changeset 0 d99e1dffbc72
child 1 69f2ba4d4d93
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/arborist/monitor/fping.rb	Wed Aug 24 15:28:08 2016 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# -*- ruby -*-
+# vim: set noet nosta sw=4 ts=4 :
+# encoding: utf-8
+# This library parses fping output when provided a list of nodes to
+# monitor.  Require it from your monitor file(s), and call the Arborist
+# exec() with this class -- that's it.
+#    require 'arborist/monitor/fping'
+#    Arborist::Monitor 'ping check' do
+#        every 20.seconds
+#        match type: 'host'
+#        include_down true
+#        use :addresses
+#        exec 'fping', '-e', '-t', '150'
+#        exec_callbacks( Arborist::Monitor::FPing )
+#    end
+require 'loggability'
+require 'arborist/monitor' unless defined?( Arborist::Monitor )
+# Parse Fping output for better batch ICMP checks.
+module Arborist::Monitor::FPing
+	extend Loggability
+	log_to :arborist
+	# The version of this library.
+	VERSION = '0.1.0'
+	attr_accessor :identifiers
+	def exec_arguments( nodes )
+		self.log.debug "Building fping arguments for %d nodes" % [ nodes.size ]
+		self.identifiers = nodes.each_with_object({}) do |(identifier, props), hash|
+			next unless props.key?( 'addresses' )
+			address = props[ 'addresses' ].first
+			hash[ address ] = identifier
+		end
+		return {} if self.identifiers.empty?
+		return self.identifiers.keys
+	end
+	def handle_results( pid, stdout, stderr )
+		# is alive (32.1 ms)
+		# is alive (14.9 ms)
+		# is unreachable
+		return stdout.each_line.with_object({}) do |line, hash|
+			address, remainder = line.split( ' ', 2 )
+			identifier = self.identifiers[ address ] or next
+			if remainder =~ /is alive \((\d+\.\d+) ms\)/
+				hash[ identifier ] = { rtt: Float( $1 ) }
+			else
+				hash[ identifier ] = { error: remainder.chomp }
+			end
+		end
+	end
+end # Arborist::Monitor::FPing