Streamline %cmd_map
authorDavor Ocelic <>
Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:42:27 +0200
changeset 104 b60189929c4b
parent 103 20752fcf201c
child 105 e7e850a1540c
Streamline %cmd_map %cmd_map was previously a hash containing: { real_function => alias_function, ... } Now the structure of the hash is: { alias_or_real_func => [ real_func/if_any, autocompleter_func ], ... } This allows for a more streamlined definition of commands and aliases, and makes it possible to keep all data in %cmd_map instead of having additional special cases.
--- a/shelldap	Sun Apr 28 22:38:38 2019 +0200
+++ b/shelldap	Sun Apr 28 23:42:27 2019 +0200
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@
 ### Autocomplete values: Returns cached children entries.
-sub autocomplete_cwd
+sub comp_cwd
 	my $self = shift;
 	return @{ $self->{'cwd_entries'} };
@@ -1231,52 +1231,6 @@
-### Inject various autocomplete and alias routines into the symbol table.
-	no warnings;
-	no strict 'refs';
-	# command, alias
-	my %cmd_map = (
-		whoami => 'id',
-		list   => 'ls',
-		grep   => 'search',
-		edit   => 'vi',
-		delete => 'rm',
-		copy   => 'cp',
-		cat    => 'read',
-		move   => 'mv',
-		less   => undef,
-		cd     => undef,
-		passwd => undef
-	);
-	# setup autocompletes
-	foreach ( %cmd_map ) {
-		next unless $_;
-		my $sub = "comp_$_";
-		*$sub   = \&autocomplete_cwd;
-	}
-	*comp_touch  = \&comp_create;
-	*comp_export = \&comp_setenv;
-	# setup alias subs
-	#
-	# Term::Shell has an alias_* feature, but
-	# it seems to work about 90% of the time.
-	# that last 10% is something of a mystery.
-	#
-	$cmd_map{'create'} = 'touch';
-	foreach my $cmd ( keys %cmd_map ) {
-		next unless defined $cmd_map{$cmd};
-		my $alias_sub = 'run_' . $cmd_map{$cmd};
-		my $real_sub  = 'run_' . $cmd;
-		*$alias_sub = \&$real_sub;
-	}
 ### Given an $arrayref, remove LDIF continuation wrapping in place,
 ### effectively making each entry a single line for LCS comparisons.
@@ -1409,6 +1363,44 @@
 ### S H E L L   M E T H O D S
+# alias_or_command => [ real_command_name, completion_function ]
+# It is not necessary to list all real commands here, but you can/should
+# do so to assign autocompleter function to them, and/or to define aliases.
+my %cmd_map = (
+	#'whoami'  => [ undef ],
+	#'pwd'     => [ undef ],
+	'list'    => [ undef, 'comp_cwd' ],
+	'grep'    => [ undef, 'comp_cwd' ],
+	'edit'    => [ undef, 'comp_cwd' ],
+	'delete'  => [ undef, 'comp_cwd' ],
+	'copy'    => [ undef, 'comp_cwd' ],
+	'cat'     => [ undef, 'comp_cwd' ],
+	'move'    => [ undef, 'comp_cwd' ],
+	'less'    => [ undef, 'comp_cwd' ],
+	'cd'      => [ undef, 'comp_cwd' ],
+	'create'  => [ undef, 'comp_create' ],
+	'setenv'  => [ undef, 'comp_setenv' ],
+	#'passwd'  => [ undef ],
+	##'clear'   => [ undef ],
+	#'env'     => [ undef ],
+	#'help'    => [ undef ],
+	#'mkdir'   => [ undef ],
+	#'inspect' => [ undef ],
+	'id'      => [ 'whoami' ],
+	'ls'      => [ 'list',   'comp_cwd' ],
+	'search'  => [ 'grep',   'comp_cwd' ],
+	'vi'      => [ 'edit',   'comp_cwd' ],
+	'rm'      => [ 'delete', 'comp_cwd' ],
+	'cp'      => [ 'copy',   'comp_cwd' ],
+	'read'    => [ 'read',   'comp_cwd' ],
+	'mv'      => [ 'move',   'comp_cwd' ],
+	'touch'   => [ 'create', 'comp_create' ],
+	'export'  => [ 'setenv', 'comp_setenv' ],
 ### Don't die on a newline, just no-op.
 sub run_ { return; }
@@ -1927,9 +1919,14 @@
 sub run_help 
 	my $self = shift;
+	my $section = 'SHELL COMMANDS';
 	my $command = shift;
-	my $section = 'SHELL COMMANDS';
-	$section .= "/$command" if $command;
+	if( $command ) {
+		# If it is an alias, resolve to real name:
+		$command = $cmd_map{$command}[0] if $cmd_map{$command}[0];
+		$section .= "/$command"
+	}
 	return Pod::Usage::pod2usage(
 		-exitval  => 'NOEXIT',
@@ -2338,6 +2335,31 @@
+### Inject various autocomplete and alias routines into the symbol table.
+# setup alias subs
+# Term::Shell has an alias_* feature, but
+# it seems to work about 90% of the time.
+# that last 10% is something of a mystery.
+{ no strict 'refs';
+	while(my($cmd, $data) = each %cmd_map ) {
+		if( $$data[0]) {
+			my $alias_sub = 'run_' . $cmd;
+			my $real_sub  = 'run_' . $$data[0];
+			*$alias_sub = \&$real_sub;
+		}
+		if( $$data[1]) {
+			my $comp_sub = "comp_$cmd";
+			*$comp_sub   = \&{$$data[1]}
+		}
+	}
 ### Recursively walk an objectClass hierarchy, returning an array
 ### of inheritence.