changeset 4 2f4e88604125
parent 3 d0bc42746346
child 5 e34aabaefe44
--- a/stomp.nim	Fri Mar 25 15:59:20 2016 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,847 +0,0 @@
-# vim: set et nosta sw=4 ts=4 ft=nim : 
-# Copyright (c) 2016, Mahlon E. Smith <>
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-#       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-#     * Neither the name of Mahlon E. Smith nor the names of his
-#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
-#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
-## Overview
-## ============
-## This is a pure-nim client library for interacting with Stomp 1.2
-## compliant messaging brokers.
-## Stomp is a simple protocol for message passing between clients, using a central
-## broker.  It is a subset of other more elaborate protocols (like AMQP), supporting
-## only the most used features of common brokers.
-## Because this library is pure-nim, there are no external dependencies.  If you
-## can compile a nim binary, you can participate in advanced messaging between processes.
-## A list of broker support for Stomp can be found here:
-## This library has been tested with recent versions of RabbitMQ.  If it
-## works for you with another broker, please let the author know.
-## Protocol support
-## ----------------
-## Examples
-## =========
-## Connecting with SSL
-## -------------------
-    strutils,
-    nativesockets,
-    net,
-    os,
-    times,
-    uri
-    VERSION = "0.1.0" ## The current program version.
-    NULL    = "\x00"  ## The NULL character.
-    CR      = "\r"    ## The carriage return character.
-    CRLF    = "\r\n"  ## Carriage return + Line feed (EOL).
-# Exceptions
-    StompError* = object of ValueError ## A generic Stomp error state.
-    StompClient* = ref object of RootObj ## An object that represents a connection to a Stomp compatible server.
-        socket:         Socket ## The socket object attached to this client.
-        connected*:     bool ## Is the client currently connected?
-        uri*:           Uri ## The URI used to instantiate this client.
-        username:       string ## The Stomp server user, if any.
-        password:       string ## The Stomp server password, if any.
-        host:           string ## The host or IP address to connect to.
-        port:           Port ## Optional, if Stomp is on a non-default port.
-        vhost:          string ## Parsed from the URI path, a Stomp "virtual host".
-        timeout*:       int ## Global socket timeout.
-        last_msgtime*:  Time ## Timestamp of last seen server message.
-        options:        tuple[ heartbeat: int ] ## Any supported client options, derived from the URI query string.
-        subscriptions*: seq[ string ] ## Registered client subscriptions. Array position is the ID.
-        transactions*:  seq[ string ] ## Any currently open transactions.
-        serverinfo:     seq[ tuple[name: string, value: string] ] ## Server metadata, populated upon a successful connection.
-        connected_callback*:        proc ( client: StompClient, response: StompResponse ): void
-        error_callback*:            proc ( client: StompClient, response: StompResponse ): void
-        heartbeat_callback*:        proc ( client: StompClient, response: StompResponse ): void
-        message_callback*:          proc ( client: StompClient, response: StompResponse ): void
-        missed_heartbeat_callback*: proc ( client: StompClient ): void
-        receipt_callback*:          proc ( client: StompClient, response: StompResponse ): void
-    StompResponse* = ref object of RootObj ## A parsed packet from a Stomp server.
-        headers:  seq[ tuple[name: string, value: string] ] ## Any headers in the response.  Access with the `[]` proc.
-        frame*:   string ## The Stomp frame type.
-        payload*: string ## The message body, if any.
-# convenience
-proc printf( formatstr: cstring ) {.header: "<stdio.h>", varargs.}
-# R E S P O N S E
-proc is_eol( s: string ): bool =
-    ## Convenience method, returns **true** if string is a Stomp EOF.
-    return s == CR or s == CRLF
-proc parse_headers( response: StompResponse, c: StompClient ): int =
-    ## Parse response headers from a stream.
-    ## Returns the content length of the response body, or 0.
-    result = 0
-    var line = ""
-    c.socket.readline( line, c.timeout )
-    while not line.is_eol:
-        if defined( debug ): printf " <-- %s\n", line
-        var header = line.split( ":" )
-        if header.len < 2: break
-        response.headers.add( (header[0], header[1]) )
-        if cmpIgnoreCase( header[0], "content-length" ) == 0: result = header[1].parse_int
-        c.socket.readline( line, c.timeout )
-proc parse_payload( response: StompResponse, c: StompClient, bodylength = 0 ): void =
-    ## Parse message payload from a stream.
-    let bufsize = 8192
-    var
-        buf  = ""
-        data = ""
-    # If we already know the length of the body, just perform a buffered read.
-    #
-    if bodylength > 0:
-        var
-            readtotal = 0
-            readamt   = 0
-            remaining = 0
-        while readtotal != bodylength:
-            remaining = bodylength - readtotal
-            if remaining < bufsize:
-                readamt = remaining
-            else:
-                readamt = bufsize
-            buf = newString( readamt )
-            readtotal = readtotal + c.socket.recv( buf, readamt, c.timeout )
-            data = data & buf
-        # Eat the NULL terminator.
-        discard c.socket.recv( buf, 1, c.timeout )
-    # Inefficient path.
-    #
-    else:
-        while buf != NULL:
-            discard c.socket.recv( buf, 1, c.timeout )
-            data = data & buf
-    response.payload = data
-proc newStompResponse( c: StompClient ): StompResponse =
-    ## Initialize a response object, which parses and contains
-    ## the Stomp headers and any additional important data from
-    ## the broker socket.
-    new( result )
-    result.headers = @[]
-    # Get the frame type, record last seen server activity time.
-    #
-    var line = ""
-    c.socket.readline( line, c.timeout )
-    c.last_msgtime = get_time()
-    # Heartbeat packets (empties.)
-    #
-    # This could -also- parse optional EOLs from the prior
-    # message (after the NULL separator), but since it is a no-op,
-    # this seems harmless.
-    #
-    if line.is_eol:
-        result.frame = "HEARTBEAT"
-        return result
-    # All other types.
-    #
-    result.frame = line
-    if defined( debug ):
-        printf " <-- %s\n", line
-    # Parse headers and body.
-    #
-    var length = result.parse_headers( c )
-    if result.frame == "MESSAGE" or result.frame == "ERROR":
-        result.parse_payload( c, length )
-    # If the response -could- have a body, the NULL has already
-    # been removed from the stream while we checked for one.
-    #
-    if result.payload.len > 0:
-        if result.payload == NULL: # We checked for a body, but there was none.
-            result.payload = nil
-            if defined( debug ): printf " <--\n <-- ^@\n\n"
-        else:
-            if defined( debug ): printf " <--\n <-- (payload)^@\n\n"
-    # Otherwise, pop off the NULL terminator now.
-    #
-    else:
-        discard c.socket.recv( line, 1, c.timeout )
-        if defined( debug ): printf " <--\n <-- ^@\n\n"
-proc `$`*( r: StompResponse ): string =
-    ## Represent a Stomp response as a string.
-    result = r.frame & ": " & $r.headers
-proc `[]`*( response: StompResponse, key: string ): string =
-    ## Get a specific header from a Stomp response.
-    for header in response.headers:
-        if cmpIgnoreCase( key, ) == 0:
-            return header.value
-    return nil
-# C A L L B A C K S
-proc default_error_callback( c: StompClient, response: StompResponse ) =
-    ## Something bad happened.  Disconnect from the server, build an error message,
-    ## and raise an exception.
-    c.socket.close
-    c.connected = false
-    var detail = response.payload
-    var msg    = response[ "message" ]
-    if $detail[ ^1 ] == "\n": detail = detail[ 0 .. ^2 ] # chomp
-    if detail.len > 0: msg = msg & " (" & detail & ")"
-    raise newException( StompError, "ERROR: " & msg )
-proc default_missed_heartbeat_callback( c: StompClient ) =
-    ## Timeout while connected to the broker.
-    c.socket.close
-    c.connected = false
-    raise newException( StompError, "Heartbeat timeout.  Last activity: " & $c.last_msgtime )
-# C L I E N T
-proc newStompClient*( s: Socket, uri: string ): StompClient =
-    ## Create a new Stomp client object from a preexisting **socket**,
-    ## and a stomp **URI** string.
-    ##
-    ## .. code-block:: nim
-    ##
-    ##    var socket = newSocket()
-    ##    var stomp  = newStompClient( socket, "stomp://" )
-    ##
-    ## or if connecting with SSL, when compiled with -d:ssl:
-    ##
-    ## .. code-block:: nim
-    ##
-    ##    var socket = newSocket()
-    ##    let sslContext = newContext( verifyMode = CVerifyNone )
-    ##    sslContext.wrapSocket(socket)
-    ##    var stomp = newStompClient( socket, "stomp+ssl://" )
-    ##
-    new( result )
-    result.socket        = s
-    result.connected     = false
-    result.uri           = parse_uri( uri )
-    result.username      = result.uri.username
-    result.password      = result.uri.password
-          = result.uri.hostname
-    result.vhost         = result.uri.path
-    result.timeout       = 500
-    result.subscriptions = @[]
-    result.transactions  = @[]
-    # Parse any supported options in the query string.
-    #
-    for pairs in result.uri.query.split( '&' ):
-        let opt = pairs.split( '=' )
-        try:
-            case opt[0]:
-                of "heartbeat":
-                    result.options.heartbeat = opt[1].parse_int
-                else:
-                    discard
-        except IndexError, ValueError:
-            discard
-    # Set default STOMP port if otherwise unset.
-    #
-    if not result.uri.scheme.contains( "stomp" ):
-        raise newException( StompError, "Unknown scheme: " & result.uri.scheme  )
-    var port: int
-    if result.uri.port == "":
-        if result.uri.scheme.contains( "+ssl" ):
-            port = 61614
-        else:
-            port = 61613
-    else:
-        port = result.uri.port.parse_int
-    result.port = Port( port )
-    # Decode URI encoded slashes for vhosts.
-    result.vhost = result.vhost.replace( "%2f", "/" ).replace( "%2F", "/" ).replace( "//", "/" )
-proc socksend( c: StompClient, data: string ): void =
-    ## Send data on the connected socket with optional debug output.
-    c.socket.send( data )
-    if defined( debug ): printf " --> %s", data
-proc finmsg( c: StompClient ): void =
-    ## Send data on the connected socket with optional debug output.
-    c.socket.send( CRLF & NULL & CRLF )
-    if defined( debug ): printf " --> \n --> ^@\n\n"
-proc `[]`*( c: StompClient, key: string ): string =
-    ## Get a specific value from the server metadata, set during the initial connection.
-    if not c.connected: return nil
-    for header in c.serverinfo:
-        if cmpIgnoreCase( key, ) == 0:
-            return header.value
-    return nil
-proc `$`*( c: StompClient ): string =
-    ## Represent the stomp client as a string, after masking the password.
-    let uri = ( $c.uri ).replace( ":" & c.uri.password & "@", "@" )
-    result = "(NimStomp v" & VERSION & ( if c.connected: " connected" else: " not connected" ) & " to " & uri
-    if not c[ "server" ].is_nil:
-        result.add( " --> " & c["server"] )
-    result.add( ")" )
-proc connect*( c: StompClient ): void =
-    ## Establish a connection to the Stomp server.
-    if c.connected: return
-    var headers: seq[ tuple[name: string, value: string] ] = @[]
-    headers.add( ("accept-version", "1.2") )
-    # Stomp 1.2 requires the Host: header.  Use the path as a vhost if
-    # supplied, otherwise use the hostname of the server.
-    #
-    if c.vhost != "":
-        headers.add( ("host", c.vhost) )
-    else:
-        headers.add( ("host", )
-    if c.username != "": headers.add( ("login", c.username) )
-    if c.password != "": headers.add( ("passcode", c.password) )
-    if c.options.heartbeat > 0:
-        let heartbeat = c.options.heartbeat * 1000
-        headers.add( ("heart-beat", "0," & $heartbeat) )
-    # Connect the socket and send the headers off.
-    #
-    c.socket.connect(, c.port )
-    c.socksend( "CONNECT" & CRLF )
-    for header in headers:
-        c.socksend( & ":" & header.value & CRLF )
-    c.finmsg
-    # Retreive and copy server metadata to client object.
-    #
-    var response = newStompResponse( c )
-    c.serverinfo = response.headers
-    if response.frame != "CONNECTED":
-        if not isNil( c.error_callback ):
-            c.error_callback( c, response )
-        else:
-            c.default_error_callback( response )
-    else:
-        c.connected = true
-        if not isNil( c.connected_callback ):
-            c.connected_callback( c, response )
-proc disconnect*( c: StompClient ): void =
-    ## Break down the connection to the Stomp server nicely.
-    if not c.connected: return
-    c.socksend( "DISCONNECT" & CRLF )
-    c.finmsg
-    c.socket.close
-    c.connected = false
-proc add_txn( c: StompClient ): void =
-    ## Add a transaction header if there is only a single open txn.
-    if c.transactions.len != 1: return
-    c.socksend( "transaction:" & c.transactions[0] & CRLF )
-proc send*( c: StompClient,
-            destination: string,
-            message:     string = nil,
-            contenttype: string = nil,
-            headers:     seq[ tuple[name: string, value: string] ] = @[] ): void =
-    ## Send a **message** to **destination**.
-    ##
-    ## A Content-Length header is automatically and always included.
-    ## A **contenttype** is optional, but strongly recommended.
-    ##
-    ## Additionally, a transaction ID is automatically added if there is only
-    ## one transaction active.  If you need to attach this message to a particular
-    ## transaction ID, you'll need to add it yourself with the user defined
-    ## **headers**.
-    if not c.connected: raise newException( StompError, "Client is not connected." )
-    c.socksend( "SEND" & CRLF )
-    c.socksend( "destination:" & destination & CRLF )
-    c.socksend( "content-length:" & $message.len & CRLF )
-    if not contenttype.is_nil: c.socksend( "content-type:" & contenttype & CRLF )
-    # Add custom headers.  Add transaction header if one isn't manually
-    # present (and a transaction is open.)
-    #
-    var txn_seen = false
-    for header in headers:
-        if == "transaction": txn_seen = true
-        c.socksend( & ":" & header.value & CRLF )
-    if not txn_seen: c.add_txn
-    if message.is_nil:
-        c.finmsg
-    else:
-        c.socket.send( CRLF & message & NULL )
-        if defined( debug ): printf " -->\n --> (payload)^@\n\n"
-proc subscribe*( c: StompClient,
-            destination: string,
-            ack        = "auto",
-            headers:     seq[ tuple[name: string, value: string] ] = @[] ): void =
-    ## Subscribe to messages at **destination**.
-    ##
-    ## Setting **ack** to "client" or "client-individual" enables client ACK/NACK mode.
-    ## In this mode, incoming messages aren't considered processed by
-    ## the server unless they receive ACK.  By default, the server
-    ## considers the message processed if a client simply accepts it.
-    ##
-    ## You may optionally add any additional **headers** the server may support.
-    if not c.connected: raise newException( StompError, "Client is not connected." )
-    c.socksend( "SUBSCRIBE" & CRLF )
-    c.socksend( "destination:" & destination & CRLF )
-    c.socksend( "id:" & $c.subscriptions.len & CRLF )
-    if ack == "client" or ack == "client-individual":
-        c.socksend( "ack:" & ack & CRLF )
-    else:
-        if ack != "auto": raise newException( StompError, "Unknown ack type: " & ack )
-    for header in headers:
-        c.socksend( & ":" & header.value & CRLF )
-    c.finmsg
-    c.subscriptions.add( destination )
-proc unsubscribe*( c: StompClient,
-            destination: string,
-            headers:     seq[ tuple[name: string, value: string] ] = @[] ): void =
-    ## Unsubscribe from messages at **destination**.
-    ## You may optionally add any additional **headers** the server may support.
-    if not c.connected: raise newException( StompError, "Client is not connected." )
-    var
-        sub_id: int
-        i = 0
-    # Find the ID of the subscription.
-    #
-    for sub in c.subscriptions:
-        if sub == destination:
-            sub_id = i
-            break
-        i = i + 1
-    c.socksend( "UNSUBSCRIBE" & CRLF )
-    c.socksend( "id:" & $sub_id & CRLF )
-    for header in headers:
-        c.socksend( & ":" & header.value & CRLF )
-    c.finmsg
-    c.subscriptions[ sub_id ] = ""
-proc begin*( c: StompClient, txn: string ): void =
-    ## Begin a new transaction on the broker, using **txn** as the identifier.
-    c.socksend( "BEGIN" & CRLF )
-    c.socksend( "transaction:" & txn & CRLF )
-    c.finmsg
-    c.transactions.add( txn )
-proc commit*( c: StompClient, txn: string = nil ): void =
-    ## Finish a specific transaction **txn**, or the most current if unspecified.
-    var transaction = txn
-    if transaction.is_nil and c.transactions.len > 0: transaction = c.transactions.pop
-    if transaction.is_nil: return
-    c.socksend( "COMMIT" & CRLF )
-    c.socksend( "transaction:" & transaction & CRLF )
-    c.finmsg
-    # Remove the transaction from the queue.
-    #
-    var new_transactions: seq[ string ] = @[]
-    for txn in c.transactions:
-        if txn != transaction: new_transactions.add( txn )
-    c.transactions = new_transactions
-proc abort*( c: StompClient, txn: string = nil ): void =
-    ## Cancel a specific transaction **txn**, or the most current if unspecified.
-    var transaction = txn
-    if transaction.is_nil and c.transactions.len > 0: transaction = c.transactions.pop
-    if transaction.is_nil: return
-    c.socksend( "ABORT" & CRLF )
-    c.socksend( "transaction:" & transaction & CRLF )
-    c.finmsg
-    # Remove the transaction from the queue.
-    #
-    var new_transactions: seq[ string ] = @[]
-    for txn in c.transactions:
-        if txn != transaction: new_transactions.add( txn )
-    c.transactions = new_transactions
-proc ack*( c: StompClient, id: string, transaction: string = nil ): void =
-    ## Acknowledge message **id**.  Optionally, attach this acknowledgement
-    ## to a specific **transaction** -- if there's only one active, it is
-    ## added automatically.
-    c.socksend( "ACK" & CRLF )
-    c.socksend( "id:" & id & CRLF )
-    if not transaction.is_nil:
-        c.socksend( "transaction:" & transaction & CRLF )
-    else:
-        c.add_txn
-    c.finmsg
-proc nack*( c: StompClient, id: string, transaction: string = nil ): void =
-    ## Reject message **id**.  Optionally, attach this rejection to a
-    ## specific **transaction** -- if there's only one active, it is
-    ## added automatically.
-    ##
-    ## Subscribe to a queue with ACK mode enabled, and reject the message
-    ## on error:
-    ##
-    ## .. code-block:: nim
-    ##    
-    ##  stomp.subscribe( "/queue/test", "client-individual" )
-    ##  FIXME: attach procs
-    ##  stomp.wait_for_messages
-    ##
-    c.socksend( "NACK" & CRLF )
-    c.socksend( "id:" & id & CRLF )
-    if not transaction.is_nil:
-        c.socksend( "transaction:" & transaction & CRLF )
-    else:
-        c.add_txn
-    c.finmsg
-proc wait_for_messages*( c: StompClient, loop=true ) =
-    ## Enter a blocking select loop, dispatching to the appropriate proc
-    ## for the received message type.   Return after a single message
-    ## is received if **loop** is set to **false**.
-    if not c.connected: raise newException( StompError, "Client is not connected." )
-    while true:
-        var
-            timeout: int
-            fds = @[ c.socket.get_fd ]
-        # Check for missed heartbeats, with an additional second
-        # of wiggle-room.
-        #
-        if c.options.heartbeat > 0:
-             timeout = ( c.options.heartbeat + 1 ) * 1000
-        else:
-            timeout = -1
-        if select( fds, timeout ) == 0: # timeout, only happens if heartbeating missed
-            if not isNil( c.missed_heartbeat_callback ):
-                c.missed_heartbeat_callback( c )
-            else:
-                c.default_missed_heartbeat_callback
-            if loop: continue else: break
-        let response = newStompResponse( c )
-        case response.frame:
-            of "HEARTBEAT":
-                if not isNil( c.heartbeat_callback ):
-                    c.heartbeat_callback( c, response )
-                continue
-            of "RECEIPT":
-                if not isNil( c.receipt_callback ):
-                    c.receipt_callback( c, response )
-            of "MESSAGE":
-                if not isNil( c.message_callback ):
-                    c.message_callback( c, response )
-            of "ERROR":
-                if not isNil( c.error_callback ):
-                    c.error_callback( c, response )
-                else:
-                    c.default_error_callback( response )
-            else:
-                if defined( debug ):
-                    echo "Strange broker frame: " & response.repr
-        if not loop: break
-# T E S T S
-# Functional (rather than unit) tests.  Requires a Stomp compatible broker.
-# This was tested against RabbitMQ 3.5.3 and 3.6.0.
-# 3.6.0 was -so- much faster.
-# First start up a message receiver:
-#   ./stomp receiver [stomp-uri] [subscription-destination]
-# then run another process, to publish stuff:
-#   ./stomp publisher [stomp-uri] [publish-destination]
-# An example with an AMQP "direct" exchange, and an exclusive queue:
-#   ./stomp publisher stomp://test:test@localhost/?heartbeat=10 /exchange/test
-#   ./stomp receiver  stomp://test:test@localhost/?heartbeat=10 /exchange/test
-# Then just let 'er run.
-# You can also run a nieve benchmark (deliveries/sec):
-#   ./stomp benchmark stomp://test:test@localhost/ /exchange/test
-# It will set messages to require acknowledgement, and nack everything, causing
-# a delivery loop for 10 seconds.
-when isMainModule:
-    let expected = 8
-    var
-        socket   = newSocket()
-        messages: seq[ StompResponse ] = @[]
-    if paramCount() != 3: quit "See source comments for how to run functional tests."
-    var stomp = newStompClient( socket, paramStr(2) )
-    stomp.connect
-    echo stomp
-    case paramStr(1):
-        of "benchmark":
-            echo "* Running for 10 seconds.  Compile with -d:debug to see the Stomp conversation."
-            var count = 0
-            var start = get_time()
-            proc incr( c: StompClient, r: StompResponse ) =
-                let id = r["ack"]
-                count = count + 1
-                c.nack( id )
-            stomp.message_callback = incr
-            stomp.subscribe( paramStr(3), "client" )
-            stomp.send( paramStr(3), "hi." )
-            while get_time() - start < 10:
-                stomp.wait_for_messages( false )
-            printf "* Processed %d messages in 10 seconds.\n", count
-            stomp.disconnect
-        # Store incoming messages, ensure their contents match our expected behavior.
-        #
-        of "receiver":
-            var heartbeats = 0
-            echo "* Waiting on messages from publisher.  Compile with -d:debug to see the Stomp conversation."
-            proc receive_message( c: StompClient, r: StompResponse ) =
-                messages.add( r )
-                case r.frame:
-                    of "RECEIPT":
-                        discard
-                    of "MESSAGE":
-                        let body = r.payload
-                        let id   = r[ "ack" ]
-            proc seen_heartbeat( c: StompClient, r: StompResponse ) =
-                heartbeats = heartbeats + 1
-            stomp.message_callback   = receive_message
-            stomp.receipt_callback   = receive_message
-            stomp.heartbeat_callback = seen_heartbeat
-            stomp.subscribe( paramStr(3) )
-            # Populate the messages sequence with the count of expected messages.
-            for i in 1..expected: stomp.wait_for_messages( false )
-            # Assertions on the results!
-            #
-            doAssert( messages.len == expected )
-            doAssert( messages[0].payload == nil )
-            doAssert( messages[1].payload == "Hello world!" )
-            doAssert( messages[2].payload == "Dumb.\n\n" )
-            doAssert( messages[3].payload == "Hello again." )
-            doAssert( messages[3][ "content-type" ] == "text/plain" )
-            doAssert( messages[3][ "Content-Type" ] == "text/plain" )
-            doAssert( messages[4][ "x-custom" ] == "yum" )
-            doAssert( messages[5][ "receipt" ] == "42" )
-            doAssert( messages[6].payload == "transaction!" )
-            doAssert( messages[7].payload == "transaction 2" )
-            stomp.disconnect
-            if heartbeats > 0:
-                printf "* Tests passed! %d heartbeats seen.", heartbeats
-            else:
-                echo "* Tests passed!"
-        # Publish a variety of messages with various options.
-        # Pause momentarily between sends(), as brokers -might- impose
-        # rate limits and/or message dropping.
-        #
-        of "publisher":
-            echo "* Publishing to receiver.  Compile with -d:debug to see the Stomp conversation."
-            # Simple, no frills event.
-            stomp.send( paramStr(3) )
-            sleep 500
-            # Event with a body.
-            stomp.send( paramStr(3), "Hello world!" )
-            sleep 500
-            # Event that doesn't contain a content-length.
-            # (Note, the broker may elect to add one on your behalf, which is a good thing...
-            # but invalidates this test.)
-            stomp.socksend( "SEND" & CRLF )
-            stomp.socksend( "destination:" & paramStr(3) & CRLF & CRLF )
-            stomp.socksend( "Dumb.\n\n" & NULL )
-            sleep 500
-            # Content-Type
-            stomp.send( paramStr(3), "Hello again.", "text/plain" )
-            sleep 500
-            # Custom headers.
-            var headers: seq[ tuple[ name: string, value: string ] ] = @[]
-            headers.add( ("x-custom", "yum") )
-            stomp.send( paramStr(3), "Hello again.", "text/plain", headers )
-            sleep 500
-            # Receipt requests.
-            proc receive_receipt( c: StompClient, r: StompResponse ) =
-                messages.add( r )
-            headers = @[]
-            headers.add( ("receipt", "42") )
-            stomp.send( paramStr(3), "Hello again.", "text/plain", headers )
-            stomp.receipt_callback = receive_receipt
-            stomp.wait_for_messages( false )
-            doAssert( messages[0]["receipt-id"] == "42" )
-            # Aborted transaction.
-            stomp.begin( "test-abort" )
-            for i in 1..3:
-                stomp.send( paramStr(3), "Message: " & $i )
-            stomp.abort
-            # Committed transaction.
-            stomp.begin( "test-commit" )
-            stomp.send( paramStr(3), "transaction!" )
-            stomp.commit
-            # Mixed transactions.
-            for i in 1..3:
-                headers = @[]
-                headers.add( ("transaction", "test-" & $i ) )
-                stomp.begin( "test-" & $i )
-                stomp.send( paramStr(3), "transaction " & $i, nil, headers )
-                sleep 500
-            stomp.abort( "test-1" )
-            sleep 500
-            stomp.commit( "test-2" )
-            sleep 500
-            stomp.abort( "test-3" )
-            sleep 500
-            stomp.disconnect
-            echo "* Tests passed!"
-        else:
-            quit "See source comments for how to run functional tests."