Bump patch version.
# -*- ruby -*-
# vim: set noet nosta sw=4 ts=4 :
#encoding: utf-8
require 'arborist/monitor' unless defined?( Arborist::Monitor )
require 'netsnmp'
# SNMP checks for Arborist. Requires an SNMP agent to be installed
# on target machine, and the various "pieces" enabled for your platform.
# For example, for disk monitoring with Net-SNMP, you'll want to set
# 'includeAllDisks' in the snmpd.conf. bsnmpd on FreeBSD benefits from
# the 'bsnmp-ucd' package. Etc.
module Arborist::Monitor::SNMP
using Arborist::TimeRefinements
extend Configurability, Loggability
# Loggability API
log_to :arborist_snmp
# Always request the node addresses and any config.
USED_PROPERTIES = [ :addresses, :config ].freeze
# The OID that returns the system environment.
# Global defaults for instances of this monitor
configurability( 'arborist.snmp' ) do
setting :timeout, default: 2
setting :retries, default: 1
setting :community, default: 'public'
setting :version, default: '2c'
setting :port, default: 161
# How many hosts to check simultaneously
setting :batchsize, default: 25
# The mapping of addresses back to node identifiers.
attr_reader :identifiers
# The results hash that is sent back to the manager.
attr_reader :results
### Connect to the SNMP daemon and yield.
def run( nodes )
# Create mapping of addresses back to node identifiers,
# and retain any custom (overrides) config per node.
@identifiers = {}
@results = {}
nodes.each_pair do |(identifier, props)|
next unless props.key?( 'addresses' )
address = props[ 'addresses' ].first
self.identifiers[ address ] = [ identifier, props['config'] ]
# Perform the work!
mainstart = Time.now
threads = ThreadGroup.new
batchcount = nodes.size / Arborist::Monitor::SNMP.batchsize
self.log.debug "Starting SNMP run for %d nodes" % [ nodes.size ]
self.identifiers.keys.each_slice( Arborist::Monitor::SNMP.batchsize ).each_with_index do |slice, batch|
slicestart = Time.now
self.log.debug " %d hosts (batch %d of %d)" % [
batch + 1,
batchcount + 1
slice.each do |host|
thr = Thread.new do
config = self.identifiers[ host ].last || {}
opts = {
host: host,
port: config[ 'port' ] || Arborist::Monitor::SNMP.port,
version: config[ 'version' ] || Arborist::Monitor::SNMP.version,
community: config[ 'community' ] || Arborist::Monitor::SNMP.community,
timeout: config[ 'timeout' ] || Arborist::Monitor::SNMP.timeout,
retries: config[ 'retries' ] || Arborist::Monitor::SNMP.retries
NETSNMP::Client.new( opts ) do |snmp|
Thread.current[ :system ] = snmp.get( oid: IDENTIFICATION_OID )
yield( host, snmp )
rescue => err
self.log.error "%s: %s\n%s" % [ host, err.message, err.backtrace.join("\n ") ]
self.results[ host ] = {
error: "Exception (%s: %s)" % [ err.class.name, err.message ]
threads.add( thr )
# Wait for thread completions
threads.list.map( &:join )
self.log.debug " finished after %0.1f seconds." % [ Time.now - slicestart ]
self.log.debug "Completed SNMP run for %d nodes after %0.1f seconds." % [ nodes.size, Time.now - mainstart ]
# Map everything back to identifier -> attribute(s), and send to the manager.
reply = self.results.each_with_object({}) do |(address, results), hash|
identifier = self.identifiers[ address ] or next
hash[ identifier.first ] = results
return reply
@identifiers = {}
@results = {}
### Return the current SNMP connection system string.
def system
return Thread.current[ :system ]
end # Arborist::Monitor::SNMP
require 'arborist/monitor/snmp/cpu'
require 'arborist/monitor/snmp/disk'
require 'arborist/monitor/snmp/process'
require 'arborist/monitor/snmp/memory'
require 'arborist/monitor/snmp/ups'
require 'arborist/monitor/snmp/ups/battery'