changeset 15 a38e6916504c
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14:cba9fb39bcdb 15:a38e6916504c
     1 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
     2 #
     3 # This script delivers a pile-o-test email to a local list.
     4 #
     5 # ** The list should first be configured to deliver to an additional
     6 # Maildir. **
     7 #
     8 # After an initial delivery run, you can generate test replies.
     9 #
    11 require 'mail'
    12 require 'faker'
    13 require 'pathname'
    15 abort "Usage: #{$0} send <listaddress> <message count>\n" +
    16 	"       #{$0} reply </path/to/maildir> <message count>" if ARGV.size < 3
    17 mode, list, count = ARGV
    19 SENDERS = count.to_i.times.each_with_object( [] ) do |i, acc|
    20 	acc << "%s %s <%s>" % [
    21 		Faker::Name.first_name,
    22 		Faker::Name.last_name,
    23 		Faker::Internet.safe_email
    24 	]
    25 end
    27 SUBJECTS = count.to_i.times.each_with_object( [] ) do |i, acc|
    28 	intro = if rand(3).zero?
    29 		"%s %s" % [
    30 			[ 'Trying to', 'How do I', 'Help -' ].sample,
    31 			Faker::Hacker.verb
    32 		]
    33 	else
    34 		Faker::Hacker.ingverb.capitalize
    35 	end
    36 	acc << "%s %s %s %s%s" % [
    37 		intro,
    38 		( rand(2).zero? ? Faker::Hacker.noun : Faker::Hacker.abbreviation ),
    39 		[ 'for a', 'on', 'on the', 'with some' ].sample,
    40 		Faker::Hacker.noun,
    41 		[ '?', '.', '?????'].sample
    42 	]
    43 end
    45 Mail.defaults { delivery_method :sendmail }
    47 case mode
    48 	when 'send'
    49 		until SENDERS.empty?
    50 			mail = Mail.new do
    51 				to      list
    52 				from    SENDERS.pop
    53 				subject SUBJECTS.pop
    54 				body    Faker::Hacker.say_something_smart
    55 			end
    56 			mail.deliver
    57 		end
    59 	when 'reply'
    60 		maildir = Pathname.new( list ) + 'new'
    61 		abort "%s doesn't exist." unless maildir.exist?
    63 		count.to_i.times do
    64 			orig = Mail.read( maildir.children.sample.to_s )
    65 			mail = Mail.new do
    66 				to          orig.to
    67 				from        SENDERS.sample
    68 				subject     "Re: %s" % [ orig.subject ]
    69 				body        Faker::Hacker.say_something_smart
    70 				in_reply_to "<%s>" % [ orig.message_id ]
    71 				references  "<%s>" % [ orig.message_id ]
    72 			end
    73 			mail.deliver
    74 		end
    75 end