servelog: use simplejson and the % operator for python versions < 2.6
Both the json module and str format operator are new in version 2.6, so replace
them with the simplejson module and the % operator, respectively.
set -e
cat > .ssh/config <<__END__
Host chroothg
Hostname localhost
User hg
Port 2222
echo "Pulling real project"
hg clone ssh://chroothg/real/project
cd project
[ -e nested/content ]
echo "and I'm adding something" >> content
hg commit -u test2 -m "Added something to the file"
echo "This push should succeed"
hg push
echo "And it did"
echo "This should fail" >> denied/cantwrite
hg commit -u test2 -m "WONTPUSH"
# Fail only if this succeeds
echo "About to do bad push"
hg push && false
echo "really checking now"
hg outgoing --template '{desc}' | grep -q WONTPUSH
echo "done"