changeset 1 1d3cfd4837a8
child 5 804e1c2b9a40
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Rakefile	Wed May 07 18:22:04 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#!rake -*- ruby -*-
+# Ruby-Ezmlm rakefile
+# Based on Ben Bleything's Rakefile for Linen (URL?)
+# Copyright (c) 2007 LAIKA, Inc.
+# Mistakes:
+#  * Michael Granger <mgranger@laika.com>
+	require 'pathname'
+	basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname
+	libdir = basedir + 'lib'
+	$LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir.to_s ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir.to_s )
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rake'
+require 'tmpdir'
+require 'pathname'
+$dryrun = false
+# Pathname constants
+BASEDIR       = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).expand_path.dirname.relative_path_from( Pathname.getwd )
+BINDIR        = BASEDIR + 'bin'
+LIBDIR        = BASEDIR + 'lib'
+DOCSDIR       = BASEDIR + 'docs'
+VARDIR        = BASEDIR + 'var'
+WWWDIR        = VARDIR  + 'www'
+MANUALDIR     = DOCSDIR + 'manual'
+RDOCDIR       = DOCSDIR + 'rdoc'
+PKGDIR        = BASEDIR + 'pkg'
+ARTIFACTS_DIR = Pathname.new( ENV['CC_BUILD_ARTIFACTS'] || '' )
+TEXT_FILES    = %w( Rakefile README LICENSE ).
+	collect {|filename| BASEDIR + filename }
+SPECDIR       = BASEDIR + 'spec'
+SPEC_FILES    = Pathname.glob( SPECDIR + '**/*_spec.rb' ).
+	delete_if {|item| item =~ /\.svn/ }
+# Ideally, this should be automatically generated.
+SPEC_EXCLUDES = 'spec,monkeypatches,/Library/Ruby,/var/lib,/usr/local/lib'
+BIN_FILES     = Pathname.glob( BINDIR + '*').
+	delete_if {|item| item =~ /\.svn/ }
+LIB_FILES     = Pathname.glob( LIBDIR + '**/*.rb').
+	delete_if {|item| item =~ /\.svn/ }
+require RAKE_TASKDIR + 'helpers.rb'
+### Package constants
+PKG_NAME      = 'ruby-ezmlm'
+PKG_VERSION   = find_pattern_in_file( /VERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)'/, PKG_VERSION_FROM ).first
+require RAKE_TASKDIR + 'svn.rb'
+require RAKE_TASKDIR + 'verifytask.rb'
+if Rake.application.options.trace
+	$trace = true
+	log "$trace is enabled"
+if Rake.application.options.dryrun
+	$dryrun = true
+	log "$dryrun is enabled"
+	Rake.application.options.dryrun = false
+### Project Gemspec
+GEMSPEC = Gem::Specification.new do |gem|
+	pkg_build = get_svn_rev( BASEDIR ) || 0
+	gem.name    	= PKG_NAME
+	gem.version 	= "%s.%s" % [ PKG_VERSION, pkg_build ]
+	gem.summary     = "A Ruby programmatic interface to ezmlm-idx"
+	gem.description = "Ruby-Ezmlm is a Ruby programmatic interface to ezmlm-idx " +
+		"mailing lists, message archives, and command-line tools."
+	gem.authors  	= "Michael Granger, Jeremiah Jordan"
+	gem.email  		= "opensource@laika.com"
+	gem.homepage 	= "http://opensource.laika.com/wiki/ruby-ezmlm"
+	gem.rubyforge_project = 'laika'
+	gem.has_rdoc 	= true
+	gem.files      	= RELEASE_FILES.
+		collect {|f| f.relative_path_from(BASEDIR).to_s }
+	gem.test_files 	= SPEC_FILES.
+		collect {|f| f.relative_path_from(BASEDIR).to_s }
+  	gem.add_dependency( 'tmail', '>=' )
+# Load task plugins
+Pathname.glob( RAKE_TASKDIR + '*.rb' ).each do |tasklib|
+	trace "Loading task lib #{tasklib}"
+	require tasklib
+### Default task
+task :default  => [:clean, :spec, 'coverage:verify', :package]
+### Task: clean
+desc "Clean pkg, coverage, and rdoc; remove .bak files"
+task :clean => [ :clobber_rdoc, :clobber_package, :clobber_coverage ] do
+	files = FileList['**/*.bak']
+	files.clear_exclude
+	File.rm( files ) unless files.empty?
+	FileUtils.rm_rf( 'artifacts' )
+### Cruisecontrol task
+desc "Cruisecontrol build"
+task :cruise => [:clean, :coverage, :package] do |task|
+	raise "Artifacts dir not set." if ARTIFACTS_DIR.to_s.empty?
+	artifact_dir = ARTIFACTS_DIR.cleanpath
+	artifact_dir.mkpath
+	$stderr.puts "Copying coverage stats..."
+	FileUtils.cp_r( 'coverage', artifact_dir )
+	$stderr.puts "Copying packages..."
+	FileUtils.cp_r( FileList['pkg/*'].to_a, artifact_dir )