--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/symphony/tasks/ssh.rb Sat May 10 17:40:36 2014 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4:
+require 'shellwords'
+require 'symphony/task' unless defined?( Symphony::Task )
+### A base class for connecting to remote hosts, running arbitrary
+### commands, and collecting output.
+### This isn't designed to be used directly. To use this in your
+### environment, you'll want to subclass it, add the behaviors
+### that make sense for you, then super() back to the parent in the
+### #work method.
+### It expects the payload to contain the following keys:
+### host: (required) The hostname to connect to
+### command: (required) The command to run on the remote host
+### port: (optional) The port to connect to (defaults to 22)
+### opts: (optional) Explicit SSH client options
+### user: (optional) The user to connect as (defaults to root)
+### key: (optional) The path to an SSH private key
+### Additionally, this class responds to the 'symphony_ssh' configurability
+### key. Currently, you can set the 'path' argument, which is the
+### full path to the local ssh binary (defaults to '/usr/bin/ssh') and
+### override the default ssh user, key, and client opts.
+### Textual output of the command is stored in the @output instance variable.
+### require 'symphony'
+### require 'symphony/tasks/ssh'
+### class YourTask < Symphony::Task::SSH
+### timeout 5
+### subscribe_to 'ssh.command'
+### def work( payload, metadata )
+### status = super
+### puts "Remote host said: %s" % [ @output ]
+### return status.success?
+### end
+### end
+class Symphony::Task::SSH < Symphony::Task
+ extend Configurability
+ config_key :symphony_ssh
+ # SSH default options.
+ #
+ :path => '/usr/bin/ssh',
+ :opts => [
+ '-e', 'none',
+ '-T',
+ '-x',
+ '-q',
+ '-o', 'CheckHostIP=no',
+ '-o', 'BatchMode=yes',
+ '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
+ ],
+ :user => 'root',
+ :key => nil
+ }
+ # SSH "informative" stdout output that should be cleaned from the
+ # command output.
+ SSH_CLEANUP = %r/Warning: no access to tty|Thus no job control in this shell/
+ class << self
+ # The full path to the ssh binary.
+ attr_reader :path
+ # A default set of ssh client options when connecting
+ # to remote hosts.
+ attr_reader :opts
+ # The default user to use when connecting. If unset, 'root' is used.
+ attr_reader :user
+ # An absolute path to a password-free ssh private key.
+ attr_reader :key
+ end
+ ### Configurability API.
+ ###
+ def self::configure( config=nil )
+ config = self.defaults.merge( config || {} )
+ @path = config.delete( :path )
+ @opts = config.delete( :opts )
+ @user = config.delete( :user )
+ @key = config.delete( :key )
+ super
+ end
+ ### Perform the ssh connection, passing the command to the pipe
+ ### and retreiving any output from the remote end.
+ ###
+ def work( payload, metadata )
+ command = payload[ 'command' ]
+ raise ArgumentError, "Missing required option 'command'" unless command
+ raise ArgumentError, "Missing required option 'host'" unless payload[ 'host' ]
+ exitcode = self.open_connection( payload, metadata ) do |reader, writer|
+ self.log.debug "Writing command #{command}..."
+ writer.puts( command )
+ self.log.debug " closing child's writer."
+ writer.close
+ self.log.debug " reading from child."
+ reader.read
+ end
+ self.log.debug "SSH exited: %d" % [ exitcode ]
+ return exitcode
+ end
+ #########
+ protected
+ #########
+ ### Call ssh and yield the remote IO objects to the caller,
+ ### cleaning up afterwards.
+ ###
+ def open_connection( payload, metadata=nil )
+ raise LocalJumpError, "no block given" unless block_given?
+ @output = ''
+ port = payload[ 'port' ] || 22
+ opts = payload[ 'opts' ] || Symphony::Task::SSH.opts
+ user = payload[ 'user' ] || Symphony::Task::SSH.user
+ key = payload[ 'key' ] || Symphony::Task::SSH.key
+ cmd = []
+ cmd << Symphony::Task::SSH.path
+ cmd += Symphony::Task::SSH.opts
+ cmd << '-p' << port.to_s
+ cmd << '-i' << key if key
+ cmd << '-l' << user
+ cmd << payload[ 'host' ]
+ cmd.flatten!
+ self.log.debug "Running SSH command with: %p" % [ Shellwords.shelljoin(cmd) ]
+ parent_reader, child_writer = IO.pipe
+ child_reader, parent_writer = IO.pipe
+ pid = spawn( *cmd, :out => child_writer, :in => child_reader, :close_others => true )
+ child_writer.close
+ child_reader.close
+ self.log.debug "Yielding back to the run block."
+ @output = yield( parent_reader, parent_writer )
+ @output = @output.split("\n").reject{|l| l =~ SSH_CLEANUP }.join
+ self.log.debug " run block done."
+ pid, status = Process.waitpid2( pid )
+ return status
+ end
+end # Symphony::Task::SSH