Although faster, once aiming a few thousand nodes at net-snmp2 it leaks memory like a sieve. Use 'netsnmp' instead.
Additionally, fix a shared thread variable.
# -*- ruby -*-
# vim: set noet nosta sw=4 ts=4 :
require 'arborist/monitor/snmp' unless defined?( Arborist::Monitor::SNMP )
# SNMP memory and swap utilization checks.
# Set 'usage' and 'available' keys as properties, in percentage/GBs,
# respectively.
# By default, doesn't warn on memory usage, only swap, since
# that's more indicitive of a problem. You can still set the
# 'physical_warn_at' key to force warnings on ram usage, for embedded
# systems or other similar things without virtual memory.
class Arborist::Monitor::SNMP::Memory
include Arborist::Monitor::SNMP
extend Configurability, Loggability
log_to :arborist_snmp
# OIDS for discovering memory usage.
total: '',
avail: '',
windows: {
label: '',
units: '',
total: '',
used: ''
# OIDS for discovering swap usage.
SWAP = {
total: '',
avail: ''
# Global defaults for instances of this monitor
configurability( 'arborist.snmp.memory' ) do
# What memory usage percentage qualifies as a warning
setting :physical_warn_at, default: nil
# What swap usage percentage qualifies as a warning
setting :swap_warn_at, default: 60
### Return the properties used by this monitor.
def self::node_properties
### Class #run creates a new instance and immediately runs it.
def self::run( nodes )
return nodes )
### Perform the monitoring checks.
def run( nodes )
super do |host, snmp|
self.gather_memory( host, snmp )
### Collect available memory information for +host+ from an existing
### (and open) +snmp+ connection.
def gather_memory( host, snmp )
info = self.system =~ /windows\s+/i ? self.get_windows( snmp ) : self.get_mem( snmp )
config = identifiers[ host ].last || {}
physical_warn_at = config[ 'physical_warn_at' ] || self.class.physical_warn_at
swap_warn_at = config[ 'swap_warn_at' ] || self.class.swap_warn_at
self.log.debug "Memory data on %s: %p" % [ host, info ]
memory, swap = info[:memory], info[:swap]
self.results[ host ] = { memory: memory, swap: swap }
memusage = memory[ :usage ].to_i
if physical_warn_at && memusage >= physical_warn_at
self.results[ host ][ :warning ] = "%0.1f memory utilization exceeds %0.1f percent" % [
swapusage = swap[ :usage ].to_i
if swapusage >= swap_warn_at
self.results[ host ][ :warning ] = "%0.1f swap utilization exceeds %0.1f percent" % [
### Return a hash of usage percentage in use, and free mem in
### megs.
def get_mem( snmp )
info = {}
info[ :memory ] = self.calc_memory( snmp, MEMORY )
info[ :swap ] = self.calc_memory( snmp, SWAP )
return info
### Windows appends virtual and physical memory onto the last two items
### of the storage iterator, because that made sense in someone's mind.
### Walk the whole oid tree, and get the values we're after, return
### a hash of usage percentage in use and free mem in megs.
def get_windows( snmp )
info = { memory: {}, swap: {} }
mem_idx, swap_idx = nil
snmp.walk( oid: MEMORY[:windows][:label] ).each_with_index do |(_, val), i|
mem_idx = i + 1 if val =~ /physical memory/i
swap_idx = i + 1 if val =~ /virtual memory/i
return info unless mem_idx
info[ :memory ] = self.calc_windows_memory( snmp, mem_idx )
info[ :swap ] = self.calc_windows_memory( snmp, swap_idx )
return info
### Format usage and available amount, given an OID hash.
def calc_memory( snmp, oids )
info = { usage: 0, available: 0 }
avail = snmp.get( oid: oids[:avail] ).to_f
total = snmp.get( oid: oids[:total] ).to_f
used = total - avail
return info if
info[ :usage ] = (( used / total ) * 100 ).round( 2 )
info[ :available ] = (( total - used ) / 1024 ).round( 2 )
return info
### Format usage and available amount for windows.
def calc_windows_memory( snmp, idx)
info = { usage: 0, available: 0 }
return info unless idx
units = snmp.get( oid: MEMORY[:windows][:units] + ".#{idx}" )
total = snmp.get( oid: MEMORY[:windows][:total] + ".#{idx}" ).to_f * units
used = snmp.get( oid: MEMORY[:windows][:used] + ".#{idx}" ).to_f * units
info[ :usage ] = (( used / total ) * 100 ).round( 2 )
info[ :available ] = (( total - used ) / 1024 / 1024 ).round( 2 )
return info
end # class Arborist::Monitor::SNMP::Memory