author Mahlon E. Smith <>
Tue, 03 Mar 2009 22:23:45 +0000
changeset 7 4460fc10c6a3
parent 3 7f6da371e2ce
permissions -rw-r--r--
* Now with 87% more hot jail action! * Predeclared all C methods in jail.h, so they could be arranged in logical order in jail.c * Fixed the extconf namespace. * Added rdoc. * Added usage examples, demonstrating jls, jexec, and jail ruby equivalents. * Re-added the "attach and execute within a block" code. * Added Enumerable and Comparable support. * Return 'path' as a Pathname object. TODO: * Create the actual 'jParallel' shell binary, now that we have a good backend framework. * Tests? How? * Add support for recently committed (will be part of 7.2-RELEASE) multiple IPs per jail, and jail labels.

rubyforge_project: jparallel
  FreeBSD: ">= 5.0"
project_description: |-
  This is shell that can be used to interact with multiple FreeBSD jail instances
  simultaneously. It includes a Ruby binding to the FreeBSD jail(2) functions.
rubyforge_group: deveiate
author_name: Michael Granger and Mahlon Smith
project_dependencies: {}

project_summary: A "parallel jail shell" written in Ruby
project_name: jparallel
version_file: "jparallel.rb"
- examples/*.{c,rb}
dev_dependencies: {}
