changeset 1 fd505fd00e63
child 4 4ffc0380b228
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/glimpse/plugin/glimpse.vim	Thu Mar 19 16:47:44 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+" vim: set noet nosta sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker :
+" A basic Glimpse interface for Vim
+" Based on a Vim Tip from Jean-Rene David.
+" Mahlon E. Smith <>
+" $Id$
+" Here's a tcsh alias that's nice too!
+" alias g 'glimpse -winO -F `pwd` \!:1 | sed -e "s|^`pwd`/||"'
+" Loaded check {{{
+if exists( 'g:glimpse_loaded' )
+    finish
+let g:glimpse_loaded = '$Rev$'
+" }}}
+" Hook up the functions to the user supplied key bindings. {{{
+if exists( 'g:glimpseKey' )
+	execute 'map ' . g:glimpseKey . ' :call <SID>Glimpse()<CR>'
+if exists( 'g:glimpseindexKey' )
+	execute 'map ' . g:glimpseindexKey . ' :call <SID>GlimpseIndex()<CR>'
+" }}}
+" Defaults for misc settings {{{
+if !exists( 'g:glimpseWindowResultSize' )
+	let g:glimpseWindowResultSize = 15
+if !exists( 'g:glimpseFlags' )
+	let g:glimpseFlags = "-iny"
+if !exists( 'g:glimpseindexFlags' )
+	let g:glimpseindexFlags = '-M 10 -B -o'
+if !exists( 'g:glimpseErrorFormat' )
+	let g:glimpseErrorFormat = '%f: %l: %m'
+" Commands {{{
+command! -nargs=* Glimpse :call <SID>Glimpse( <f-args> )
+command! GlimpseIndex :call <SID>GlimpseIndex()
+" Glimpse( search_pattern, file_pattern ) {{{
+" Run a glimpse search using a pattern from +search_pattern+ and an optional
+" +file_pattern+ to limit the breadth of the search.  Places results into the
+" quickfix window.
+function! <SID>Glimpse( ... )
+	" parse command line opts
+	"
+	let l:search_pattern = expand("<cword>")
+	let l:file_pattern   = ''
+	if exists( 'a:1' )
+		let l:search_pattern = a:1
+	endif
+	if exists( 'a:2' )
+		let l:file_pattern = a:2
+	endif
+	" everything is based on the cwd so results are relevant to the
+	" current project.
+	"
+	let l:cwd = getcwd()
+	" save the original error format, we want to play nice with others.
+	"
+	let l:orig_errorformat = &errorformat
+	execute 'set errorformat=' . escape( g:glimpseErrorFormat, ' ' )
+	" execute the search.
+	"
+	let l:cmd = "glimpse " . g:glimpseFlags . " -F '" . l:cwd . ";" . l:file_pattern . "' '" . l:search_pattern . "'"
+	let l:result_list = split( system( l:cmd ), "\n" )
+	" no results, escape now
+	"
+	if ( empty(l:result_list) )
+		let l:no_match_msg = "No matches for '" . l:search_pattern . "'"
+		if ( l:file_pattern != '' )
+			let l:no_match_msg = l:no_match_msg . " in files matching '" . l:file_pattern . "'"
+		endif
+		call s:err( l:no_match_msg )
+		execute 'set errorformat=' . escape( l:orig_errorformat, ' ' )
+		return
+	endif
+	" populate the quickfix window.
+	"
+	let l:results = ''
+	for l:result in l:result_list
+		" 'pretty up' the glimpse output.
+		let l:result = substitute( l:result, ('^' . l:cwd . '/'), '', '' )
+		let l:result = substitute( l:result, '\(: \d\+:\)\s\+', '\=submatch(1) . " "', '' )
+		let l:results = l:results . l:result . "\n"
+	endfor
+	cgetexpr( l:results )
+	execute ':copen' . g:glimpseWindowResultSize
+	" quick close
+    nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :ccl<CR>
+	" reset error format to the original
+	execute 'set errorformat=' . escape( l:orig_errorformat, ' ' )
+" }}}
+" GlimpseReindex() {{{
+" Update local indexes for the current working directory.
+" Results of the index are placed into the location list. (:lopen to view.)
+function! <SID>GlimpseIndex()
+	let l:cmd = 'glimpseindex ' . g:glimpseindexFlags . ' -f .'
+	let l:cwd = getcwd()
+	silent! lgetexpr( system(l:cmd) )
+	call s:err( "Updated indexes for '" . l:cwd . "'" )
+" }}}
+" s:err( msg ) {{{
+" Notify user in a consistent fashion.
+function! s:err( msg )
+    echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'glimpse: ' . a:msg|echohl None
+endfunction " }}}