--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/snippets/rspec.snippets Sat Jan 16 11:31:53 2016 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# specky: snippet file for rspec, to be used with the quite excellent
+# 'snipmate' Vim plugin by Michael Sanders <msanders42+vim@gmail.com>.
+# http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2540
+# $Id$
+snippet .and and_raise()
+ .and_raise( ${1:exception}.new("${2:message}") )
+snippet .and and_return { }
+ .and_return { ${1} }
+snippet .and and_return()
+ .and_return( ${1:value} )
+snippet .and and_throw()
+ .and_throw( ${1:sym} )
+snippet .and and_yield()
+ .and_yield( ${1:values} )
+snippet .at at_least()
+ .at_least( ${1:n} ).times
+snippet .at at_most()
+ .at_most( ${1:n} ).times
+snippet .on
+ .once
+snippet .tw
+ .twice
+snippet .any
+ .any_number_of_times
+snippet des Describe subject
+ describe "${1:subject}" do
+ ${2}
+ end
+snippet des Describe Type
+ describe ${1:Type} do
+ ${2}
+ end
+snippet des Describe Type, description
+ describe ${1:Type}, "${2:description}" do
+ ${3}
+ end
+snippet des Describe a shared group
+ describe "${1:A Shared Thing}", :shared => true do
+ ${2}
+ end
+snippet it it block
+ it "${1:should do something}" do
+ ${2}
+ end
+snippet it it (pending)
+ it "${1:does something}"${2}
+snippet .ex
+ .exactly( ${1:n} ).times
+snippet .w
+ .with( ${1:args} )${2}
+snippet con
+ context "${1:context}" do
+ ${2}
+ end
+# this is the 'old' mock syntax (rspec 1.x)
+# use 'double' for rspec 2.x
+snippet mock
+ ${1:var} = mock( "${2:mock_name}"${3:, :null_object => true} )
+ ${4}
+snippet dou
+ ${1:var} = double( "${2:double_name}" )${3:.as_null_object}
+ ${4}
+snippet st
+ stub!( :${1:expectation} ).with( ${2:args} ).and_return( ${3} )
+snippet bef Before each test
+ before( :each ) do
+ ${1}
+ end
+snippet bef Before all tests
+ before( :all ) do
+ ${1}
+ end
+snippet aft After each test
+ after( :each ) do
+ ${1}
+ end
+snippet aft After all tests
+ after( :all ) do
+ ${1}
+ end
+snippet sh=
+ ${1:target}.should == ${2:value}
+ ${3}
+snippet shn=
+ ${1:target}.should_not == ${2:value}
+ ${3}
+snippet she
+ ${1:target}.should equal( ${2:value} )
+ ${3}
+snippet shne
+ ${1:target}.should_not equal( ${2:value} )
+ ${3}
+snippet shm Should contain
+ ${1:target}.should =~ /${2:regexp}/
+ ${3}
+snippet shnm
+ ${1:target}.should_not =~ /${2:regexp}/
+ ${3}
+snippet shm Should match
+ ${1:target}.should match( /${2:regexp}/ )${3}
+snippet shb
+ ${1:target}.should be( ${2:result} )
+ ${3}
+snippet shnb
+ ${1:target}.should_not be( ${2:result} )
+ ${3}
+snippet shbko
+ ${1:target}.should be_a_kind_of( ${2:klass} )
+ ${3}
+snippet shnbko
+ ${1:target}.should_not be_a_kind_of( ${2:klass} )
+ ${3}
+snippet shbio
+ ${1:target}.should be_instance_of( ${2:klass} )
+ ${3}
+snippet shnbio
+ ${1:target}.should_not be_instance_of( ${2:klass} )
+ ${3}
+snippet shbc
+ ${1:target}.should be_close( ${2:result}, ${3:tolerance} )
+ ${4}
+snippet shnbc
+ ${1:target}.should_not be_close( ${2:result}, ${3:tolerance} )
+ ${4}
+snippet shh
+ ${1:target}.should have( ${2:num} ).${3:things}
+ ${4}
+snippet shhal
+ ${1:target}.should have_at_least( ${2:num} ).${3:things}
+ ${4}
+snippet shham
+ ${1:target}.should have_at_most( ${2:num} ).${3:things}
+ ${4}
+snippet shbp
+ ${1:target}.should ${2:be_${3:predicate}} ${4}
+snippet shnbp
+ ${1:target}.should_not ${2:be_${3:predicate}} ${4}
+snippet exre
+ expect { ${1} }.to raise_exception( ${2:ErrorClass}, /${3:message match}/i )
+ ${4}
+snippet exnre
+ expect { ${1} }.to_not raise_exception( ${2:ErrorClass} )
+ ${3}
+snippet shre
+ lambda { ${1} }.should raise_exception( ${2:ErrorClass}, /${3:message match}/i )
+ ${4}
+snippet shnre
+ lambda { ${1} }.should_not raise_exception( ${2:ErrorClass} )
+ ${3}
+snippet shr
+ ${1:mock}.should_receive( :${2:message} )${3}
+snippet shnr
+ ${1:mock}.should_not_receive( :${2:message} )${3}
+snippet shrt
+ ${1:target}.should respond_to( :${2:sym} )
+snippet shnrt
+ ${1:target}.should_not respond_to( :${2:sym} )
+snippet shbl
+ it_should_behave_like "${1:shared behavior}"
+ ${2}
+snippet sim
+ def ${1:matcher_method}( expected )
+ simple_matcher do |given, matcher|
+ matcher.description = "${2:verb} with #{expected.inspect}"
+ matcher.failure_message = "expected #{given.inspect} to $2 with #{expected.inspect}"
+ matcher.negative_failure_message = "expected #{given.inspect} not to $2 with #{expected.inspect}"
+ given.${3:...checks something and returns a boolean}
+ end
+ end