--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/shelldap Thu Dec 04 16:06:49 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1669 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4:
+# Copyright (c) 2006, Mahlon E. Smith <mahlon@martini.nu>
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * Neither the name of Mahlon E. Smith nor the names of his
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+# from this software without specific prior written permission.
+=head1 NAME
+Shelldap / LDAP::Shell
+A program for interacting with an LDAP server via a shell-like
+This is not meant to be an exhaustive LDAP editing and browsing
+interface, but rather an intuitive shell for performing basic LDAP
+tasks quickly and with minimal effort.
+=head1 SYNPOSIS
+ shelldap --server example.net --basedn dc=your,o=company [--tls] [--binddn ...] [--help]
+=head1 FEATURES
+ - Upon successful authenticated binding, credential information is
+ auto-cached to ~/.shelldap.rc -- future loads require no command line
+ flags.
+ - Custom 'description maps' for entry listings. (See the 'list' command.)
+ - History and autocomplete via readline, if installed.
+ - Automatic reconnection attempts if the connection is lost with the
+ LDAP server.
+ - It feels like a semi-crippled shell, making LDAP browsing and editing
+ at least halfway pleasurable.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+All command line options follow getopts long conventions.
+ shelldap --server example.net --basedn dc=your,o=company
+You may also optionally create a ~/.shelldap.rc file with command line
+defaults. This file should be valid YAML. (This file is generated
+automatically on a successful bind auth.)
+ server: ldap.example.net
+ binddn: cn=Manager,dc=your,o=company
+ bindpass: xxxxxxxxx
+ basedn: dc=your,o=company
+ tls: yes
+=over 4
+=item B<server>
+Required. The LDAP server to connect to. This can be a hostname, IP
+address, or a URI.
+ --server ldaps://ldap.example.net
+=over 4
+=item B<binddn>
+The full dn of a user to authenticate as. If not specified, defaults to
+an anonymous bind. You will be prompted for a password.
+ --binddn cn=Manager,dc=your,o=company
+=over 4
+=item B<basedn>
+The directory 'root' of your LDAP server. If omitted, shelldap will
+try and ask the server for a sane default.
+ --basedn dc=your,o=company
+=over 4
+=item B< tls>
+Enables TLS over what would normally be an insecure connection.
+Requires server side support.
+=over 4
+=item B<cacheage>
+Set the time to cache directory lookups in seconds.
+By default, directory lookups are cached for 300 seconds, to speed
+autocomplete up when changing between different basedns.
+Modifications to the directory automatically reset the cache. Directory
+listings are not cached. (This is just used for autocomplete.) Set it
+to 0 to disable caching completely.
+=over 4
+=item B<timeout>
+Set the maximum time an LDAP operation can take before it is cancelled.
+=over 4
+=item B<debug>
+Print extra operational info out, and backtrace on fatal error.
+=over 4
+=item B< cat>
+Display an LDIF dump of an entry. Globbing is supported. Specify
+either the full dn, or an rdn. For most commands, rdns are local to the
+current search base. ('cwd', as translated to shell speak.) You may additionally
+add a list of attributes to display. Use '+' for server side attributes.
+ cat uid=mahlon
+ cat ou=*
+ cat uid=mahlon,ou=People,dc=example,o=company
+ cat uid=mahlon + userPassword
+=item B< cd>
+Change directory. Translated to LDAP, this changes the current basedn.
+All commands after a 'cd' operate within the new basedn.
+ cd cd to 'home' basedn
+ cd ~ same thing
+ cd - cd to previous directory
+ cd ou=People cd to explicit path
+ cd .. cd to parent node
+Since LDAP doesn't actually limit what can be a container object, you
+can actually cd into any entry. Many commands then work on '.', meaning
+"wherever I currently am."
+ cd uid=mahlon
+ cat .
+=item B<clear>
+Clear the screen.
+=item B<copy>
+Copy an entry to a different dn path. All copies are relative to the
+current basedn, unless a full dn is specified. All attributes are
+copied, then an LDAP moddn() is performed.
+ copy uid=mahlon uid=bob
+ copy uid=mahlon ou=Others,dc=example,o=company
+ copy uid=mahlon,ou=People,dc=example,o=company uid=mahlon,ou=Others,dc=example,o=company
+aliased to: cp
+=item B<create>
+Create an entry from scratch. Arguments are space separated objectClass
+names. Possible objectClasses are derived automatically from the
+server, and will tab-complete.
+After the classes are specified, an editor will launch. Required
+attributes are listed first, then optional attributes. Optionals are
+commented out. After the editor exits, the resulting LDIF is validated
+and added to the LDAP directory.
+ create top person organizationalPerson inetOrgPerson posixAccount
+aliased to: touch
+=item B<delete>
+Remove an entry from the directory. Globbing is supported.
+All deletes are sanity-prompted.
+ delete uid=mahlon
+ delete uid=ma*
+aliased to: rm
+=item B<edit>
+Edit an entry in an external editor. After the editor exits, the
+resulting LDIF is sanity checked, and changes are written to the LDAP
+ edit uid=mahlon
+aliased to: vi
+=item B< env>
+ Show values for various runtime variables.
+=item B<grep>
+Search for arbitrary LDAP filters, and return matching dn results.
+The search string must be a valid LDAP filter.
+ grep uid=mahlon
+ grep uid=mahlon ou=People
+ grep -r (&(uid=mahlon)(objectClass=*))
+ aliased to: search
+=item B<list>
+List entries for the current basedn. Globbing is supported.
+aliased to: ls
+ ls -l
+ ls -lR uid=mahlon
+ list uid=m*
+ list verbose
+In 'verbose' mode, descriptions are listed as well, if they exist.
+There are also some 'sane' long listings for common objectClass types.
+You can actually specify your own in your .shelldap.rc, like so:
+ ...
+ descmaps:
+ objectClass: attributename
+ posixAccount: gecos
+ posixGroup: gidNumber
+ ipHost: ipHostNumber
+ puppetClient: puppetclass
+=item B<mkdir>
+Creates a new 'organizationalUnit' entry.
+ mkdir containername
+ mkdir ou=whatever
+=item B<move>
+Move an entry to a different dn path. Usage is identical to B<copy>.
+aliased to: mv
+=item B<passwd>
+If supported server side, change the password for a specified entry.
+The entry must have a 'userPassword' attribute.
+ passwd uid=mahlon
+=item B< pwd>
+Print the 'working directory' - aka, the current ldap basedn.
+=item B<setenv>
+Modify various runtime variables normally set from the command line.
+ setenv debug 1
+ export debug=1
+=item B<whoami>
+Show current auth credentials. Unless you specified a binddn, this
+will just show an anonymous bind.
+=head1 TODO
+Referral support. Currently, if you try to write to a replicant slave,
+you'll just get a referral. It would be nice if shelldap automatically
+tried to follow it.
+For now, it only makes sense to connect to a master if you plan on doing
+any writes.
+"cd ../ou=SomewhereElse" doesn't work, but "cd ../../" does. This is
+weird, as both should probably work.
+There is currently no attribute multiline support - attribute values
+that span over one line will be ignored if modified. (Thankfully, they
+are generally rare.)
+There is no support for editing binary data. This is actually related
+to the lack of multiline support - if you just base64 encode data and
+paste it in, it will be ignored for the same reasons.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Mahlon E. Smith <mahlon@martini.nu>
+package LDAP::Shell;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Term::ReadKey;
+use Term::Shell;
+use Digest::MD5;
+use Net::LDAP;
+use Net::LDAP::LDIF;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use File::Temp;
+use Algorithm::Diff;
+use Carp 'confess';
+use base 'Term::Shell';
+require Net::LDAP::Extension::SetPassword;
+my $conf = $main::conf;
+# make 'die' backtrace in debug mode
+$SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&Carp::confess if $conf->{'debug'};
+# initial shell behaviors
+sub init
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'API'}->{'match_uniq'} = 0;
+ $self->{'editor'} = $ENV{'EDITOR'} || 'vi';
+ $self->{'env'} = [ qw/ debug cacheage timeout / ];
+ # let autocomplete work with the '=' character
+ my $term = $self->term();
+ $term->Attribs->{'basic_word_break_characters'} =~ s/=//m;
+ $term->Attribs->{'completer_word_break_characters'} =~ s/=//m;
+ # read in history
+ eval {
+ $term->history_truncate_file("$ENV{'HOME'}/.shelldap_history", 50);
+ $term->ReadHistory("$ENV{'HOME'}/.shelldap_history");
+ };
+ $self->{'root_dse'} = $self->ldap->root_dse();
+ if ( $conf->{'debug'} ) {
+ $self->{'schema'} = $self->ldap->schema();
+ my @versions =
+ @{ $self->{'root_dse'}->get_value('supportedLDAPVersion', asref => 1) };
+ print "Connected to $conf->{'server'}\n";
+ print "Supported LDAP version: ", ( join ', ', @versions ), "\n";
+ print "Cipher in use: ", $self->ldap()->cipher(), "\n";
+ }
+ # try an initial search and die if it doesn't work
+ # (bad baseDN)
+ my $s = $self->search();
+ die "LDAP baseDN error: ", $s->{'message'}, "\n" if $s->{'code'};
+ $self->{'schema'} = $self->ldap->schema();
+ # okay, now do an initial population of 'cwd'
+ # for autocomplete.
+ $self->update_entries();
+ # whew, okay. Update prompt, wait for input!
+ $self->update_prompt();
+ return;
+# get an ldap connection handle
+sub ldap
+ my $self = shift;
+ # use cached connection object if it exists
+ return $self->{'ldap'} if $self->{'ldap'};
+ # fill in potentially missing info
+ die "No server specified.\n" unless $conf->{'server'};
+ if ( $conf->{'binddn'} && ! $conf->{'bindpass'} ) {
+ print "Bind password: ";
+ Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 2;
+ chomp($conf->{'bindpass'} = <STDIN>);
+ Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 0;
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ # make connection
+ my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $conf->{'server'} )
+ or die "Unable to connect to LDAP server '$conf->{'server'}': $!\n";
+ $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'none' ) if $conf->{'tls'};
+ # bind
+ my $rv;
+ if ( $conf->{'binddn'} ) {
+ # authed
+ $rv = $ldap->bind(
+ $conf->{'binddn'},
+ password => $conf->{'bindpass'}
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ # anon
+ $rv = $ldap->bind();
+ }
+ my $err = $rv->error();
+ if ( $rv->code() ) {
+ $err .= " (forgot the --tls flag?)"
+ if $err =~ /confidentiality required/i;
+ die "LDAP bind error: $err\n";
+ }
+ # offer to cache authentication info
+ # if we enter this conditional, we have successfully
+ # authed with the server (non anonymous), and
+ # we haven't cached anything in the past.
+ if ( $conf->{'binddn'} && ! -e $conf->{'confpath'} ) {
+ print "Would you like to cache your connection information? [Y/n]: ";
+ chomp( my $response = <STDIN> );
+ unless ( $response =~ /^n/i ) {
+ YAML::Syck::DumpFile( $conf->{'confpath'}, $conf );
+ chmod 0600, $conf->{'confpath'};
+ print "Connection info cached.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{'ldap'} = $ldap;
+ return $ldap;
+# just return an LDIF object
+sub ldif
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $use_temp = shift;
+ # create tmpfile and link ldif object with it
+ if ( $use_temp ) {
+ my ( undef, $fname ) =
+ File::Temp::tempfile( 'shelldap_XXXXXXXX', DIR => '/tmp', UNLINK => 1 );
+ $self->{'ldif'} = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( $fname, 'w', sort => 1 );
+ $self->{'ldif_fname'} = $fname;
+ }
+ # ldif -> stdout
+ else {
+ $self->{'ldif'} = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( \*STDOUT, 'w', sort => 1 );
+ }
+ return $self->{'ldif'};
+# load and return an Entry object from LDIF
+sub load_ldif
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( shift(), 'r' );
+ return unless $ldif;
+ my $e;
+ eval { $e = $ldif->read_entry(); };
+ return if $@;
+ return $e;
+# given a filename, return an md5 checksum
+sub chksum
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = shift or return;
+ my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new();
+ open F, $file or die "Unable to read temporary ldif: $!\n";
+ my $hash = $md5->addfile( *F )->hexdigest();
+ close F;
+ return $hash;
+# prompt functions
+sub prompt_str
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'prompt'};
+sub update_prompt
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $base = $self->base();
+ if ( length $base > 50 ) {
+ my $cwd_dn = $1 if $base =~ /^(.*?),/;
+ $self->{'prompt'} = "... $cwd_dn > ";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $prompt = $base;
+ $prompt =~ s/$conf->{'basedn'}/~/;
+ $self->{'prompt'} = "$prompt > ";
+ }
+ return;
+# search base accessor
+sub base
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'base'} ||= $conf->{'basedn'};
+ # try and determine base automatically from rootDSE
+ #
+ unless ( $self->{'base'} ) {
+ my $base = $self->{'root_dse'}->{'asn'} || {};
+ $base = $base->{'attributes'} || [];
+ $base = $base->[0] || {};
+ $base = $base->{'vals'} || [];
+ $conf->{'basedn'} = $base->[0];
+ $self->{'base'} = $base->[0];
+ }
+ if ( $_[0] ) {
+ $self->{'base'} = $_[0];
+ }
+ return $self->{'base'};
+# make sure a given rdn includes the current
+# base, making it a dn.
+# accepts a string reference.
+sub rdn_to_dn
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $rdn = shift or return;
+ return unless ref $rdn;
+ # allow cd to 'basedn' and cd to directories 'higher' in the tree
+ return if $$rdn =~ /$conf->{'basedn'}$/;
+ # auto fill in current base for deeper DNs
+ my ( $dn, $curbase ) = ( $$rdn, $self->base() );
+ $dn = "$$rdn," . $curbase unless $$rdn =~ /$curbase/i;
+ $$rdn = $dn;
+# do a search on a dn to determine if it is valid.
+# returns a bool.
+sub is_valid_dn
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dn = shift or return 0;
+ my $r = $self->search({ base => $dn });
+ return $r->{'code'} == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+# perform an ldap search
+# return an hashref containing return code and
+# arrayref of Net::LDAP::Entry objects
+sub search
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $opts = shift || {};
+ $opts->{'base'} ||= $self->base(),
+ $opts->{'filter'} ||= '(objectClass=*)';
+ $opts->{'scope'} ||= 'base';
+ my $s = $self->ldap->search(
+ base => $opts->{'base'},
+ filter => $opts->{'filter'},
+ scope => $opts->{'scope'},
+ timelimit => $conf->{'timeout'},
+ typesonly => ! $opts->{'vals'},
+ attrs => $opts->{'attrs'} || ['*']
+ );
+ my $rv = {
+ code => $s->code(),
+ message => $s->error(),
+ entries => []
+ };
+ # since search is used just about everywhere, this seems like
+ # a pretty good place to check for connection errors.
+ #
+ # check for a lost connection, kill cached object so we
+ # try to reconnect on the next search.
+ #
+ $self->{'ldap'} = undef if $s->code() == 81;
+ $rv->{'entries'} =
+ $opts->{'scope'} eq 'base' ? [ $s->shift_entry() ] : [ $s->entries() ];
+ return $rv;
+# update the autocomplete for entries
+# in the current base tree, respecting or creating cache.
+sub update_entries
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my $base = lc( $self->base() );
+ my $s = $opts{'search'} || $self->search({ scope => 'one' });
+ $self->{'cwd_entries'} = [];
+ return if $s->{'code'};
+ # setup cache object
+ $self->{'cache'} ||= {};
+ $self->{'cache'}->{ $base } ||= {};
+ $self->{'cache'}->{ $base } = {} if $opts{'clearcache'};
+ my $cache = $self->{'cache'}->{ $base };
+ my $now = time();
+ if ( ! exists $cache->{'entries'}
+ or $now - $cache->{'timestamp'} > $conf->{'cacheage'} )
+ {
+ $self->debug("Caching entries for $base\n");
+ foreach my $e ( @{ $s->{'entries'} } ) {
+ my $dn = $e->dn();
+ my $rdn = $dn;
+ $rdn =~ s/,$base//i; # remove base from display
+ push @{ $self->{'cwd_entries'} }, $rdn;
+ }
+ $cache->{'timestamp'} = $now;
+ $cache->{'entries'} = $self->{'cwd_entries'};
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->debug("Using cached lookups for $base\n");
+ }
+ $self->{'cwd_entries'} = $cache->{'entries'};
+ return;
+# parse parent ('..') cn requests
+sub parent_dn
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $rdn = shift or return;
+ return unless ref $rdn;
+ # FIXME: 'cd ../ou=somewhere' should work
+ my $dn = $self->base();
+ my $dotcount = $$rdn =~ s/\.\./\.\./g;
+ $dn =~ s/^.*?,// for 1 .. $dotcount;
+ $$rdn = $dn;
+# given an array ref of shell-like globs,
+# make and return an LDAP filter object.
+sub make_filter
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $globs = shift or return;
+ return unless ref $globs eq 'ARRAY';
+ return unless scalar @$globs;
+ my $filter;
+ $filter = join '', map { "($_)" } @$globs;
+ $filter = '(|' . $filter . ')' if scalar @$globs > 1;
+ $filter = Net::LDAP::Filter->new( $filter );
+ if ( $filter ) {
+ $self->debug('Filter parsed as: ' . $filter->as_string() . "\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error parsing filter.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ return $filter;
+# little. yellow. different. better.
+sub debug
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless $conf->{'debug'};
+ print "\e[33m";
+ print shift();
+ print "\e[0m";
+ return;
+# setup command autocompletes for
+# all commands that have the same possible values
+sub autocomplete_cwd
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $word = $_[0];
+ return sort @{ $self->{'cwd_entries'} };
+sub comp_setenv
+ my $self = shift;
+ return @{ $self->{'env'} };
+sub comp_create
+ my $self = shift;
+ return @{ $self->{'objectclasses'} } if $self->{'objectclasses'};
+ my @oc_data = $self->{'schema'}->all_objectclasses();
+ my @oc;
+ foreach my $o ( @oc_data ) {
+ push @oc, $o->{'name'};
+ }
+ @oc = sort @oc;
+ $self->{'objectclasses'} = \@oc;
+ return @oc;
+ no warnings;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ # command, alias
+ my %cmd_map = (
+ whoami => 'id',
+ list => 'ls',
+ grep => 'search',
+ edit => 'vi',
+ delete => 'rm',
+ copy => 'cp',
+ cat => 'read',
+ move => 'mv',
+ cd => undef,
+ passwd => undef
+ );
+ # setup autocompletes
+ foreach ( %cmd_map ) {
+ next unless $_;
+ my $sub = "comp_$_";
+ *$sub = \&autocomplete_cwd;
+ }
+ *comp_touch = \&comp_create;
+ *comp_export = \&comp_setenv;
+ # setup alias subs
+ #
+ # Term::Shell has an alias_* feature, but
+ # it seems to work about 90% of the time.
+ # that last 10% is something of a mystery.
+ #
+ $cmd_map{'create'} = 'touch';
+ foreach my $cmd ( keys %cmd_map ) {
+ next unless defined $cmd_map{$cmd};
+ my $alias_sub = 'run_' . $cmd_map{$cmd};
+ my $real_sub = 'run_' . $cmd;
+ *$alias_sub = \&$real_sub;
+ }
+# don't die on a newline
+sub run_ { return; }
+# print shell debug actions
+sub precmd
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $handler, $cmd, $args ) = @_;
+ my $term = $self->term();
+ eval { $term->WriteHistory("$ENV{'HOME'}/.shelldap_history"); };
+ return unless $conf->{'debug'};
+ $self->debug( "$$cmd (" . ( join ' ', @$args ) . "), calling '$$handler'\n" );
+ return;
+sub run_cat
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dn = shift;
+ my $attrs = \@_;
+ $attrs->[0] = '*' unless scalar @$attrs;
+ unless ( $dn ) {
+ print "No dn provided.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # support '.'
+ $dn = $self->base() if $dn eq '.';
+ # support globbing
+ my $s;
+ if ( $dn eq '*' ) {
+ $s = $self->search({
+ scope => 'one',
+ vals => 1,
+ attrs => $attrs
+ });
+ }
+ elsif ( $dn =~ /\*/ ) {
+ $s = $self->search({
+ scope => 'one',
+ vals => 1,
+ filter => $dn,
+ attrs => $attrs
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->rdn_to_dn( \$dn );
+ $s = $self->search({
+ base => $dn,
+ vals => 1,
+ attrs => $attrs
+ });
+ }
+ if ( $s->{'code'} ) {
+ print $s->{'message'} . "\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach my $e ( @{ $s->{'entries'} } ) {
+ $self->ldif->write_entry( $e );
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ return;
+sub run_cd
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $newbase = join ' ', @_;
+ # support 'cd' going to root
+ $newbase ||= $conf->{'basedn'};
+ # support 'cd -'
+ if ( $newbase eq '-' ) {
+ $newbase = $self->{'previous_base'} || return;
+ }
+ # support '..'
+ if ( $newbase =~ /\.\./ ) {
+ $self->parent_dn( \$newbase );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->rdn_to_dn( \$newbase );
+ }
+ unless ( $self->is_valid_dn( $newbase ) ) {
+ print "No such object\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # store old base
+ $self->{'previous_base'} = $self->base();
+ # update new base
+ $self->base( $newbase );
+ # get new 'cwd' listing
+ my $s = $self->search({ scope => 'one' });
+ if ( $s->{'code'} ) {
+ print "$s->{'message'}\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->update_entries( search => $s );
+ # reflect cwd change in prompt
+ $self->update_prompt();
+ return;
+sub run_clear
+ my $self = shift;
+ system('clear');
+ return;
+sub run_copy
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $s_dn, $d_dn ) = @_;
+ unless ( $s_dn ) {
+ print "No source dn provided.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ unless ( $d_dn ) {
+ print "No destination dn provided.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $s_rdn = $s_dn;
+ $self->rdn_to_dn( \$s_dn );
+ my $s = $self->search({ base => $s_dn, vals => 1 });
+ unless ( $s->{'code'} == 0 ) {
+ print "No such object\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # see if we're copying the entry to a totally new path
+ my ( $new_dn, $old_dn );
+ ( $d_dn, $new_dn ) = ( $1, $2 ) if $d_dn =~ /^([\w=]+),(.*)$/;
+ if ( $new_dn ) {
+ unless ( $self->is_valid_dn( $new_dn ) ) {
+ print "Invalid destination.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $new_dn = $self->base();
+ }
+ $old_dn = $1 if $s_dn =~ /^[\w=]+,(.*)$/;
+ # get the source object
+ my $e = ${ $s->{'entries'} }[0];
+ $e->dn( $s_dn );
+ # add changes in new entry instead of modifying existing
+ $e->changetype('add');
+ $e->dn( "$d_dn,$new_dn" );
+ # get the unique attribute from the dn for modification
+ # perhaps there is a better way to do this...?
+ #
+ my ( $uniqkey, $uniqval ) = ( $1, $2 )
+ if $d_dn =~ /^([\.\w]+)(?:\s+)?=(?:\s+)?([\.\-\s\w]+),?/;
+ unless ( $uniqkey && $uniqval ) {
+ print "Unable to parse unique values from rdn.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $e->replace( $uniqkey => $uniqval );
+ # update
+ my $rv = $e->update( $self->ldap() );
+ print $rv->error , "\n";
+ # clear caches
+ $self->{'cache'}->{ $new_dn } = {} if $new_dn;
+ $self->{'cache'}->{ $old_dn } = {} if $old_dn;
+ $self->update_entries( clearcache => 1 );
+ return;
+sub run_create
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @ocs = @_;
+ my ( $fh, $fname ) =
+ File::Temp::tempfile( 'shelldap_XXXXXXXX', DIR => '/tmp', UNLINK => 1 );
+ # first print out the dn and object classes.
+ print $fh 'dn: ???,', $self->base(), "\n";
+ foreach my $oc ( sort @ocs ) {
+ print $fh "objectClass: $oc\n";
+ }
+ # now gather attributes for requested objectClasses
+ #
+ my ( %seen, @must_attr, @may_attr );
+ foreach my $oc ( sort @ocs ) {
+ # required
+ my @must = $self->{'schema'}->must( $oc );
+ foreach my $attr ( sort { $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'} } @must ) {
+ next if $attr->{'name'} =~ /^objectclass$/i;
+ next if $seen{ $attr->{'name'} };
+ push @must_attr, $attr->{'name'};
+ $seen{ $attr->{'name'} }++;
+ }
+ # optional
+ my @may = $self->{'schema'}->may( $oc );
+ foreach my $attr ( sort { $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'} } @may ) {
+ next if $attr->{'name'} =~ /^objectclass$/i;
+ next if $seen{ $attr->{'name'} };
+ push @may_attr, $attr->{'name'};
+ $seen{ $attr->{'name'} }++;
+ }
+ }
+ # print attributes
+ print $fh "$_: \n" foreach @must_attr;
+ print $fh "# $_: \n" foreach @may_attr;
+ close $fh;
+ my $hash_a = $self->chksum( $fname );
+ system( $self->{'editor'}, $fname ) && die "Unable to launch editor: $!\n";
+ # hash compare
+ my $hash_b = $self->chksum( $fname );
+ if ( $hash_a eq $hash_b ) {
+ print "Entry not modified.\n";
+ unlink $fname;
+ return;
+ }
+ # load in LDIF
+ my $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( $fname, 'r', onerror => 'warn' );
+ my $e = $ldif->read_entry();
+ unless ( $e ) {
+ print "Unable to parse LDIF.\n";
+ unlink $fname;
+ return;
+ }
+ $e->changetype('add');
+ my $rv = $e->update( $self->ldap() );
+ print $rv->error(), "\n";
+ $self->update_entries( clearcache => 1 ) unless $rv->code();
+ unlink $fname;
+ return;
+sub run_delete
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @DNs = @_;
+ unless ( scalar @DNs ) {
+ print "No dn specified.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $filter;
+ unless ( $DNs[0] eq '*' ) {
+ $filter = $self->make_filter( \@DNs ) or return;
+ }
+ my $s = $self->search({ scope => 'one', filter => $filter });
+ if ( $s->{'code'} ) {
+ print "$s->{'message'}\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ print "Are you sure? [N/y]: ";
+ chomp( my $resp = <STDIN> );
+ return unless $resp =~ /^y/i;
+ foreach my $e ( @{ $s->{'entries'} } ) {
+ my $dn = $e->dn();
+ my $rv = $self->ldap->delete( $dn );
+ print "$dn: ", $rv->error(), "\n";
+ }
+ $self->update_entries( clearcache => 1 );
+ return;
+sub run_edit
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dn = join ' ', @_;
+ unless ( $dn ) {
+ print "No dn provided.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # support '.'
+ $dn = $self->base() if $dn eq '.';
+ $self->rdn_to_dn( \$dn );
+ my $s = $self->search({ base => $dn, vals => 1 });
+ if ( $s->{'code'} ) {
+ print $s->{'message'} . "\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # fetch entry and write it out to disk
+ my $e = ${ $s->{'entries'} }[0];
+ my $ldif = $self->ldif(1);
+ $ldif->write_entry( $e );
+ $ldif->done(); # force sync
+ # load it into an array for potential comparison
+ my @orig_ldif;
+ open LDIF, "$self->{'ldif_fname'}" or return;
+ @orig_ldif = <LDIF>;
+ close LDIF;
+ # checksum it, then open it in an editor
+ my $hash_a = $self->chksum( $self->{'ldif_fname'} );
+ system( "$self->{'editor'} $self->{'ldif_fname'}" ) &&
+ die "Unable to launch editor: $!\n";
+ # detect a total lack of change
+ my $hash_b = $self->chksum( $self->{'ldif_fname'} );
+ if ( $hash_a eq $hash_b ) {
+ print "Entry not modified.\n";
+ unlink $self->{'ldif_fname'};
+ return;
+ }
+ # check changes for basic LDIF validity
+ my $new_e = $self->load_ldif( $self->{'ldif_fname'} );
+ unless ( $new_e ) {
+ print "Unable to parse LDIF.\n";
+ unlink $self->{'ldif_fname'};
+ return;
+ }
+ # load changes into a new array for comparison
+ my @new_ldif;
+ open LDIF, "$self->{'ldif_fname'}" or return;
+ @new_ldif = <LDIF>;
+ close LDIF;
+ $e->changetype('modify');
+ my $parse = sub {
+ my $line = shift || $_;
+ return unless $line =~ /^\w/; # ignore multiline
+ return if $line =~ /^\#/; # ignore comments
+ my ( $attr, $val ) = ( $1, $2 ) if $line =~ /^(.+?): (.*)$/;
+ return if index($attr, ':') != -1; # ignore base64
+ return ( $attr, $val );
+ };
+ my $diff = Algorithm::Diff->new( \@orig_ldif, \@new_ldif );
+ while ( $diff->Next() ) {
+ next if $diff->Same();
+ my $diff_bit = $diff->Diff();
+ my %seen_attr;
+ # total deletions
+ if ( $diff_bit == 1 ) {
+ foreach ( $diff->Items(1) ) {
+ next unless /\w+/;
+ $self->debug("DELETE: $_");
+ my ( $attr, $val ) = $parse->( $_ ) or next;
+ $e->delete( $attr => [ $val ] );
+ }
+ }
+ # new insertions
+ if ( $diff_bit == 2 ) {
+ foreach ( $diff->Items(2) ) {
+ next unless /\w+/;
+ $self->debug("INSERT: $_");
+ my ( $attr, $val ) = $parse->( $_ ) or next;
+ $e->add( $attr => $val );
+ }
+ }
+ # replacements
+ # these are trickier with multivalue lines
+ if ( $diff_bit == 3 ) {
+ foreach ( $diff->Items(2) ) {
+ next unless /\w+/;
+ $self->debug("MODIFY: $_");
+ my ( $attr, $val ) = $parse->( $_ ) or next;
+ my $cur_vals = $e->get_value( $attr, asref => 1 ) || [];
+ my $cur_valcount = scalar @$cur_vals;
+ next if $cur_valcount == 0; # should have been an 'add'
+ # replace immediately
+ #
+ if ( $cur_valcount == 1 ) {
+ $e->replace( $attr => $val );
+ }
+ else {
+ # make sure the replace doesn't squash
+ # other attributes listed with the same name
+ #
+ next if $seen_attr{ $attr };
+ my @new_vals;
+ foreach my $line ( @new_ldif ) {
+ my ( $new_attr, $new_val ) = $parse->( $line ) or next;
+ next unless $new_attr eq $attr;
+ $seen_attr{ $attr }++;
+ push @new_vals, $new_val;
+ }
+ $e->replace( $attr => \@new_vals );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unlink $self->{'ldif_fname'};
+ my $rv = $e->update( $self->ldap );
+ print $rv->error(), "\n";
+ return;
+sub run_env
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach ( sort @{ $self->{'env'} } ) {
+ print "$_: ";
+ print $conf->{$_} ? $conf->{$_} : 0;
+ print "\n"
+ }
+sub run_grep
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $recurse, $filter, $base ) = @_;
+ # set 'recursion'
+ unless ( $recurse && $recurse =~ /\-r|recurse/ ) {
+ # shift args to the left
+ ( $recurse, $filter, $base ) = ( undef, $recurse, $filter );
+ }
+ $filter = Net::LDAP::Filter->new( $filter );
+ unless ( $filter ) {
+ print "Invalid search filter.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # support '*'
+ $base = $self->base() if ! $base or $base eq '*';
+ unless ( $base ) {
+ print "No search base specified.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->rdn_to_dn( \$base );
+ $self->debug("Filter parsed as: " . $filter->as_string() . "\n");
+ my $s = $self->search(
+ {
+ scope => $recurse ? 'sub' : 'one',
+ base => $base,
+ filter => $filter
+ }
+ );
+ foreach my $e ( @{ $s->{'entries'} } ) {
+ my $dn = $e->dn();
+ print "$dn\n";
+ }
+ return;
+# override internal help functions
+# with pod2usage
+sub run_help
+ return Pod::Usage::pod2usage(
+ -exitval => 'NOEXIT',
+ -verbose => 99,
+ -sections => 'SHELL COMMANDS'
+ );
+sub run_list
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @filters = @_;
+ my $base = $self->base();
+ # setup filters
+ my ( $flags, $filter );
+ if ( scalar @filters ) {
+ # support '-l' or '-R' listings
+ if ( $filters[0] =~ /\-[lR]|verbose/ ) {
+ $flags = shift @filters;
+ }
+ $filter = $self->make_filter( \@filters );
+ }
+ # flag booleans
+ my ( $recurse, $long );
+ if ( $flags ) {
+ $recurse = $flags =~ /R/;
+ $long = $flags =~ /l/;
+ }
+ my $s = $self->search({ scope => $recurse ? 'sub' : 'one',
+ vals => $long, filter => $filter });
+ if ( $s->{'code'} ) {
+ print "$s->{'message'}\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # if an entry doesn't have a description field,
+ # try and show some nice defaults for ls -l !
+ #
+ # objectClass -> Attribute to show
+ #
+ my %descs = %{
+ $conf->{'descmaps'}
+ || {
+ posixAccount => 'gecos',
+ posixGroup => 'gidNumber',
+ ipHost => 'ipHostNumber',
+ }
+ };
+ # iterate and print
+ #
+ my $dn_count = 0;
+ my $dn;
+ foreach my $e ( sort { $a->dn() cmp $b->dn() } @{ $s->{'entries'} } ) {
+ $dn = $e->dn();
+ my $rdn = $dn;
+ $rdn =~ s/,$base//i;
+ unless ( $long ) {
+ $dn = $rdn;
+ next;
+ }
+ # show descriptions
+ my $desc = $e->get_value('description');
+ if ( $desc ) {
+ $desc =~ s/\n.*//s; # 1st line only
+ $dn .= " ($desc)";
+ }
+ # no desc? Try and infer something useful
+ # to display.
+ else {
+ # pull objectClasses, hash for lookup speed
+ my @oc = @{ $e->get_value( 'objectClass', asref => 1 ) || [] };
+ my %ochash;
+ map { $ochash{$_} = 1 } @oc;
+ foreach my $d_listing ( sort keys %descs ) {
+ if ( exists $ochash{ $d_listing } ) {
+ my $str = $e->get_value( $descs{ $d_listing }, asref => 1 );
+ $dn .= ' (' . (join ', ', @$str) . ')' if $str && scalar @$str;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ continue {
+ print "$dn\n";
+ $dn_count++;
+ }
+ print "\n$dn_count " .
+ ( $dn_count == 1 ? 'object.' : 'objects.') .
+ "\n" if $long;
+ return;
+sub run_mkdir
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dir = join ' ', @_;
+ unless ( $dir ) {
+ print "No 'directory' provided.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # normalize ou name, then pull uniq val back out.
+ $dir = "ou=$dir" unless $dir =~ /^ou=/i;
+ $self->rdn_to_dn( \$dir );
+ my $ou = $1
+ if $dir =~ /^[\.\w]+(?:\s+)?=(?:\s+)?([\.\-\s\w]+),?/;
+ # add
+ my $r = $self->ldap()->add( $dir, attr => [
+ objectClass => [ 'top', 'organizationalUnit' ],
+ ou => $ou,
+ ]);
+ print $r->error(), "\n";
+ $self->update_entries( clearcache => 1 );
+ return;
+sub run_move
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $s_dn, $d_dn ) = @_;
+ unless ( $s_dn ) {
+ print "No source dn provided.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ unless ( $d_dn ) {
+ print "No destination dn provided.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $s_rdn = $s_dn;
+ $self->rdn_to_dn( \$s_dn );
+ unless ( $self->is_valid_dn( $s_dn ) ) {
+ print "No such object\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # see if we're moving the entry to a totally new path
+ my ( $new_dn, $old_dn );
+ ( $d_dn, $new_dn ) = ( $1, $2 ) if $d_dn =~ /^([\w=]+),(.*)$/;
+ $old_dn = $1 if $s_dn =~ /^[\w=]+,(.*)$/;
+ my $rv = $self->ldap()->moddn(
+ $s_dn,
+ newrdn => $d_dn,
+ deleteoldrdn => 1,
+ newsuperior => $new_dn
+ );
+ print $rv->error(), "\n";
+ # clear caches
+ $self->{'cache'}->{ $new_dn } = {} if $new_dn;
+ $self->{'cache'}->{ $old_dn } = {} if $old_dn;
+ $self->update_entries( clearcache => 1 );
+ return;
+sub run_passwd
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dn = shift || $self->base();
+ $self->{'root_dse'} ||= $self->ldap->root_dse();
+ my $pw_extension = '';
+ unless ( $self->{'root_dse'}->supported_extension( $pw_extension ) ) {
+ print "Sorry, password changes not supported by LDAP server.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # support '.'
+ $dn = $self->base() if $dn eq '.';
+ $self->rdn_to_dn( \$dn );
+ my $s = $self->search( { base => $dn, scope => 'base' } );
+ if ( $s->{'code'} ) {
+ print $s->{'message'}, "\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $e = ${ $s->{'entries'} }[0];
+ unless ( $e->exists('userPassword') ) {
+ print "No userPassword attribute for $dn\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ print "Changing password for $dn\n";
+ Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 2;
+ print "Enter new password: ";
+ chomp( my $pw = <STDIN> );
+ print "\nRetype new password: ";
+ chomp( my $pw2 = <STDIN> );
+ print "\n";
+ Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 0;
+ if ( $pw ne $pw2 ) {
+ print "Sorry, passwords do not match.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $rv = $self->ldap->set_password(
+ user => $dn,
+ newpasswd => $pw
+ );
+ if ( $rv->code() == 0 ) {
+ print "Password updated successfully.\n";
+ } else {
+ print "Password error: " . $rv->error() . "\n";
+ }
+ return;
+sub run_pwd
+ my $self = shift;
+ print $self->base() . "\n";
+ return;
+sub run_setenv
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $key, $val ) = @_;
+ ( $key, $val ) = split /=/, $key if $key && ! defined $val;
+ return unless $key && defined $val;
+ $key = lc $key;
+ $conf->{$key} = $val;
+ return;
+sub run_whoami
+ my $self = shift;
+ print $conf->{'binddn'} || 'anonymous bind';
+ print "\n";
+ return;
+package main;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+$0 = 'shelldap';
+my $VERSION = '0.1';
+use Getopt::Long;
+use YAML::Syck;
+use Pod::Usage;
+eval 'use Term::ReadLine::Gnu';
+warn qq{Term::ReadLine::Gnu not installed.
+Continuing, but shelldap is of limited usefulness without it.\n\n} if $@;
+# get config - rc file first, command line overrides
+use vars '$conf';
+$conf = load_config() || {};
+ $conf,
+ 'server=s',
+ 'binddn=s',
+ 'basedn=s',
+ 'cacheage=i',
+ 'timeout=i',
+ 'tls', 'debug',
+ help => sub {
+ Pod::Usage::pod2usage(
+ -verbose => 1,
+ -message => "\n$0 command line flags\n" . '-' x 65
+ );
+ }
+# defaults
+$conf->{'confpath'} = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.shelldap.rc";
+$conf->{'cacheage'} ||= 300;
+$conf->{'timeout'} ||= 10;
+# create and enter shell loop
+my $shell = LDAP::Shell->new();
+# load YAML config into global conf.
+sub load_config
+ my ( $d, $data );
+ my $confpath;
+ my @confs = (
+ "$ENV{'HOME'}/.shelldap.rc",
+ '/usr/local/etc/shelldap.conf',
+ '/etc/shelldap.conf',
+ );
+ foreach ( @confs ) {
+ if ( -e $_ ) {
+ $confpath = $_;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $confpath or return undef;
+ open YAML, $confpath or return undef;
+ do {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ $data = <YAML>; # slurp!
+ };
+ close YAML;
+ eval { $conf = YAML::Syck::Load( $data ) };
+ die "Invalid YAML in ~/.shelldap.rc\n" if $@;
+ return $conf;
+## EOF