changeset 29 dda9eb90cf5d
parent 28 2b198f0a86fe
child 30 92095e6c3cf6
equal deleted inserted replaced
28:2b198f0a86fe 29:dda9eb90cf5d
     1 " vim: set noet nosta sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker :
     2 "
     3 " Specky!
     4 " Mahlon E. Smith <mahlon@martini.nu>
     5 " $Id$
     6 "
     9 " Hook up the functions to the user supplied key bindings. {{{
    10 "
    11 if exists( 'g:speckySpecSwitcherKey' )
    12 	execute 'map ' . g:speckySpecSwitcherKey . ' :call <SID>SpecSwitcher()<CR>'
    13 "	map &g:speckySpecSwitcherKey <SID>SpecSwitcher()
    14 endif
    16 if exists( 'g:speckyQuoteSwitcherKey' )
    17 	execute 'map ' . g:speckyQuoteSwitcherKey . ' :call <SID>QuoteSwitcher()<CR>'
    18 endif
    20 if exists( 'g:speckyBannerKey' )
    21 	execute 'map ' . g:speckyBannerKey . ' :call <SID>MakeBanner()<CR>'
    22 endif
    24 if exists( 'g:speckyRunSpecKey' )
    25 	execute 'map ' . g:speckyRunSpecKey . ' :call <SID>RunSpec()<CR>'
    26 endif
    28 if exists( 'g:speckyRunRdocKey' )
    29 	execute 'map ' . g:speckyRunRdocKey . ' :call <SID>RunRdoc()<CR>'
    30 endif
    32 if exists( 'specky_loaded' )
    33 	finish
    34 endif
    35 let specky_loaded = '$Rev$'
    38 "}}}
    39 " Menu configuration {{{
    40 "
    41 let s:menuloc = '&Plugin.&specky'
    42 execute 'menu ' . s:menuloc . '.&Jump\ to\ code/spec :call <SID>SpecSwitcher()<CR>'
    43 execute 'menu ' . s:menuloc . '.Run\ &spec :call <SID>RunSpec()<CR>'
    44 execute 'menu ' . s:menuloc . '.&RDoc\ lookup :call <SID>RunRdoc()<CR>'
    45 execute 'menu ' . s:menuloc . '.Rotate\ &quote\ style :call <SID>QuoteSwitcher()<CR>'
    46 execute 'menu ' . s:menuloc . '.Make\ a\ &banner :call <SID>MakeBanner()<CR>'
    49 " }}}
    50 " SpecSwitcher() {{{
    51 "
    52 " When in ruby code or an rspec BDD file, try and search recursively through
    53 " the filesystem (within the current working directory) to find the
    54 " respectively matching file.  (code to spec, spec to code.)
    55 "
    56 " This operates under the assumption that you've used chdir() to put vim into
    57 " the top level directory of your project.
    58 "
    59 function! <SID>SpecSwitcher()
    61 	" If we aren't in a ruby or rspec file then we probably don't care
    62 	" too much about this function.
    63 	"
    64 	if &ft != 'ruby' && &ft != 'rspec'
    65 		call s:err( "Not currently in ruby or rspec mode." )
    66 		return
    67 	endif
    69 	" Ensure that we can always search recursively for files to open.
    70 	"
    71 	let l:orig_path = &path
    72 	set path=**
    74 	" Get the current buffer name, and determine if it is a spec file.
    75 	"
    76 	" /tmp/something/whatever/rubycode.rb ---> rubycode.rb
    77 	" A requisite of the specfiles is that they match to the class/code file,
    78 	" this emulates the eigenclass stuff, but doesn't require the same
    79 	" directory structures.
    80 	"
    81 	" rubycode.rb ---> rubycode_spec.rb
    82 	" 
    83 	let l:filename     = matchstr( bufname('%'), '[0-9A-Za-z_.-]*$' )
    84 	let l:is_spec_file = match( l:filename, '_spec.rb$' ) == -1 ? 0 : 1
    86 	if l:is_spec_file
    87 		let l:other_file = substitute( l:filename, '_spec\.rb$', '\.rb', '' )
    88 	else
    89 		let l:other_file = substitute( l:filename, '\.rb$', '_spec\.rb', '' )
    90 	endif
    92 	let l:bufnum = bufnr( l:other_file )
    93 	if l:bufnum == -1
    94 		" The file isn't currently open, so let's search for it.
    95 		execute 'find ' . l:other_file
    96 	else
    97 		" We've already got an open buffer with this file, just go to it.
    98 		execute 'buffer' . l:bufnum
    99 	endif
   101 	" Restore the original path.
   102 	execute 'set path=' . l:orig_path
   103 endfunction
   106 " }}}
   107 " QuoteSwitcher() {{{
   108 "
   109 " Wrap the word under the cursor in quotes.  If in ruby mode,
   110 " cycle between quoting styles and symbols.
   111 "
   112 " variable -> "variable" -> 'variable' -> :variable
   113 "
   114 function! <SID>QuoteSwitcher()
   115 	let l:type = strpart( expand("<cWORD>"), 0, 1 )
   116 	let l:word = expand("<cword>")
   118 	if l:type == '"'
   119 		" Double quote to single
   120 		execute ":normal viWc'" . l:word . "'"
   122 	elseif l:type == "'"
   123 		if &ft == 'ruby' || &ft == 'rspec'
   124 			" Single quote to symbol
   125 			execute ':normal viWc:' . l:word
   126 		else
   127 			" Single quote to double
   128 			execute ':normal viWc"' . l:word . '"'
   129 		end
   131 	else
   132 		" Whatever to double quote
   133 		execute ':normal viWc"' . l:word . '"'
   134 	endif
   136 	" Move the cursor back into the cl:word
   137 	call cursor( 0, getpos('.')[2] - 1 )
   138 endfunction
   141 " }}}
   142 " MakeBanner() {{{
   143 "
   144 " Create a quick banner from the current line's text.
   145 "
   146 function! <SID>MakeBanner()
   147 	let l:banner_text = toupper(join( split( getline('.'), '\zs' ), ' ' ))
   148 	let l:banner_text = substitute( l:banner_text, '^\s\+', '', '' )
   149 	let l:sep = repeat( '#', &textwidth == 0 ? 72 : &textwidth )
   150 	let l:line = line('.')
   152 	call setline( l:line, l:sep )
   153  	call append( l:line, [ '### ' . l:banner_text, l:sep ] )
   154 	execute 'normal 3=='
   155 	call cursor( l:line + 3, 0 )
   156 endfunction
   159 " }}}
   160 " RunSpec() {{{
   161 "
   162 " Run this function while in a spec file to run the specs within vim.
   163 "
   164 function! <SID>RunSpec()
   166 	" If we're in the code instead of the spec, try and switch
   167 	" before running tests.
   168 	"
   169 	let l:filename     = matchstr( bufname('%'), '[0-9A-Za-z_.-]*$' )
   170 	let l:is_spec_file = match( l:filename, '_spec.rb$' ) == -1 ? 0 : 1
   171 	if ( ! l:is_spec_file )
   172 		silent call <SID>SpecSwitcher()
   173 	endif
   175 	let l:spec    = bufname('%')
   176 	let l:buf     = 'specky:specrun'
   177 	let l:bufnum  = bufnr( l:buf )
   178 	let l:specver = (exists( 'g:speckySpecVersion') && g:speckySpecVersion == 1) ? 1 : 2
   180 	" Squash the old buffer, if it exists.
   181 	"
   182 	if buflisted( l:buf )
   183 		execute 'bd! ' . l:buf
   184 	endif
   186 	execute <SID>NewWindowCmd() . l:buf
   187 	setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=delete noswapfile
   188 	if ( l:specver == 1 )
   189 		setlocal filetype=specrun1
   190 		set foldtext='--'.getline(v:foldstart).v:folddashes
   191 	else
   192 		setlocal filetype=specrun
   193 		set foldtext=_formatFoldText()
   194 	endif
   196 	" Set up some convenient keybindings.
   197 	"
   198 	nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :close<CR>
   199 	nnoremap <silent> <buffer> e :call <SID>FindSpecError(1)<CR>
   200 	nnoremap <silent> <buffer> r :call <SID>FindSpecError(-1)<CR>
   201 	nnoremap <silent> <buffer> E :call <SID>FindSpecError(0)<CR>
   202 	nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <C-e> :let b:err_line=1<CR>
   204 	" Default cmd for spec
   205 	"
   206 	if !exists( 'g:speckyRunSpecCmd' )
   207 		let g:speckyRunSpecCmd = l:specver == 1 ? 'spec -fs' : 'rspec'
   208 	endif
   210 	" Call spec and gather up the output
   211 	"
   212 	let l:cmd =  g:speckyRunSpecCmd . ' ' . l:spec
   213 	call append( line('$'), 'Output of: ' . l:cmd  )
   214 	call append( line('$'), '' )
   215 	let l:output = system( l:cmd )
   216 	call append( line('$'), split( l:output, "\n" ) )
   217 	normal gg
   219 	" Lockdown the buffer
   220 	setlocal nomodifiable
   221 endfunction
   224 " }}}
   225 " RunRdoc() {{{
   226 "
   227 " Get documentation for the word under the cursor.
   228 "
   229 function! <SID>RunRdoc()
   231 	" If we aren't in a ruby file (specs are ruby-mode too) then we probably
   232 	" don't care too much about this function.
   233 	"
   234 	if ( &ft != 'ruby' && &ft != 'rdoc' && &ft != 'rspec' )
   235 		call s:err( "Not currently in a rubyish-mode." )
   236 		return
   237 	endif
   239 	" Set defaults
   240 	"
   241 	if !exists( 'g:speckyRunRdocCmd' )
   242 		let g:speckyRunRdocCmd = 'ri'
   243 	endif
   245 	let l:buf     = 'specky:rdoc'
   246 	let l:bufname = bufname('%')
   248 	if ( match( l:bufname, l:buf ) != -1 )
   249 		" Already in the rdoc buffer.  This allows us to lookup
   250 		" something like Kernel#require.
   251 		"
   252 		let l:word = expand('<cWORD>')
   253 	else
   254 		" Not in the rdoc buffer.  This allows us to lookup
   255 		" something like 'each' in some_hash.each { ... }
   256 		"
   257 		let l:word = expand('<cword>')
   258 	endif
   260 	" Squash the old buffer, if it exists.
   261 	"
   262 	if buflisted( l:buf )
   263 		execute 'bd! ' . l:buf
   264 	endif
   266 	" With multiple matches, strip the commas from the cWORD.
   267 	let l:word = substitute( l:word, ',', '', 'eg' )
   269 	execute <SID>NewWindowCmd() . l:buf
   270 	setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=delete noswapfile filetype=rdoc
   271 	nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :close<CR>
   273 	" Call the documentation and gather up the output
   274 	"
   275 	let l:cmd    = g:speckyRunRdocCmd . ' ' . l:word
   276 	let l:output = system( l:cmd )
   277 	call append( 0, split( l:output, "\n" ) )
   278 	execute 'normal gg'
   280 	" Lockdown the buffer
   281 	setlocal nomodifiable
   282 endfunction
   285 " }}}
   286 " FindSpecError( detail ) {{{
   287 "
   288 " detail:
   289 " 	1  -- find the next failure
   290 " 	-1 -- find the previous failure
   291 " 	0  -- expand the current failure's detail
   292 "
   293 " Convenience searches for jumping to spec failures.
   294 "
   295 function! <SID>FindSpecError( detail )
   297 	let l:specver = (exists( 'g:speckySpecVersion') && g:speckySpecVersion == 1) ? 1 : 2
   298 	let l:err_str = l:specver == 1 ? '(FAILED\|ERROR - \d\+)$' : 'FAILED - #\d\+)$'
   300 	if ( a:detail == 0 )
   301 		" Find the detailed failure text for the current failure line,
   302 		" and unfold it.
   303 		"
   304 		let l:orig_so = &so
   305 		set so=100
   306 		if l:specver == 1
   307 			call search('^' . matchstr(getline('.'),'\d\+)$') )
   308 		else
   309 			call search('^FAILURE - #' . matchstr(getline('.'),'\d\+)$') )
   310 		endif
   311 		if has('folding')
   312 			silent! normal za
   313 		endif
   314 		execute 'set so=' . l:orig_so
   316 	else
   317 		" Find the 'regular' failure line
   318 		"
   319 		if exists( 'b:err_line' )
   320 			call cursor( b:err_line, a:detail == -1 ? 1 : strlen(getline(b:err_line)) )
   321 		endif
   322 		call search( l:err_str, a:detail == -1 ? 'b' : '' )
   323 		let b:err_line = line('.')
   324 		nohl
   326 	endif
   327 endfunction
   330 " }}}
   331 " NewWindowCmd() {{{
   332 "
   333 " Return the stringified command for a new window, based on user preferences.
   334 "
   335 function! <SID>NewWindowCmd()
   336 	if ( ! exists('g:speckyWindowType' ) )
   337 		return 'tabnew '
   338 	endif
   340 	if ( g:speckyWindowType == 1 )
   341 		return 'new '
   342 	elseif ( g:speckyWindowType == 2 )
   343 		return 'vert new '
   344 	else
   345 		return 'tabnew '
   346 	endif
   347 endfunction
   350 " }}}
   351 " _formatFoldText() {{{
   352 "
   353 " Make folded failure detail visually appealing when folded.
   354 "
   355 function! _formatFoldText()
   356 	let l:fold = tolower( getline(v:foldstart) )
   357 	let l:fold = substitute( l:fold, '-', 'detail', 'e' )
   358 	let l:fold = '--[ ' . substitute( l:fold, ')', ' ]', 'e' )
   359 	return l:fold
   360 endfunction
   363 " }}}
   364 " s:err( msg ) "{{{
   365 " Notify of problems in a consistent fashion.
   366 "
   367 function! s:err( msg )
   368 	echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'specky: ' . a:msg|echohl None
   369 endfunction " }}}