changeset 29 a0e6ddfadf82
parent 28 2b198f0a86fe
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ruby/specky_formatter.rb	Sat Jan 16 11:31:53 2016 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+require 'rspec/core/formatters/base_text_formatter'
+### SpeckyFormatter: A basic RSpec 2.x text formatter, to be used
+### with the 'Specky' vim plugin (or from the command line, if you
+### dig it over the default 'documentation' format!)
+### rspec -r /path/to/this/specky_formatter.rb -f SpeckyFormatter specs
+class SpeckyFormatter < RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseTextFormatter
+	def initialize( *args )
+		super
+		@indent_level  = 0
+		@failure_index = 0
+		@failures      = []
+		@txt           = ''
+		@summary       = ''
+	end
+	########################################################################
+	### R S P E C  H O O K S
+	########################################################################
+	### Example group hook -- increase indentation, emit description
+	###
+	def example_group_started( example_group )
+		self.out '+', '-' * (example_group.description.length + 2), '+'
+		self.out '| ', example_group.description, ' |'
+		self.out '+', '-' * (example_group.description.length + 2), '+'
+		@indent_level += 1
+	end
+	### Example group hook -- decrease indentation
+	###
+	def example_group_finished( example_group )
+		@indent_level -= 1
+	end
+	### Called on example success
+	###
+	def example_passed( example )
+		msg = self.format_example( example )
+		msg << ')'
+		self.out msg
+	end
+	### Called on a pending example
+	###
+	def example_pending( example )
+		msg = self.format_example( example )
+		pending_msg = example.metadata[ :execution_result ][ :pending_message ]
+		msg << ", PENDING%s)" % [ ": #{pending_msg}" || '' ]
+		self.out msg
+	end
+	### Called on example failure
+	###
+	def example_failed( example )
+		@failure_index += 1
+		msg = self.format_example( example )
+		msg << ", FAILED - #%d)" % [ @failure_index ]
+		self.out msg
+		@failures << example
+	end
+	### Called after all examples are run.  Emit details for each failed example,
+	### for Vim to fold.
+	###
+	def dump_failures
+		self.out "\n" unless @failures.empty?
+		cwd = Dir.pwd )
+		bt_regexp = /(.+?):(\d+)(|:\d+)/
+		@failures.each_with_index do |example, index|
+			desc      = example.metadata[ :full_description ]
+			exception = example.execution_result[ :exception ]
+			file = line = nil
+			# remove files that are not in within the cwd.
+			#
+			# this isn't optimal, but it does stay within specky's notion of
+			# running it from within the project directory, and makes sure we don't
+			# inadvertently display code from rspec itself.
+			#
+			bt_file = exception.backtrace.find { |line| line =~ bt_regexp && line =~ cwd }
+			file, line = $1, $2.to_i if bt_file =~ bt_regexp
+			self.out "FAILURE - #%d)" % [ index + 1 ]
+			self.out "%s:%d" % [ file, line ] if bt_file
+			if exception.respond_to?( :pending_fixed? ) && exception.pending_fixed?
+				self.out "%s FIXED" % [ desc ]
+				self.out "Expected pending '%s' to fail.  No error was raised." % [
+					example.metadata[ :execution_result ][ :pending_message ]
+				]
+			else
+				self.out desc
+				self.out "Failure/Error: %s" %  [ read_failed_line( exception, example).strip ]
+				exception.message.split("\n").each {|l| self.out l}
+				# logic taken from the base class
+				if shared_group = find_shared_group(example)
+					self.out "Shared Example Group: \"#{shared_group.metadata[:shared_group_name]}\" called from " +
+						"#{backtrace_line(shared_group.metadata[:example_group][:location])}"
+				end
+			end
+			self.out exception_source( file, line-1 ) if file && line
+		end
+	end
+	### Emit the source of the exception, with context lines.
+	###
+	def exception_source( file, line )
+		context = ''
+		low, high = line - 3, line + 3
+ file ).each_with_index do |cline, i|
+			cline.chomp!.rstrip!
+			next unless i >= low && i <= high
+			context << "  %s%4d: %s\n" % [ ( i == line ? '>>' : ' |' ), i, cline ]
+		end
+		return context
+	rescue
+		'Unable to parse exception context lines.'
+	end
+	### Emit summary data for all examples.
+	###
+	def dump_summary( duration, example_count, failure_count, pending_count )
+		succeeded = example_count - failure_count - pending_count
+		@summary << "+%s+\n" % [ '-' * 49 ]
+		@summary << "|%s-- Summary --%s|\n" % [ ' ' * 18, ' ' * 18 ]
+		@summary << "+----------+-----------+--------+---------+-------+\n"
+		@summary << "| Duration | Succeeded | Failed | Pending | Total |\n"
+		@summary << "+----------+-----------+--------+---------+-------+\n"
+		@summary << "| %7ss | %9s | %6s | %7s | %5s |\n" % [
+			"%0.3f" % duration, succeeded, failure_count,
+			pending_count, example_count
+		]
+		@summary << "+----------+-----------+--------+---------+-------+\n\n"
+	end
+	### End of run.  Dump it all out!
+	###
+	def close
+		output.puts @summary
+		output.puts @txt
+	end
+	#########
+	protected
+	#########
+	### Send a string to the output IO object, after indentation.
+	###
+	def out( *msg )
+		msg = msg.join
+		@txt << "%s%s\n" % [ '  ' * @indent_level, msg ]
+	end
+	### Format the basic example information, along with the run duration.
+	###
+	def format_example( example )
+		metadata    = example.metadata
+		duration    = metadata[ :execution_result ][ :run_time ]
+		description = metadata[ :description ]
+		return "| %s (%0.3fs" % [ description, duration ]
+	end
+end # SpeckyFormatter
+### Identical to the regular SpeckyFormatter, but it puts summary
+### information at the bottom of the screen instead of the top, and just
+### spits out rudamentary failure info.  Mimics the progress
+### formatter for status feedback
+class SpeckyFormatterConsole < SpeckyFormatter
+	def example_passed( ex );  print '.'; end
+	def example_failed( ex );  print 'F'; super; end
+	def example_pending( ex ); print '*'; end
+	def close
+		puts
+		puts "Failures:" unless @failures.empty?
+		@failures.each do |test|
+			metadata = test.metadata
+			msg = "- %s\n  %s\n  %s:%d\n\n" % [
+				metadata[:full_description],
+				test.exception.message,
+				metadata[:file_path],
+				metadata[:line_number]
+			]
+			puts msg
+		end
+		output.puts @summary
+	end