupStore : flatProps(this._backupStore, this);
  7209                     if (this.isDirty(restoreAssociations)) {
  7210                         this._attrs(props, true);
  7211                     }
  7212                     return this;
  7213                 }
  7214             });
  7215         return can.Map;
  7216     })(__m3, __m10, __m31);
  7218     window['can'] = __m5;
  7219 })();