Bump Chunker to 1.0.0 (release), updates for rspec 2. ruby-modules
authorMahlon E. Smith <mahlon@martini.nu>
Fri, 21 Jan 2011 19:41:16 -0800 (2011-01-22)
changeset 4 01a3332bfe0a
parent 3 233041485364
child 5 3d9956beee25
Bump Chunker to 1.0.0 (release), updates for rspec 2.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.hgignore	Fri Jan 21 19:41:16 2011 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/chunker/.rspec	Fri Jan 21 19:41:16 2011 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+-r ~/.vim/bundle/specky/ruby/specky_formatter
+-f SpeckyFormatter
--- a/chunker/Rakefile	Thu Jun 04 17:28:02 2009 +0000
+++ b/chunker/Rakefile	Fri Jan 21 19:41:16 2011 -0800
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env rake
-# Chunker Rakefile
 require 'rubygems'
 require 'pathname'
 require 'rake'
-require 'spec'
-require 'rake/testtask'
+require 'rspec'
+require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
 require 'rake/packagetask'
 require 'rake/gempackagetask'
-require 'spec/rake/spectask'
 require 'rubygems/installer'
 require 'rubygems/uninstaller'
@@ -25,10 +22,10 @@
 TEXT_FILES = %w{ Rakefile README LICENSE }.collect {|f| BASEDIR + f }
 SPECDIR    = BASEDIR + 'spec'
-SPEC_FILES = Pathname.glob( SPECDIR + '**/*_spec.rb' ).reject {|f| f =~ /^\.svn/ }
+SPEC_FILES = Pathname.glob( SPECDIR + '**/*_spec.rb' )
 LIBDIR    = BASEDIR + 'lib'
-LIB_FILES = Pathname.glob( LIBDIR + '**/*.rb').reject {|i| i =~ /\.svn/ }
+LIB_FILES = Pathname.glob( LIBDIR + '**/*.rb')
@@ -56,27 +53,32 @@
 PKG_NAME      = 'chunker'
-PKG_VERSION   = find_pattern( LIBDIR + 'chunker.rb', /VERSION = ['"](\d\.\d(?:\/\d)?)['"]/ )
-PKG_REVISION  = find_pattern( LIBDIR + 'chunker.rb', /SVNRev = .+Rev: (\d+)/ )
+PKG_VERSION   = find_pattern( LIBDIR + 'chunker.rb', /VERSION = ['"](.+)['"]/ )
 ### T A S K S
-task :default => [ :test, :package ]
+task :test    => 'test:spec'
+task :default => :test
+# task :default => [ :test, :package ]
-### Task: run rspec tests
-desc "Run tests"
-Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new('test') do |task|
-	task.spec_files = SPEC_FILES
-	task.spec_opts  = %w{ -c -fs }
+namespace :test do
+	desc 'Generate verbose and pretty output'
+	RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new( :spec ) do |task|
+		task.pattern = SPEC_FILES
+		task.rspec_opts  = ['-b', '-fd', '-c']
+	end
+	desc 'Generate quiet non-colored plain-text output'
+	RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new( :quiet ) do |task|
+		task.pattern = SPEC_FILES
+		task.rspec_opts  = ['-f', 'p']
+	end
 ### Task: generate ctags
 ### This assumes exuberant ctags, since ctags 'native' doesn't support ruby anyway.
@@ -89,15 +91,12 @@
 ### Task: Create gem from source
 gem = Gem::Specification.new do |gem|
-	pkg_build = PKG_REVISION || 0
 	gem.summary           = "A convenience library for parsing __END__ tokens consistently."
 	gem.name              = PKG_NAME
-	gem.version           = "%s.%s" % [ PKG_VERSION, pkg_build ]
+	gem.version           = PKG_VERSION
 	gem.author            = 'Mahlon E. Smith'
 	gem.email             = 'mahlon@martini.nu'
 	gem.homepage          = 'http://projects.martini.nu/ruby-modules/wiki/Chunker'
-	gem.rubyforge_project = 'mahlon'
 	gem.has_rdoc          = true
 	gem.files = RELEASE_FILES.
--- a/chunker/lib/chunker.rb	Thu Jun 04 17:28:02 2009 +0000
+++ b/chunker/lib/chunker.rb	Fri Jan 21 19:41:16 2011 -0800
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+# vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4:
+require 'strscan'
+require 'stringio'
 # Chunker: A convenience library for parsing __END__ tokens consistently.
@@ -17,20 +21,14 @@
 module Chunker
-	require 'strscan'
-	require 'stringio'
+	# VCS Revision
+	VCSRev = %q$Rev$
-	# SVN Revision
-	#
-	SVNRev = %q$Rev$
-	# SVN Id
-	#
-	SVNId = %q$Id$
+	# VCS Id
+	VCSId = %q$Id$
 	# Package version
-	#
-	VERSION = '0.1'
+	VERSION = '1.0.0'
 	### Parser class for __END__ data blocks.
@@ -40,11 +38,9 @@
 	class DataParser
 		# The mark for a DATA block.
-		#
 		END_TOKEN = /^__END__\r?\n/
 		# The mark for a 'sub' block.
-		#
 		CHUNK_TOKEN = /^__([A-Z\_0-9]+)__\r?\n/
@@ -59,11 +55,14 @@
 			@scanner = StringScanner.new( end_string )
+			# put each chunk into its own constant
+			#
 			if @scanner.check_until( CHUNK_TOKEN )
-				# put each chunk into its own constant
+			# no sub blocks, put the whole mess into DATA_END
+			#
-				# no sub blocks, put the whole mess into DATA_END
 				@klass.const_set( :DATA_END, StringIO.new( end_string ) )
@@ -93,20 +92,20 @@
 					label = @scanner[1]
+					# Pull the next token text out of the data, set up the next pass
+					#
 					if data = @scanner.scan_until( CHUNK_TOKEN )
-						# Pull the next token text out of the data, set up the next pass
-						#
-						data         = data[ 0, data.length - @scanner[0].length ]
+						data = data[ 0, data.length - @scanner[0].length ]
 						@scanner.pos = self.next_position
+					# No additional blocks
+					#
-						# No additional blocks
-						#
 						data = @scanner.rest
 				# Add the IO constant to the class that included me.
-				#
 				@klass.const_set( "DATA_#{label}".to_sym, StringIO.new( data ) )
@@ -126,7 +125,6 @@
     def self.included( klass )
 		# klass.instance_eval{ __FILE__ }   awww, nope.
 		# __FILE__ won't work here, so we find the filename via caller().
-		#
 		io = File.open( caller(1).last.sub(/:.*?$/, ''), 'r' )
 		DataParser.new( klass, io )
--- a/chunker/spec/chunker_spec.rb	Thu Jun 04 17:28:02 2009 +0000
+++ b/chunker/spec/chunker_spec.rb	Fri Jan 21 19:41:16 2011 -0800
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4 ft=rspec:
 	require 'pathname'
@@ -8,9 +8,8 @@
 	$LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir )
+require 'rspec'
 require 'chunker'
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'spec'
 Stuff within the end block.
@@ -65,53 +64,55 @@
-describe Chunker::DataParser do
+describe Chunker do
+	describe Chunker::DataParser do
-	it "doesn't include content above the __END__ token" do
-		klass = Class.new
-		dp = Chunker::DataParser.new( klass, StringIO.new( FILE_TEXT_MULTIPLE ))
-		dp.instance_variable_get( :@scanner ).string.
-			should_not =~ /This is stuff we shouldn't see/
+		it "doesn't include content above the __END__ token" do
+			klass = Class.new
+			dp = Chunker::DataParser.new( klass, StringIO.new( FILE_TEXT_MULTIPLE ))
+			dp.instance_variable_get( :@scanner ).string.
+				should_not =~ /This is stuff we shouldn't see/
+		end
+		it "doesn't contain the __END__ token itself" do
+			klass = Class.new
+			dp = Chunker::DataParser.new( klass, StringIO.new( FILE_TEXT ))
+			dp.instance_variable_get( :@scanner ).string.should_not =~ /^__END__/
+		end
-	it "doesn't contain the __END__ token itself" do
-		klass = Class.new
-		dp = Chunker::DataParser.new( klass, StringIO.new( FILE_TEXT ))
-		dp.instance_variable_get( :@scanner ).string.should_not =~ /^__END__/
-	end
-describe 'A class that includes Chunker' do
+	context 'when included from another class' do
-	it "has all content in DATA_END if there are no sub blocks" do
-		File.stub!( :open ).and_return( StringIO.new( FILE_TEXT ))
-		klass = Class.new { include Chunker }
+		it "has all content in DATA_END if there are no sub blocks" do
+			File.stub!( :open ).and_return( StringIO.new( FILE_TEXT ))
+			klass = Class.new { include Chunker }
-		klass.constants.should_not include( 'DATA_POOP' )
-		klass.constants.should_not include( 'DATA_HURRRRG' )
-		klass.constants.should_not include( 'DATA_HURGADURGA' )
-		klass.constants.should include( 'DATA_END' )
-	end
+			klass.constants.should_not include( 'DATA_POOP' )
+			klass.constants.should_not include( 'DATA_HURRRRG' )
+			klass.constants.should_not include( 'DATA_HURGADURGA' )
+			klass.constants.should include( 'DATA_END' )
+		end
+		it "separates data sub blocks into individual constants" do
+			File.stub!( :open ).and_return( StringIO.new( FILE_TEXT_MULTIPLE ))
+			klass = Class.new { include Chunker }
-	it "separates data sub blocks into individual constants" do
-		File.stub!( :open ).and_return( StringIO.new( FILE_TEXT_MULTIPLE ))
-		klass = Class.new { include Chunker }
+			klass.constants.should include( 'DATA_END' )
+			klass.constants.should include( 'DATA_POOP' )
+			klass.constants.should include( 'DATA_HURRRRG' )
+			klass.constants.should include( 'DATA_HURGADURGA' )
+		end
-		klass.constants.should include( 'DATA_END' )
-		klass.constants.should include( 'DATA_POOP' )
-		klass.constants.should include( 'DATA_HURRRRG' )
-		klass.constants.should include( 'DATA_HURGADURGA' )
-	end
+		it "has IO constants that contain the data block contents" do
+			File.stub!( :open ).and_return( StringIO.new( FILE_TEXT_MULTIPLE ))
+			klass = Class.new { include Chunker }
-	it "has IO constants that contain the data block contents" do
-		File.stub!( :open ).and_return( StringIO.new( FILE_TEXT_MULTIPLE ))
-		klass = Class.new { include Chunker }
-		klass.const_get( :DATA_END ).read.chomp.should        == ENDSTUFF
-		klass.const_get( :DATA_POOP ).read.chomp.should       == POOP
-		klass.const_get( :DATA_HURRRRG ).read.chomp.should    == HURRRRG
-		klass.const_get( :DATA_HURGADURGA ).read.chomp.should == HURGADURGA
+			klass.const_get( :DATA_END ).read.chomp.should        == ENDSTUFF
+			klass.const_get( :DATA_POOP ).read.chomp.should       == POOP
+			klass.const_get( :DATA_HURRRRG ).read.chomp.should    == HURRRRG
+			klass.const_get( :DATA_HURGADURGA ).read.chomp.should == HURGADURGA
+		end