author Mahlon E. Smith <mahlon@martini.nu>
Fri, 24 Dec 2010 20:01:10 -0800
changeset 21 cd1f3381c1ed
parent 19 763cef799c74
permissions -rw-r--r--
Emit file and line for failure source (use gF to jump straight to it!). Show context lines for exception source. Put spec summary run at the top of the screen. Small documentation fixes.

# specky: snippet file for rspec, to be used with the quite excellent
# 'snipmate' Vim plugin by Michael Sanders <msanders42+vim@gmail.com>.
# http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2540
# $Id$

snippet .and and_raise()
	.and_raise( ${1:exception}.new("${2:message}") )
snippet .and and_return { }
	.and_return { ${1} }
snippet .and and_return()
	.and_return( ${1:value} )
snippet .and and_throw()
	.and_throw( ${1:sym} )
snippet .and and_yield()
	.and_yield( ${1:values} )
snippet .at at_least()
	.at_least( ${1:n} ).times
snippet .at at_most()
	.at_most( ${1:n} ).times
snippet .on
snippet .tw
snippet .any
snippet des Describe subject
	describe "${1:subject}" do
snippet des Describe Type
	describe ${1:Type} do
snippet des Describe Type, description
	describe ${1:Type}, "${2:description}" do
snippet des Describe a shared group
	describe "${1:A Shared Thing}", :shared => true do
snippet it it block
	it "${1:should do something}" do
snippet it it (pending)
	it "${1:does something}"${2}
snippet .ex
	.exactly( ${1:n} ).times
snippet .w
	.with( ${1:args} )${2}
snippet con
	context "${1:context}" do
# this is the 'old' mock syntax (rspec 1.x)
# use 'double' for rspec 2.x
snippet mock
	${1:var} = mock( "${2:mock_name}"${3:, :null_object => true} )
snippet dou
	${1:var} = double( "${2:double_name}" )${3:.as_null_object}
snippet st
	stub!( :${1:expectation} ).with( ${2:args} ).and_return( ${3} )
snippet bef Before each test
	before( :each ) do
snippet bef Before all tests
	before( :all ) do
snippet aft After each test
	after( :each ) do
snippet aft After all tests
	after( :all ) do
snippet sh=
	${1:target}.should == ${2:value}
snippet shn=
	${1:target}.should_not == ${2:value}
snippet she
	${1:target}.should equal( ${2:value} )
snippet shne
	${1:target}.should_not equal( ${2:value} )
snippet shm Should contain
	${1:target}.should =~ /${2:regexp}/
snippet shnm 
	${1:target}.should_not =~ /${2:regexp}/
snippet shm Should match
	${1:target}.should match( /${2:regexp}/ )${3}
snippet shb
	${1:target}.should be( ${2:result} )
snippet shnb
	${1:target}.should_not be( ${2:result} )
snippet shbko
	${1:target}.should be_a_kind_of( ${2:klass} )
snippet shnbko
	${1:target}.should_not be_a_kind_of( ${2:klass} )
snippet shbio
	${1:target}.should be_instance_of( ${2:klass} )
snippet shnbio
	${1:target}.should_not be_instance_of( ${2:klass} )
snippet shbc
	${1:target}.should be_close( ${2:result}, ${3:tolerance} )
snippet shnbc
	${1:target}.should_not be_close( ${2:result}, ${3:tolerance} )
snippet shh
	${1:target}.should have( ${2:num} ).${3:things}
snippet shhal
	${1:target}.should have_at_least( ${2:num} ).${3:things}
snippet shham
	${1:target}.should have_at_most( ${2:num} ).${3:things}
snippet shbp
	${1:target}.should ${2:be_${3:predicate}} ${4}
snippet shnbp
	${1:target}.should_not ${2:be_${3:predicate}} ${4}
snippet exre
	expect { ${1} }.to raise_exception( ${2:ErrorClass}, /${3:message match}/i )
snippet exnre
	expect { ${1} }.to_not raise_exception( ${2:ErrorClass} )
snippet shre
	lambda { ${1} }.should raise_exception( ${2:ErrorClass}, /${3:message match}/i )
snippet shnre
	lambda { ${1} }.should_not raise_exception( ${2:ErrorClass} )
snippet shr
	${1:mock}.should_receive( :${2:message} )${3}
snippet shnr
	${1:mock}.should_not_receive( :${2:message} )${3}
snippet shrt
	${1:target}.should respond_to( :${2:sym} )
snippet shnrt
	${1:target}.should_not respond_to( :${2:sym} )
snippet shbl
	it_should_behave_like "${1:shared behavior}"
snippet sim
	def ${1:matcher_method}( expected )
		simple_matcher do |given, matcher|
			matcher.description = "${2:verb} with #{expected.inspect}"
			matcher.failure_message = "expected #{given.inspect} to $2 with #{expected.inspect}"
			matcher.negative_failure_message = "expected #{given.inspect} not to $2 with #{expected.inspect}"
			given.${3:...checks something and returns a boolean}