* Now with 87% more hot jail action!
* Predeclared all C methods in jail.h, so they could be
arranged in logical order in jail.c
* Fixed the extconf namespace.
* Added rdoc.
* Added usage examples, demonstrating jls, jexec, and jail ruby
* Re-added the "attach and execute within a block" code.
* Added Enumerable and Comparable support.
* Return 'path' as a Pathname object.
* Create the actual 'jParallel' shell binary, now that we have a
good backend framework.
* Tests? How?
* Add support for recently committed (will be part of 7.2-RELEASE)
multiple IPs per jail, and jail labels.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# A 'smarter' jexec in ruby.
# Run a command in multiple jails in parallel.
# Jails can be selected via host, ip, or jid.
# "Run 'ls' in all jails that match the hostname 'trac':
# ./jexec2.rb trac ls
require 'pathname'
basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent
$LOAD_PATH.unshift basedir + "ext" unless
$LOAD_PATH.include? basedir + "ext"
require 'jail'
jarg = ARGV.shift
args = ARGV
jails = BSD::Jail.find_all do |j|
j.jid == jarg.to_i ||
j.ip.to_s == jarg ||
j.host =~ /#{jarg}/
end or raise "Unable to find jails that match '#{jarg}'."
jails.each do |j|
$deferr.puts "Parent #{Process.pid} about to attach to #{j.host} in a block!"
childpid = j.attach do
$deferr.puts "Child #{Process.pid} exec()ing:", " " + args.join(" ")
exec( *args )
$deferr.puts "Parent: waiting on imprisoned child #{childpid}"
Process.waitpid( childpid )
$deferr.puts "Child exited with exit code: %d" % [ $?.exitstatus ]