author Davor Ocelic <>
Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:11:46 +0200
changeset 102 e92cb378144d
parent 98 22f52658f883
child 128 c86968a0e5e7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix precedence of command line arguments Previously, when autogenerating the config file, the name of config itself was included in the YAML contents. This in turn caused the config file to be re-parsed again and any command line arguments were overwritten with values from the config file. Now the name of config file is not dumped if it is equal to the file being written, and the config file is not reparsed if it is the same file.


A handy shell-like interface for browsing LDAP servers and editing their
content. It keeps command history, has sane autocompletes, credential caching,
site-wide and individual configs, and it's fun to say.
Shelldap! Shelldap! Shelldap!


% shelldap 
~ > [ tab ]
~ > 
cat     clear   cp      delete  env     grep    id      ls      move    passwd  read    search  touch   whoami  
cd      copy    create  edit    exit    help    list    mkdir   mv      pwd     rm      setenv  vi      
~ > cd ou=People
ou=People,~ > cat uid=ma[ tab ]
ou=People,~ > cat uid=mahlon

dn: uid=mahlon,ou=People,dc=laika,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: apple-user
cn: Mahlon E. Smith
departmentNumber: Technology - IT
displayName: Mahlon
gecos: Mahlon E. Smith
gidNumber: 200
givenName: Mahlon
homeDirectory: /home/m/mahlon
l: Ghetto
loginShell: /bin/tcsh
mobile: 1+8829999005747
sn: Smith
title: Manager, Information Systems
uid: mahlon
uidNumber: 20933
userPassword: *

ou=People,~ > 


You can download the latest script [here](

It is also available via the 
[FreeBSD ports]( system, OS X via 
[macports](, Debian/Ubuntu via [apt](,
NetBSD's [pkgsrc](, OpenBSD [ports](, openSUSE's [build service](, and as a Fedora [RPM](

Many thanks to the maintainers of these packages.


Shelldap is simply a perl script.  Put it into a convenient place of your choosing.

Shelldap requires the following perl modules to function properly:

* YAML::Syck
* Term::Shell
* Digest::MD5 
* Net::LDAP
* Algorithm::Diff

Additional functionality is supported with the presence of:

* IO::Socket::SSL
* Authen::SASL
* Term::ReadLine::Gnu


You can also check out the source via [Mercurial]( from the following uri:

    % hg clone

or via [BitBucket]( at:

    % hg clone


Once installed, Shelldap is fully documented via perldoc, and has a built-in `help` command as well.