author Mahlon E. Smith <>
Fri, 24 Jul 2009 07:39:57 -0700
changeset 0 868dae1581ff
child 1 1ae1a79094fa
permissions -rw-r--r--
Initial commit and migration to Mercurial.

                                                       WHAT IS THIS?

Vimoutliner already comes with some otl to HTML converters that work
quite well.  I maintain a few different otl files, that are displayed
on a internal intranet - the step of converting to HTML on every little
change before upload was becoming mildly irritating, and countering my
near legendary laziness.

This mod_perl handler teaches apache how to pretty print otl natively.

Now, I can just edit the otl files directly - skip the conversion step
altogether, and let Apache make some delicious looking outlines.


First off all, make sure you have a mod_perl enabled Apache2.

1) Add the following lines in your httpd.conf, or in a
   separate otl.conf in the apache Includes directory:

    PerlSwitches -I/path/to/perl/libraries
    PerlModule Apache::OTL

    <FilesMatch ".*\.otl">
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlResponseHandler Apache::OTL

2) Put the included css at /otl_style.css in your document root.

That's it!  Apache will now pretty-print all your otl files.


Settings for the otl_handler are stored on the first line of the otl
files themselves, prefixed by a colon.  See the sample.otl for an
example settings line.  All settings are entirely optional.

    Type: string
    Default: filename

    The title of the OTL.  Used as a header, and the html title.
    If this is not set, the html title is derived from the filename.

    Type: string
    Default: /otl_style.css

    A path to the css style.

    Type: string
    Default: none

    Use javascript?  If set, loads an external javascript library,
    and calls init_page() on body load.
    See the example 'folding' javascript included.

    Type: boolean
    Default: 0

    Wrap each outline group in a div class called "group"

    Type: boolean
    Default: 0

    Separate each outline group with a horizontal rule?

    Type: boolean
    Default: 0

    Display small legend for todo and done items?

    Type: boolean
    Default: 0

    Show sort links?

    Type: string
    Default: none

    Default sorting method.  Valid values are

    Type: boolean
    Default: 0

    Should we default to reverse sorting?

    Type: boolean
    Default: 0

    Count and display sub items?

    Type: boolean
    Default: 0

    Display how long the parser took to generate the html?

                                                      INCLUDED FILES
    The mod_perl code itself.
    Feel free to modify to taste.

    Example css.  Again, modify to taste!

    Example (but functional!) javascript.  If you use this
    file, your top level items will be 'clickable' - expanding
    the sub items underneath, but not initially showing them.

    An example vimoutliner file, with optional settings.