author Mahlon E. Smith <mahlon@martini.nu>
Wed, 15 Jul 2020 15:35:06 -0700
changeset 19 f31d60b04f8a
parent 17 5db18679edcf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Multiple changes to help support Windows native ssh with sshscript workers. Defaults are to assume a non-hostile posix environment. - Don't hardcode the tempdir separator character. - Allow overrides in the payload of any exposed net-ssh options. - Allow setting of the "delete" command for script cleanup (ie, 'del') - Allow running the script via a specific interpreter. An example payload to make this work with Windows native ssh/powershell to execute a ruby script: payload = { 'compression' => false, 'delete_cmd' => 'del', 'run_binary' => 'ruby', 'tempdir' => '' }

#!/usr/bin/env rake
# vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4:

require 'rake/clean'
require 'pathname'

BASEDIR = Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.relative_path_from( Pathname.pwd )
LIBDIR  = BASEDIR + 'lib' + 'symphony'
CLOBBER.include( 'coverage' )

$LOAD_PATH.unshift( LIBDIR.to_s )

if Rake.application.options.trace
    $trace = true
    $stderr.puts '$trace is enabled'

task :default => [ :spec, :docs, :package ]

### P A C K A G I N G

require 'rubygems'
require 'rubygems/package_task'
spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
	s.homepage     = 'http://projects.martini.nu/ruby-modules'
	s.authors      = [ 'Mahlon E. Smith', 'Michael Granger' ]
	s.email        = [ 'mahlon@martini.nu', 'ged@faeriemud.org' ]
	s.platform     = Gem::Platform::RUBY
	s.summary      = "Base classes for using Symphony with ssh."
	s.name         = 'symphony-ssh'
	s.version      = '0.4.0'
	s.license      = 'BSD-3-Clause'
	s.has_rdoc     = true
	s.require_path = 'lib'
	s.bindir       = 'bin'
	s.files        = File.read( __FILE__ ).split( /^__END__/, 2 ).last.split
	#s.executables  = %w[]
	s.description  = <<-EOF
A small collection of base classes used for interacting with remote
machines over ssh.  With them, you can use AMQP (via Symphony) to
run batch commands, execute templates as scripts, and perform any
batch/remoting stuff you can think of without the need of separate
client agents.
	s.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.6.0'

	s.add_dependency 'configurability', [ '>= 3.2', '<= 4.99' ]
	s.add_dependency 'symphony', '~> 0.13'
	s.add_dependency 'inversion', '~> 1.3'
	s.add_dependency 'net-ssh', '~> 6.0'
	s.add_dependency 'net-sftp', '~> 3.0'

	s.add_development_dependency 'rspec',     '~> 3.9'
	s.add_development_dependency 'simplecov', '~> 0.18'

Gem::PackageTask.new( spec ) do |pkg|
	pkg.need_zip = true
	pkg.need_tar = true

### D O C U M E N T A T I O N

	require 'rdoc/task'

	desc 'Generate rdoc documentation'
	RDoc::Task.new do |rdoc|
		rdoc.name       = :docs
		rdoc.rdoc_dir   = 'docs'
		rdoc.main       = "README.rdoc"
		rdoc.options    = [ '-f', 'fivefish' ]
		rdoc.rdoc_files = [ 'lib', *FileList['*.rdoc'] ]

	RDoc::Task.new do |rdoc|
		rdoc.name       = :doc_coverage
		rdoc.options    = [ '-C1' ]

rescue LoadError
	$stderr.puts "Omitting 'docs' tasks, rdoc doesn't seem to be installed."

### T E S T I N G

	require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
	task :test => :spec

	desc "Run specs"
	RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new do |t|
		t.pattern = "spec/**/*_spec.rb"

	desc "Build a coverage report"
	task :coverage do
		ENV[ 'COVERAGE' ] = "yep"
		Rake::Task[ :spec ].invoke

rescue LoadError
	$stderr.puts "Omitting testing tasks, rspec doesn't seem to be installed."

### M A N I F E S T