Emit file and line for failure source (use gF to jump straight to it!).
Show context lines for exception source. Put spec summary run at the
top of the screen. Small documentation fixes.
" specky: syntax highlighting for rspec files.
" This includes keywords for both rspec 1.x and rspec 2.x.
" $Id$
runtime! syntax/ruby.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syntax keyword rspecGroupMethods context describe example it its let it_should_behave_like shared_examples_for subject it_behaves_like pending specify
highlight link rspecGroupMethods Type
syntax keyword rspecBeforeAndAfter after after_suite_parts append_after append_before before before_suite_parts prepend_after prepend_before around
highlight link rspecBeforeAndAfter Statement
syntax keyword rspecMocks double mock stub stub_chain
highlight link rspecMocks Constant
syntax keyword rspecMockMethods and_raise and_return and_throw and_yield build_child called_max_times expected_args invoke matches
highlight link rspecMockMethods Function
syntax keyword rspecKeywords should should_not should_not_receive should_receive
highlight link rspecKeywords Constant
syntax keyword rspecMatchers be change eql equal exist expect have have_at_least have_at_most have_exactly include match matcher raise_error raise_exception respond_to satisfy throw_symbol to to_not when wrap_expectation
syntax match rspecMatchers /\<\(be\|have\)_\w\+\>/
highlight link rspecMatchers Function
syntax keyword rspecMessageExpectation advise any_args any_number_of_times anything at_least at_most exactly expected_messages_received generate_error hash_including hash_not_including ignoring_args instance_of matches_at_least_count matches_at_most_count matches_exact_count matches_name_but_not_args negative_expectation_for never no_args once ordered similar_messages times twice verify_messages_received with
highlight link rspecMessageExpectation Function
let b:current_syntax = "rspec"