Emit file and line for failure source (use gF to jump straight to it!).
Show context lines for exception source. Put spec summary run at the
top of the screen. Small documentation fixes.
PLUGIN = specky
SOURCE = syntax/rdoc.vim
SOURCE += syntax/specrun.vim
SOURCE += syntax/specrun1.vim
SOURCE += syntax/rspec.vim
SOURCE += ftdetect/rspec.vim
SOURCE += ftplugin/rspec.vim
SOURCE += doc/specky.txt
SOURCE += plugin/specky.vim
SOURCE += snippets/rspec.snippets
SOURCE += ruby/specky_formatter.rb
${PLUGIN}.vba: ${SOURCE}
- vim --cmd 'let g:plugin_name="${PLUGIN}"' -S build.vim -cq\!
gzip ${PLUGIN}.vba
rsync -Rv ${SOURCE} ${HOME}/.vim/
rm ${PLUGIN}.vba.gz