changeset 4 3972315383b3
child 11 ffa70066522c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/spec/symphony/tasks/sshscript_spec.rb	Tue May 13 14:38:21 2014 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+require_relative '../../helpers'
+require 'symphony/tasks/sshscript'
+context Symphony::Task::SSHScript do
+	before( :each ) do
+		described_class.configure(
+			key:  '/tmp/sekrit.rsa',
+			user: 'symphony'
+		)
+	end
+	it_should_behave_like "an object with Configurability"
+	describe 'subclassed' do
+		let( :instance ) { Class.new(described_class).new('queue') }
+		let( :payload ) {
+			{ 'template' => 'script', 'host' => 'example.com' }
+		}
+		let( :opts ) {
+			opts = described_class::DEFAULT_SSH_OPTIONS
+			opts.merge!(
+				:port    => 22,
+				:keys    => ['/tmp/sekrit.rsa']
+			)
+			opts
+		}
+		let( :template ) { Inversion::Template.new("Hi there, <?attr name?>!") }
+		before( :each ) do
+			allow( Inversion::Template ).to receive( :load ).and_return( template )
+			allow( Dir::Tmpname ).to receive( :make_tmpname ).and_return( "script_temp" )
+		end
+		it "aborts if there is no template in the payload" do
+			expect {
+				instance.work( {}, {} )
+			}.to raise_exception( ArgumentError, /missing required option 'template'/i )
+		end
+		it "aborts if there is no host in the payload" do
+			expect {
+				instance.work({ 'template' => 'boop' }, {} )
+			}.to raise_exception( ArgumentError, /missing required option 'host'/i )
+		end
+		it "adds debugging output if specified in the payload" do
+			payload[ 'debug' ] = true
+			options = opts.dup
+			options.merge!(
+				:logger  => Loggability[ Net::SSH ],
+				:verbose => :debug
+			)
+			expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( 'example.com', 'symphony', options )
+			instance.work( payload, {} )
+		end
+		it "attaches attributes to the scripts from the payload" do
+			payload[ 'attributes' ] = { :name => 'Handsome' }
+			conn = double( :ssh_connection )
+			expect( instance ).to receive( :upload_script ).
+				with( conn, "Hi there, Handsome!", "/tmp/script_temp" )
+			expect( conn ).to receive( :exec! ).with( "/tmp/script_temp" )
+			expect( conn ).to receive( :exec! ).with( "rm /tmp/script_temp" )
+			expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).
+				with( 'example.com', 'symphony', opts ).and_yield( conn )
+			instance.work( payload, {} )
+		end
+		it "uploads the file and sets it executable" do
+			conn = double( :ssh_connection )
+			sftp = double( :sftp_connection )
+			file = double( :remote_file_obj )
+			fh   = double( :remote_filehandle )
+			expect( conn ).to receive( :sftp ).and_return( sftp )
+			expect( sftp ).to receive( :file ).and_return( file )
+			expect( file ).to receive( :open ).
+				with( "/tmp/script_temp", "w", 0755 ).and_yield( fh )
+			expect( fh ).to receive( :print ).with( "Hi there, !" )
+			expect( conn ).to receive( :exec! ).with( "/tmp/script_temp" )
+			expect( conn ).to receive( :exec! ).with( "rm /tmp/script_temp" )
+			expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).
+				with( 'example.com', 'symphony', opts ).and_yield( conn )
+			instance.work( payload, {} )
+		end
+		it "leaves the remote script in place if asked" do
+			payload[ 'nocleanup' ] = true
+			conn = double( :ssh_connection )
+			expect( instance ).to receive( :upload_script ).
+				with( conn, "Hi there, !", "/tmp/script_temp" )
+			expect( conn ).to receive( :exec! ).with( "/tmp/script_temp" )
+			expect( conn ).to_not receive( :exec! ).with( "rm /tmp/script_temp" )
+			expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).
+				with( 'example.com', 'symphony', opts ).and_yield( conn )
+			instance.work( payload, {} )
+		end
+		it "remembers the output of the remote script" do
+			conn = double( :ssh_connection )
+			expect( instance ).to receive( :upload_script ).
+				with( conn, "Hi there, !", "/tmp/script_temp" )
+			expect( conn ).to receive( :exec! ).with( "/tmp/script_temp" ).and_return( "Hi there, !" )
+			expect( conn ).to receive( :exec! ).with( "rm /tmp/script_temp" )
+			expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).
+				with( 'example.com', 'symphony', opts ).and_yield( conn )
+			instance.work( payload, {} )
+			output = instance.instance_variable_get( :@output )
+			expect( output ).to eq( 'Hi there, !' )
+		end
+	end