changeset 15 285603587539
child 25 efe9199dbd41
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hgrev/plugin/hgrev.vim	Wed Jul 07 16:47:28 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+" vim: set noet nosta sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker :
+" HGRev
+" Mahlon E. Smith <mahlon@martini.nu>
+" $Id$
+" Simplistic file revision checker, meant for adding current revision
+" information to the statusbar, a la:
+" 	set statusline=[r%{HGRev()}]
+if exists( 'hgrev_loaded' )
+	finish
+let hgrev_loaded = '$Rev$'
+" }}}
+" Defaults for misc settings {{{
+if !exists( 'g:hgrevFlags' )
+	let g:hgrevFlags = '-nbt'
+if !exists( 'g:hgrevAddStatus' )
+	let g:hgrevAddStatus = 1
+if !exists( 'g:hgrevAutoUpdate' )
+	let g:hgrevAutoUpdate = 0
+if !exists( 'g:hgrevNoRepoChar' )
+	let g:hgrevNoRepoChar = '-'
+" Commands {{{
+command! RefreshMercurialRev :call <SID>RefreshMercurialRev()
+" HGRev() {{{
+" Return the current buffer rev id from the global dictionary.
+function! HGRev()
+	if exists( 'g:hg_revs' )
+		let l:key = getcwd() . '/' . bufname('%')
+		return has_key(g:hg_revs, l:key) ? g:hg_revs[l:key] : g:hgrevNoRepoChar
+	else
+		call <SID>RefreshMercurialRev()
+		call HGRev()
+	endif
+" }}}
+" RefreshMercurialRev() {{{
+" Locate the hgroot and fetch the current rev id, populating the global
+" dictionary.
+function! <SID>RefreshMercurialRev()
+	if ! exists( 'g:hg_revs' )
+		let g:hg_revs = {}
+	endif
+	" Find the closest HG root for the buffer. 'hg root' won't do it, since
+	" it works off the cwd, and we need the nearest root from the filename.
+	"
+	let l:searchpaths = split( expand('%:p:h'), '/' )
+	let l:dircount = len(l:searchpaths)
+	let l:root = ''
+	while l:dircount > 0
+		let l:root = '/' . join( l:searchpaths[0 : l:dircount], '/' )
+		if isdirectory( l:root . '/' . '.hg' )
+			break
+		endif
+		let l:dircount = l:dircount - 1
+	endwhile
+	if l:dircount == -1
+		return
+	endif
+	let l:key = getcwd() . '/' . bufname('%')
+	" Find the rev for the repo containing the current file buffer.
+	"
+	let l:cmd     = 'hg id ' . g:hgrevFlags . ' ' . l:root
+	let l:rev     = system( l:cmd )
+	let l:hg_exit = v:shell_error
+	if l:hg_exit == 0
+		let l:rev = substitute( l:rev, '\n', '', 'g' )
+		let g:hg_revs[ l:key ] = l:rev
+	endif
+	" Add file repo status.
+	"
+	if g:hgrevAddStatus == 1
+		let l:cmd     = 'hg stat ' . bufname('%')
+		let l:stat    = system( l:cmd )
+		let l:hg_exit = v:shell_error
+		if l:hg_exit == 0 && len(l:stat) > 0
+			let l:stat = split( l:stat, '\s\+' )[0]
+			let g:hg_revs[ l:key ] = g:hg_revs[ l:key ] . ' ' . l:stat
+		endif
+	endif
+	return
+" Refresh the rev for the current buffer on reads/writes.
+if g:hgrevAutoUpdate == 1
+	autocmd BufReadPost          * call <SID>RefreshMercurialRev()
+	autocmd BufWritePost         * call <SID>RefreshMercurialRev()
+	autocmd FileChangedShellPost * call <SID>RefreshMercurialRev()