Automatically use ldif syntax highlighting for editors that understand
#!/usr/bin/env perl# vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4:## Copyright (c) 2006-2013, Mahlon E. Smith <># All rights reserved.# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:## * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.## * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.## * Neither the name of Mahlon E. Smith nor the names of his# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived# from this software without specific prior written permission.## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY# EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED# WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE# DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS# SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.=head1 NAMEShelldap - A program for interacting with an LDAP server via a shell-like interface=head1 DESCRIPTIONShelldap /LDAP::Shell is a program for interacting with an LDAP server via a shell-likeinterface.This is not meant to be an exhaustive LDAP editing and browsinginterface, but rather an intuitive shell for performing basic LDAPtasks quickly and with minimal effort.=head1 SYNPOSIS shelldap --server [--help]=head1 FEATURES - Upon successful authenticated binding, credential information is auto-cached to ~/.shelldap.rc -- future loads require no command line flags. - Custom 'description maps' for entry listings. (See the 'list' command.) - History and autocomplete via readline, if installed. - Automatic reconnection attempts if the connection is lost with the LDAP server. - Basic schema introspection for quick reference. - It feels like a semi-crippled shell, making LDAP browsing and editing at least halfway pleasurable.=head1 OPTIONSAll command line options follow getopts long conventions. shelldap --server --basedn dc=your,o=companyYou may also optionally create a ~/.shelldap.rc file with command linedefaults. This file should be valid YAML. (This file is generatedautomatically on a successful bind auth.)Example: server: binddn: cn=Manager,dc=your,o=company bindpass: xxxxxxxxx basedn: dc=your,o=company tls: yes tls_cacert: /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem tls_cert: ~/.ssl/client.cert.pem tls_key: ~/.ssl/private/client.key.pem=over 4=item B<configfile>Optional. Use an alternate configuration file, instead of thedefault ~/.shelldap.rc. --configfile /tmp/alternate-config.yml -f /tmp/alternate-config.ymlThis config file overrides values found in the default config, soyou can easily have separate config files for connecting to yourcn=monitor or cn=log overlays (for example.)=back=over 4=item B<server>Required. The LDAP server to connect to. This can be a hostname, IPaddress, or a URI. --server ldaps:// -H ldaps:// 4=item B<binddn>The full dn of a user to authenticate as. If not specified, defaults toan anonymous bind. You will be prompted for a password. --binddn cn=Manager,dc=your,o=company -D cn=Manager,dc=your,o=company=back=over 4=item B<basedn>The directory 'root' of your LDAP server. If omitted, shelldap willtry and ask the server for a sane default. --basedn dc=your,o=company -b dc=your,o=company=back=over 4=item B<promptpass>Force password prompting. Useful to temporarily override cachedcredentials.=back=over 4=item B<tls>Enables TLS over what would normally be an insecure connection.Requires server side support.=item B<tls_cacert>Specify CA Certificate to trust. --tls_cacert /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem=item B<tls_cert>The TLS client certificate. --tls_cert ~/.ssl/client.cert.pem=item B<tls_key>The TLS client key. Not specifying a key will connect via TLS withoutkey verification. --tls_key ~/.ssl/private/client.key.pem=back=over 4=item B<cacheage>Set the time to cache directory lookups in seconds.By default, directory lookups are cached for 300 seconds, to speedautocomplete up when changing between different basedns.Modifications to the directory automatically reset the cache. Directorylistings are not cached. (This is just used for autocomplete.) Set itto 0 to disable caching completely.=back=over 4=item B<timeout>Set the maximum time an LDAP operation can take before it is cancelled.=back=over 4=item B<debug>Print extra operational info out, and backtrace on fatal error.=back=over 4=item B<version>Display the version number.=back=head1 SHELL COMMANDS=over 4=item B< cat>Display an LDIF dump of an entry. Globbing is supported. Specifyeither the full dn, or an rdn. For most commands, rdns are local to thecurrent search base. ('cwd', as translated to shell speak.) You may additionallyadd a list of attributes to display. Use '+' for server side attributes. cat uid=mahlon cat ou=* cat uid=mahlon,ou=People,dc=example,o=company cat uid=mahlon + userPassword=item B< cd>Change directory. Translated to LDAP, this changes the current basedn.All commands after a 'cd' operate within the new basedn. cd change to 'home' basedn cd ~ change to the binddn, or basedn if anonymously bound cd - change to previous node cd ou=People change to explicit path below current node cd .. change to parent node cd ../../ou=Groups change to node ou=Groups, which is a sibling to the current node's grandparentSince LDAP doesn't actually limit what can be a container object, youcan actually cd into any entry. Many commands then work on '.', meaning"wherever I currently am." cd uid=mahlon cat .=item B<clear>Clear the screen.=item B<copy>Copy an entry to a different dn path. All copies are relative to thecurrent basedn, unless a full dn is specified. All attributes arecopied, then an LDAP moddn() is performed. copy uid=mahlon uid=bob copy uid=mahlon ou=Others,dc=example,o=company copy uid=mahlon,ou=People,dc=example,o=company uid=mahlon,ou=Others,dc=example,o=companyaliased to: cp=item B<create>Create an entry from scratch. Arguments are space separated objectClassnames. Possible objectClasses are derived automatically from theserver, and will tab-complete.After the classes are specified, an editor will launch. Requiredattributes are listed first, then optional attributes. Optionals arecommented out. After the editor exits, the resulting LDIF is validatedand added to the LDAP directory. create top person organizationalPerson inetOrgPerson posixAccountaliased to: touch=item B<delete>Remove an entry from the directory. Globbing is supported.All deletes are sanity-prompted. delete uid=mahlon delete uid=ma*aliased to: rm=item B<edit>Edit an entry in an external editor. After the editor exits, theresulting LDIF is sanity checked, and changes are written to the LDAPdirectory. edit uid=mahlonaliased to: vi=item B<env> Show values for various runtime variables.=item B<grep>Search for arbitrary LDAP filters, and return matching dn results.The search string must be a valid LDAP filter. grep uid=mahlon grep uid=mahlon ou=People grep -r (&(uid=mahlon)(objectClass=*)) aliased to: search=item B<inspect>View schema information about a given entry, or a list of arbitraryobjectClasses, along with the most common flags for the objectClassattributes. inspect uid=mahlon inspect posixAccount organizationalUnit inspect _schemaThe output is a list of found objectClasses, their schema heirarchy(up to 'top'), whether or not they are a structural class, and thena merged list of all valid attributes for the given objectClasses.Attributes are marked as either required or optional, and whetherthey allow multiple values or not.If you ask for the special "_schema" object, the raw server schemais dumped to screen.=item B<list>List entries for the current basedn. Globbing is supported.aliased to: ls ls -l ls -lR uid=mahlon list uid=m*In 'long' mode, descriptions are listed as well, if they exist.There are some default 'long listing' mappings for common objectClasstypes. You can additionally specify your own mappings in your.shelldap.rc, like so: ... descmaps: objectClass: attributename posixAccount: gecos posixGroup: gidNumber ipHost: ipHostNumber=item B<mkdir>Creates a new 'organizationalUnit' entry. mkdir containername mkdir ou=whatever=item B<move>Move an entry to a different dn path. Usage is identical to B<copy>.aliased to: mv=item B<passwd>If supported server side, change the password for a specified entry.The entry must have a 'userPassword' attribute. passwd uid=mahlon=item B< pwd>Print the 'working directory' - aka, the current ldap basedn.=item B<setenv>Modify various runtime variables normally set from the command line. setenv debug 1 export debug=1=item B<whoami>Show current auth credentials. Unless you specified a binddn, thiswill just show an anonymous bind.=back=head1 TODOReferral support. Currently, if you try to write to a replicant slave,you'll just get a referral. It would be nice if shelldap automaticallytried to follow it.For now, it only makes sense to connect to a master if you plan on doingany writes.=head1 BUGS / LIMITATIONSThere is no support for editing binary data. If you need to edit base64stuff, just feed it to the regular ldapmodify/ldapadd/etc tools.=head1 AUTHORMahlon E. Smith <>=cutpackage LDAP::Shell;use strict;use warnings;use Term::ReadKey;use Term::Shell;use Digest::MD5;use Net::LDAP qw/ LDAP_SUCCESS LDAP_SERVER_DOWN LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED LDAP_BUSY LDAP_UNAVAILABLE LDAP_OTHER LDAP_TIMEOUT LDAP_NO_MEMORY LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR /;use Net::LDAP::Util qw/ canonical_dn ldap_explode_dn /;use Net::LDAP::LDIF;use Data::Dumper;use File::Temp;use Algorithm::Diff;use Carp 'confess';use base 'Term::Shell';require Net::LDAP::Extension::SetPassword;my $conf = $main::conf;# make 'die' backtrace in debug mode$SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&Carp::confess if $conf->{'debug'};########################################################################### U T I L I T Y F U N C T I O N S########################################################################### Initial shell behaviors.### sub init{ my $self = shift; $self->{'API'}->{'match_uniq'} = 0; $self->{'editor'} = $conf->{'editor'} || $ENV{'EDITOR'} || 'vi'; $self->{'env'} = [ qw/ debug cacheage timeout / ]; # let autocomplete work with the '=' character my $term = $self->term(); $term->Attribs->{'basic_word_break_characters'} =~ s/=//m; $term->Attribs->{'completer_word_break_characters'} =~ s/=//m; # read in history eval { $term->history_truncate_file("$ENV{'HOME'}/.shelldap_history", 50); $term->ReadHistory("$ENV{'HOME'}/.shelldap_history"); }; # gather metadata from the LDAP server $self->{'root_dse'} = $self->ldap->root_dse() or die "Unable to retrieve LDAP server information. (Doublecheck connection arguments.)\n"; $self->{'schema'} = $self->ldap->schema(); # get an initial list of all objectClasses $self->{'objectclasses'} = []; foreach my $o ( $self->{'schema'}->all_objectclasses() ) { push @{ $self->{'objectclasses'} }, $o->{'name'}; } if ( $conf->{'debug'} ) { my @versions = $self->{'root_dse'}->get_value('supportedLDAPVersion'); print "Connected to $conf->{'server'}\n"; print "Supported LDAP version: ", ( join ', ', @versions ), "\n"; print "Cipher in use: ", $self->ldap()->cipher(), "\n"; } # try an initial search and bail early if it doesn't work. (bad baseDN?) my $s = $self->search(); die "LDAP baseDN error: ", $s->{'message'}, "\n" if $s->{'code'}; # okay, now do an initial population of 'cwd' for autocomplete. $self->update_entries(); # whew, okay. Update prompt, wait for input! $self->update_prompt(); return;}### Return an LDAP connection handle, creating it if necessary.###sub ldap{ my $self = shift; my $rv; # use cached connection object if it exists return $self->{'ldap'} if $self->{'ldap'}; # fill in potentially missing info die "No server specified.\n" unless $conf->{'server'}; # Emit a nicer error message if IO::Socket::SSL is # not installed and Net::LDAP decides it is required. # if ( $conf->{'tls'} || $conf->{'server'} =~ m|ldaps://| ) { eval 'use IO::Socket::SSL'; die qq{IO::Socket::SSL not installed, but is required for SSL or TLS connections.You may try connecting insecurely, or install the module and try again.\n} if $@; } # Prompt for a password after disabling local echo. # if ( ($conf->{'binddn'} && ! $conf->{'bindpass'}) || $conf->{'promptpass'} ) { print "Bind password: "; Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 2; chomp( $conf->{'bindpass'} = <STDIN> ); Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 0; print "\n"; } # make the connection my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $conf->{'server'} ) or die "Unable to connect to LDAP server '$conf->{'server'}': $!\n"; # secure connection options # if ( $conf->{'tls'} ) { if ( $conf->{'tls_key'} ) { $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require', cafile => $conf->{'tls_cacert'}, clientcert => $conf->{'tls_cert'}, clientkey => $conf->{'tls_key'}, keydecrypt => sub { print "Key Passphrase: "; Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 2; chomp( my $secret = <STDIN> ); Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 0; print "\n"; return $secret; }); } else { $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'none' ); } } # bind as an authenicated dn if ( $conf->{'binddn'} ) { $rv = $ldap->bind( $conf->{'binddn'}, password => $conf->{'bindpass'} ); } # bind anonymously else { $rv = $ldap->bind(); } my $err = $rv->error(); $self->debug( "Bind as " . ( $conf->{'binddn'} ? $conf->{'binddn'} : 'anonymous' ) . " to " . $conf->{'server'} . ": $err\n" ); if ( $rv->code() ) { $err .= " (try the --tls flag?)" if $err =~ /confidentiality required/i; die "LDAP bind error: $err\n"; } # Offer to cache authentication info. # If we enter this conditional, we have successfully authed with the server # (non anonymous), and we haven't cached anything in the past. # if ( $conf->{'binddn'} && ! -e $conf->{'configfile'} ) { print "Would you like to cache your connection information? [Yn]: "; chomp( my $response = <STDIN> ); unless ( $response =~ /^n/i ) { YAML::Syck::DumpFile( $conf->{'configfile'}, $conf ); chmod 0600, $conf->{'configfile'}; print "Connection info cached to $conf->{'configfile'}.\n"; } } $self->{'ldap'} = $ldap; return $ldap;}### Return a new LDIF object, suitable for populating with### a Net::LDAP::Entry.###sub ldif { my $self = shift; my $use_temp = shift; # create tmpfile and link ldif object with it # if ( $use_temp ) { my ( undef, $fname ) = File::Temp::tempfile( 'shelldap_XXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.ldif', DIR => '/tmp', UNLINK => 1 ); $self->{'ldif'} = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( $fname, 'w', sort => 1, wrap => $self->wrapsize ); $self->{'ldif_fname'} = $fname; } # ldif -> stdout else { $self->{'ldif'} = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( \*STDOUT, 'w', sort => 1, wrap => $self->wrapsize ); } return $self->{'ldif'};}### Return an Entry object from an LDIF filename, or undef if there was an error.###sub load_ldif{ my $self = shift; my $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( shift(), 'r' ); return unless $ldif; my $e; eval { $e = $ldif->read_entry(); }; return if $@; return $e;}### Given a filename, return an md5 checksum.###sub chksum { my $self = shift; my $file = shift or return; my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new(); open F, $file or die "Unable to read file: $!\n"; my $hash = $md5->addfile( *F )->hexdigest(); close F; return $hash;}### Find and return the current terminal width.###sub wrapsize{ my $self = shift; my $wrap = $conf->{'wrap'}; eval { my $rows; my $term = Term::ReadLine->new( 1 ); ( $rows, $wrap ) = $term->get_screen_size() unless $wrap; }; $wrap ||= 78; return $wrap;}### Used by Term::Shell to generate the prompt.###sub prompt_str{ my $self = shift; return $self->{'prompt'};}### Display the current working entry as the prompt,### truncating if necessary.###sub update_prompt { my $self = shift; my $base = $self->base(); if ( length $base > 50 ) { my $cwd_dn = $1 if $base =~ /^(.*?),/; $self->{'prompt'} = "... $cwd_dn > "; } else { my $prompt = $base; $prompt =~ s/$conf->{'basedn'}/~/; $self->{'prompt'} = "$prompt > "; } return;}### Prompt the user to re-edit their LDIF on error.### Returns true if the user wants to do so.###sub prompt_edit_again{ my $self = shift; print "Edit again? [Yn]: "; chomp( my $ans = <STDIN> ); return $ans !~ /^n/i;}### Return the basedn of the LDAP connection, being either explicitly### configured or determined automatically from server metadata.###sub base { my $self = shift; $self->{'base'} ||= $conf->{'basedn'}; # try and determine base automatically from rootDSE # unless ( $self->{'base'} ) { my @namingContexts = $self->{'root_dse'}->get_value('namingContexts'); $conf->{'basedn'} = $namingContexts[0]; $self->{'base'} = $namingContexts[0]; } if ( $_[0] ) { my $base = canonical_dn( $_[0], casefold => 'none' ); $self->{'base'} = $base if $base; } return $self->{'base'};}### Returns true if the specified dn is valid on this LDAP server.###sub is_valid_dn { my $self = shift; my $dn = shift or return 0; my $r = $self->search({ base => $dn }); return $r->{'code'} == LDAP_SUCCESS ? 1 : 0;}### Perform an LDAP search.###### Returns a hashref containing the return code and### an arrayref of Net::LDAP::Entry objects.###sub search { my $self = shift; my $opts = shift || {}; $opts->{'base'} ||= $self->base(), $opts->{'filter'} ||= '(objectClass=*)'; $opts->{'scope'} ||= 'base'; my $search = sub { return $self->ldap->search( base => $opts->{'base'}, filter => $opts->{'filter'}, scope => $opts->{'scope'}, timelimit => $conf->{'timeout'}, typesonly => ! $opts->{'vals'}, attrs => $opts->{'attrs'} || ['*'] ); }; my $s = $self->with_retry( $search ); my $rv = { code => $s->code(), message => $s->error(), entries => [] }; $rv->{'entries'} = $opts->{'scope'} eq 'base' ? [ $s->shift_entry() ] : [ $s->entries() ]; return $rv;}### Maintain the cache of possible autocomplete values for### the current DN.###sub update_entries { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; my $base = lc( $self->base() ); my $s = $opts{'search'} || $self->search({ scope => 'one', base => $base }); $self->{'cwd_entries'} = []; return if $s->{'code'}; # setup cache object $self->{'cache'} ||= {}; $self->{'cache'}->{ $base } ||= {}; $self->{'cache'}->{ $base } = {} if $opts{'clearcache'}; my $cache = $self->{'cache'}->{ $base }; my $now = time(); if ( ! exists $cache->{'entries'} or $now - $cache->{'timestamp'} > $conf->{'cacheage'} ) { $self->debug("Caching entries for $base\n"); foreach my $e ( @{ $s->{'entries'} } ) { my $dn = $e->dn(); my $rdn = $dn; $rdn =~ s/,$base//i; # remove base from display push @{ $self->{'cwd_entries'} }, $rdn; } $cache->{'timestamp'} = $now; $cache->{'entries'} = $self->{'cwd_entries'}; } else { $self->debug("Using cached lookups for $base\n"); } $self->{'cwd_entries'} = $cache->{'entries'}; return;}### Roughly convert a given path to a DN.###### Additionally support:### parent '..'### current '.'### last '-'### home '~'###### Synopsis: $dn = $self->path_to_dn( $path );###sub path_to_dn{ my $self = shift; my $path = shift; my %flags = @_; my $curbase = $self->base(); # support empty 'cd' or 'cd ~' going to root return $conf->{'basedn'} if ! $path || $path eq '~'; # return current base DN return $curbase if $path eq '.'; # support 'cd -' return $self->{'previous_base'} if $path eq '-'; # relative path, upwards # if ( $path =~ /^\.\./o ) { # support '..' (possibly iterated and as prefix to a DN) my @base = @{ ldap_explode_dn($curbase, casefold => 'none') }; # deal with leading .., # while ( $path =~ /^\.\./ ) { shift( @base ) if @base; $path =~ s/^\.\.//; last if $path !~ /[,\/]\s*/; $path =~ s/[,\/]\s*//; } # append the new dn to the node if one was specified: # cd ../../cn=somewhere vs # cd ../../ # my $newbase_root = canonical_dn( \@base, casefold => 'none' ); $path = $path ? $path . ',' . $newbase_root : $newbase_root; } # attach the base if it isn't already there (this takes care of # deeper relative nodes and absolutes) # else { $path = "$path," . $curbase unless $path =~ /$curbase/; } return $path;}### Given an array ref of shell-like globs, ### create and return a Net::LDAP::Filter object.###sub make_filter { my $self = shift; my $globs = shift or return; return unless ref $globs eq 'ARRAY'; return unless scalar @$globs; my $filter; $filter = join('', map { (/^\(.*\)$/o) ? $_ : "($_)" } @$globs); $filter = '(|' . $filter . ')' if (scalar(@$globs) > 1); $filter = Net::LDAP::Filter->new( $filter ); if ( $filter ) { $self->debug( 'Filter parsed as: ' . $filter->as_string() . "\n" ); } else { print "Error parsing filter.\n"; return; } return $filter;}### Given an arrayref of objectClasses, pull a complete list of ### required and optional attrbutes. Returns two arrayrefs.###sub fetch_attributes{ my $self = shift; my $ocs = shift or return [], []; my ( %seen, @must_attr, @may_attr ); foreach my $oc ( sort @{$ocs} ) { # required my @must = $self->{'schema'}->must( $oc ); foreach my $attr ( sort { $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'} } @must ) { next if $attr->{'name'} =~ /^objectclass$/i; next if $seen{ $attr->{'name'} }; push @must_attr, $attr->{'name'}; $seen{ $attr->{'name'} }++; } # optional my @may = $self->{'schema'}->may( $oc ); foreach my $attr ( sort { $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'} } @may ) { next if $attr->{'name'} =~ /^objectclass$/i; next if $seen{ $attr->{'name'} }; push @may_attr, $attr->{'name'}; $seen{ $attr->{'name'} }++; } } return \@must_attr, \@may_attr;}### Check whether a given string can be used directly as### an LDAP search filter.###### Synopsis: $yesNo = $self->is_valid_filter($string);###sub is_valid_filter{ my $self = shift; my $filter = shift or return; return Net::LDAP::Filter->new( $filter ) ? 1 : 0;}### Call code in subref $action, if there's any connection related errors,### try it one additional time before giving up. This should take care of### most server disconnects due to timeout and other generic connection### errors, and will attempt to transparently re-establish a connection.###sub with_retry{ my $self = shift; my $action = shift; my $rv = $action->(); if ( $rv->code() == LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR || $rv->code() == LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED || $rv->code() == LDAP_BUSY || $rv->code() == LDAP_UNAVAILABLE || $rv->code() == LDAP_OTHER || $rv->code() == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || $rv->code() == LDAP_TIMEOUT || $rv->code() == LDAP_NO_MEMORY || $rv->code() == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR ) { $self->debug( "Error ". $rv->code() . ", retrying.\n" ); $self->{'ldap'} = undef; $rv = $action->(); } return $rv;}### little. yellow. different. better.###sub debug { my $self = shift; return unless $conf->{'debug'}; print "\e[33m"; print shift(); print "\e[0m"; return;}### Autocomplete values: Returns cached children entries.###sub autocomplete_cwd{ my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{'cwd_entries'} };}### Autocomplete values: Returns previously set shelldap environment values.###sub comp_setenv{ my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{'env'} };}### Autocomplete values: Returns all objectClasses as defined### by the LDAP server.###sub comp_create{ my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{'objectclasses'} };}### Autocomplete values: Returns all objectClasses as defined### by the LDAP server, along with current children DNs.###sub comp_inspect{ my $self = shift; return ('_schema', @{ $self->{'objectclasses'} }, @{ $self->{'cwd_entries'} });}### Inject various autocomplete and alias routines into the symbol table.###{ no warnings; no strict 'refs'; # command, alias my %cmd_map = ( whoami => 'id', list => 'ls', grep => 'search', edit => 'vi', delete => 'rm', copy => 'cp', cat => 'read', move => 'mv', cd => undef, passwd => undef ); # setup autocompletes foreach ( %cmd_map ) { next unless $_; my $sub = "comp_$_"; *$sub = \&autocomplete_cwd; } *comp_touch = \&comp_create; *comp_export = \&comp_setenv; # setup alias subs # # Term::Shell has an alias_* feature, but # it seems to work about 90% of the time. # that last 10% is something of a mystery. # $cmd_map{'create'} = 'touch'; foreach my $cmd ( keys %cmd_map ) { next unless defined $cmd_map{$cmd}; my $alias_sub = 'run_' . $cmd_map{$cmd}; my $real_sub = 'run_' . $cmd; *$alias_sub = \&$real_sub; }}### Given an $arrayref, remove LDIF continuation wrapping in place,### effectively making each entry a single line for LCS comparisons.### sub unwrap_line { my $self = shift; my $array = shift; my $i = 1; while ( $i < scalar(@$array) ) { if ( $array->[$i] =~ /^\s/ ) { $array->[ $i - 1 ] =~ s/\n$//; $array->[ $i ] =~ s/^\s//; splice( @$array, $i - 1, 2, $array->[$i - 1] . $array->[$i] ); } else { $i++; } }}########################################################################### S H E L L M E T H O D S########################################################################### Don't die on a newline, just no-op.###sub run_ { return; }### Term::Shell hook.### Write history for each command, print shell debug actions.###sub precmd{ my $self = shift; my ( $handler, $cmd, $args ) = @_; my $term = $self->term(); eval { $term->WriteHistory("$ENV{'HOME'}/.shelldap_history"); }; $self->debug( "$$cmd (" . ( join ' ', @$args ) . "), calling '$$handler'\n" ); return;} ### Display an entry as LDIF to the terminal.###sub run_cat { my $self = shift; my $dn = shift; my @attrs = (@_) ? @_ : ('*'); unless ( $dn ) { print "No dn provided.\n"; return; } # support '.' $dn = $self->base() if $dn eq '.'; # support globbing # my $s; if ( $dn eq '*' ) { $s = $self->search({ scope => 'one', vals => 1, attrs => \@attrs }); } elsif ( $dn =~ /\*/ ) { $s = $self->search({ scope => 'one', vals => 1, filter => $dn, attrs => \@attrs }); } # absolute/relative dn # else { $dn = $self->path_to_dn( $dn ); $s = $self->search({ base => $dn, vals => 1, attrs => \@attrs }); } # emit error, if any # if ( $s->{'code'} ) { print $s->{'message'} . "\n"; return; } # display to stdout # foreach my $e ( @{ $s->{'entries'} } ) { $self->ldif->write_entry( $e ); print "\n"; } return;}### Change shelldap's idea of a current working 'directory',### by adjusting the current default basedn for all searches.###sub run_cd { my $self = shift; my $newbase = shift; # convert given path to a DN $newbase = $self->path_to_dn( $newbase ); unless ( $self->is_valid_dn( $newbase ) ) { print "No such object\n"; return; } # store old base $self->{'previous_base'} = $self->base(); # update new base $self->base( $newbase ); # get new 'cwd' listing my $s = $self->search({ scope => 'one', attrs => [ '1.1' ] }); if ( $s->{'code'} ) { print "$s->{'message'}\n"; return; } $self->update_entries( search => $s ); # reflect cwd change in prompt $self->update_prompt(); return;}### Simply clear the screen.###sub run_clear{ my $self = shift; system( 'clear' ); return;}### Fetch the source DN entry, modify it's DN data### and write it back to the directory.###sub run_copy{ my $self = shift; my ( $s_dn, $d_dn ) = @_; unless ( $s_dn ) { print "No source DN provided.\n"; return; } unless ( $d_dn ) { print "No destination DN provided.\n"; return; } # convert given source path to DN $s_dn = $self->path_to_dn( $s_dn ); # sanity check source # my $s = $self->search({ base => $s_dn, vals => 1 }); unless ( $s->{'code'} == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { print "No such object\n"; return; } # see if we're copying the entry to a nonexistent path # my ( $new_dn, $old_dn ); ( $d_dn, $new_dn ) = ( $1, $2 ) if $d_dn =~ /^([\w=]+),(.*)$/; if ( $new_dn ) { # absolute unless ( $self->is_valid_dn( $new_dn ) ) { print "Invalid destination.\n"; return; } } else { # relative $new_dn = $self->base(); } $old_dn = $1 if $s_dn =~ /^[\w=]+,(.*)$/; # get the source entry object my $e = ${ $s->{'entries'} }[0]; $e->dn( $s_dn ); # add changes in new entry instead of modifying existing $e->changetype( 'add' ); $e->dn( "$d_dn,$new_dn" ); # get the unique attribute from the dn for modification # perhaps there is a better way to do this...? # my ( $uniqkey, $uniqval ) = ( $1, $2 ) if $d_dn =~ /^([\.\w\-]+)(?:\s+)?=(?:\s+)?([\.\-\s\w]+),?/; unless ( $uniqkey && $uniqval ) { print "Unable to parse unique values from RDN.\n"; return; } $e->replace( $uniqkey => $uniqval ); # update (which will actually create the new entry) # my $update = sub { return $e->update($self->ldap()) }; my $rv = $self->with_retry( $update ); print $rv->error(), "\n"; # clear caches # $self->{'cache'}->{ $new_dn } = {} if $new_dn; $self->{'cache'}->{ $old_dn } = {} if $old_dn; $self->update_entries( clearcache => 1 ); return;}### Create a new entry from scratch, using attributes from### what the server's schema says is available from the specified### (optional) objectClass list. Populate a new LDIF file and### present an editor to the user.###sub run_create{ my $self = shift; my @ocs = @_; # manually generate some boilerplate LDIF. # unless ( $self->{'create_file'} ) { my $fh; ( $fh, $self->{'create_file'} ) = File::Temp::tempfile( 'shelldap_XXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.ldif', DIR => '/tmp', UNLINK => 1 ); # first print out the dn and object classes. # print $fh 'dn: ???,', $self->base(), "\n"; foreach my $oc ( sort @ocs ) { print $fh "objectClass: $oc\n"; } # gather and print attributes for requested objectClasses # my ( $must_attr, $may_attr ) = $self->fetch_attributes( \@ocs ); print $fh "$_: \n" foreach @{ $must_attr }; print $fh "# $_: \n" foreach @{ $may_attr }; close $fh; } # checksum the file. # my $hash_orig = $self->chksum( $self->{'create_file'} ); system( $self->{'editor'}, $self->{'create_file'} ) && die "Unable to launch editor: $!\n"; # detect a total lack of change # if ( $hash_orig eq $self->chksum($self->{'create_file'}) ) { print "Entry not modified.\n"; unlink $self->{'create_file'}; $self->{'create_file'} = undef; return; } # load in LDIF # my $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( $self->{'create_file'}, 'r', onerror => 'warn' ); my $e = $ldif->read_entry(); unless ( $e ) { print "Unable to parse LDIF.\n"; unlink $self->{'create_file'}; $self->{'create_file'} = undef; return; } # create the new entry. # $e->changetype('add'); my $create = sub { return $e->update($self->ldap()) }; my $rv = $self->with_retry( $create ); print $rv->error(), "\n"; if ( $rv->code() != LDAP_SUCCESS && $self->prompt_edit_again() ) { return $self->run_create(); } $self->update_entries( clearcache => 1 ); unlink $self->{'create_file'}; $self->{'create_file'} = undef; return;}### Remove an entry (or entries) from the LDAP directory.###sub run_delete{ my $self = shift; my @DNs = @_; unless ( scalar @DNs ) { print "No dn specified.\n"; return; } my $filter; unless ( $DNs[0] eq '*' ) { $filter = $self->make_filter( \@DNs ) or return; } my $s = $self->search({ scope => 'one', filter => $filter }); unless ( $s->{'code'} == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { print "$s->{'message'}\n"; return; } print "Are you sure? [Ny]: "; chomp( my $resp = <STDIN> ); return unless $resp =~ /^y/i; foreach my $e ( @{ $s->{'entries'} } ) { my $dn = $e->dn(); my $rv = $self->ldap->delete( $dn ); print "$dn: ", $rv->error(), "\n"; } $self->update_entries( clearcache => 1 ); return;}### Fetch an entry from the directory, write it out to disk### as LDIF, launch an editor, then compare changes and write### it back to the directory.###sub run_edit{ my $self = shift; my $dn = shift; unless ( $dn ) { print "No dn provided.\n"; return; } # convert given path to DN $dn = $self->path_to_dn( $dn ); # sanity check # my $s = $self->search({ base => $dn, vals => 1 }); unless ( $s->{'code'} == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { print $s->{'message'} . "\n"; return; } # fetch entry. my $e = ${ $s->{'entries'} }[0]; $e->changetype( 'modify' ); # write it out to disk. # unless( $self->{'edit_again'} ) { my $ldif = $self->ldif(1); $ldif->write_entry( $e ); $ldif->done(); # force sync } # load it into an array for potential comparison open LDIF, "$self->{'ldif_fname'}" or return; my @orig_ldif = <LDIF>; close LDIF; # append optional, unused attributes as comments for fast reference. # unless ( $self->{'edit_again'} ) { my %current_attrs = map { $_ => 1 } $e->attributes(); my ( $must_attr, $may_attr ) = $self->fetch_attributes( $e->get_value('objectClass', asref => 1) ); open LDIF, ">> $self->{'ldif_fname'}"; foreach my $opt_attr ( sort { $a cmp $b } @{$may_attr} ) { next if $current_attrs{ $opt_attr }; print LDIF "# " . $opt_attr . ":\n"; } close LDIF; } # checksum it, then open it in an editor # my $hash_orig = $self->chksum( $self->{'ldif_fname'} ); system( $self->{'editor'}, $self->{'ldif_fname'} ) && die "Unable to launch editor: $!\n"; # detect a total lack of change # if ( $hash_orig eq $self->chksum($self->{'ldif_fname'}) ) { print "Entry not modified.\n"; unlink $self->{'ldif_fname'}; $self->{'edit_again'} = undef; return; } # check changes for basic LDIF validity # while( ! $self->load_ldif($self->{'ldif_fname'}) ) { print "Unable to parse LDIF.\n"; if ( $self->prompt_edit_again() ) { system( $self->{'editor'}, $self->{'ldif_fname'} ); } else { unlink $self->{'ldif_fname'}; $self->{'edit_again'} = undef; return; } } # load changes into a new array for comparison # open LDIF, "$self->{'ldif_fname'}" or return; my @new_ldif = <LDIF>; close LDIF; # parser subref # my $parse = sub { my $line = shift || $_; return if $line =~ /^\#/; # ignore comments my ( $attr, $val ) = ( $1, $2 ) if $line =~ /^(.+?): (.*)$/; return unless $attr; return if index($attr, ':') != -1; # ignore base64 return ( $attr, $val ); }; $self->unwrap_line( \@orig_ldif ); $self->unwrap_line( \@new_ldif ); my $diff = Algorithm::Diff->new( \@orig_ldif, \@new_ldif ); HUNK: while ( $diff->Next() ) { next if $diff->Same(); my $diff_bit = $diff->Diff(); my %seen_attr; # attr removal hunk # if ( $diff_bit == 1 ) { foreach ( $diff->Items(1) ) { my ( $attr, $val ) = $parse->( $_ ) or next; $self->debug("DELETE: $_"); $e->delete( $attr => [ $val ] ); } } # attr insertion hunk # if ( $diff_bit == 2 ) { foreach ( $diff->Items(2) ) { my ( $attr, $val ) = $parse->( $_ ) or next; $self->debug("INSERT: $_"); $e->add( $attr => $val ); } } # attr change hunk # if ( $diff_bit == 3 ) { # modification to existing line # foreach ( $diff->Items(2) ) { my ( $attr, $val ) = $parse->( $_ ) or next; $self->debug("MODIFY: $_"); my $cur_vals = $e->get_value( $attr, asref => 1 ) || []; my $cur_valcount = scalar @$cur_vals; next if $cur_valcount == 0; # should have been an 'add' # replace immediately # if ( $cur_valcount == 1 ) { $e->replace( $attr => $val ); } else { # retain attributes that allow multiples, so updating # one attribute doesn't inadvertently remove others with # the same name. # next if $seen_attr{ $attr }; my @new_vals; foreach my $line ( @new_ldif ) { my ( $new_attr, $new_val ) = $parse->( $line ) or next; next unless $new_attr eq $attr; $seen_attr{ $attr }++; push @new_vals, $new_val; } $e->replace( $attr => \@new_vals ); } } # deletion within the same hunk # foreach ( $diff->Items(1) ) { my ( $attr, $val ) = $parse->( $_ ) or next; my $cur_vals = $e->get_value( $attr, asref => 1 ) || []; my $cur_valcount = scalar @$cur_vals; next if $cur_valcount == 1; next if $seen_attr{ $attr }; $self->debug("DELETE: $_"); $e->delete( $attr => [ $val ] ); } } } my $update = sub { return $e->update( $self->ldap ); }; my $rv = $self->with_retry( $update ); print $rv->error(), "\n"; if ( $rv->code() != LDAP_SUCCESS && $self->prompt_edit_again() ) { $self->{'edit_again'} = 1; return $self->run_edit( $dn ); } unlink $self->{'ldif_fname'}; $self->{'edit_again'} = undef; return;}### Display current tunable runtime settings.###sub run_env{ my $self = shift; foreach ( sort @{ $self->{'env'} } ) { print "$_: "; print $conf->{$_} ? $conf->{$_} : 0; print "\n" }}### Alter settings.###sub run_setenv{ my $self = shift; my ( $key, $val ) = @_; ( $key, $val ) = split /=/, $key if $key && ! defined $val; return unless $key && defined $val; $key = lc $key; $conf->{$key} = $val; return;}### Search across the directory and display matching entries.###sub run_grep{ my $self = shift; my ( $recurse, $filter, $base ) = @_; # set 'recursion' unless ( $recurse && $recurse =~ /\-r|recurse/ ) { # shift args to the left ( $recurse, $filter, $base ) = ( undef, $recurse, $filter ); } $filter = Net::LDAP::Filter->new( $filter ); unless ( $filter ) { print "Invalid search filter.\n"; return; } # support '*' $base = $self->base() if ! $base or $base eq '*'; unless ( $base ) { print "No search base specified.\n"; return; } # convert base path to DN $base = $self->path_to_dn( $base ); $self->debug("Filter parsed as: " . $filter->as_string() . "\n"); my $s = $self->search({ scope => $recurse ? 'sub' : 'one', base => $base, filter => $filter }); foreach my $e ( @{ $s->{'entries'} } ) { my $dn = $e->dn(); print "$dn\n"; } return;}### Override internal help function with pod2usage output.###sub run_help { return Pod::Usage::pod2usage( -exitval => 'NOEXIT', -verbose => 99, -sections => 'SHELL COMMANDS' );}### Generate and display a list of LDAP entries, relative to the current### location the command was run from.###sub run_list{ my $self = shift; my @args = @_; my @attrs = (); my $filter; # flag booleans my ( $recurse, $long ); # parse arguments: [ <option> ...] [<filter> ...] [<attribute> ...] # if ( scalar @args ) { # options: support '-l' or '-R' listings if ( $args[0] =~ /^\-(\w+)/o ) { my $flags = $1; $recurse = $flags =~ /R/; $long = $flags =~ /l/; shift( @args ); } my @filters; # get filter elements from argument list # while ( @args && $self->is_valid_filter($args[0]) ) { push( @filters, shift(@args) ); } # No filter for display? Default to all entries. push( @filters, '(objectClass=*)' ) unless scalar @filters; # construct OR'ed filter from filter elements $filter = $self->make_filter( \@filters ); # remaining arguments must be attributes push( @attrs, @args ); } # Get all attributes if none are specified, and we're in long-list mode. push( @attrs, '*' ) if $long && ! scalar @attrs; my $s = $self->search({ scope => $recurse ? 'sub' : 'one', vals => 1, filter => $filter, attrs => [ @attrs, 'hasSubordinates' ] }); if ( $s->{'code'} ) { print "$s->{'message'}\n"; return; } # if an entry doesn't have a description field, # try and show some nice defaults for ls -l ! # # objectClass -> Attribute to show # my %descs = %{ $conf->{'descmaps'} || { posixAccount => 'gecos', posixGroup => 'gidNumber', ipHost => 'ipHostNumber', } }; # iterate and print # my $dn_count = 0; my $base = $self->base(); foreach my $e ( sort { $a->dn() cmp $b->dn() } @{ $s->{'entries'} } ) { my $dn = $e->dn(); next if lc( $dn ) eq lc( $base ); if ( ! $long ) { # strip the current base from the dn, if we're recursing and not in long mode if ( $recurse ) { $dn =~ s/,$base//oi; } # only show RDN unless -l was given else { $dn = canonical_dn( [shift(@{ldap_explode_dn($dn, casefold => 'none')})], casefold => 'none' ) } } # if this entry is a container for other entries, append a # trailing slash. $dn .= '/' if $e->get_value('hasSubordinates') && $e->get_value('hasSubordinates') eq 'TRUE'; # additional arguments/attributes were given; show their values # if ( scalar @args ) { my @elements = ( $dn ); foreach my $attr ( @args ) { my @vals = $e->get_value( $attr ); push( @elements, join(',', @vals) ); } print join( "\t", @elements )."\n"; } # show descriptions # else { my $desc = $e->get_value( 'description' ); if ( $desc ) { $desc =~ s/\n.*//s; # 1st line only $dn .= " ($desc)"; } # no desc? Try and infer something useful # to display. # else { # pull objectClasses, hash for lookup speed my @oc = $e->get_value( 'objectClass' ); my %ochash; map { $ochash{$_} = 1 } @oc; foreach my $d_listing ( sort keys %descs ) { if ( exists $ochash{ $d_listing } ) { my $str = $e->get_value( $descs{ $d_listing }, asref => 1 ); $dn .= ' (' . (join ', ', @$str) . ')' if $str && scalar @$str; } next; } } print "$dn\n"; } $dn_count++; } print "\n$dn_count " . ( $dn_count == 1 ? 'object.' : 'objects.') . "\n" if $long; return;}### Create a new organizationalUnit entry.###sub run_mkdir{ my $self = shift; my $dir = shift; unless ( $dir ) { print "No 'directory' provided.\n"; return; } # normalize name, if it is not yet a legal DN $dir = 'ou=' . $dir unless canonical_dn( $dir ); # convert given path to full DN $dir = $self->path_to_dn( $dir ); # get RDN: naming attributes (lower-case) and their values my %rdn = %{ shift(@{ ldap_explode_dn($dir, casefold => 'lower') }) }; # add my $mkdir = sub { return $self->ldap()->add( $dir, attr => [ objectClass => [ 'top', 'organizationalUnit' ], %rdn ]); }; my $rv = $self->with_retry( $mkdir ); print $rv->error(), "\n"; $self->update_entries( clearcache => 1 ); return;}### Alter an entry's DN.###sub run_move{ my $self = shift; my ( $s_dn, $d_dn ) = @_; unless ( $s_dn ) { print "No source dn provided.\n"; return; } unless ( $d_dn ) { print "No destination dn provided.\n"; return; } # convert given source path to DN $s_dn = $self->path_to_dn( $s_dn ); unless ( $self->is_valid_dn( $s_dn ) ) { print "No such object\n"; return; } # see if we're moving the entry to a totally new path my ( $new_dn, $old_dn ); ( $d_dn, $new_dn ) = ( $1, $2 ) if $d_dn =~ /^([\w=]+),(.*)$/; $old_dn = $1 if $s_dn =~ /^[\w=]+,(.*)$/; my $moddn = sub { return $self->ldap()->moddn( $s_dn, newrdn => $d_dn, deleteoldrdn => 1, newsuperior => $new_dn ); }; my $rv = $self->with_retry( $moddn ); print $rv->error(), "\n"; # clear caches $self->{'cache'}->{ $new_dn } = {} if $new_dn; $self->{'cache'}->{ $old_dn } = {} if $old_dn; $self->update_entries( clearcache => 1 ); return;}### Change the 'userPassword' attribute of an entry, if### supported by the LDAP server.###sub run_passwd { my $self = shift; my $dn = shift || $self->base(); $self->{'root_dse'} ||= $self->ldap->root_dse(); my $pw_extension = ''; unless ( $self->{'root_dse'}->supported_extension( $pw_extension ) ) { print "Sorry, password changes not supported by LDAP server.\n"; return; } # convert given path to DN $dn = $self->path_to_dn( $dn ); my $s = $self->search( { base => $dn, scope => 'base' } ); if ( $s->{'code'} ) { print $s->{'message'}, "\n"; return; } my $e = ${ $s->{'entries'} }[0]; unless ( $e->exists('userPassword') ) { print "No userPassword attribute for $dn\n"; return; } print "Changing password for $dn\n"; Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 2; print "Enter new password: "; chomp( my $pw = <STDIN> ); print "\nRetype new password: "; chomp( my $pw2 = <STDIN> ); print "\n"; Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 0; if ( $pw ne $pw2 ) { print "Sorry, passwords do not match.\n"; return; } my $setpw = sub { return $self->ldap->set_password( user => $dn, newpasswd => $pw ); }; my $rv = $self->with_retry( $setpw ); if ( $rv->code() == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { print "Password updated successfully.\n"; } else { print "Password error: " . $rv->error() . "\n"; } return;}### Display the current working "directory".###sub run_pwd { my $self = shift; print $self->base() . "\n"; return; }### Display the currently bound user.###sub run_whoami{ my $self = shift; my $msg = ( $conf->{'binddn'} || 'anonymous bind' ) . ' (' . $conf->{'server'} . ')'; print "$msg\n"; return;}### Show basic information for an entry (DN) or list of objectClasses.###### structural/auxillary classes### required attributes### optional attributes###sub run_inspect{ my $self = shift; my @ocs = @_; my $dn = $ocs[0]; my ( $must_attr, $may_attr ); unless ( $dn ) { print "No DN or objectClass(es) provided.\n"; return; } # "Magic" argument that dumps all raw schema information. # if ( $dn eq '_schema' ) { $self->{'schema'}->dump(); return; } # one argument -- if it successfully resolves to a valid DN, fetch # the objectClass list from it. # if ( scalar @ocs == 1 ) { $dn = $self->base() if $dn eq '.'; $dn = $self->path_to_dn( $dn ); my $s = $self->search({ base => $dn, vals => 1, attrs => ['objectClass'] }); if ( $s->{'code'} == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { my $e = ${ $s->{'entries'} }[0]; @ocs = $e->get_value('objectClass'); } } # get the complete attributes list. # ( $must_attr, $may_attr ) = $self->fetch_attributes( \@ocs ); my %must = map { $_ => 1 } @{$must_attr}; # Output objectClass chains and flags. # print "ObjectClasses:\n"; foreach my $oc ( sort @ocs ) { my @sups = $self->findall_supers( $oc ); my @oc_chain = ( $oc, @sups ); my @oc_out; foreach my $oc ( @oc_chain ) { my $oc_obj = $self->{'schema'}->objectclass( $oc ); next unless $oc_obj; $oc = $oc . ' (' . 'structural' . ')' if $oc_obj->{'structural'}; push( @oc_out, $oc ); } print " " . join( ' --> ', @oc_out ) . "\n" if scalar @oc_out; } # Output attributes and flags. # print "\nAttributes:\n"; foreach my $attr ( sort (@{$must_attr}, @{$may_attr}) ) { my @flaglist; if ( $self->{'schema'}->attribute( $attr )->{'single-value'} ) { push ( @flaglist, 'single-value' ); } else { push ( @flaglist, 'multivalue' ); } push ( @flaglist, $must{$attr} ? 'required' : 'optional' ); my $flags = ''; $flags = (' (' . join( ', ', sort @flaglist ) . ')') if scalar @flaglist > 0; printf( " %s%s\n", $attr, $flags ); } print "\n"; return;}### Recursively walk an objectClass heirarchy, returning an array### of inheritence.###sub findall_supers{ my $self = shift; my $oc = shift or return; my @found; foreach my $sup ( $self->{'schema'}->superclass($oc) ) { push( @found, $sup ); push( @found, $self->findall_supers( $sup ) ); } return @found;}########################################################################### M A I N########################################################################package main;use strict;use warnings;$0 = 'shelldap';my $VERSION = '1.0.2';use Getopt::Long;use YAML::Syck;use Pod::Usage;eval 'use Term::ReadLine::Gnu';warn qq{Term::ReadLine::Gnu not installed.Continuing, but shelldap is of limited usefulness without it.\n\n} if $@;# get config - rc file first, command line overridesuse vars '$conf';$conf = load_config() || {};Getopt::Long::GetOptions( $conf, 'server|H=s', 'configfile|f=s', 'binddn|D=s', 'basedn|b=s', 'cacheage=i', 'promptpass|W', 'timeout=i', 'tls_cacert=s', 'tls_cert=s', 'tls_key=s', 'tls', 'debug', 'version', help => sub { Pod::Usage::pod2usage( -verbose => 1, -message => "\n$0 command line flags\n" . '-' x 65 ); });# show versionif ( $conf->{'version'} ) { print "$0 $VERSION\n"; exit( 0 );}# additional/different config file?#if ( $conf->{'configfile'} ) { my $more_conf = load_config( $conf->{'configfile'} ); while ( my ($k, $v) = each %{$conf} ) { $conf->{ $k } = $v }}# defaults$conf->{'configfile'} ||= "$ENV{'HOME'}/.shelldap.rc";$conf->{'cacheage'} ||= 300;$conf->{'timeout'} ||= 10;# create and enter shell loopmy $shell = LDAP::Shell->new();$shell->cmdloop();### load YAML config into global conf.###sub load_config{ my $confpath = shift; my ( $d, $data ); unless ( $confpath ) { my @confs = ( "$ENV{'HOME'}/.shelldap.rc", '/usr/local/etc/shelldap.conf', '/etc/shelldap.conf', ); foreach ( @confs ) { if ( -e $_ ) { $confpath = $_; last; } } } $confpath or return undef; open YAML, $confpath or return undef; do { local $/ = undef; $data = <YAML>; # slurp! }; close YAML; eval { $conf = YAML::Syck::Load( $data ) }; die "Invalid YAML in $confpath\n" if $@; return $conf;}### EOF