changeset 0 266fe36d11dd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb	Wed Nov 16 13:11:39 2016 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# -*- ruby -*-
+#encoding: utf-8
+require 'simplecov' if ENV['COVERAGE']
+require 'rspec'
+require 'mongrel2'
+require 'mongrel2/testing'
+require 'thingfish'
+require 'thingfish/spechelpers'
+require 'thingfish/processor/pdf'
+require 'loggability/spechelpers'
+module Thingfish::Processor::PDF::SpecHelpers
+	FIXTURE_DIR = Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname + 'data'
+	### Load and return the data from the fixture with the specified +filename+.
+	def fixture_data( filename )
+		fixture = FIXTURE_DIR + filename
+		return fixture.open( 'r', encoding: 'binary' )
+	end
+### Mock with RSpec
+RSpec.configure do |config|
+	config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true
+	config.filter_run :focus
+	config.order = 'random'
+	config.mock_with( :rspec ) do |mock|
+		mock.syntax = :expect
+	end
+	config.include( Mongrel2::SpecHelpers )
+	config.include( Thingfish::SpecHelpers )
+	config.include( Loggability::SpecHelpers )
+	config.include( Thingfish::Processor::PDF::SpecHelpers )