changeset 13 6723f3b07536
parent 12 17400a52624b
child 14 d5cb8bd33170
--- a/lib/arborist/monitor/snmp/swap.rb	Wed Apr 04 13:25:00 2018 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# -*- ruby -*-
-# vim: set noet nosta sw=4 ts=4 :
-require 'arborist/monitor/snmp' unless defined?( Arborist::Monitor::SNMP )
-# SNMP swap usage checks.
-# Returns swap used in a 'swap_in_use' attribute.
-class Arborist::Monitor::SNMP::Swap
-	include Arborist::Monitor::SNMP
-	extend Loggability
-	log_to :arborist
-	# Global defaults for instances of this monitor
-	#
-		error_at: 95, # in percent full
-	}
-	# OIDS for discovering memory usage.
-	#
-	MEMORY = {
-		swap_total: '',
-		swap_avail: '',
-	}
-	### This monitor is complex enough to require creating an instance from the caller.
-	### Provide a friendlier error message the class was provided to exec() directly.
-	###
-	def self::run( nodes )
-		return nodes )
-	end
-	### Create a new instance of this monitor.
-	###
-	def initialize( options=DEFAULT_OPTIONS )
-		options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge( options || {} )
-		options.each do |name, value|
-			self.public_send( "#{name.to_s}=", value )
-		end
-	end
-	# Set an error if used swap exceeds this percentage.
-	attr_accessor :error_at
-	### Perform the monitoring checks.
-	###
-	def run( nodes )
-		super do |snmp, host|
-			self.gather_swap( snmp, host )
-		end
-	end
-	#########
-	protected
-	#########
-	### Collect used swap information for +host+ from an existing (and
-	### open) +snmp+ connection.
-	###
-	def gather_swap( snmp, host )
-		self.log.debug "Getting used swap for: %s" % [ host ]
-		swap_total = snmp.get([:swap_total]) ).varbind_list.first.value.to_f
-		swap_avail = snmp.get([:swap_avail]) ).varbind_list.first.value.to_f
-		swap_in_use  = (( swap_avail.to_f / swap_total * 100 ) - 100 ).abs
-		self.log.debug "  Swap in use on %s: %0.1f%%" % [ host, swap_in_use ]
-		config = @identifiers[ host ].last || {}
-		if swap_in_use >= ( config['error_at'] || self.error_at )
-			@results[ host ] = {
-				error: "%0.1f%% swap in use" % [ swap_in_use ],
-				swap_in_use: swap_avail
-			}
-		else
-			@results[ host ] = { swap_in_use: swap_in_use }
-		end
-	end
-end # class Arborist::Monitor::SNMP::Swap