Updated to new build system.
rubyforge_project: ezmlm
ezmlm-idx: ">=0"
project_description: |-
Ruby-Ezmlm provides a programmatic interface to ezmlm-idx lists, their archives, and the command
line utilities that interact with them. The library is intended to provide two sets of
functionality: the management and setup of lists, and programmatic access to the message archive.
rubyforge_group: laika
author_name: LAIKA Information Systems
project_homepage: http://opensource.laika.com/wiki/ruby-ezmlm
tmail: ">="
project_summary: A programmatic interface to ezmlm-idx lists
project_name: Ruby-Ezmlm
version_file: ezmlm.rb
additional_pkgfiles: []
dev_dependencies: {}
author_email: opensource@laika.com