changeset 2 48806dfcbba5
parent 1 3c678f7bf1a0
child 3 d0bc42746346
--- a/	Fri Mar 25 21:42:44 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Mar 25 15:18:09 2016 -0700
@@ -1,29 +1,213 @@
-This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
+## Overview ##
+This is a pure-nim client library for interacting with Stomp
+compliant messaging brokers.
+Stomp is a simple protocol for message passing between clients, using a central
+broker.  It is a subset of other more elaborate protocols (like AMQP), supporting
+only the most used features of common brokers.
+Because this library is pure-nim, there are no external dependencies.  If you
+can compile a nim binary, you can participate in advanced messaging between processes.
+A list of broker support for Stomp can be found here:
+This library has been tested with recent versions of RabbitMQ.  If it
+works for you with another broker, please let the author know.
+### Installation ###
-### What is this repository for? ###
+The easiest way to install this module is via the nimble package manager, 
+by simply running 'nimble install stomp'.
+Alternatively, you can fetch the 'stomp.nim' file yourself, and put it
+in a place of your choosing.
+### Protocol support ###
+This library supports (almost) the entirety of the Stomp 1.2 spec,
+with the exception of client to server heartbeat.  Server to client
+heartbeat is fully supported, which should normally be sufficient to
+keep firewall state tables open and sockets alive.
+### Callbacks ###
+Because a client can receive frames at any time, most of the behavior
+of this module is implemented via callback procs.
+By default, most every event is a no-op.  You can override various
+behaviors with the following callbacks:
+* **connected_callback**:  Called when the Stomp library makes a successful
+ connection to the broker.
-* Quick summary
-* Version
-* [Learn Markdown](
+* **error_callback**: Called if there was a **ERROR** frame in the stream. By default,
+ this raises a **StompError** exception with the error message.
+* **heartbeat_callback**: Called when a server heartbeat is received.
+* **message_callback**: Called when a **MESSAGE** frame is received.
+* **missed_heartbeat_callback**: Called when the Stomp socket is idle longer than
+ the specified heartbeat time -- usually an indication of a problem.  The default behavior
+ raises a **StompError** exception.
+* **receipt_callback**: Called when a **RECEIPT** frame is received.
+### Custom headers ###
+Depending on the broker, you may be able to add addtional features to outgoing messages
+by adding specific headers.  You can also add "x-headers" that are carried between messages.
+Another use is to issue "receipts" on sends or subscriptions, to ensure the broker has
+processed your request.  Here's an example of how to perform receipt processing:
-### How do I get set up? ###
+proc accept_receipt( c: StompClient, r: StompResponse ) =
+   var receipt = r[ "receipt-id" ]
+   # ... match this receipt up to the request that generated it
+var client = newStompClient( socket, "..." )
+client.receipt_callback = accept_receipt
+var headers = seq[ tuple[name:string, value:string] ]
+headers.add( "x-breakfast", "tequila" )
+headers.add( "receipt", "special-identifier" )
+client.send( "/destination", "message!", "text/plain", headers )
+### Transactions ###
+This library has full support for transactions.  Once entering a
+transaction, any messages or acknowledgments attached to it must be
+committed before the broker will release them.
+With one open transaction, messages are automatically attached to it.
+If you have multiple open transactions, you'll need to add which one
+you want a message to be part of via the custom headers.
-* Summary of set up
-* Configuration
-* Dependencies
-* Database configuration
-* How to run tests
-* Deployment instructions
+# Single transaction
+client.begin( "trans-1" )
+client.send( "/destination", "hi" ) # Part of "trans-1"
+client.send( "/destination", "yo" ) # Part of "trans-1"
+client.send( "/destination", "whaddup" ) # Part of "trans-1"
+client.commit # or client.abort
+# Multiple simultaneous transactions
+client.begin( "trans-1" )
+client.begin( "trans-2" )
+client.begin( "trans-3" )
+var headers = seq[ tuple[name:string, value:string] ]
+headers.add( "transaction", "trans-1" )
+client.send( "/destination", "hi", nil, headers ) # Part of "trans-1"
+headers = @[]
+headers.add( "transaction", "trans-2" )
+client.send( "/destination", "hi", nil, headers ) # Part of "trans-2"
+client.ack( "some-ack-id", "trans-2" ) # Part of "trans-2"
-### Contribution guidelines ###
+headers = @[]
+headers.add( "transaction", "trans-3" )
+client.send( "/destination", "hi", nil, headers ) # Part of "trans-3"
+client.ack( "some-ack-id", "trans-3" ) # Part of "trans-3"
+client.abort( "trans-1" )  # anything "trans-1" never happened
+client.commit( "trans-2" ) # "trans-2" messages and acks are released
+client.abort( "trans-3" )  # anything "trans-3" never happened
+### Example ###
+This is a complete client that does the following:
+* Connect to an AMQP server at **** via SSL as the **test** user,
+  in the **/example** vhost.
+* Request heartbeats every **5** seconds.
+* Subscribe to a topic exchange **events** with the key of **user.create**, requiring message
+  acknowledgement.
+* Accept incoming messages, parsing the JSON payloads.
+* If parsing was successful, ACK the message and emit a new message to the exchange
+  with JSON results to the **user.created** key -- presumably to be picked up by another
+  process elsewhere.
+# (This should be compiled with -d:ssl)
-* Writing tests
-* Code review
-* Other guidelines
+   json,
+   net,
+   stomp
+   socket = newSocket()
+   sslContext = newContext( verifyMode = CVerifyNone )
+sslContext.wrapSocket( socket )
+var client = newStompClient( socket, "stomp+ssl://" )
+# Announce when we're connected.
+proc connected( c: StompClient, r: StompResponse ) =
+   echo "Connected to a ", c["server"], " server."
+# Echo to screen when we see a heartbeat.
+proc heartbeat( c: StompClient, r: StompResponse ) =
+   echo "Heartbeat at: ",  c.last_msgtime
+# Parse JSON, perform work, send success message.
+proc message( c: StompClient, r: StompResponse ) =
+   let id = r[ "ack" ]
+   if r[ "content-type" ] != "application/json":
+	   echo "I expect JSON payloads."
+	   c.nack( id )
+	   return
-### Who do I talk to? ###
+   try:
+	   var json = r.payload.parse_json
+	   # ... do the heavy lifting with the parsed data.
+	   # ... and assuming is was successful, ack and emit!
+	   c.ack( id )
+	   var message = %*{ "user": json["user"].getStr, "otherstuff": true }
+	   c.send( "/exchange/events/user.created", $message, "application/json" )
+   except JsonParsingError:
+	   echo "Couldn't parse JSON! ", r.payload
+	   c.nack( id )
-* Repo owner or admin
-* Other community or team contact
\ No newline at end of file
+# Attach callbacks
+client.connected_callback = connected
+client.message_callback = message
+client.heartbeat_callback = heartbeat
+# Open a session with the broker
+# Subscribe to a topic key, requiring acknowledgements.
+client.subscribe( "/exchange/events/user.create", "client-individual" )
+# Enter message loop.