changeset 4 e6eb11b1e00d
parent 3 d46ca2b52efe
child 7 4548e58c8c66
--- a/lib/arborist/monitor/snmp.rb	Tue Sep 06 10:57:38 2016 -0700
+++ b/lib/arborist/monitor/snmp.rb	Wed Sep 07 15:23:42 2016 -0700
@@ -16,225 +16,69 @@
 using Arborist::TimeRefinements
-# SNMP specific monitors and monitor logic.
+# Shared SNMP monitor logic.
-class Arborist::Monitor::SNMP
+module Arborist::Monitor::SNMP
 	extend Loggability
 	log_to :arborist
 	# The version of this library.
-	VERSION = '0.2.1'
-	# "Modes" that this monitor understands.
-	VALID_MODES = %i[ disk load memory swap process ]
-	# The OID that returns the system environment.
-	# For net-snmp systems, ignore mount types that match
-	# this regular expression.  This includes null/union mounts
-	# and NFS, currently.
-	STORAGE_IGNORE = %r{25.3.9.(?:2|14)$}
-	# The OID that matches a local windows hard disk.  Anything else
-	# is a remote (SMB) mount.
-	# OIDS required to pull disk information from net-snmp.
-	#
-		'', # paths
-		'', # types
-		''  # percents
-	]
-	# OIDS required to pull disk information from Windows.
-	#
-		'', # types
-		'', # paths
-		'', # totalsize
-		''  # usedsize
-	]
-	# OIDS for discovering memory usage.
-	#
-	MEMORY = {
-		swap_total: '',
-		swap_avail: '',
-		mem_avail:  ''
-	}
-	# OIDS for discovering system load.
-	#
-	LOAD = {
-		five_min: ''
-	}
-	# OIDS for discovering running processes.
-	#
-		 list: '',
-		 args: ''
-	}
+	VERSION = '0.3.0'
 	# Global defaults for instances of this monitor
-		timeout:          2,
-		retries:          1,
-		community:        'public',
-		port:             161,
-		storage_error_at: 95,    # in percent full
-		storage_include:  [],    # if non-empty, only these paths are included in checks
-		storage_exclude:  [],    # paths to exclude from checks
-		load_error_at:    7,
-		swap_error_at:    25,    # in percent remaining
-		mem_error_at:     51200, # in kilobytes
-		processes:        []     # list of procs to match
+		timeout:   2,
+		retries:   1,
+		community: 'public',
+		port:      161
-	### This monitor is complex enough to require creating an instance from the caller.
-	### Provide a friendlier error message the class was provided to exec() directly.
-	###
-	def self::run( nodes )
-		self.log.error "Please use %s via an instance." % [ ]
-		return {}
-	end
-	### Create a new instance of this monitor.
-	###
-	def initialize( options=DEFAULT_OPTIONS )
-		options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge( options || {} )
-		%i[ storage_include storage_exclude processes ].each do |opt|
-			options[ opt ] = Array( options[opt] )
-		end
-		options.each do |name, value|
-			self.public_send( "#{name.to_s}=", value )
-		end
-	end
-	# The mode (section) that this SMMP instance should check.
-	# Must be a +VALID_MODES+ mode.
-	attr_reader :mode
-	# Mapping of node addresses back to the node identifier.
-	attr_reader :identifiers
-	# The results from the SNMP daemons, keyed by address.
-	attr_reader :results
-	# A timeout in seconds if the SNMP server isn't responding.
-	attr_accessor :timeout
-	# Retry with the timeout this many times.  Defaults to 1.
-	attr_accessor :retries
-	# The SNMP UDP port, if running on non default.
-	attr_accessor :port
-	# The community string to connect with.
-	attr_accessor :community
-	# Set an error if mount points are above this percentage.
-	attr_accessor :storage_error_at
-	# Only check these specific mount points.
-	attr_accessor :storage_include
-	# Exclude these mount points (array of paths) from checks.
-	attr_accessor :storage_exclude
-	# Set an error if the 5 minute load average exceeds this.
-	attr_accessor :load_error_at
-	# Set an error if used swap exceeds this percentage.
-	attr_accessor :swap_error_at
-	# Set an error if memory used is below this many kilobytes.
-	attr_accessor :mem_error_at
-	# Set an error if processes in this array aren't running.
-	attr_accessor :processes
-	### Set the SNMP mode, after validation.
-	###
-	def mode=( mode )
-		unless VALID_MODES.include?( mode.to_sym )
-			self.log.error "Unknown SNMP mode: %s" % [ mode ]
-			return nil
-		end
-		@mode    = mode.to_sym
-		@results = {}
-	end
-	### Perform the monitoring checks.
+	### Connect to the SNMP daemon and yield.
 	def run( nodes )
 		self.log.debug "Got nodes to SNMP check: %p" % [ nodes ]
-		# Sanity check.
-		#
-		unless self.mode
-			self.log.error "You must set the 'mode' for the SNMP monitor. (%s)" % [ VALID_MODES.join( ', ' ) ]
-			return {}
-		end
+		opts = Arborist::Monitor::SNMP::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
 		# Create mapping of addresses back to node identifiers,
-		# and retain any custom configs per node.
+		# and retain any custom (overrides) config per node.
 		@identifiers = {}
+		@results     = {}
 		nodes.each_pair do |(identifier, props)|
 			next unless props.key?( 'addresses' )
 			address = props[ 'addresses' ].first
-			self.identifiers[ address ] = [ identifier, props['config'] ]
+			@identifiers[ address ] = [ identifier, props['config'] ]
 		# Perform the work!
 		threads = []
-		self.identifiers.keys.each do |host|
+		@identifiers.keys.each do |host|
 			thr = do
 				Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true
-				config = self.identifiers[host].last || {}
+				config = @identifiers[host].last || {}
 				opts = {
 					host:      host,
-					port:      config[ 'port' ] || self.port,
-					community: config[ 'community' ] ||,
-					timeout:   config[ 'timeout' ] || self.timeout,
-					retries:   config[ 'retries' ] || self.retries
+					port:      config[ 'port' ]      || opts[ :port ],
+					community: config[ 'community' ] || opts[ :community ],
+					timeout:   config[ 'timeout' ]   || opts[ :timeout ],
+					retries:   config[ 'retries' ]   || opts[ :retries ]
 				begin opts ) do |snmp|
-						case self.mode
-						when :disk
-							self.gather_disks( snmp, host )
-						when :load
-							self.gather_load( snmp, host )
-						when :memory
-							self.gather_free_memory( snmp, host )
-						when :swap
-							self.gather_swap( snmp, host )
-						when :process
-							self.gather_processlist( snmp, host )
-						end
+						yield( snmp, host )
 				rescue SNMP::RequestTimeout
-					self.results[ host ] = {
+					@results[ host ] = {
 						error: "Host is not responding to SNMP requests."
 				rescue StandardError => err
-					self.results[ host ] = {
+					@results[ host ] = {
 						error: "Network is not accessible. (%s: %s)" % [, err.message ]
@@ -247,184 +91,23 @@
 		# Map everything back to identifier -> attribute(s), and send to the manager.
-		reply = self.results.each_with_object({}) do |(address, results), hash|
-			identifier = self.identifiers[ address ] or next
+		reply = @results.each_with_object({}) do |(address, results), hash|
+			identifier = @identifiers[ address ] or next
 			hash[ identifier.first ] = results
 		self.log.debug "Sending to manager: %p" % [ reply ]
 		return reply
-	end
-	#########
-	protected
-	#########
-	### Collect the load information for +host+ from an existing
-	### (and open) +snmp+ connection.
-	###
-	def gather_load( snmp, host )
-		self.log.debug "Getting system load for: %s" % [ host ]
-		load5 = snmp.get( LOAD[:five_min] ) ).varbind_list.first.value.to_f
-		self.log.debug "  Load on %s: %0.2f" % [ host, load5 ]
-		config = self.identifiers[ host ].last || {}
-		error_at = config[ 'load_error_at' ] || self.load_error_at
-		if load5 >= error_at
-			self.results[ host ] = {
-				error: "Load has exceeded %0.2f over a 5 minute average" % [ error_at ],
-				load5: load5
-			}
-		else
-			self.results[ host ] = { load5: load5 }
-		end
-	end
-	### Collect available memory information for +host+ from an existing
-	### (and open) +snmp+ connection.
-	###
-	def gather_free_memory( snmp, host )
-		self.log.debug "Getting available memory for: %s" % [ host ]
-		mem_avail = snmp.get( MEMORY[:mem_avail] ) ).varbind_list.first.value.to_f
-		self.log.debug "  Available memory on %s: %0.2f" % [ host, mem_avail ]
-		config = self.identifiers[ host ].last || {}
-		error_at = config['mem_error_at'] || self.mem_error_at
-		if mem_avail <= error_at
-			self.results[ host ] = {
-				error: "Available memory is under %0.1fMB" % [ error_at.to_f / 1024 ],
-				available_memory: mem_avail
-			}
-		else
-			self.results[ host ] = { available_memory: mem_avail }
-		end
-	end
-	### Collect used swap information for +host+ from an existing (and
-	### open) +snmp+ connection.
-	###
-	def gather_swap( snmp, host )
-		self.log.debug "Getting used swap for: %s" % [ host ]
-		swap_total = snmp.get([:swap_total]) ).varbind_list.first.value.to_f
-		swap_avail = snmp.get([:swap_avail]) ).varbind_list.first.value.to_f
-		swap_used  = ( "%0.2f" % ((swap_avail / swap_total.to_f * 100 ) - 100).abs ).to_f
-		self.log.debug "  Swap in use on %s: %0.2f" % [ host, swap_used ]
-		config = self.identifiers[ host ].last || {}
-		if swap_used >= ( config['swap_error_at'] || self.swap_error_at )
-			self.results[ host ] = {
-				error: "%0.2f%% swap in use" % [ swap_used ],
-				swap_used: swap_used
-			}
-		else
-			self.results[ host ] = { swap_used: swap_used }
-		end
+	ensure
+		@identifiers = {}
+		@results     = {}
-	### Collect mount point usage for +host+ from an existing (and open)
-	#### +snmp+ connection.
-	###
-	def gather_disks( snmp, host )
-		self.log.debug "Getting disk information for %s" % [ host ]
-		errors  = []
-		results = {}
-		mounts  = self.get_disk_percentages( snmp )
-		config  = self.identifiers[ host ].last || {}
-		includes = config[ 'storage_include' ] || self.storage_include
-		excludes = config[ 'storage_exclude' ] || self.storage_exclude
-		mounts.each_pair do |path, percentage|
-			next if excludes.include?( path )
-			next if ! includes.empty? && ! includes.include?( path )
-			if percentage >= ( config[ 'storage_error_at' ] || self.storage_error_at )
-				errors << "%s at %d%% capacity" % [ path, percentage ]
-			end
-		end
-		results[ :mounts ] = mounts
-		results[ :error ] = errors.join( ', ' ) unless errors.empty?
-		self.results[ host ] = results
-	end
-	### Collect running processes on +host+ from an existing (and open)
-	#### +snmp+ connection.
-	###
-	def gather_processlist( snmp, host )
-		self.log.debug "Getting running process list for %s" % [ host ]
-		config = self.identifiers[ host ].last || {}
-		procs  = []
-		errors = []
-		snmp.walk([ PROCESS[:list], PROCESS[:args] ]) do |list|
-			process = list[0].value.to_s
-			args    = list[1].value.to_s
-			procs << "%s %s " % [ process, args ]
-		end
+end # Arborist::Monitor::SNMP
-		# Check against the running stuff, setting an error if
-		# one isn't found.
-		#
-		Array( config['processes'] || self.processes ).each do |process|
-			process_r = process )
-			found = procs.find{|p| p.match(process_r) }
-			errors << "Process '%s' is not running" % [ process, host ] unless found
-		end
-		self.log.debug "  %d running processes" % [ procs.length ]
-		if errors.empty?
-			self.results[ host ] = {}
-		else
-			self.results[ host ] = { error: errors.join( ', ' ) }
-		end
-	end
-	### Given a SNMP object, return a hash of:
-	###
-	###    device path => percentage full
-	###
-	def get_disk_percentages( snmp )
-		# Does this look like a windows system, or a net-snmp based one?
-		system_type = snmp.get( IDENTIFICATION_OID ) ).varbind_list.first.value
-		disks = {}
+require 'arborist/monitor/snmp/disk'
+require 'arborist/monitor/snmp/load'
+require 'arborist/monitor/snmp/memory'
+require 'arborist/monitor/snmp/process'
+require 'arborist/monitor/snmp/swap'
-		# Windows has it's own MIBs.
-		#
-		if system_type =~ /windows/i
-			snmp.walk( STORAGE_WINDOWS ) do |list|
-				next unless list[0].value.to_s == WINDOWS_DEVICE
-				disks[ list[1].value.to_s ] = ( list[3].value.to_f / list[2].value.to_f ) * 100
-			end
-			return disks
-		end
-		# Everything else.
-		#
-		snmp.walk( STORAGE_NET_SNMP ) do |list|
-			mount = list[0].value.to_s
-			next if mount == 'noSuchInstance'
-			next if list[2].value.to_s == 'noSuchInstance'
-			used = list[2].value.to_i
-			unless list[1].value.to_s == 'noSuchInstance'
-				typeoid = list[1].value.join('.').to_s
-				next if typeoid =~ STORAGE_IGNORE
-			end
-			next if mount =~ /\/(?:dev|proc)$/
-			disks[ mount ] = used
-		end
-		return disks
-	end
-end # class Arborist::Monitor::SNMP