Bump patch version for push.
# vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4:
require 'pathname'
require 'ezmlm' unless defined?( Ezmlm )
require 'mail'
# An individual list message.
# message = Ezmlm::List::Message.new( list, 24 )
# message.thread #=> (a thread object this message is part of)
# message.from #=> ["jalon.hermann@example.com"]
# puts message.to_s #=> (raw email)
# This class passes all heavy lifting to the Mail::Message library.
# Please see it for specifics on usage.
class Ezmlm::List::Message
# $Id$
### Instantiate a new messag from a +list+ and a +message_number+.
def initialize( list, message_number=0 )
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown list object." unless list.respond_to?( :listdir )
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid message number (impossible)" if message_number < 1
raise "Archiving is not enabled." unless list.archived?
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid message number (out of list bounds)" if message_number > list.message_count
@list = list
@id = message_number
@post = self.load_message
# The list object this message is stored in.
attr_reader :list
# The list message delivery identifier.
attr_reader :id
# The Mail::Message object for this post.
attr_reader :post
### Return the thread object this message is
### a member of.
def thread
unless @thread_id
idx = self.list.index
@thread_id = idx[ self.id - 1 ][ :thread ]
return Ezmlm::List::Thread.new( self.list, @thread_id )
### Return the author object this message is
### a member of.
def author
unless @author_id
idx = self.list.index
@author_id = idx[ self.id - 1 ][ :author ]
return Ezmlm::List::Author.new( self.list, @author_id )
### Render the message as a string.
def to_s
return self.post.to_s
### Provide implicit arrays (Mail::Message does not.)
def to_ary
return [ self.post ]
### Pass all unknown methods to the underlying Mail::Message object.
def method_missing( meth, *args )
return self.post.method( meth ).call( *args )
### Parse the message into a Mail::Message.
def load_message
path = self.message_path
raise "Unable to determine message path: %p" % [ path ] unless path.exist?
return Mail.read( path.to_s )
### Return the path on disk for the message.
def message_path
hashdir = self.id / 100
message = "%02d" % [ self.id % 100 ]
return self.list.listdir + 'archive' + hashdir.to_s + message.to_s
end # class Ezmlm::List::Message