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What's this?
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This program is designed to accept JSON streams from
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[Netdata](http://netdata.io) clients, and write metrics to a PostgreSQL table -
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specifically, [Timescale](http://timescale.com) backed tables (though
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that's not technically a requirement.)
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You'll need a working [Nim](http://nim-lang.org) build environment to
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create the binary.
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Simply run `make release` to produce the binary. Put it wherever you
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There are a few assumptions that should be satisfied before running
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### Database setup
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You'll need to create the destination table.
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CREATE TABLE netdata (
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time timestamptz default now() not null,
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host text not null,
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metrics jsonb default '{}'::jsonb not null
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Index it however you please based on how you intend to query the data,
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including JSON functional indexing, etc. See PostgreSQL documentation
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for details.
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Strongly encouraged: Promote this table to a Timescale "hypertable".
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See Timescale docs for that.
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### Netdata
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You'll likely want to pare down what netdata is sending. Here's an
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example configuration for `netdata.conf`:
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hostname = your-hostname
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enabled = yes
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type = json
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data source = average
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destination = machine-where-netdata-tsrelay-lives:14866
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prefix = n
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update every = 10
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buffer on failures = 6
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send charts matching = !cpu.cpu* !ipv6* nfs.rpc net.* net_drops.* net_packets.* !system.interrupts* system.* disk.* disk_space.* disk_ops.* mem.* users.*
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