author Paul Crowley <>
Thu, 08 Sep 2011 09:18:32 +0100
changeset 335 0d15506351db
parent 309 091630a3938e
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Make dbuild_release call dbuild


set -e


cat > .ssh/config <<__END__
Host chroothg
Hostname localhost
User hg
Port 2222

echo "Cloning hgadmin..."
hg clone ssh://chroothg/hgadmin
echo "Updating hgadmin..."
cd hgadmin

cat > access.conf <<__END__
read user=restricted/** file=denied/**
write user=restricted/**
mkdir -p keys/restricted
cp /home/test2/.ssh/ keys/restricted/test2

hg add keys/restricted/test2 access.conf
hg commit -u test1 -m "Added user test2"
echo "Push"
hg push
cd ..
hg init realrepo
cd realrepo
mkdir denied
echo "This is a file" > content
echo "This is a file not everyone can write to" > denied/cantwrite
hg init nested
echo "This is a file in a nested repo" > nested/content
hg add -R nested nested/content
hg commit -u test1 -R nested -m "Add files to the subrepo"
echo "nested = nested" > .hgsub
hg add content denied/cantwrite .hgsub
hg commit -u test1 -m "Add files to the repo"
echo "Pushing changes"
hg clone . ssh://chroothg/real/project
hg clone nested ssh://chroothg/real/project/nested
cd ..
echo "Creating an mq repository"
hg init qrepo
(cd qrepo ; hg --config qinit -c)
hg --config qclone qrepo ssh://chroothg/qrepo
echo "Done for user test1"