changeset 6 66beb495a861
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bin/ezmlm-listd	Wed Aug 06 17:24:00 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# A startup script for an instance of Ezmlm::ListDaemon.
+# $Id$
+# Authors:
+# * Michael Granger <>
+# * Jeremiah Jordan <>
+	require 'pathname'
+	basedir = __FILE__ ).dirname.parent
+	libdir = basedir + 'lib'
+	$LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir.to_s ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir.to_s )
+	require 'rubygems'
+	require 'optparse'
+	require 'ezmlm/listdaemon'
+rescue LoadError
+	unless Object.const_defined?( :Gem )
+		require 'rubygems'
+		retry
+	end
+	raise
+progname = $0 ).basename
+opts = Ezmlm::ListDaemon.default_options
+oparser = do |oparser|
+	oparser.accept( Pathname ) {|path| }
+	oparser.banner = "Usage: #{progname.basename} OPTIONS LISTSDIRECTORY"
+	oparser.separator 'Version ' + Ezmlm::VERSION
+	oparser.separator ''
+	oparser.separator 'Options:'
+	oparser.on( '--bind ADDRESS', '-b', String, 
+		"Specify the address to bind to. Defaults to '#{opts.bind_addr}'" ) do |bindaddr|
+		opts.bind_addr = bindaddr
+	end
+	oparser.on( '--port PORTNUMBER', '-p', Integer,
+		"Specify the port to connect to. Defaults to '#{opts.bind_port}" ) do |portnumber|
+		opts.bind_port = portnumber
+	end
+	oparser.separator ''
+	oparser.separator 'Other Options:'
+	oparser.on( '--debug', '-d', FalseClass, "Turn on debugging" ) do
+		$DEBUG = true
+		$stderr.puts "Debugging enabled."
+		opts.debugmode = true
+	end
+	oparser.on_tail( '--help', '-h', FalseClass, "Display help for the given command." ) do
+		$stderr.puts( oparser )
+		exit!( 0 )
+	end
+	oparser.on_tail( '--version', '-V', "Print Ezmlm library version on STDOUT and quit." ) do
+		$stdout.puts Ezmlm::VERSION
+		exit!( 0 )
+	end
+# Parse command-line flags and display the help if there isn't exactly one argument
+remaining_args = oparser.parse( ARGV )
+if remaining_args.nitems != 1
+	$stderr.puts( oparser )
+	exit( 64 ) # EX_USAGE
+listsdir = remaining_args.shift
+daemon = listsdir, opts )